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We Need To Destroy The Democrats

Why aren't you stupid libtards pissed because both Obummer and Hillary talked to the Russians?
Did they lie to Congress? Remember what a horrible thing it was when Bill Clinton did it, but now you give Sessions a pass.
Link to Sessions lying?

Goddamn, you are dense. There was no lie, no contacts with Russian Gov, and nothing done wrong. This is all make believe horse shit.

This is what I have noticed about a Trump supporter. And it was through-out the primaries and on every Republican Facebook page out there.

You're not only stupid, but you're stubborn about being stupid. I watched other Republicans throw one fact after another at you people about Trump, including myself--and you ignored it ALL. You refused to vet Trump. You let him get away with murder on things that you would have demanded out of any other candidate, and now the Chickens have come home to Roost and you're still denying it.


Frankly, you deserve everything that comes your way. This stubborn stupidity comes from your insistence of living in a right wing media bubble, aka the News you Want to Hear programs that have spoon fed you 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

Let's make AMERICA SMART again--starting with this article:
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Then read about the Trump campaign aids that came forward to admit their contact with the Russians late yesterday afternoon after this Sessions thing exploded.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

I don't think the Russian ambassador showed up in Cleveland during the RNC convention to meet with Trump campaign aids to trade recipes.There is no rational explanation that exists for Trump campaign aids to have contact with a Foreign adversary during the campaign season.

We have Trump who continually denied the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and 13 other intelligence agencies, along with the entire Republican Senate that Russia hacked into DNC databases. Even at one point stating that he "knew people that knew more than they did, and he would get back with us next week." Of course, he never did.

And again we get back into those phone calls.

Now if you can't connect those dots-- then there is something seriously wrong with the way your brain functions. Or you're just defending your own stupidity by 1. Making Trump the poster boy of the Republican party and 2. Not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump out of the Oval office.


Thank you, Oreo, for taking the time to write such a long reply. I did not read it.
Whats that got to do with the Dimmocrats trying to get a witch hunt going on AG Sessions?
9 Benghazi investigations wasn`t a witch hunt?
The difference in my mind between a legit investigation and a "witch hunt" is that a real crime or harm has been caused to American citizens and there is a need to find out why. Was the government culpable? Was it accidental? Was there a break down in communications or or other support that might be remedied to prevent the next such event.

While four American citizens died at Benghazi, no one has been harmed by Sessions having a purely symbolic meet and greet with the Russian ambassador. With Sessions there has been no crime or even the hint of a crime, and so this is little more than a witch hunt untill harm can be shown to have occurred to american citizens.
Sessions lied under OATH, and THAT is a CRIME.
Flynn LIED to the FBI, and THAT is a CRIME.
Flynn talking about reneging the Sanctions once Trump is in, is a crime....breaking the Logan act and undermining USA Policy and President

the meetings may not have been criminal
Sessions lied under OATH, and THAT is a CRIME.
So did Hillary, you gave her a pass

Flynn LIED to the FBI, and THAT is a CRIME.
So did Hillary, you gave her a pass.
no she didn't...the LIE is saying she did...
Whats that got to do with the Dimmocrats trying to get a witch hunt going on AG Sessions?
9 Benghazi investigations wasn`t a witch hunt?
The difference in my mind between a legit investigation and a "witch hunt" is that a real crime or harm has been caused to American citizens and there is a need to find out why. Was the government culpable? Was it accidental? Was there a break down in communications or or other support that might be remedied to prevent the next such event.

While four American citizens died at Benghazi, no one has been harmed by Sessions having a purely symbolic meet and greet with the Russian ambassador. With Sessions there has been no crime or even the hint of a crime, and so this is little more than a witch hunt untill harm can be shown to have occurred to american citizens.
Sessions lied under OATH, and THAT is a CRIME.
Flynn LIED to the FBI, and THAT is a CRIME.
Flynn talking about reneging the Sanctions once Trump is in, is a crime....breaking the Logan act and undermining USA Policy and President

the meetings may not have been criminal
Care, you must be completely stupid. There was no lie, and certainly no perjury. I think I explained this to you yesterday. Wtf is your malfunction?
Sessions lied under OATH, and THAT is a CRIME.
Flynn LIED to the FBI, and THAT is a CRIME.
Flynn talking about reneging the Sanctions once Trump is in, is a crime....breaking the Logan act and undermining USA Policy and President

the meetings may not have been criminal
Neither Flynn nor Sessions lied just because it serves the interest of the Democratic Party to say so, lol.

Get real and stop living in that walnut shell, mmk?
fynn and sessions and trump all LIED, because it served TRUMP better....


Whats that got to do with the Dimmocrats trying to get a witch hunt going on AG Sessions?
9 Benghazi investigations wasn`t a witch hunt?
The difference in my mind between a legit investigation and a "witch hunt" is that a real crime or harm has been caused to American citizens and there is a need to find out why. Was the government culpable? Was it accidental? Was there a break down in communications or or other support that might be remedied to prevent the next such event.

While four American citizens died at Benghazi, no one has been harmed by Sessions having a purely symbolic meet and greet with the Russian ambassador. With Sessions there has been no crime or even the hint of a crime, and so this is little more than a witch hunt untill harm can be shown to have occurred to american citizens.
Sessions lied under OATH, and THAT is a CRIME.
Flynn LIED to the FBI, and THAT is a CRIME.
Flynn talking about reneging the Sanctions once Trump is in, is a crime....breaking the Logan act and undermining USA Policy and President

the meetings may not have been criminal
Sessions lied under OATH, and THAT is a CRIME.
So did Hillary, you gave her a pass

Flynn LIED to the FBI, and THAT is a CRIME.
So did Hillary, you gave her a pass.
no she didn't...the LIE is saying she did...
and you still give her a pass.
Whats that got to do with the Dimmocrats trying to get a witch hunt going on AG Sessions?
9 Benghazi investigations wasn`t a witch hunt?
The difference in my mind between a legit investigation and a "witch hunt" is that a real crime or harm has been caused to American citizens and there is a need to find out why. Was the government culpable? Was it accidental? Was there a break down in communications or or other support that might be remedied to prevent the next such event.

While four American citizens died at Benghazi, no one has been harmed by Sessions having a purely symbolic meet and greet with the Russian ambassador. With Sessions there has been no crime or even the hint of a crime, and so this is little more than a witch hunt untill harm can be shown to have occurred to american citizens.

Look Benghazi and emails don't even get on the chart with TREASON. Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American National election is TREASON.

Bush had plenty of Benghazi's and there will be more.


Again it's because you live in a right wing media bubble, and you didn't know that out of the thousands of emails that they searched through a total of 3 emails had a very small c written on them, that meant call back, and had nothing to do with classified information. FOX News is really not a court room with a judge, jury, prosecutor and legal defense team. Nor is Rush Limbaugh or any of the other right wing talk show hosts you listen too.

To add insult to injury Trump was considering David Petraeus as his Secretary of State, who was actually found guilty and CHARGED.
James Comey: David Petraeus case worse than Hillary Clinton's emails - CNNPolitics.com

Now this is what we call a WITCH HUNT.


And if Republicans can do 8 separate investigations into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats are going to do with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION & COVER UP.
Dems are demanding that Sessions recuse himself because he happened to talk to the Russian ambassador in a social setting at a Heritage Foundation event. Yet, these scum bags never called for Lo-Retta Lynch to recuse herself in the Hillary scandal after she had a 30 minute private meeting on an airplane with Bill Clinton, a Known liar and disbarred attorney who is married to The Bitch.

It is like they do not get that all these D.C. People socialize. Ambassadors, Congressmen, lobbyists, etc... they all go to events together. Of course, the run-of-the-mill leftist scumbags, like the ones who frequent internet message boards, probably do not grasp the D.C. culture. They are an ignorant bunch of hicks who believe everything CNN and MSNBC tell them. However, most media pigs do understand D.C. culture. They are being misleading because they have chosen sides. When media chooses sides they become biased and, therefore, CORRUPT.

Sessions stated that he did not talk to the Russians. Well, he did not. He simply spoke to someone in a social setting that is the Russian ambassador. There is a huge, obvious difference to anyone with a functioning human brain. There is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing or being misleading in Sessions's answer to the Senate committee.

Sessions also stated that he never spoke to a Russian about policy matters. Why do people doubt him? Because they want a scandal. This is fertile ground because it plays into the whole Russian conspiracy Bullshit that Obama's crew dreamed up (pure Alinsky) and the media reports. The idea is that if you repeat it as nauseam then people will accept it as fact regardless of how silly it is.

In addition, these scumbags will keep going there because they can easily mislead the public over it. In other words, you are being lied to, and the left is interfering with the functioning of our republic.

It is frightening that the left gets any mileage out of this. But they do. Further, there can be no doubt now that Obama's people are behind this entire Russian conspiracy Bullshit. This has got to stop.

The Dems are lower than whale shit right now, hence all of these hysterics and frivolous attacks. They lost in November. They have been hemorrhaging seats in Congress, state legislatures, and governorships. No matter how much effort the leftist scum invests in anti-Trump efforts, all Trump has to do is give a speech to immediately undo 90% of it. Republicans control all three branches of the federal government right now (we control Article III courts in effect due to Trump's appointment powers plus the likelihood that these powers will be repeatedly used during his term or terms). In short, the Dems are fucked in terms of actual power.

Now, when you have an enemy that will murder you at any cost, do you show mercy to this enemy? Absolutely not. If you have this enemy on the ground, with your boot on his throat, do you let him up? No. If you have your boot on your enemy's threat then you need to man-up and break that fucker's neck.

This is what we must do here. Trump just needs to govern, and so does Congress. We need our RNC and conservative PACs to start NOW putting together strategies and raising money for the mid-terms. There are several vulnerable Dem held Senate seats. It is a very real possibility that Republicans could end the mid-terms holding 60 Senate seats. This will be outstanding and give us 2 years minimum to do whatever we want without Dem interference.

Further, we need to tarnish the Dem brand. There is plenty to work with too. Nobody is more crooked than a Democrat politician. There are all kinds of scandals on Dems involving kick-backs, Affairs, whores, and drugs. We need to destroy and punish these fuckers. They are crooked and anti-American. Moreover, they are destructive.

We cannot let these fuckers up this time. We have got them down, and now we have got to crush their throats. If we don't then they are going to get back up and keep trying to murder us.

The only ones that are going to get destroyed by this are REPUBLICANS.

I really don't think Trump is going to be able to stay in office much longer. As far as Sessions they have him lying to congress over his meetings with the Russian ambassador, while they were hacking into our democracy. Sessions statement that he wasn't a surrogate of the Trump campaign is another lie.

Sessions was all over the place during the campaign defending Trump on Sexual assault actually stating that he didn't know how grabbing a woman by the genitals could be considered sexual assault.
It’s not clear if Jeff Sessions thinks grabbing a woman by the crotch is sexual assault
Jeff Sessions: Donald Trump Grabbing Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault

Sessions was turned down for a Federal District court position during the Bush administration over his many racists comments, and he shows up 20 years later and now he is that Attorney General who is in charge of the FBI & DOJ. Sessions has no business being in charge of this investigation into the Russian hackings, or looking at notes regarding it.
That time the Senate denied Jeff Sessions a federal judgeship over accusations of racism

Sessions needs to resign immediately, and Republicans need to get their thumbs out of their ass's and appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate. Republicans in the Ways & Means committee need to get the balls to obtain Trump's income tax returns or they're going to BURN THE ENTIRE PARTY TO THE GROUND, with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION and cover up.

They need to appoint a (fully vetted independent) special prosecutor (not FBI director James Comey or anyone within the FBI) because they are also under investigation over interfering into this election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Why aren't you stupid libtards pissed because both Obummer and Hillary talked to the Russians?

Keanu Reeves, Please Come Save Our Snowflakes!

During the media's Watergate feeding frenzy, there was only one pundit who claimed that Nixon stole the election from George McGovern by using what he had illegally discovered about the DNC's campaign strategy. But jurinalists were not so pushy, high-and-mighty, simple-minded, and immature back then, so they let that narrative drop. Now they're so unpopular and desperate that they have to resort to a tinfoil Tinseltown scenario in which the minds of the American electorate have been secretly controlled by some omnipotent foreign Matrix.
Dems are demanding that Sessions recuse himself because he happened to talk to the Russian ambassador in a social setting at a Heritage Foundation event. Yet, these scum bags never called for Lo-Retta Lynch to recuse herself in the Hillary scandal after she had a 30 minute private meeting on an airplane with Bill Clinton, a Known liar and disbarred attorney who is married to The Bitch.

It is like they do not get that all these D.C. People socialize. Ambassadors, Congressmen, lobbyists, etc... they all go to events together. Of course, the run-of-the-mill leftist scumbags, like the ones who frequent internet message boards, probably do not grasp the D.C. culture. They are an ignorant bunch of hicks who believe everything CNN and MSNBC tell them. However, most media pigs do understand D.C. culture. They are being misleading because they have chosen sides. When media chooses sides they become biased and, therefore, CORRUPT.

Sessions stated that he did not talk to the Russians. Well, he did not. He simply spoke to someone in a social setting that is the Russian ambassador. There is a huge, obvious difference to anyone with a functioning human brain. There is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing or being misleading in Sessions's answer to the Senate committee.

Sessions also stated that he never spoke to a Russian about policy matters. Why do people doubt him? Because they want a scandal. This is fertile ground because it plays into the whole Russian conspiracy Bullshit that Obama's crew dreamed up (pure Alinsky) and the media reports. The idea is that if you repeat it as nauseam then people will accept it as fact regardless of how silly it is.

In addition, these scumbags will keep going there because they can easily mislead the public over it. In other words, you are being lied to, and the left is interfering with the functioning of our republic.

It is frightening that the left gets any mileage out of this. But they do. Further, there can be no doubt now that Obama's people are behind this entire Russian conspiracy Bullshit. This has got to stop.

The Dems are lower than whale shit right now, hence all of these hysterics and frivolous attacks. They lost in November. They have been hemorrhaging seats in Congress, state legislatures, and governorships. No matter how much effort the leftist scum invests in anti-Trump efforts, all Trump has to do is give a speech to immediately undo 90% of it. Republicans control all three branches of the federal government right now (we control Article III courts in effect due to Trump's appointment powers plus the likelihood that these powers will be repeatedly used during his term or terms). In short, the Dems are fucked in terms of actual power.

Now, when you have an enemy that will murder you at any cost, do you show mercy to this enemy? Absolutely not. If you have this enemy on the ground, with your boot on his throat, do you let him up? No. If you have your boot on your enemy's threat then you need to man-up and break that fucker's neck.

This is what we must do here. Trump just needs to govern, and so does Congress. We need our RNC and conservative PACs to start NOW putting together strategies and raising money for the mid-terms. There are several vulnerable Dem held Senate seats. It is a very real possibility that Republicans could end the mid-terms holding 60 Senate seats. This will be outstanding and give us 2 years minimum to do whatever we want without Dem interference.

Further, we need to tarnish the Dem brand. There is plenty to work with too. Nobody is more crooked than a Democrat politician. There are all kinds of scandals on Dems involving kick-backs, Affairs, whores, and drugs. We need to destroy and punish these fuckers. They are crooked and anti-American. Moreover, they are destructive.

We cannot let these fuckers up this time. We have got them down, and now we have got to crush their throats. If we don't then they are going to get back up and keep trying to murder us.
"Destroy"? What are you? Like 14?

Both, BOTH parties work against the interests of the avg citizen kid.
Who cares what your son thinks of Shepard Smith ? The point is phone records don't lie, and they never go away.

You have no idea what the calls were about and Shepherd Smith belongs on Perez Hilton's site instead of Fox....he's queer as a $4 bill and a Hillary fan.
The Prissy Press

Who's the openly Gayist from Reuters? Have the newsrooms become bathhouses now?
I'd hate to see either party destroyed unless of course we go with "destroy and replace". It's bad enough we have only 2 major political parties. I can only imagine the uncontrolled abuse of having just 1.
To Force Us Into a Demeaning Choice, GOPers Have Kept Their Liberal Agents Provocateurs Going

After the Dhimmicracks go the way of the Whigs, the Republican'ts will break up into two parties: populists and economic elitists.
Dems are demanding that Sessions recuse himself because he happened to talk to the Russian ambassador in a social setting at a Heritage Foundation event. Yet, these scum bags never called for Lo-Retta Lynch to recuse herself in the Hillary scandal after she had a 30 minute private meeting on an airplane with Bill Clinton, a Known liar and disbarred attorney who is married to The Bitch.

It is like they do not get that all these D.C. People socialize. Ambassadors, Congressmen, lobbyists, etc... they all go to events together. Of course, the run-of-the-mill leftist scumbags, like the ones who frequent internet message boards, probably do not grasp the D.C. culture. They are an ignorant bunch of hicks who believe everything CNN and MSNBC tell them. However, most media pigs do understand D.C. culture. They are being misleading because they have chosen sides. When media chooses sides they become biased and, therefore, CORRUPT.

Sessions stated that he did not talk to the Russians. Well, he did not. He simply spoke to someone in a social setting that is the Russian ambassador. There is a huge, obvious difference to anyone with a functioning human brain. There is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing or being misleading in Sessions's answer to the Senate committee.

Sessions also stated that he never spoke to a Russian about policy matters. Why do people doubt him? Because they want a scandal. This is fertile ground because it plays into the whole Russian conspiracy Bullshit that Obama's crew dreamed up (pure Alinsky) and the media reports. The idea is that if you repeat it as nauseam then people will accept it as fact regardless of how silly it is.

In addition, these scumbags will keep going there because they can easily mislead the public over it. In other words, you are being lied to, and the left is interfering with the functioning of our republic.

It is frightening that the left gets any mileage out of this. But they do. Further, there can be no doubt now that Obama's people are behind this entire Russian conspiracy Bullshit. This has got to stop.

The Dems are lower than whale shit right now, hence all of these hysterics and frivolous attacks. They lost in November. They have been hemorrhaging seats in Congress, state legislatures, and governorships. No matter how much effort the leftist scum invests in anti-Trump efforts, all Trump has to do is give a speech to immediately undo 90% of it. Republicans control all three branches of the federal government right now (we control Article III courts in effect due to Trump's appointment powers plus the likelihood that these powers will be repeatedly used during his term or terms). In short, the Dems are fucked in terms of actual power.

Now, when you have an enemy that will murder you at any cost, do you show mercy to this enemy? Absolutely not. If you have this enemy on the ground, with your boot on his throat, do you let him up? No. If you have your boot on your enemy's threat then you need to man-up and break that fucker's neck.

This is what we must do here. Trump just needs to govern, and so does Congress. We need our RNC and conservative PACs to start NOW putting together strategies and raising money for the mid-terms. There are several vulnerable Dem held Senate seats. It is a very real possibility that Republicans could end the mid-terms holding 60 Senate seats. This will be outstanding and give us 2 years minimum to do whatever we want without Dem interference.

Further, we need to tarnish the Dem brand. There is plenty to work with too. Nobody is more crooked than a Democrat politician. There are all kinds of scandals on Dems involving kick-backs, Affairs, whores, and drugs. We need to destroy and punish these fuckers. They are crooked and anti-American. Moreover, they are destructive.

We cannot let these fuckers up this time. We have got them down, and now we have got to crush their throats. If we don't then they are going to get back up and keep trying to murder us.

The only ones that are going to get destroyed by this are REPUBLICANS.

I really don't think Trump is going to be able to stay in office much longer. As far as Sessions they have him lying to congress over his meetings with the Russian ambassador, while they were hacking into our democracy. Sessions statement that he wasn't a surrogate of the Trump campaign is another lie.

Sessions was all over the place during the campaign defending Trump on Sexual assault actually stating that he didn't know how grabbing a woman by the genitals could be considered sexual assault.
It’s not clear if Jeff Sessions thinks grabbing a woman by the crotch is sexual assault
Jeff Sessions: Donald Trump Grabbing Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault

Sessions was turned down for a Federal District court position during the Bush administration over his many racists comments, and he shows up 20 years later and now he is that Attorney General who is in charge of the FBI & DOJ. Sessions has no business being in charge of this investigation into the Russian hackings, or looking at notes regarding it.
That time the Senate denied Jeff Sessions a federal judgeship over accusations of racism

Sessions needs to resign immediately, and Republicans need to get their thumbs out of their ass's and appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate. Republicans in the Ways & Means committee need to get the balls to obtain Trump's income tax returns or they're going to BURN THE ENTIRE PARTY TO THE GROUND, with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION and cover up.

They need to appoint a (fully vetted independent) special prosecutor (not FBI director James Comey or anyone within the FBI) because they are also under investigation over interfering into this election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Why aren't you stupid libtards pissed because both Obummer and Hillary talked to the Russians?

Keanu Reeves, Please Come Save Our Snowflakes!

During the media's Watergate feeding frenzy, there was only one pundit who claimed that Nixon stole the election from George McGovern by using what he had illegally discovered about the DNC's campaign strategy. But jurinalists were not so pushy, high-and-mighty, simple-minded, and immature back then, so they let that narrative drop. Now they're so unpopular and desperate that they have to resort to a tinfoil Tinseltown scenario in which the minds of the American electorate have been secretly controlled by some omnipotent foreign Matrix.

Nixon had a whole lot more votes than McGovern and only an idiot would have said he stole the election. Can you see the difference between then and now? Screeching about Snowflakes has become the standard defense of Trump. Do you have anything less stupid? Calling us butthurt is another way to sound foolish but go with it if you must.
Dems are demanding that Sessions recuse himself because he happened to talk to the Russian ambassador in a social setting at a Heritage Foundation event. Yet, these scum bags never called for Lo-Retta Lynch to recuse herself in the Hillary scandal after she had a 30 minute private meeting on an airplane with Bill Clinton, a Known liar and disbarred attorney who is married to The Bitch.

It is like they do not get that all these D.C. People socialize. Ambassadors, Congressmen, lobbyists, etc... they all go to events together. Of course, the run-of-the-mill leftist scumbags, like the ones who frequent internet message boards, probably do not grasp the D.C. culture. They are an ignorant bunch of hicks who believe everything CNN and MSNBC tell them. However, most media pigs do understand D.C. culture. They are being misleading because they have chosen sides. When media chooses sides they become biased and, therefore, CORRUPT.

Sessions stated that he did not talk to the Russians. Well, he did not. He simply spoke to someone in a social setting that is the Russian ambassador. There is a huge, obvious difference to anyone with a functioning human brain. There is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing or being misleading in Sessions's answer to the Senate committee.

Sessions also stated that he never spoke to a Russian about policy matters. Why do people doubt him? Because they want a scandal. This is fertile ground because it plays into the whole Russian conspiracy Bullshit that Obama's crew dreamed up (pure Alinsky) and the media reports. The idea is that if you repeat it as nauseam then people will accept it as fact regardless of how silly it is.

In addition, these scumbags will keep going there because they can easily mislead the public over it. In other words, you are being lied to, and the left is interfering with the functioning of our republic.

It is frightening that the left gets any mileage out of this. But they do. Further, there can be no doubt now that Obama's people are behind this entire Russian conspiracy Bullshit. This has got to stop.

The Dems are lower than whale shit right now, hence all of these hysterics and frivolous attacks. They lost in November. They have been hemorrhaging seats in Congress, state legislatures, and governorships. No matter how much effort the leftist scum invests in anti-Trump efforts, all Trump has to do is give a speech to immediately undo 90% of it. Republicans control all three branches of the federal government right now (we control Article III courts in effect due to Trump's appointment powers plus the likelihood that these powers will be repeatedly used during his term or terms). In short, the Dems are fucked in terms of actual power.

Now, when you have an enemy that will murder you at any cost, do you show mercy to this enemy? Absolutely not. If you have this enemy on the ground, with your boot on his throat, do you let him up? No. If you have your boot on your enemy's threat then you need to man-up and break that fucker's neck.

This is what we must do here. Trump just needs to govern, and so does Congress. We need our RNC and conservative PACs to start NOW putting together strategies and raising money for the mid-terms. There are several vulnerable Dem held Senate seats. It is a very real possibility that Republicans could end the mid-terms holding 60 Senate seats. This will be outstanding and give us 2 years minimum to do whatever we want without Dem interference.

Further, we need to tarnish the Dem brand. There is plenty to work with too. Nobody is more crooked than a Democrat politician. There are all kinds of scandals on Dems involving kick-backs, Affairs, whores, and drugs. We need to destroy and punish these fuckers. They are crooked and anti-American. Moreover, they are destructive.

We cannot let these fuckers up this time. We have got them down, and now we have got to crush their throats. If we don't then they are going to get back up and keep trying to murder us.

The only ones that are going to get destroyed by this are REPUBLICANS.

I really don't think Trump is going to be able to stay in office much longer. As far as Sessions they have him lying to congress over his meetings with the Russian ambassador, while they were hacking into our democracy. Sessions statement that he wasn't a surrogate of the Trump campaign is another lie.

Sessions was all over the place during the campaign defending Trump on Sexual assault actually stating that he didn't know how grabbing a woman by the genitals could be considered sexual assault.
It’s not clear if Jeff Sessions thinks grabbing a woman by the crotch is sexual assault
Jeff Sessions: Donald Trump Grabbing Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault

Sessions was turned down for a Federal District court position during the Bush administration over his many racists comments, and he shows up 20 years later and now he is that Attorney General who is in charge of the FBI & DOJ. Sessions has no business being in charge of this investigation into the Russian hackings, or looking at notes regarding it.
That time the Senate denied Jeff Sessions a federal judgeship over accusations of racism

Sessions needs to resign immediately, and Republicans need to get their thumbs out of their ass's and appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate. Republicans in the Ways & Means committee need to get the balls to obtain Trump's income tax returns or they're going to BURN THE ENTIRE PARTY TO THE GROUND, with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION and cover up.

They need to appoint a (fully vetted independent) special prosecutor (not FBI director James Comey or anyone within the FBI) because they are also under investigation over interfering into this election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Why aren't you stupid libtards pissed because both Obummer and Hillary talked to the Russians?

Keanu Reeves, Please Come Save Our Snowflakes!

During the media's Watergate feeding frenzy, there was only one pundit who claimed that Nixon stole the election from George McGovern by using what he had illegally discovered about the DNC's campaign strategy. But jurinalists were not so pushy, high-and-mighty, simple-minded, and immature back then, so they let that narrative drop. Now they're so unpopular and desperate that they have to resort to a tinfoil Tinseltown scenario in which the minds of the American electorate have been secretly controlled by some omnipotent foreign Matrix.

Nixon had a whole lot more votes than McGovern and only an idiot would have said he stole the election. Can you see the difference between then and now? Screeching about Snowflakes has become the standard defense of Trump. Do you have anything less stupid? Calling us butthurt is another way to sound foolish but go with it if you must.

Keep thinking the popular vote puts a person in the White House, and keep looking foolish
David Duke was shunned by all in the GOP and not treated like a celebrity like Senator Byrd was.

And some provocateurs 'endorsing' a candidate is essentially meaningless since any political hack can buy them to put them up to it to smear the opposition.

Didnt think you really had any examples, but thanks for the effort, C4A.
Can you tell me what you know about Senator Byrd, his beginnings with the KKK, his ending his relationship with the KKK etc, and what Senator Byrd has had to say about them, himself?

I personally find it quite ODD that Republicans bring this up as some kind of comparison to someone who is active in the KKK, so I'd like to hear your reasoning for doing so and how you believe it relates to any of this?

And as far as examples, what more do you want than what the KKK members said themselves, they VOTED for Donald Trump and support Donald Trump. Do you have a problem with the facts on this and if so, why?
Isolationism, Low Military Spending, Progressivism, Etc.

Why don't you bring up the fact that the GOP was protectionist throughout most of its history, yet no one holds that against them? Just as with the Democrats, I'm sure there are many other stands it took that it feels it should no longer be held accountable for once it rejected them.
What difference did it make? I`ll take a Benghaziist seriously when one of them shows concern for the 4,500 who were killed looking for wmds. Only a sick fuck would drag those 4 bodies around for political reasons. The same kind of loser who spit on our POWs last November. You`re concerned about a video?

You are so ignorant of the facts you don't even need to post. You are just full of dimshit talking points lies. They are on record as voting to go to Iraq. Once we got there and were engaged they said OH WE CHANGED our narrative so we could beat on Bush. Then they said the same shit they are doing now LYING and making up things to use as a mud ball. You liberal dimshits are useless to this country and hopefully the next election will erase you forever.
There was a vote to AUTHORIZE a war, not a Declaration of war. The idea was to encourage Saddam to allow the UN weapons inspectors into the country and it worked. They found NO wmds!!! An empty hazmat suit and a can of Raid were no threat to us or Iraq`s neighbors. Why do you hate our soldiers so much? Did you spit on our POWs too on election day?
Former Manson prosecutor laid out a solid case for Murder #2 at the minimum.
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder - Wikipedia
Mr. Bugliosi successfully prosecuted 102 of 103 felony cases he tried BTW.

So you are also really pissed at Obama for fighting the Iraq War for three years and then sending troops back in addition to resuming bombing?
I'd hate to see either party destroyed unless of course we go with "destroy and replace". It's bad enough we have only 2 major political parties. I can only imagine the uncontrolled abuse of having just 1.
To Force Us Into a Demeaning Choice, GOPers Have Kept Their Liberal Agents Provocateurs Going

After the Dhimmicracks go the way of the Whigs, the Republican'ts will break up into two parties: populists and economic elitists.

There was already talk of that during the primary. The Republican party slitting into two. You have the 4th Reich of the Republican party, aka Tea Party, aka anti establishment groupie, and then you have the majority of the Republican party that are moderate. They settled on Trump, but 54% of the Republican party voted for other candidates, not Trump. Trump floated to the top because Republicans used polling data--(and against the advice of Pollsters themselves) to set up 2 debate stages, and with 100% name recognition, it kept him front and center throughout the debates. That's why I call Trump the accidental nominee. Add to this that FOX NEWS gave Trump an unprecedented 2 BILLION dollars in free media coverage, while ignoring all other candidates. For what else they did wrong go to this link.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

MANY of you don't even know why Mitt Romey LOST in 2012, an election Republicans should have easily won. You were told by many right wing talk show hosts that Romney wasn't conservative enough, and that couldn't be farther from the truth. And again you don't know because you live in a right wing media bubble.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump


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I'd hate to see either party destroyed unless of course we go with "destroy and replace". It's bad enough we have only 2 major political parties. I can only imagine the uncontrolled abuse of having just 1.
To Force Us Into a Demeaning Choice, GOPers Have Kept Their Liberal Agents Provocateurs Going

After the Dhimmicracks go the way of the Whigs, the Republican'ts will break up into two parties: populists and economic elitists.

There was already talk of that during the primary. The Republican party slitting into two. You have the 4th Reich of the Republican party, aka Tea Party, aka anti establishment groupie, and then you have the majority of the Republican party that are moderate. They settled on Trump, but 54% of the Republican party voted for other candidates, not Trump. Trump floated to the top because Republicans used polling data--(and against the advice of Pollsters themselves) to set up 2 debate stages, and with 100% name recognition, it kept him front and center throughout the debates. That's why I call Trump the accidental nominee. For what else they did wrong go to this link.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

MANY of you don't even know why Mitt Romey LOST in 2012, an election Republicans should have easily won. You were told by many right wing talk show hosts that Romney wasn't conservative enough, and that couldn't be farther from the truth. And again you don't know because you live in a right wing media bubble.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump


A Worm Studying to Be a Snake

"Whom are also responsible" is not just ignorant grammar, it's phony grammar. You pretend that your education means something, and then go and prove that it doesn't by assuming that whatever guess you take about the right form must be correct. With such evidence, it should be easy to see that continuing laziness, phoniness, simple-minded assumptions, unearned illusion of superiority, and dishonesty frame your posts.

Don't quit your day job; your sect of the pundit hierarchy is laying people off, it's not hiring wannabes.
Dems are demanding that Sessions recuse himself because he happened to talk to the Russian ambassador in a social setting at a Heritage Foundation event. Yet, these scum bags never called for Lo-Retta Lynch to recuse herself in the Hillary scandal after she had a 30 minute private meeting on an airplane with Bill Clinton, a Known liar and disbarred attorney who is married to The Bitch.

It is like they do not get that all these D.C. People socialize. Ambassadors, Congressmen, lobbyists, etc... they all go to events together. Of course, the run-of-the-mill leftist scumbags, like the ones who frequent internet message boards, probably do not grasp the D.C. culture. They are an ignorant bunch of hicks who believe everything CNN and MSNBC tell them. However, most media pigs do understand D.C. culture. They are being misleading because they have chosen sides. When media chooses sides they become biased and, therefore, CORRUPT.

Sessions stated that he did not talk to the Russians. Well, he did not. He simply spoke to someone in a social setting that is the Russian ambassador. There is a huge, obvious difference to anyone with a functioning human brain. There is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing or being misleading in Sessions's answer to the Senate committee.

Sessions also stated that he never spoke to a Russian about policy matters. Why do people doubt him? Because they want a scandal. This is fertile ground because it plays into the whole Russian conspiracy Bullshit that Obama's crew dreamed up (pure Alinsky) and the media reports. The idea is that if you repeat it as nauseam then people will accept it as fact regardless of how silly it is.

In addition, these scumbags will keep going there because they can easily mislead the public over it. In other words, you are being lied to, and the left is interfering with the functioning of our republic.

It is frightening that the left gets any mileage out of this. But they do. Further, there can be no doubt now that Obama's people are behind this entire Russian conspiracy Bullshit. This has got to stop.

The Dems are lower than whale shit right now, hence all of these hysterics and frivolous attacks. They lost in November. They have been hemorrhaging seats in Congress, state legislatures, and governorships. No matter how much effort the leftist scum invests in anti-Trump efforts, all Trump has to do is give a speech to immediately undo 90% of it. Republicans control all three branches of the federal government right now (we control Article III courts in effect due to Trump's appointment powers plus the likelihood that these powers will be repeatedly used during his term or terms). In short, the Dems are fucked in terms of actual power.

Now, when you have an enemy that will murder you at any cost, do you show mercy to this enemy? Absolutely not. If you have this enemy on the ground, with your boot on his throat, do you let him up? No. If you have your boot on your enemy's threat then you need to man-up and break that fucker's neck.

This is what we must do here. Trump just needs to govern, and so does Congress. We need our RNC and conservative PACs to start NOW putting together strategies and raising money for the mid-terms. There are several vulnerable Dem held Senate seats. It is a very real possibility that Republicans could end the mid-terms holding 60 Senate seats. This will be outstanding and give us 2 years minimum to do whatever we want without Dem interference.

Further, we need to tarnish the Dem brand. There is plenty to work with too. Nobody is more crooked than a Democrat politician. There are all kinds of scandals on Dems involving kick-backs, Affairs, whores, and drugs. We need to destroy and punish these fuckers. They are crooked and anti-American. Moreover, they are destructive.

We cannot let these fuckers up this time. We have got them down, and now we have got to crush their throats. If we don't then they are going to get back up and keep trying to murder us.

The only ones that are going to get destroyed by this are REPUBLICANS.

I really don't think Trump is going to be able to stay in office much longer. As far as Sessions they have him lying to congress over his meetings with the Russian ambassador, while they were hacking into our democracy. Sessions statement that he wasn't a surrogate of the Trump campaign is another lie.

Sessions was all over the place during the campaign defending Trump on Sexual assault actually stating that he didn't know how grabbing a woman by the genitals could be considered sexual assault.
It’s not clear if Jeff Sessions thinks grabbing a woman by the crotch is sexual assault
Jeff Sessions: Donald Trump Grabbing Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault

Sessions was turned down for a Federal District court position during the Bush administration over his many racists comments, and he shows up 20 years later and now he is that Attorney General who is in charge of the FBI & DOJ. Sessions has no business being in charge of this investigation into the Russian hackings, or looking at notes regarding it.
That time the Senate denied Jeff Sessions a federal judgeship over accusations of racism

Sessions needs to resign immediately, and Republicans need to get their thumbs out of their ass's and appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate. Republicans in the Ways & Means committee need to get the balls to obtain Trump's income tax returns or they're going to BURN THE ENTIRE PARTY TO THE GROUND, with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION and cover up.

They need to appoint a (fully vetted independent) special prosecutor (not FBI director James Comey or anyone within the FBI) because they are also under investigation over interfering into this election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Why aren't you stupid libtards pissed because both Obummer and Hillary talked to the Russians?

Keanu Reeves, Please Come Save Our Snowflakes!

During the media's Watergate feeding frenzy, there was only one pundit who claimed that Nixon stole the election from George McGovern by using what he had illegally discovered about the DNC's campaign strategy. But jurinalists were not so pushy, high-and-mighty, simple-minded, and immature back then, so they let that narrative drop. Now they're so unpopular and desperate that they have to resort to a tinfoil Tinseltown scenario in which the minds of the American electorate have been secretly controlled by some omnipotent foreign Matrix.

Nixon had a whole lot more votes than McGovern and only an idiot would have said he stole the election. Can you see the difference between then and now? Screeching about Snowflakes has become the standard defense of Trump. Do you have anything less stupid? Calling us butthurt is another way to sound foolish but go with it if you must.

Keep thinking the popular vote puts a person in the White House, and keep looking foolish

There is no one in this country that believes Donald Trump would be POTUS today without the assistance of Vladimir Putin and FBI Director James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election. During those 7 days, millions of people voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.

Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Add to this that she creamed Trump by 3 million popular votes, and Donald Trump is the most Illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval Office. That's what these MASSIVE protests are mainly about.



DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns - CNNPolitics.com

and You may want to read this one, as it involves two of your favorites on FOX NEWS---Rudi Giuliani and James Kalstrom whom will also be called in to Testify during this ongoing investigation. They may actually get lead off in handcuffs. As Huma, Clinton's aid is still stating she has no idea how copies of her emails ended up on her x-husbands laptop.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
The only ones that are going to get destroyed by this are REPUBLICANS.

I really don't think Trump is going to be able to stay in office much longer. As far as Sessions they have him lying to congress over his meetings with the Russian ambassador, while they were hacking into our democracy. Sessions statement that he wasn't a surrogate of the Trump campaign is another lie.

Sessions was all over the place during the campaign defending Trump on Sexual assault actually stating that he didn't know how grabbing a woman by the genitals could be considered sexual assault.
It’s not clear if Jeff Sessions thinks grabbing a woman by the crotch is sexual assault
Jeff Sessions: Donald Trump Grabbing Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault

Sessions was turned down for a Federal District court position during the Bush administration over his many racists comments, and he shows up 20 years later and now he is that Attorney General who is in charge of the FBI & DOJ. Sessions has no business being in charge of this investigation into the Russian hackings, or looking at notes regarding it.
That time the Senate denied Jeff Sessions a federal judgeship over accusations of racism

Sessions needs to resign immediately, and Republicans need to get their thumbs out of their ass's and appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate. Republicans in the Ways & Means committee need to get the balls to obtain Trump's income tax returns or they're going to BURN THE ENTIRE PARTY TO THE GROUND, with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION and cover up.

They need to appoint a (fully vetted independent) special prosecutor (not FBI director James Comey or anyone within the FBI) because they are also under investigation over interfering into this election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Why aren't you stupid libtards pissed because both Obummer and Hillary talked to the Russians?

Keanu Reeves, Please Come Save Our Snowflakes!

During the media's Watergate feeding frenzy, there was only one pundit who claimed that Nixon stole the election from George McGovern by using what he had illegally discovered about the DNC's campaign strategy. But jurinalists were not so pushy, high-and-mighty, simple-minded, and immature back then, so they let that narrative drop. Now they're so unpopular and desperate that they have to resort to a tinfoil Tinseltown scenario in which the minds of the American electorate have been secretly controlled by some omnipotent foreign Matrix.

Nixon had a whole lot more votes than McGovern and only an idiot would have said he stole the election. Can you see the difference between then and now? Screeching about Snowflakes has become the standard defense of Trump. Do you have anything less stupid? Calling us butthurt is another way to sound foolish but go with it if you must.

Keep thinking the popular vote puts a person in the White House, and keep looking foolish

There is no one in this country that believes Donald Trump would be POTUS today without the assistance of Vladimir Putin and FBI Director James Comey's unprecedented failure to follow long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election. During those 7 days, millions of people voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger.

Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Add to this that she creamed Trump by 3 million popular votes, and Donald Trump is the most Illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the Oval Office. That's what these MASSIVE protests are mainly about.



DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns - CNNPolitics.com

and You may want to read this one, as it involves two of your favorites on FOX NEWS---Rudi Giuliani and James Kalstrom whom will also be called in to Testify during this ongoing investigation. They may actually get lead off in handcuffs. As Huma, Clinton's aid is still stating she has no idea how copies of her emails ended up on her x-husbands laptop.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

Dems are demanding that Sessions recuse himself because he happened to talk to the Russian ambassador in a social setting at a Heritage Foundation event. Yet, these scum bags never called for Lo-Retta Lynch to recuse herself in the Hillary scandal after she had a 30 minute private meeting on an airplane with Bill Clinton, a Known liar and disbarred attorney who is married to The Bitch.

It is like they do not get that all these D.C. People socialize. Ambassadors, Congressmen, lobbyists, etc... they all go to events together. Of course, the run-of-the-mill leftist scumbags, like the ones who frequent internet message boards, probably do not grasp the D.C. culture. They are an ignorant bunch of hicks who believe everything CNN and MSNBC tell them. However, most media pigs do understand D.C. culture. They are being misleading because they have chosen sides. When media chooses sides they become biased and, therefore, CORRUPT.

Sessions stated that he did not talk to the Russians. Well, he did not. He simply spoke to someone in a social setting that is the Russian ambassador. There is a huge, obvious difference to anyone with a functioning human brain. There is absolutely no evidence of wrongdoing or being misleading in Sessions's answer to the Senate committee.

Sessions also stated that he never spoke to a Russian about policy matters. Why do people doubt him? Because they want a scandal. This is fertile ground because it plays into the whole Russian conspiracy Bullshit that Obama's crew dreamed up (pure Alinsky) and the media reports. The idea is that if you repeat it as nauseam then people will accept it as fact regardless of how silly it is.

In addition, these scumbags will keep going there because they can easily mislead the public over it. In other words, you are being lied to, and the left is interfering with the functioning of our republic.

It is frightening that the left gets any mileage out of this. But they do. Further, there can be no doubt now that Obama's people are behind this entire Russian conspiracy Bullshit. This has got to stop.

The Dems are lower than whale shit right now, hence all of these hysterics and frivolous attacks. They lost in November. They have been hemorrhaging seats in Congress, state legislatures, and governorships. No matter how much effort the leftist scum invests in anti-Trump efforts, all Trump has to do is give a speech to immediately undo 90% of it. Republicans control all three branches of the federal government right now (we control Article III courts in effect due to Trump's appointment powers plus the likelihood that these powers will be repeatedly used during his term or terms). In short, the Dems are fucked in terms of actual power.

Now, when you have an enemy that will murder you at any cost, do you show mercy to this enemy? Absolutely not. If you have this enemy on the ground, with your boot on his throat, do you let him up? No. If you have your boot on your enemy's threat then you need to man-up and break that fucker's neck.

This is what we must do here. Trump just needs to govern, and so does Congress. We need our RNC and conservative PACs to start NOW putting together strategies and raising money for the mid-terms. There are several vulnerable Dem held Senate seats. It is a very real possibility that Republicans could end the mid-terms holding 60 Senate seats. This will be outstanding and give us 2 years minimum to do whatever we want without Dem interference.

Further, we need to tarnish the Dem brand. There is plenty to work with too. Nobody is more crooked than a Democrat politician. There are all kinds of scandals on Dems involving kick-backs, Affairs, whores, and drugs. We need to destroy and punish these fuckers. They are crooked and anti-American. Moreover, they are destructive.

We cannot let these fuckers up this time. We have got them down, and now we have got to crush their throats. If we don't then they are going to get back up and keep trying to murder us.

The only ones that are going to get destroyed by this are REPUBLICANS.

I really don't think Trump is going to be able to stay in office much longer. As far as Sessions they have him lying to congress over his meetings with the Russian ambassador, while they were hacking into our democracy. Sessions statement that he wasn't a surrogate of the Trump campaign is another lie.

Sessions was all over the place during the campaign defending Trump on Sexual assault actually stating that he didn't know how grabbing a woman by the genitals could be considered sexual assault.
It’s not clear if Jeff Sessions thinks grabbing a woman by the crotch is sexual assault
Jeff Sessions: Donald Trump Grabbing Genitals Is Not Sexual Assault

Sessions was turned down for a Federal District court position during the Bush administration over his many racists comments, and he shows up 20 years later and now he is that Attorney General who is in charge of the FBI & DOJ. Sessions has no business being in charge of this investigation into the Russian hackings, or looking at notes regarding it.
That time the Senate denied Jeff Sessions a federal judgeship over accusations of racism

Sessions needs to resign immediately, and Republicans need to get their thumbs out of their ass's and appoint an independent special prosecutor to investigate. Republicans in the Ways & Means committee need to get the balls to obtain Trump's income tax returns or they're going to BURN THE ENTIRE PARTY TO THE GROUND, with TREASON, OBSTRUCTION and cover up.

They need to appoint a (fully vetted independent) special prosecutor (not FBI director James Comey or anyone within the FBI) because they are also under investigation over interfering into this election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

Why aren't you stupid libtards pissed because both Obummer and Hillary talked to the Russians?

Keanu Reeves, Please Come Save Our Snowflakes!

During the media's Watergate feeding frenzy, there was only one pundit who claimed that Nixon stole the election from George McGovern by using what he had illegally discovered about the DNC's campaign strategy. But jurinalists were not so pushy, high-and-mighty, simple-minded, and immature back then, so they let that narrative drop. Now they're so unpopular and desperate that they have to resort to a tinfoil Tinseltown scenario in which the minds of the American electorate have been secretly controlled by some omnipotent foreign Matrix.

Nixon had a whole lot more votes than McGovern and only an idiot would have said he stole the election. Can you see the difference between then and now? Screeching about Snowflakes has become the standard defense of Trump. Do you have anything less stupid? Calling us butthurt is another way to sound foolish but go with it if you must.

Oh so now we are getting on our high horses are we? Poor libtards, they forget all the stupid names they call us.

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