We need to have a forum of deaths used by firearms!

Background checks and waiting periods are perfectly Constitutional, neither having been invalidated by the Supreme Court.
After Bruen, why do you believe background checks and waiting periods will be upheld by the USSC?
Age requirements are perfectly Constitutional, none having never been invalidated by the Supreme Court.
After Bruen, why do you think an age requirement past the age of 18 to own any bearable arm will be upheld by the USSC?
AWBs are perfectly Constitutional, none having been invalidated by the Supreme Court.
After Bruen, why do you think a ban on 'assault weapons' will be upheld by the USSC?
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By that argument, wouldn't it also be unconstitutional to fully automatic firearms? And yet the NFA has been in place since 1934.
After Bruen, why do you think a ban on machine guns will be upheld by the USSC?
The Second Amendment, like all Amendments, is not absolute.
Correct. The limits on the right to keep and bear arms, as protected by the 2nd, under current jurisprudence, are reasonably clear.
And that’s their intent, to scuttle any debate. Conservatives lack the courage and honesty to have a substantive debate concerning gun crime and violence; instead they resort to lies and demagoguery about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ that will never happen.
Worse, they refuse to explore possible solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as addressing mental illness conservatives are quick to blame as contributing to gun crime and violence.
One of these days, you will post something not rooted in dishonesty and / or hyper-partisan bigotry.
Today is not that day.
It's not about race. It's about nationality. Foreign invaders taking American jobs and using American social services takes food directly off of

Black and naturalized Americans' tables. As well as is a drain on all Americans.

IDGAF about illegal foreign invaders, but I do care about my fellow countrymen.
OK. Then I think we should get thousands and thousands of Haitians to become naturalized citizens. How does that sound? :smile: Oh wait. You didn't mean Haitian naturalized citizens did you?
Any time I have the opportunity to educate someone, I take it.
And for you, its free of charge -- each according to his needs, and all.
Or as Professor John Henrik Clarke used to say, "I debate my equals. All others I teach". It's fun teaching you, M14 Shooter.

Every day a human being is destroyed by death or wounded by a firearm: Murder, Accident or Suicide. The Bill of Right's Second Amendment's phrase "shall not be infringed" is the excuse that those who believe is forbidden to deny the sale or other means to own, possess and have in their possession a handgun or long gun; especially those semi-automatic and fully automatic firearms made exclusively for killing human beings.

The callous members of our population lack empathy and don't care for the mass killing of men, women and children; an example of uncivilized "thinking"; yet the same people are opposed to abortions - an example of hypocrisy and greed since the sale of guns and ammunition is readily available for everyone to purchase.

There are many posts on the 2nd A. forum and not one which tallies the number of human beings shot to death, or wounded and hospitalized everyday - many maimed for life.

The cost to taxpayers for murders is enormous:

Deaths by firearms will be dominated by the tremendous Black and Brown crime in the Democrat controlled shitholes because the Democrats refuses to stop crime.
Or as Professor John Henrik Clarke used to say, "I debate my equals. All others I teach". It's fun teaching you, M14 Shooter.
Ah. Not only are you obstinately and unreasonably unwilling to accept facts that negate your chosen narrative, you suffer from immoderate delusion.
Are you saying you have no cutlery at home, that you cut your food with a plastic spoon? My friend was stabbed to death in front of his store another friend stabbed just walking home in downtown Philly.
No brick buildings? My neighbor's wife was robed in her store and killed with a brick. No Dem politicians, because millions were killed when Dems politicized covid & we were not prepared because Dems knowing what was coming focused on a weaponized impeachment, not the looming virus.
"My neighbor's wife was robed in her store and killed with a brick." Seems the brick thrower didn't like her robe.

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