We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
Celebrating St. Patty's day is not more important then slowing the spread of the virus, dope.

Idiots should be shamed at every opportunity.
^Dunning-Kruger at it's worst.

And what are your qualifications with regards to this situation?

I'm listening to the health experts at the CDC and elsewhere. I'm not trying to invent an expertise I don' have.

You are selectively taking the information in a way to confirm your own biases.

I am? Specifically, how?

I am not claiming to be an expert, merely giving parts of my education and background that would allow me to understand the issues involved.

I've had relatives call me to get my view on this, because I am one of the more educated members of my family.

When Trump said it was no big deal and other people near the president who also weren't' experts were claiming this was 'practically airtight', I bet you're expertise allowed you to buy into that 100%.

You're here to defend the president no matter what. At least be honest about it.
View attachment 312780

just one more bit of evidence of what HUMAN SCUM conservatives truly are....
Was it necessary?
No, dope.

You honestly can't see a difference?

How many died of H1N1 before Obama did anything? same question relative to Trump and corona.

The Obama admin had already tested 1million people in the first month. It was well controlled. This is not at all.

Having thousands crammed at the airports for hours and hours just guaranteed the spread and eventual deaths of Americans over something that could be fixed with a phone call.

compare the numbers and get back to us

What numbers?

the number infected and died from H1N1 and the same numbers for corona. get em and post em, if you are honest enough to do it.
How can you compare them?
One is history and one is just beginning, dope.
BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
Celebrating St. Patty's day is not more important then slowing the spread of the virus, dope.

Idiots should be shamed at every opportunity.

St. Patrick's Day , at least around here, is celebrated with copious amounts of alcohol, which BTW kills coronavirus.

Further, they say that Coronavirus first came from snakes, and St. Patrick is best known for driving the snakes out of Ireland.
BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
You really think now is a time for public celebration?

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98% of people won't die if they catch it. so far no one under 50. why are you over reacting?

Nope. Nope. Nope.

View attachment 312788
you should go tell the CDC then.

What should I tell them? That you’re making stuff up?

Do you really think no one under 50 dies from COVID-19?
no one so far. and they are monitoring that.

In fact, today an 89 year old in WA state's Nursing Home that had the virus has now recovered. It may be the first one there.
BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
Celebrating St. Patty's day is not more important then slowing the spread of the virus, dope.

Idiots should be shamed at every opportunity.

St. Patrick's Day , at least around here, is celebrated with copious amounts of alcohol, which BTW kills coronavirus.

Further, they say that Coronavirus first came from snakes, and St. Patrick is best known for driving the snakes out of Ireland.

Drinking copious amounts of alcohol actually lowers your immunity. Good job, dope. :thup:
tell me. because that's inconsistent. Just like having the vote tomorrow after closing all restaurants.
The main problem is that you’re very poorly informed.
so the experts at the CDC aren't to be trusted? everything I've posted has been from them. you act like I made up numbers. hahahahahahahaha you hate being wrong.

I know you believe that.
I know you are wrong.

I know you believe that too.
you'd be right.
how do you know?

Are you a head of emergency medicine/infectious disease at a hospital?

Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.

Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.

I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.

I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

There is no data without adequate and timely testing, dope.
who gets tested? You really think there are 320 million kits? hahahhahahahaha so misinformed you are.
BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
Celebrating St. Patty's day is not more important then slowing the spread of the virus, dope.

Idiots should be shamed at every opportunity.

St. Patrick's Day , at least around here, is celebrated with copious amounts of alcohol, which BTW kills coronavirus.

Further, they say that Coronavirus first came from snakes, and St. Patrick is best known for driving the snakes out of Ireland.

Drinking copious amounts of alcohol actually lowers your immunity. Good job, dope. :thup:
and your point is? he's the one taking the risk, not you. fk this shit really bothers you fking leftists that some people aren't buying all of this. Not me. Not at all. not when ~55,000 may have died from the flu that has vaccines.

BTW, Cheers!!!
How many died of H1N1 before Obama did anything? same question relative to Trump and corona.

The Obama admin had already tested 1million people in the first month. It was well controlled. This is not at all.

Having thousands crammed at the airports for hours and hours just guaranteed the spread and eventual deaths of Americans over something that could be fixed with a phone call.

compare the numbers and get back to us

What numbers?

the number infected and died from H1N1 and the same numbers for corona. get em and post em, if you are honest enough to do it.
How can you compare them?
One is history and one is just beginning, dope.
really? you all aren't treating this as just beginning. cause something that is just beginning, needs to have meds created. It seems you think there is a magic wand to produce a vaccine. even when H1N1 needed one too, and it took many months like this one. you're pathetic
You really think now is a time for public celebration?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
98% of people won't die if they catch it. so far no one under 50. why are you over reacting?

Nope. Nope. Nope.

View attachment 312788
you should go tell the CDC then.

What should I tell them? That you’re making stuff up?

Do you really think no one under 50 dies from COVID-19?
no one so far. and they are monitoring that.

In fact, today an 89 year old in WA state's Nursing Home that had the virus has now recovered. It may be the first one there.

Where did you get that information?
98% of people won't die if they catch it. so far no one under 50. why are you over reacting?

Nope. Nope. Nope.

View attachment 312788
you should go tell the CDC then.

What should I tell them? That you’re making stuff up?

Do you really think no one under 50 dies from COVID-19?
no one so far. and they are monitoring that.

In fact, today an 89 year old in WA state's Nursing Home that had the virus has now recovered. It may be the first one there.

Where did you get that information?
Chris Plante show today. He played a news updated from some channel he had.



it was real difficult.
you should go tell the CDC then.

What should I tell them? That you’re making stuff up?

Do you really think no one under 50 dies from COVID-19?
no one so far. and they are monitoring that.

In fact, today an 89 year old in WA state's Nursing Home that had the virus has now recovered. It may be the first one there.

Where did you get that information?
Chris Plante show today. He played a news updated from some channel he had.



it was real difficult.

I was referring to the zero deaths of anyone below 50 you goof. That should have been blisteringly obvious to even you.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
If you look at past epidemics that were brought under control, you will find what people considered an over reaction at the time is exactly what stopped or slowed the spread. When you have an epidemic infecting 175,000 people in almost every country on earth and is growing at a rate of 7% every day there is no way of stopping or slowing it without using extreme measures. There was a window of a few weeks in the US when we could have dramatically slowed the spread, but we ignored it because it would have been an over-reaction since there was only 35 cases in a couple of states. A month later there were nearly 4000 cases in 48 states.

The Spanish influence was so devastating because so many countries had more important issues, namely WWI. The Sedition act of 1918 was used to silence the media. The government referred to it as the grip and urged people to go to work and just ignore it. In munition plants it was considered patriot to work while sick. The results was 116,000 Americans died in combat and 676,000 died of Spanish Influenza.

Letting a virus like the common cold run it's course which usually last only a few day is usually a good idea. But letting a disease with the potential of killing millions is not. The Spanish Influenza is a good example of an epidemic running it's course.
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12,469 deaths/ 60.8 million cases of infection = 2.05%
Okay I will stand corrected on that, as the US numbers are what we want to look at. (though, looking back at the pandemic, actually 0.02% overall: Study puts global 2009 pandemic H1N1 infection rate at 24%)

The current range estimates in the US for morbidity of covid-19, from the CDC, is 0.25% - 3.0%. The biggest factor of why it will be high, in places, is because of lack access to proper care. This is exactly why we need to slow the spread, so that our healthcare infrastructure is not overwhelmed.. We can literally control the death rate, by slowing the spread. You see?

And this virus is more contagious., The low-end estimates are at 20%, which translates to 80 million. We should not be preparing for the low end estimate. And, again, we can literally have some control over that number by what we do. And covid-19 is more infectious than the flu. So we will reach that low end 80 million faster.
Everyone agrees that we want to slow the spread of the virus and keep the death rate low, and the way to do that is to behave proactively which is exactly what the US has done and what few other countries have done. Just days after the first US case was identified, the President closed down travel from China, which according to the CDC has saved many lives and slowed down the spread of the virus in the US and now we are taking steps domestically to slow the spread that the EU countries only took after they were overwhelmed by the spread of the virus. The EU countries behaved irresponsibly and ow they are paying a heavy price for their negligence, but the US has the most proactive government in Washington we have ever had, and because we do, we will not face the same level of devastation the EU countries are suffering. Because we have behaved so proactively here in the US, our infection rate and mortality rate will remain much, much lower than in the rest of the world. In fact, the way our government has acted in this outbreak is a model the rest of the world should try to emulate in future outbreaks.

The standard of care in the US is among the highest in the world and there is no scenario in which our healthcare system will be so overwhelmed that that standard of care will jeopardised.
What the CDC is recommending for two months for over 50 people is insane
Now, on a daily basis something like that would Always and Hugely reduce communicable disease. What is So devastatingly different and lethal about corona and the situation that surrounds it?
We know the media has a President to unseat and a population to spook but let’s go beyond that
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
It is being contained in the US. That's why our infection rate and death rate is so dramatically lower than in the EU countries. Banning travel and gatherings is the means by which it is being contained.
The travel ban came weeks AFTER the virus was in the country. So utterly useless in that regard. Weak and feckless.

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It came exactly ten days after the first case in the US was identified.
BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
Celebrating St. Patty's day is not more important then slowing the spread of the virus, dope.

Idiots should be shamed at every opportunity.

St. Patrick's Day , at least around here, is celebrated with copious amounts of alcohol, which BTW kills coronavirus.

Further, they say that Coronavirus first came from snakes, and St. Patrick is best known for driving the snakes out of Ireland.
Yep alcohol can certainly solve the problem. Just be sure you drink 140 proof and make sure it goes in your nasal cavity as well your lungs.
At this point, it seems that in the US covid - 19 is less dangerous than the seasonal flu. While the virus is devastating to EU countries that did not take a proactive approach as the US did here in the US the mortality rate for confirmed cases of covid - 19 is 1.7% and will probably fall to less than 1% as more testing is done and mild cases that have not been reported are included, in Italy, the mortality rate among confirmed cases is about 7%.
You act like the virus is somehow being contained????

This thing is running rampant and we will soon have 10,000+ cases and much more deaths, we don't even have the testing capabilities to know how many people are infected. In typical wacko fashion you try and play victim... always with the victim card... and blame the media, but the media didn't just recommend banning gatherings over 50 people...
What is your response going to be when the cases increase all throughout this week???

You people are living in a fantasy land, enjoy the SPY to 200 I have my shorts in.
It is being contained in the US. That's why our infection rate and death rate is so dramatically lower than in the EU countries. Banning travel and gatherings is the means by which it is being contained.
The travel ban came weeks AFTER the virus was in the country. So utterly useless in that regard. Weak and feckless. Trump has been utterly incompetent throughout this entire ordeal. And its costing American's lives.

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So we should have banned travel before the virus got here?

Don't be stupid
Yes. Its called being PROACTIVE.

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lol The US has been the most proactive nation on Earth in dealing with the coronavirus.
colfax_m so, here's more information on deaths. confirmed deaths are 80+. Now when you find one that says under 50, let me know with that info.


you should go tell the CDC then.

What should I tell them? That you’re making stuff up?

Do you really think no one under 50 dies from COVID-19?
no one so far. and they are monitoring that.

In fact, today an 89 year old in WA state's Nursing Home that had the virus has now recovered. It may be the first one there.

Where did you get that information?
Chris Plante show today. He played a news updated from some channel he had.



it was real difficult.

I was referring to the zero deaths of anyone below 50 you goof. That should have been blisteringly obvious to even you.
just posted it. And again, you can post your link with the any under 50.

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