We need to have a forum of deaths used by firearms!

Every day a human being is destroyed by death or wounded by a firearm: Murder, Accident or Suicide. The Bill of Right's Second Amendment's phrase "shall not be infringed" is the excuse that those who believe is forbidden to deny the sale or other means to own, possess and have in their possession a handgun or long gun; especially those semi-automatic and fully automatic firearms made exclusively for killing human beings.

The callous members of our population lack empathy and don't care for the mass killing of men, women and children; an example of uncivilized "thinking"; yet the same people are opposed to abortions - an example of hypocrisy and greed since the sale of guns and ammunition is readily available for everyone to purchase.

There are many posts on the 2nd A. forum and not one which tallies the number of human beings shot to death, or wounded and hospitalized everyday - many maimed for life.

The cost to taxpayers for murders is enormous:

So does that include the Army and security for Progressive leaders, are they all unarmed in your Progressive Utopia?
We need to have forum of stupid leftist policies of letting criminals run around loose committing more crimes and then blaming it on guns.
I suggest a "Thick Fuck" thread for the likes of you to go in. Even many Right Wing people want to see guns used safely.

It's retards like you, 2aguy , and M14 Shooter that spoil guns and the gun debate. There's no gun ban, and there's no gun extreme like you retards bleat on about; it's middle ground that's makes guns safer, despite the odd incident happening. Fucking 4 year olds can grasp this, whereas you idiots struggle.

Must be some kind of inbred retardism from around 1776, that spawned gun nuts.
That's most of the planet, idiot.

Those in favour of "Right to bear arms, dangerous gun society", raise your erect penis.
The laws you want will change nothing - except to make it harder for the law abiding to exercise their right to keep and bear arms.
And -that's- what you want.
That's also applies to her so-called "people of color" :102:(the current racist term Democrats use for Black Americans)

It infinges on their right to defend home and property with firearms.
If they are considered to be White, why is there so much animosity against them? Why do most Whites want to keep them out of America? You should be happy to let them come here. Their numbers would increase the White population. :eusa_think:
It's not about race. It's about nationality. Foreign invaders taking American jobs and using American social services takes food directly off of

Black and naturalized Americans' tables. As well as is a drain on all Americans.

IDGAF about illegal foreign invaders, but I do care about my fellow countrymen.

Every day a human being is destroyed by death or wounded by a firearm: Murder, Accident or Suicide. The Bill of Right's Second Amendment's phrase "shall not be infringed" is the excuse that those who believe is forbidden to deny the sale or other means to own, possess and have in their possession a handgun or long gun; especially those semi-automatic and fully automatic firearms made exclusively for killing human beings.

The callous members of our population lack empathy and don't care for the mass killing of men, women and children; an example of uncivilized "thinking"; yet the same people are opposed to abortions - an example of hypocrisy and greed since the sale of guns and ammunition is readily available for everyone to purchase.

There are many posts on the 2nd A. forum and not one which tallies the number of human beings shot to death, or wounded and hospitalized everyday - many maimed for life.

The cost to taxpayers for murders is enormous:

Are you saying you have no cutlery at home, that you cut your food with a plastic spoon? My friend was stabbed to death in front of his store another friend stabbed just walking home in downtown Philly.
No brick buildings? My neighbor's wife was robed in her store and killed with a brick. No Dem politicians, because millions were killed when Dems politicized covid & we were not prepared because Dems knowing what was coming focused on a weaponized impeachment, not the looming virus.
That's most of the planet, idiot.

Those in favour of "Right to bear arms, dangerous gun society", raise your erect penis.

And you have never answered for the 15 million people, innocent men, women and children murdered by the governments of Europe between 1939-1945......not some medieval period of warlords.....modern nations....that rounded up and murdered even children......after first banning and confiscating guns.

In comparison.....the total gun murder number for the entire 246 year history of the United States is around 2,460,000.....

Can you tell which number is different?

And the vast majority of our gun deaths are not innocent men, women and children...they are violent criminals, engaged in violent crime....and often those associated with them, friends, family...are killed in the process....

You belong to a region that has murdered more people than our criminals have murdered in 246 years....yet you have the balls to lecture us?

You really are a thick clod....
I still wonder why Turd Catcher believes we need a forum discussing how fire arms use deaths. You'd think fire arms would try and stop death, especially if the poor things are being blamed for shit humans do to each other and themselves. Plus if death is allowed to run amok, who will care for the firearms?

Fire arms need people to clean them, exercise them, and fix them if they get worn out or break. They need people to prevent them from rusting. They need people to feed them and adjust their sights. Dress them in accessories and carry them around.

I think Turd Catcher is wrong. Fire arms don't use deaths at all. In fact I'm pretty confident fire arms prevent leftist sociopaths like Turd Catcher from causing millions of deaths of people opposed to globalist nanny state commissar tyrants.

It's retards like you, @2aguy , and @M14 Shooter that spoil guns and the gun debate.

And that’s their intent, to scuttle any debate. Conservatives lack the courage and honesty to have a substantive debate concerning gun crime and violence; instead they resort to lies and demagoguery about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ that will never happen.

Worse, they refuse to explore possible solutions having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as addressing mental illness conservatives are quick to blame as contributing to gun crime and violence.
I suggest a "Thick Fuck" thread for the likes of you to go in. Even many Right Wing people want to see guns used safely.

It's retards like you, 2aguy , and M14 Shooter that spoil guns and the gun debate. There's no gun ban, and there's no gun extreme like you retards bleat on about; it's middle ground that's makes guns safer, despite the odd incident happening. Fucking 4 year olds can grasp this, whereas you idiots struggle.

Must be some kind of inbred retardism from around 1776, that spawned gun nuts.
Guns can be used safely be keeping known dangerous people locked up.
There are large numbers of those who are not criminals who use firearms to kill and maim other human beings and themselves.

Wrong...that is a lie.

The Criminology of Firearms

The whole corpus of criminological research dating back to the 1890'sshows murderers "almost uniformly have a long history of involvement in criminal behavior," and that "[v]irtually all" murderers and other gun criminals have prior felony records — generally long ones.

While only 15 percent of Americans have criminal records, roughly 90 percent of adult murderers have prior adult records — exclusive of their often extensive juvenile records — with crime careers of six or more adult years including four major felonies. Gerald D. Robin, writing for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences,notes that, unlike ordinary gun owners, "the average murderer turns out to be no less hardened a criminal than the average robber or burglar."

A study finds that suspects in violent crime in the District share a lot of characteristics.

The National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform looked at the numbers for homicides and nonfatal shooting in D.C. in 2019 and 2020, and found that “most gun violence is tightly concentrated on a small number of very high-risk young Black male adults that share a common set of risk factors.”

Those factors include involvements in street crews, a previous criminal justice history and connection to a recent shooting. Often, they’ve been the victims of crime themselves. While the motive for the shooting “may not be a traditional gang war,” the report says, “often shootings are precipitated by a petty conflict over a young woman, a simple argument, or the now-ubiquitous social media slight.”
More than 90% of victims and suspects in 2019 and 2020 were male and about 96% were Black.

The study also found that another 86% of victims and suspects have been involved with the criminal justice system and the average age of victims is 31, while the average age of suspects is 27 years old.

They found that, in terms of prior arrests, “victims and suspects were remarkably similar.”


Bonus content.......the actual study...

About 96 percent of victims and suspects in both homicides and nonfatal shootings were Black, despite Black residents comprising only 46 percent of the overall population in the District (Table 1).
Approximately 86 percent of homicide victims and suspects were known to the criminal justice system prior to the incident. Among all victims and suspects, about 46 percent had been previously incarcerated (Figure 2).
At least 23.3 percent of all homicide victims and suspects were under active supervision (i.e., CSOSA, PSA, or DYRS)1. At least 64 percent of all victims and suspects had been under any prior or active supervision and at least 76% of homicide suspects had active or prior supervision.
Overall, most victims and suspects with prior criminal offenses had been arrested about 11 times for about 13 different offenses by the time of the homicide. This count only refers to adult arrests and juvenile arrests were not included.

In Washington, DC, most gun violence is tightly concentrated on a small number of very high risk young Black male adults that share a common set of risk factors, including: involvement in street crews/groups; significant criminal justice history including prior or active community supervision; often prior victimization; and a connection to a recent shooting (within the past 12 months).
While the majority of people involved in shootings, as victim or suspect, are members or associates of street groups/gangs, the motive for the shooting may not be a traditional gang war. Often shootings are precipitated by a petty conflict over a young woman, a simple argument, or the now ubiquitous social media slight.
This small number of very high risk individuals are identifiable, their violence is predictable, and therefore it is preventable. Based on the assessment of data and the series of interviews conducted, NICJR estimates that within a year, there are at least 500 identifiable people who rise to this level of very high risk, and likely no more than 200 at any one given time. These individuals comprise approximately 60-70% of all gun violence in the District. Nealy 250 specific individuals were identified through the GVPA process but more importantly, the risk factors that make someone at very high risk has been identified in order to develop an on-going process to focus intervention efforts on those at very high risk.



27 Statistics That Describe How Criminals Use and Obtain Illegal Firearms - Tier Three Tactical

The vast majority of violent crime in the US occurs amongst those that live a criminal lifestyle. In fact, this study showed that the average homicide victim, in Boston, over a four year period, had been criminally charged themselves an average of 12 times prior to their death.
This doesn’t mean that they are good or bad people, or that they are somehow less deserving of justice, but it does mean they were no strangers to crime themselves. As they say, violence begets violence.
That particular study also broke down the circumstances that lead to their death. In total, 66.5% of the situations were gang related, and 15.9% were drug related. Only 13.1% were a personal dispute, with less than 5% between robbery and domestic violence combined.
Now this is only relevant to Boston during the years of 2010-2014, but I would be surprised if Chicago, Baltimore, or other violent areas are much different.

This leads us, inevitably, to the conclusion that reducing violent crime and keeping guns off the streets is best tackled as a multifaceted problem. Making guns extra illegal, or changing their appearance will do nothing to prevent someone from buying a gun illegally and using it to settle a score.


The 1 % of the population accountable for 63 % of all violent crime convictions

The 1 % of the population accountable for 63 % of all violent crime convictions
Many of these people are known dangerous people who have been arrested over and over or have otherwise shown they could be dangerous.

Either Rye is dumb, or is lying.......I have posted over and over the research that shows at least 90% of murders are committed by individuals with long histories of crime and violence.....long histories....often going back to their teen years.

But to admit that takes away a tool from their side.....they can't stampede uninformed Americans if Americans think that if we lock up violent criminals, the murder rate will go down........they have to be led to believe that the mere presence of a gun means they will eventually commit murder....so they should give the anti-gun fanatics the power to ban and confiscate them....
And you have never answered for the 15 million people, innocent men, women and children murdered by the governments of Europe between 1939-1945......not some medieval period of warlords.....modern nations....that rounded up and murdered even children......after first banning and confiscating guns.

In comparison.....the total gun murder number for the entire 246 year history of the United States is around 2,460,000.....

Can you tell which number is different?

And the vast majority of our gun deaths are not innocent men, women and children...they are violent criminals, engaged in violent crime....and often those associated with them, friends, family...are killed in the process....

You belong to a region that has murdered more people than our criminals have murdered in 246 years....yet you have the balls to lecture us?

You really are a thick clod....
Again, non sequitur, you are comparing a major war to a gun debate.

Why did America lose 58,220 soldiers in Vietnam, 116,708 in WWI, and 298,000 in WWII when you have the 2nd Amendment. If you find this stupid, it's based on how your stupid brain thinks
Either Rye is dumb, or is lying.......I have posted over and over the research that shows at least 90% of murders are committed by individuals with long histories of crime and violence.....long histories....often going back to their teen years.

But to admit that takes away a tool from their side.....they can't stampede uninformed Americans if Americans think that if we lock up violent criminals, the murder rate will go down........they have to be led to believe that the mere presence of a gun means they will eventually commit murder....so they should give the anti-gun fanatics the power to ban and confiscate them....
Once you have been assimilated by the Borg Collective, you are no longer capable of individual thought.
Again, non sequitur, you are comparing a major war to a gun debate.

Why did America lose 58,220 soldiers in Vietnam, 116,708 in WWI, and 298,000 in WWII when you have the 2nd Amendment. If you find this stupid, it's based on how your stupid brain thinks

It wasn't the war that killed them. They were civilians rounded up and murdered by their governments under the control of the socialists........not bombs, not gun fights.....gathered up, marched into forests and death camps and murdered.....after they had given up their guns with the same promises you idiots are making today......

15 million innocent men, women and children murdered in Europe in 6 years.

2,460,000 majority criminals murdered by other criminals in 246 years

Those numbers show you don't understand the issues, and that giving up your guns for the promises of safety from the government are foolish.

The saying is "Never Forget...." you don't remember.......

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