We need the real story of why Trump sold out the Kurds

Trump walked around repeatedly talking how her defeated ISIS.
Americans were killed, over 10,00 Kurds were killed doing the dirty work so Trump could pat himself on the back.
Now the Turks are executing Kurd fighters and Kurd none combatants, I guess Trump thought it'd be OK to add more Kurd casualties.
I know Little Trumpsters, like Trump, don't give a shit. But real patriotic Americans care a lot and are ashamed of what traitor Donald has done.
Trump had a chance when he was young to fight for his country and he decided to let others fight that war and die because he didn't give a shit about his own country, So it's not surprising, he'd stab US allies, who lost so many fighters in the back. They were of the utmost importance for Trump to win his war. Without them we'd still be fighting ISIS.
Trump and his Little Trumpsters, love Donald Trump more than their country, it's proven time after time..

Top special ops Marine who fought with Kurds blasts Trump move in Syria as betrayal
Marine who fought with Kurds blasts Trump move in Syria as betrayal
Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds is sickening to U.S. soldiers
We need the real story of why you Leftards want the US military to manipulate and conquer indigenous peoples in a Third World country.
He moved 50 troops away from a warzone. How were those mere 50 men supposed to protect the Kurds?

Cause nothing protects an area like a corn fed Nebraska boy in the area... If Turks attacked while US soldiers are in the area, what do you think would happen?

US would bomb Turkey back to the Bronze age... That is why US soldiers (even even a very small amount) are valuable to the UN. If the country wants to be in US good graces they will not attack...

This was the main reason it was such a profitable venture... This wasn't all Obama, there was some very good Senate GOP working on this... The Kurds were attacking ISIS and Assad while the US was providing cover from the Turks while training and arming the US. This was all pretty smart stuff.

Trump did understand this and ordered the pull out without even the DOD knowing... Europe or NATO had no chance to react.. There was no way to take up the slack and pass the responsibility to others... Russia and Assad have now moved in, the Kurds and all other allies in the ME will not trust US... US soft power in the region and globally is in the Toilet...

So Trump foreign record is very poor:
Pulled out of TPP and left China to dominate the region. Then was forced into a trade war.

Insulted Europe a number of times but his general backing of Russia has made Europe to act more independently and reduced US influence. Germany and France are considered the leaders in Europe now. Look at Turkey, Trump was tricked, no point having a huge Military if the leader will annoce retreat without even consulting his generals.

Middle East : Abandoning the Kurds like he did will leave America with as pariahs in the region, when smaller countries look for who to follow and who has got their back it won't be US.

Africa: Welcome China...

Central America: Well less said the better.

.... The list goes on... US influence around the world which was built up over decades and used to offer more security and wealth to US has been squandered for no real gain. 50 troops for the whole ME to have trust in you?
Trump just blew up the Middle East and NO ONE knows why

I don't know why?

But there has been a general trend from Trump that everything Obama did must die...

Trump can stand that Obama is smarter, more successful, better looking, has a more accomplished wife, more twitter followers,.... Compare to Trump, Obama is a winner and he is a failure.
He moved 50 troops away from a warzone. How were those mere 50 men supposed to protect the Kurds?

Cause nothing protects an area like a corn fed Nebraska boy in the area... If Turks attacked while US soldiers are in the area, what do you think would happen?

US would bomb Turkey back to the Bronze age... That is why US soldiers (even even a very small amount) are valuable to the UN. If the country wants to be in US good graces they will not attack...

This was the main reason it was such a profitable venture... This wasn't all Obama, there was some very good Senate GOP working on this... The Kurds were attacking ISIS and Assad while the US was providing cover from the Turks while training and arming the US. This was all pretty smart stuff.

Trump did understand this and ordered the pull out without even the DOD knowing... Europe or NATO had no chance to react.. There was no way to take up the slack and pass the responsibility to others... Russia and Assad have now moved in, the Kurds and all other allies in the ME will not trust US... US soft power in the region and globally is in the Toilet...

So Trump foreign record is very poor:
Pulled out of TPP and left China to dominate the region. Then was forced into a trade war.

Insulted Europe a number of times but his general backing of Russia has made Europe to act more independently and reduced US influence. Germany and France are considered the leaders in Europe now. Look at Turkey, Trump was tricked, no point having a huge Military if the leader will annoce retreat without even consulting his generals.

Middle East : Abandoning the Kurds like he did will leave America with as pariahs in the region, when smaller countries look for who to follow and who has got their back it won't be US.

Africa: Welcome China...

Central America: Well less said the better.

.... The list goes on... US influence around the world which was built up over decades and used to offer more security and wealth to US has been squandered for no real gain. 50 troops for the whole ME to have trust in you?

Exactly. Even the corn-fediest Nebraska hick is smart enough to understand that he's nothing but a pawn who's death would be used to justify an invasion. Not exactly what I would call "honoring the troops" but at least you're honest.
Trump sold out the Kurds because he is weak. He has always been a cut and run Democrat.

I don't know how many times I warned his rube herd. But he has them all sounding like Barack Obama now. :rolleyes:

Trump sold out the Kurds because Erdogan told him do. Trump does everything his dictator friends ask of him.
Trump just blew up the Middle East and NO ONE knows why

I don't know why?

But there has been a general trend from Trump that everything Obama did must die...

Trump can stand that Obama is smarter, more successful, better looking, has a more accomplished wife, more twitter followers,.... Compare to Trump, Obama is a winner and he is a failure.
While that craziness accounts for much of Trumps lunacy... I can’t see it here
He moved 50 troops away from a warzone. How were those mere 50 men supposed to protect the Kurds?

Cause nothing protects an area like a corn fed Nebraska boy in the area... If Turks attacked while US soldiers are in the area, what do you think would happen?

US would bomb Turkey back to the Bronze age... That is why US soldiers (even even a very small amount) are valuable to the UN. If the country wants to be in US good graces they will not attack...

This was the main reason it was such a profitable venture... This wasn't all Obama, there was some very good Senate GOP working on this... The Kurds were attacking ISIS and Assad while the US was providing cover from the Turks while training and arming the US. This was all pretty smart stuff.

Trump did understand this and ordered the pull out without even the DOD knowing... Europe or NATO had no chance to react.. There was no way to take up the slack and pass the responsibility to others... Russia and Assad have now moved in, the Kurds and all other allies in the ME will not trust US... US soft power in the region and globally is in the Toilet...

So Trump foreign record is very poor:
Pulled out of TPP and left China to dominate the region. Then was forced into a trade war.

Insulted Europe a number of times but his general backing of Russia has made Europe to act more independently and reduced US influence. Germany and France are considered the leaders in Europe now. Look at Turkey, Trump was tricked, no point having a huge Military if the leader will annoce retreat without even consulting his generals.

Middle East : Abandoning the Kurds like he did will leave America with as pariahs in the region, when smaller countries look for who to follow and who has got their back it won't be US.

Africa: Welcome China...

Central America: Well less said the better.

.... The list goes on... US influence around the world which was built up over decades and used to offer more security and wealth to US has been squandered for no real gain. 50 troops for the whole ME to have trust in you?

Exactly. Even the corn-fediest Nebraska hick is smart enough to understand that he's nothing but a pawn who's death would be used to justify an invasion. Not exactly what I would call "honoring the troops" but at least you're honest.

Actually the Nebraskan was probably safer in Northern Syria than any where else. Turks couldn't touch him, Kurds loved him, ISIS is in jail and Syrian afraid of him.... It was kind of perfect... Again not all Obama, this was a bipartisan International setup... Very limited exposure and massive gain...

Trump didn't understand what was built... Trump goes on to a call with the Turkish leader and got owned... Then he writes that pathetic letter which you lied & cheated on me but I love anyway, please take me back...Sorry the world cringed when they saw this... GOP Senators must have died a little inside if they had any integrity left...
Pompeo and Pence will meet with Erdogan after Turkish leader backs off refusal" Pompeo and Pence will meet with Erdogan after Turkish leader backs off refusal
any chance that Pompeo and Pence are real Americans, not Putin´s cuckolds like the red clown ?

So it has gone from other leaders begging for meetings with the White House to Trump begging to meet with them...

Trump Admin is freefall...
D. trump needs a doctor its for sure

Donald Trump’s bizarre, threatening letter to Erdoğan: ‘Don’t be a fool’

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