We need to change the Statue of Liberty.....

Tank is right.

If the United States ever becomes majority Hispanic, it will be like all the Hispanic countries the invaders/illegals come from: Corrupt, broke, poor, run by drug cartels, disrespected thru the world, recognized as free loaders and loyal followers of such shining examples of Hispanic world leaders Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro.

Even they would be smart enough that it's not worth jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

Well no..Tank is not right.

Seems that Europeans have a hankering for all things Hispanic.

As the names of many of the "United States" bears out.

Think "Arizona, California, Montana, Florida, Utah, Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado" are English?

How about Puerto Rico?


No, it just means that English speaking people show more respect to what was there before them than the illegal invaders ever would.

Whooooeeeeeeeeeee............... Now that is about the dumbest statement that I have ever heard.
Mad Scientist;9455176]Who was here before them?


Dem dere Mexicans and Indians gotta' get in line! :D

You forgot about the Kinniwick Man who was here 10,000 years BEFORE the so-called NA. There are also Welsh temples in GA that pre-date the red skins.


Oops, I think that you are about as misinformed as anyone posting on the boards.
Here is the inscription that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty....................

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door

The New Colossus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The New Colossus" is a sonnet by American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–87), written in 1883.[2] In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the lower level of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

Now................these refugee kids that are currently flooding the border certainly sound like what the statue (and our country) are supposed to stand for. These kids are poor, huddled and fleeing violence and murder in their own country. President Bush Jr. signed a LAW into effect in 2008 that covered situations like this, and it was for kids from any country that did not border the United States.

Sorry...................but if we can't allow these kids to stay, we're going to have to do one of 2 things, either (a) take down the plaque on the front of the Statue of Liberty, or (b) admit that we've gone so far away from our core values that we've become a nation of hypocrites.

Sometimes ....

Change is Good

When I sat down for Breakfast today, I was Hungry -so I ate a healthy amount of bacon ,eggs, toast etc.... But I can only eat so much-lest I make myself sick -America can only absorb so much.
Intelligent rebuttal, quoting facts, respectful response and total lack of ad hominem, liberal style, from that renown and wise fountain of truth, Old Rocks:

"Whooooeeeeeeeeeee............... Now that is about the dumbest statement that I have ever heard."

"Oops, I think that you are about as misinformed as anyone posting on the boards."
Last edited:
You're right.......................it might work better as eat free.

However..........................we still have a responsibility for those under our roof.

Not only should they breathe free as you said, but they should have a right to eat free so that they can help this country be better.

Nobody functions well on an empty stomach.
An empty stomach is the best motivator, but that is something that doesn't sit well with the parasitic classes and those who champion them.

Nope..............thirst is a much bigger motivator.

An empty stomach may motivate most to a certain degree, but you can't really think if you're hungry.

Ask any military man who has been on the front lines (like me).

Here is the inscription that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty....................

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door

The New Colossus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The New Colossus" is a sonnet by American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–87), written in 1883.[2] In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the lower level of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

Now................these refugee kids that are currently flooding the border certainly sound like what the statue (and our country) are supposed to stand for. These kids are poor, huddled and fleeing violence and murder in their own country. President Bush Jr. signed a LAW into effect in 2008 that covered situations like this, and it was for kids from any country that did not border the United States.

Sorry...................but if we can't allow these kids to stay, we're going to have to do one of 2 things, either (a) take down the plaque on the front of the Statue of Liberty, or (b) admit that we've gone so far away from our core values that we've become a nation of hypocrites.

The Statue of Liberty was a gift buy a bunch of Frenchies. I certainly never agreed with the sentiment expressed on its based, and I didn't have anything to do with it being put in New York harbor.

So much for love of this nation's history, not on your "agenda".
Approximately 12 million people sailed past the Statue of Liberty before landing on Ellis Island and gaining entrance into America.

It's estimated the 30 million illegals have invaded our southern border.

So I think we have more than fulfilled the inscription that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty to our southern neighbors. .. :cool:
Approximately 12 million people sailed past the Statue of Liberty before landing on Ellis Island and gaining entrance into America.

It's estimated the 30 million illegals have invaded our southern border.

So I think we have more than fulfilled the inscription that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty to our southern neighbors. .. :cool:

Okay stupid.................do you have any links to back up your bullshit?

Quick question.................how many generations of YOUR family have lived here? When did your family come to this country?

At the very most, it can't be more than 400 years. Native Americans have several more years on you than that.

If the Native Americans can accept you (after you stand upon, trod upon and generally kill most of their people), can't you accept a few thousand kids fleeing the atrocities of being put into slave labor via the gangs or at least accept that they want to live in peace?
Here is the inscription that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty....................

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door

The New Colossus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The New Colossus" is a sonnet by American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–87), written in 1883.[2] In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the lower level of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

Now................these refugee kids that are currently flooding the border certainly sound like what the statue (and our country) are supposed to stand for. These kids are poor, huddled and fleeing violence and murder in their own country. President Bush Jr. signed a LAW into effect in 2008 that covered situations like this, and it was for kids from any country that did not border the United States.

Sorry...................but if we can't allow these kids to stay, we're going to have to do one of 2 things, either (a) take down the plaque on the front of the Statue of Liberty, or (b) admit that we've gone so far away from our core values that we've become a nation of hypocrites.

how many of those kids have YOU taken into your home?
Here is the inscription that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty....................

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door

The New Colossus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The New Colossus" is a sonnet by American poet Emma Lazarus (1849–87), written in 1883.[2] In 1903, the poem was engraved on a bronze plaque and mounted inside the lower level of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

Now................these refugee kids that are currently flooding the border certainly sound like what the statue (and our country) are supposed to stand for. These kids are poor, huddled and fleeing violence and murder in their own country. President Bush Jr. signed a LAW into effect in 2008 that covered situations like this, and it was for kids from any country that did not border the United States.

Sorry...................but if we can't allow these kids to stay, we're going to have to do one of 2 things, either (a) take down the plaque on the front of the Statue of Liberty, or (b) admit that we've gone so far away from our core values that we've become a nation of hypocrites.

how many of those kids have YOU taken into your home?

Actually, it depends on how you look at it.

If you look at it from the point of me being a taxpayer, well............I'm paying taxes to a government that is taking care of over 50,000 refugee kids. I'm taking care of all of them.

If you look at it from the point of me being a single man on a military pension? Well, if I had another few hundred dollars per month, I might be able to afford another mouth to feed, and wouldn't have a problem with it. They're still human beings and deserve a chance to live.

If you look at it from the point of view of me being a 21 year veteran of the U.S. Navy who fought to allow others to be free? I'd be willing to defend all of those 50,000 plus refugees. Why? They want a better life, and they don't want to die before they turn 20. And...................if I actually believe in the history of this country, I'd allow them in, because remember the poem "The New Colossus". Besides, some of them might be the next George Washington Carver, or the next Bill Gates, or even possibly Steve Jobs (how many of those people named were actually from this country in the past 300 years)?

I haven't actually taken anyone into my home, but then again, it's because I'm a single male who under current guidelines isn't allowed to do so.

But if I had the cash and the ability, I'd take in as many as I could.

How many would YOU take in?
Approximately 12 million people sailed past the Statue of Liberty before landing on Ellis Island and gaining entrance into America.

It's estimated the 30 million illegals have invaded our southern border.

So I think we have more than fulfilled the inscription that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty to our southern neighbors. .. :cool:

Okay stupid.................do you have any links to back up your bullshit?

Quick question.................how many generations of YOUR family have lived here? When did your family come to this country?

At the very most, it can't be more than 400 years. Native Americans have several more years on you than that.

If the Native Americans can accept you (after you stand upon, trod upon and generally kill most of their people), can't you accept a few thousand kids fleeing the atrocities of being put into slave labor via the gangs or at least accept that they want to live in peace?

A few thousand my ass, it's much more than that, and it will be millions more who will come if we show the world we'll continue to take in the worlds repressed.

Unless you're willing to take care of these kids, they ALL need to go back where they come from.
Approximately 12 million people sailed past the Statue of Liberty before landing on Ellis Island and gaining entrance into America.

It's estimated the 30 million illegals have invaded our southern border.

So I think we have more than fulfilled the inscription that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty to our southern neighbors. .. :cool:

Okay stupid.................do you have any links to back up your bullshit?

Quick question.................how many generations of YOUR family have lived here? When did your family come to this country?

At the very most, it can't be more than 400 years. Native Americans have several more years on you than that.

If the Native Americans can accept you (after you stand upon, trod upon and generally kill most of their people), can't you accept a few thousand kids fleeing the atrocities of being put into slave labor via the gangs or at least accept that they want to live in peace?

A few thousand my ass, it's much more than that, and it will be millions more who will come if we show the world we'll continue to take in the worlds repressed.

Unless you're willing to take care of these kids, they ALL need to go back where they come from.

I notice that you didn't answer my question, rather, you decided to hide behind Sunnidiot and pull figures out of your ass.

And yeah..............it's only a few thousand kids who are fleeing their countries (which don't border the U.S. meaning they are protected under a law signed by Jr. back in 2008), because the current estimate is only around 50,000.

If 30 MILLION people had sailed past our border as Sunni Man suggests, then 1 out of 10 people in America would be one of those kids.

Sorry, but it helps to do research and pay attention.............the current population of the United States is only around 300 million right now.

30 million is 1/10th of 300 million, meaning that it's around 1 in 10 people.

If you bigots wanna spew your crap, at least get your figures right and don't pull them out of your ass like Palin, Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, or any other far right wing idiot that feeds your idiocy by bowing to your lower natures.
Here is the inscription that is at the base of the Statue of Liberty....................

The New Colossus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now................these refugee kids that are currently flooding the border certainly sound like what the statue (and our country) are supposed to stand for. These kids are poor, huddled and fleeing violence and murder in their own country. President Bush Jr. signed a LAW into effect in 2008 that covered situations like this, and it was for kids from any country that did not border the United States.

Sorry...................but if we can't allow these kids to stay, we're going to have to do one of 2 things, either (a) take down the plaque on the front of the Statue of Liberty, or (b) admit that we've gone so far away from our core values that we've become a nation of hypocrites.

how many of those kids have YOU taken into your home?

Actually, it depends on how you look at it.

If you look at it from the point of me being a taxpayer, well............I'm paying taxes to a government that is taking care of over 50,000 refugee kids. I'm taking care of all of them.

If you look at it from the point of me being a single man on a military pension? Well, if I had another few hundred dollars per month, I might be able to afford another mouth to feed, and wouldn't have a problem with it. They're still human beings and deserve a chance to live.

If you look at it from the point of view of me being a 21 year veteran of the U.S. Navy who fought to allow others to be free? I'd be willing to defend all of those 50,000 plus refugees. Why? They want a better life, and they don't want to die before they turn 20. And...................if I actually believe in the history of this country, I'd allow them in, because remember the poem "The New Colossus". Besides, some of them might be the next George Washington Carver, or the next Bill Gates, or even possibly Steve Jobs (how many of those people named were actually from this country in the past 300 years)?

I haven't actually taken anyone into my home, but then again, it's because I'm a single male who under current guidelines isn't allowed to do so.

But if I had the cash and the ability, I'd take in as many as I could.

How many would YOU take in?

How noble of you. But, you don't have the cash. Neither does your neighbor, nor I and my neighbor. Nor the people of the US. IOW, WE don't have the money and the gov't doesn't have the money to clothe, feed and find shelter for all of the illegal people coming across our borders. Nor do we have the resources to meet their medical needs.

We are not successful educating our own population let alone that of non-English children and adults. Do you understand that we can not be the policemen of the world and by the same token, be cannot be the Mommy and Daddy of the world?
BTW.........................unless you're a Native American, someone in your family had to emigrate to this country in the past 300 years.

I guess the concept of "legal immigration" vs. "illegal immigration" escapes you.

One is regulated. Which should turn you on. More regulation.

The other is unregulated and uncontrolled.....which should turn you off.
Okay stupid.................do you have any links to back up your bullshit?

Quick question.................how many generations of YOUR family have lived here? When did your family come to this country?

At the very most, it can't be more than 400 years. Native Americans have several more years on you than that.

If the Native Americans can accept you (after you stand upon, trod upon and generally kill most of their people), can't you accept a few thousand kids fleeing the atrocities of being put into slave labor via the gangs or at least accept that they want to live in peace?

A few thousand my ass, it's much more than that, and it will be millions more who will come if we show the world we'll continue to take in the worlds repressed.

Unless you're willing to take care of these kids, they ALL need to go back where they come from.

I notice that you didn't answer my question, rather, you decided to hide behind Sunnidiot and pull figures out of your ass.

And yeah..............it's only a few thousand kids who are fleeing their countries (which don't border the U.S. meaning they are protected under a law signed by Jr. back in 2008), because the current estimate is only around 50,000.

If 30 MILLION people had sailed past our border as Sunni Man suggests, then 1 out of 10 people in America would be one of those kids.

Sorry, but it helps to do research and pay attention.............the current population of the United States is only around 300 million right now.

30 million is 1/10th of 300 million, meaning that it's around 1 in 10 people.

If you bigots wanna spew your crap, at least get your figures right and don't pull them out of your ass like Palin, Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, or any other far right wing idiot that feeds your idiocy by bowing to your lower natures.

"It's only 50 thousand that are fleeing their country (and coming here)...." That was likely an early comment of Mexicans coming across the border illegally. "So what's the problem..."
BTW.........................unless you're a Native American, someone in your family had to emigrate to this country in the past 300 years.

I guess the concept of "legal immigration" vs. "illegal immigration" escapes you.

One is regulated. Which should turn you on. More regulation.

The other is unregulated and uncontrolled.....which should turn you off.

Quick question Pud Whistler..................how much "regulation" was done at Ellis Island (which is where the majority of Americans came to this country)?

As I remember (from my actual history books that I actually read), all you had to do was walk off the ship and sign your name.

Matter of fact, that was pretty much the way it was until the early 1900's.

How much "regulation" is there when all you have to do is sign your name?
how many of those kids have YOU taken into your home?

Actually, it depends on how you look at it.

If you look at it from the point of me being a taxpayer, well............I'm paying taxes to a government that is taking care of over 50,000 refugee kids. I'm taking care of all of them.

If you look at it from the point of me being a single man on a military pension? Well, if I had another few hundred dollars per month, I might be able to afford another mouth to feed, and wouldn't have a problem with it. They're still human beings and deserve a chance to live.

If you look at it from the point of view of me being a 21 year veteran of the U.S. Navy who fought to allow others to be free? I'd be willing to defend all of those 50,000 plus refugees. Why? They want a better life, and they don't want to die before they turn 20. And...................if I actually believe in the history of this country, I'd allow them in, because remember the poem "The New Colossus". Besides, some of them might be the next George Washington Carver, or the next Bill Gates, or even possibly Steve Jobs (how many of those people named were actually from this country in the past 300 years)?

I haven't actually taken anyone into my home, but then again, it's because I'm a single male who under current guidelines isn't allowed to do so.

But if I had the cash and the ability, I'd take in as many as I could.

How many would YOU take in?

How noble of you. But, you don't have the cash. Neither does your neighbor, nor I and my neighbor. Nor the people of the US. IOW, WE don't have the money and the gov't doesn't have the money to clothe, feed and find shelter for all of the illegal people coming across our borders. Nor do we have the resources to meet their medical needs.

We are not successful educating our own population let alone that of non-English children and adults. Do you understand that we can not be the policemen of the world and by the same token, be cannot be the Mommy and Daddy of the world?

You're right.............I don't have the cash, but I do pay my fair share of taxes.

If the one percent of this country that owns 38 percent of the wealth of this country paid their fair share, I'm sure we could work something out.

As far as not having the resources to educate the population or provide healthcare for them? Maybe you should talk to the Republicans which have not only cut educational benefits and programs, but have also refused to allow Medicare expansion (that costs the state NOTHING) because they have idiots who are so entrenched in their own party rhetoric that they refuse anything Obama offers them?

Wanna know the winning slogans for the Dems in 2014? We voted for healthcare, we want to educate our kids so that we can keep up, and we also want to spend money to keep our roads and bridges safe.

Those are 3 things the GOP is against, and it's also 3 things that the public is for. Want jobs? Re-build the infrastructure. Want to have a population that can keep up in a global economy? Educate them and keep them healthy.

If people were smart, they would turn out in droves in 2014 and get rid of the GOP so that this country could take care of it's own.
BTW.........................unless you're a Native American, someone in your family had to emigrate to this country in the past 300 years.

I guess the concept of "legal immigration" vs. "illegal immigration" escapes you.

One is regulated. Which should turn you on. More regulation.

The other is unregulated and uncontrolled.....which should turn you off.

Quick question Pud Whistler..................how much "regulation" was done at Ellis Island (which is where the majority of Americans came to this country)?

As I remember (from my actual history books that I actually read), all you had to do was walk off the ship and sign your name.

Matter of fact, that was pretty much the way it was until the early 1900's.

How much "regulation" is there when all you have to do is sign your name?

In those days, immigrants wanted to become Americans first. They learned our language and became citizens. The money they earned stayed here and they paid taxes.
Okay stupid.................do you have any links to back up your bullshit?

Quick question.................how many generations of YOUR family have lived here? When did your family come to this country?

At the very most, it can't be more than 400 years. Native Americans have several more years on you than that.

If the Native Americans can accept you (after you stand upon, trod upon and generally kill most of their people), can't you accept a few thousand kids fleeing the atrocities of being put into slave labor via the gangs or at least accept that they want to live in peace?

A few thousand my ass, it's much more than that, and it will be millions more who will come if we show the world we'll continue to take in the worlds repressed.

Unless you're willing to take care of these kids, they ALL need to go back where they come from.

I notice that you didn't answer my question, rather, you decided to hide behind Sunnidiot and pull figures out of your ass.

And yeah..............it's only a few thousand kids who are fleeing their countries (which don't border the U.S. meaning they are protected under a law signed by Jr. back in 2008), because the current estimate is only around 50,000.

If 30 MILLION people had sailed past our border as Sunni Man suggests, then 1 out of 10 people in America would be one of those kids.

Sorry, but it helps to do research and pay attention.............the current population of the United States is only around 300 million right now.

30 million is 1/10th of 300 million, meaning that it's around 1 in 10 people.

If you bigots wanna spew your crap, at least get your figures right and don't pull them out of your ass like Palin, Bachmann, McConnell, Boehner, or any other far right wing idiot that feeds your idiocy by bowing to your lower natures.

So you double-down and stick with a "few". :lol:
Actually, it depends on how you look at it.

If you look at it from the point of me being a taxpayer, well............I'm paying taxes to a government that is taking care of over 50,000 refugee kids. I'm taking care of all of them.

If you look at it from the point of me being a single man on a military pension? Well, if I had another few hundred dollars per month, I might be able to afford another mouth to feed, and wouldn't have a problem with it. They're still human beings and deserve a chance to live.

If you look at it from the point of view of me being a 21 year veteran of the U.S. Navy who fought to allow others to be free? I'd be willing to defend all of those 50,000 plus refugees. Why? They want a better life, and they don't want to die before they turn 20. And...................if I actually believe in the history of this country, I'd allow them in, because remember the poem "The New Colossus". Besides, some of them might be the next George Washington Carver, or the next Bill Gates, or even possibly Steve Jobs (how many of those people named were actually from this country in the past 300 years)?

I haven't actually taken anyone into my home, but then again, it's because I'm a single male who under current guidelines isn't allowed to do so.

But if I had the cash and the ability, I'd take in as many as I could.

How many would YOU take in?

How noble of you. But, you don't have the cash. Neither does your neighbor, nor I and my neighbor. Nor the people of the US. IOW, WE don't have the money and the gov't doesn't have the money to clothe, feed and find shelter for all of the illegal people coming across our borders. Nor do we have the resources to meet their medical needs.

We are not successful educating our own population let alone that of non-English children and adults. Do you understand that we can not be the policemen of the world and by the same token, be cannot be the Mommy and Daddy of the world?

You're right.............I don't have the cash, but I do pay my fair share of taxes.

If the one percent of this country that owns 38 percent of the wealth of this country paid their fair share, I'm sure we could work something out.

As far as not having the resources to educate the population or provide healthcare for them? Maybe you should talk to the Republicans which have not only cut educational benefits and programs, but have also refused to allow Medicare expansion (that costs the state NOTHING) because they have idiots who are so entrenched in their own party rhetoric that they refuse anything Obama offers them?

Wanna know the winning slogans for the Dems in 2014? We voted for healthcare, we want to educate our kids so that we can keep up, and we also want to spend money to keep our roads and bridges safe.

Those are 3 things the GOP is against, and it's also 3 things that the public is for. Want jobs? Re-build the infrastructure. Want to have a population that can keep up in a global economy? Educate them and keep them healthy.

If people were smart, they would turn out in droves in 2014 and get rid of the GOP so that this country could take care of it's own.

LOL!!! The top 1% pays over 50% of the taxes! You want more benefits, but you keep bringing in more people who add nothing to the economy to keep it strong.

The government has thrown more money at education and its fads. It's time to be smart about where that money is going. Teachers salaries, yes, extending the school year and day, yes, but textbooks do not have to be bought every two years. Money is wasted in the schools and that has to be addressed.
How noble of you. But, you don't have the cash. Neither does your neighbor, nor I and my neighbor. Nor the people of the US. IOW, WE don't have the money and the gov't doesn't have the money to clothe, feed and find shelter for all of the illegal people coming across our borders. Nor do we have the resources to meet their medical needs.

We are not successful educating our own population let alone that of non-English children and adults. Do you understand that we can not be the policemen of the world and by the same token, be cannot be the Mommy and Daddy of the world?

You're right.............I don't have the cash, but I do pay my fair share of taxes.

If the one percent of this country that owns 38 percent of the wealth of this country paid their fair share, I'm sure we could work something out.

As far as not having the resources to educate the population or provide healthcare for them? Maybe you should talk to the Republicans which have not only cut educational benefits and programs, but have also refused to allow Medicare expansion (that costs the state NOTHING) because they have idiots who are so entrenched in their own party rhetoric that they refuse anything Obama offers them?

Wanna know the winning slogans for the Dems in 2014? We voted for healthcare, we want to educate our kids so that we can keep up, and we also want to spend money to keep our roads and bridges safe.

Those are 3 things the GOP is against, and it's also 3 things that the public is for. Want jobs? Re-build the infrastructure. Want to have a population that can keep up in a global economy? Educate them and keep them healthy.

If people were smart, they would turn out in droves in 2014 and get rid of the GOP so that this country could take care of it's own.

LOL!!! The top 1% pays over 50% of the taxes! You want more benefits, but you keep bringing in more people who add nothing to the economy to keep it strong.

The government has thrown more money at education and its fads. It's time to be smart about where that money is going. Teachers salaries, yes, extending the school year and day, yes, but textbooks do not have to be bought every two years. Money is wasted in the schools and that has to be addressed.

If they own over 38 percent of the wealth (that's like someone walking into a party and taking almost half of the pizza, while the other 99 fight over the remains), of course I should expect that they should pay a bit more.

And...............gonna call you on your bullshit...................can you provide a link that proves that the top 1 percent pays over 50 percent of the taxes in this country?

I'm guessing you can't. But, would be helpful for my research if you could provide proof of your claims.

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