We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
You really think now is a time for public celebration?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
98% of people won't die if they catch it. so far no one under 50. why are you over reacting?
Are you going to answer the question...

Is now the time for public celebration?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
celebrate what? your question is open ended. I could be celebrating working from home. I could celebrate I don't have to go to the store for one month. I could be celebrating my dryer got fixed today. Many things to celebrate. be more clear.
You don’t know what you’re reading.
sure I do. confirmed cases of death are only in the >80 category. feel free to point to my error.

That’s because mortality rates weren’t reported in the paper they’re referencing. The spots in the table aren’t blank because no one died, but because they weren’t reported.

Stop making things up.
if they didn't happen, then they wouldn't be reported. get it? Again, point to a link that shows someone under 50 died. dude, nice pretzel twist.


Like I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The paper used as a reference for your website doesn’t report what the mortality rate is for any any category below 80, so the spots are blank.

You’re making false assumptions.
well again, how am I wrong, if none have been reported? need cheese?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The deaths were reported in the paper. Apparently you’re not familiar with the language so I’ll explain it to you. That means the authors of the paper did not write it down in the paper. The data exists. The deaths have been reported, but when they wrote the paper it was not data that they decided to put in the paper.
sure I do. confirmed cases of death are only in the >80 category. feel free to point to my error.

That’s because mortality rates weren’t reported in the paper they’re referencing. The spots in the table aren’t blank because no one died, but because they weren’t reported.

Stop making things up.
if they didn't happen, then they wouldn't be reported. get it? Again, point to a link that shows someone under 50 died. dude, nice pretzel twist.


Like I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The paper used as a reference for your website doesn’t report what the mortality rate is for any any category below 80, so the spots are blank.

You’re making false assumptions.
well again, how am I wrong, if none have been reported? need cheese?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The deaths were reported in the paper. Apparently you’re not familiar with the language so I’ll explain it to you. That means the authors of the paper did not write it down in the paper. The data exists. The deaths have been reported, but when they wrote the paper it was not data that they decided to put in the paper.

I'm surprised you are unfamiliar with the concept of "Fake News".

Just because something is in a newspaper, doesn't necessarily mean it actually happened. A lot of times, newspapermen and journalists try to make a difference and craft public opinion by writing stories designed to do exactly that. Not because they are truthful or actually happened.
Worst case scenario is a few million Americans die. I don't know a single person whose life is worth the amount of damage that is being caused by shutting down the economy. We need to stop acting like children start living life as normal. Yes, a few million or more people may die, but that's their patriotic duty. I wish it didn't have to happen, but some times people need to die for the good of the country. These are also the weakest members of our nation. How much do they cost the US economy everyday that they wake up? They need to face up to reality that this may the one good thing they can do for our great country. Imagine if the men storming the beaches of Normandy were behaving similar to the snowflakes who are cowering in fear over a tiny little virus. Suck it up and go forward. We cannot let self-entitled snowflakes dictate how this country is run. Stop closing down businesses. Stop working from home. Stop subsidies to help those who refuse to do their JOBS so they can get money to pay their bills.

I am tired of long lines, increased hold times, and the smell of lysol. Let's end this madness that the democrats are causing just to make President Trump look bad.
BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
You really think now is a time for public celebration?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
98% of people won't die if they catch it. so far no one under 50. why are you over reacting?
Are you going to answer the question...

Is now the time for public celebration?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
celebrate what? your question is open ended. I could be celebrating working from home. I could celebrate I don't have to go to the store for one month. I could be celebrating my dryer got fixed today. Many things to celebrate. be more clear.
Americans out publicly celebrating en masse, for anything.

Did you think now is a time for that a activity?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
I am more of a moderate on this, really. I think its important to be concerned, but the Powers that Be are definitely going overboard.

Back in the day, in 1349, we had the Black Death. It was a pandemic, generally presumed to be bubonic plague although there is some disagreement on that.

In any event, the libs didn't create nearly as much of a stir in regards to that episode of pestilence than they are in the current one. Even though this one actually seems milder.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
I feel this idiot should be arrested and put in jail.
. You look at the countries who experienced the virus before us and what worked and what did not work. Our government tried to minimize the current and short term financial losses and as a result our financial losses and more importantly the number of lives lost will be much greater.
The sooner we started the steps being taken by Hong Kong and Shanghai the sooner this will be over and the less damage done. We are just starting to do them
The UK is still a communist country that is likely going to waste billions of dollars on subsidizing the breathing lifestyles of those at high risk of death. That's still ridiculous. No country should be pouring money into this, because there is no return on investment. Those who are protecting by such measures will ultimately cost more money. This should be seen a blessing in disguise, but sadly saying such things seems to trigger the libtards.
That’s because mortality rates weren’t reported in the paper they’re referencing. The spots in the table aren’t blank because no one died, but because they weren’t reported.

Stop making things up.
if they didn't happen, then they wouldn't be reported. get it? Again, point to a link that shows someone under 50 died. dude, nice pretzel twist.


Like I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The paper used as a reference for your website doesn’t report what the mortality rate is for any any category below 80, so the spots are blank.

You’re making false assumptions.
well again, how am I wrong, if none have been reported? need cheese?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The deaths were reported in the paper. Apparently you’re not familiar with the language so I’ll explain it to you. That means the authors of the paper did not write it down in the paper. The data exists. The deaths have been reported, but when they wrote the paper it was not data that they decided to put in the paper.

I'm surprised you are unfamiliar with the concept of "Fake News".

Just because something is in a newspaper, doesn't necessarily mean it actually happened. A lot of times, newspapermen and journalists try to make a difference and craft public opinion by writing stories designed to do exactly that. Not because they are truthful or actually happened.
We need to capture this dumbass and send him to a deserted island somewhere or possibly Norh Korea or Iran.
There is stupid and then there is deathly dangerous, chronic, beyond belief, incurable stupidity. This dumbass ass suffers from the former. Get him out of our country. He is more dangerous than the coronavirus.
sure I do. confirmed cases of death are only in the >80 category. feel free to point to my error.

That’s because mortality rates weren’t reported in the paper they’re referencing. The spots in the table aren’t blank because no one died, but because they weren’t reported.

Stop making things up.
if they didn't happen, then they wouldn't be reported. get it? Again, point to a link that shows someone under 50 died. dude, nice pretzel twist.


Like I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The paper used as a reference for your website doesn’t report what the mortality rate is for any any category below 80, so the spots are blank.

You’re making false assumptions.
well again, how am I wrong, if none have been reported? need cheese?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The deaths were reported in the paper. Apparently you’re not familiar with the language so I’ll explain it to you. That means the authors of the paper did not write it down in the paper. The data exists. The deaths have been reported, but when they wrote the paper it was not data that they decided to put in the paper.
well post the paper it was in.
if they didn't happen, then they wouldn't be reported. get it? Again, point to a link that shows someone under 50 died. dude, nice pretzel twist.


Like I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The paper used as a reference for your website doesn’t report what the mortality rate is for any any category below 80, so the spots are blank.

You’re making false assumptions.
well again, how am I wrong, if none have been reported? need cheese?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The deaths were reported in the paper. Apparently you’re not familiar with the language so I’ll explain it to you. That means the authors of the paper did not write it down in the paper. The data exists. The deaths have been reported, but when they wrote the paper it was not data that they decided to put in the paper.

I'm surprised you are unfamiliar with the concept of "Fake News".

Just because something is in a newspaper, doesn't necessarily mean it actually happened. A lot of times, newspapermen and journalists try to make a difference and craft public opinion by writing stories designed to do exactly that. Not because they are truthful or actually happened.
We need to capture this dumbass and send him to a deserted island somewhere or possibly Norh Korea or Iran.
There is stupid and then there is deathly dangerous, chronic, beyond belief, incurable stupidity. This dumbass ass suffers from the former. Get him out of our country. He is more dangerous than the coronavirus.
TDS is far more dangerous.
BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
You really think now is a time for public celebration?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
98% of people won't die if they catch it. so far no one under 50. why are you over reacting?
Are you going to answer the question...

Is now the time for public celebration?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
celebrate what? your question is open ended. I could be celebrating working from home. I could celebrate I don't have to go to the store for one month. I could be celebrating my dryer got fixed today. Many things to celebrate. be more clear.
Americans out publicly celebrating en masse, for anything.

Did you think now is a time for that a activity?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
we don't believe in your sky is falling scenarios. sorry you're unwanted in your world.
That’s because mortality rates weren’t reported in the paper they’re referencing. The spots in the table aren’t blank because no one died, but because they weren’t reported.

Stop making things up.
if they didn't happen, then they wouldn't be reported. get it? Again, point to a link that shows someone under 50 died. dude, nice pretzel twist.


Like I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The paper used as a reference for your website doesn’t report what the mortality rate is for any any category below 80, so the spots are blank.

You’re making false assumptions.
well again, how am I wrong, if none have been reported? need cheese?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The deaths were reported in the paper. Apparently you’re not familiar with the language so I’ll explain it to you. That means the authors of the paper did not write it down in the paper. The data exists. The deaths have been reported, but when they wrote the paper it was not data that they decided to put in the paper.

I'm surprised you are unfamiliar with the concept of "Fake News".

Just because something is in a newspaper, doesn't necessarily mean it actually happened. A lot of times, newspapermen and journalists try to make a difference and craft public opinion by writing stories designed to do exactly that. Not because they are truthful or actually happened.

When I said paper, I wasn’t referring to a newspaper. I was referring to a scientific paper. One published by the WHO regarding characteristics and responses in Wuhan to their outbreak.

Thanks for trying, but your comment is meaningless.
The UK is still a communist country that is likely going to waste billions of dollars on subsidizing the breathing lifestyles of those at high risk of death. That's still ridiculous. No country should be pouring money into this, because there is no return on investment. Those who are protecting by such measures will ultimately cost more money. This should be seen a blessing in disguise, but sadly saying such things seems to trigger the libtards.
What will happen in the US. Will we not subsidize breathing lifestyles of those at high risk of death since we are so much better than the UK.

There are high risk individuals and there are worthless humans who are in good health. Why save a worthless life.
There is no doubt, you are a worthless human being. Why spend money on something that is worthless?
That’s because mortality rates weren’t reported in the paper they’re referencing. The spots in the table aren’t blank because no one died, but because they weren’t reported.

Stop making things up.
if they didn't happen, then they wouldn't be reported. get it? Again, point to a link that shows someone under 50 died. dude, nice pretzel twist.


Like I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The paper used as a reference for your website doesn’t report what the mortality rate is for any any category below 80, so the spots are blank.

You’re making false assumptions.
well again, how am I wrong, if none have been reported? need cheese?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The deaths were reported in the paper. Apparently you’re not familiar with the language so I’ll explain it to you. That means the authors of the paper did not write it down in the paper. The data exists. The deaths have been reported, but when they wrote the paper it was not data that they decided to put in the paper.
well post the paper it was in.

It’s funny how I’m posting the paper you’re supposedly referencing. Just goes to show that you don’t really know what you’re talking about.


Mortality rates discussed around the bottom of page 12.
Like I said, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The paper used as a reference for your website doesn’t report what the mortality rate is for any any category below 80, so the spots are blank.

You’re making false assumptions.
well again, how am I wrong, if none have been reported? need cheese?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The deaths were reported in the paper. Apparently you’re not familiar with the language so I’ll explain it to you. That means the authors of the paper did not write it down in the paper. The data exists. The deaths have been reported, but when they wrote the paper it was not data that they decided to put in the paper.

I'm surprised you are unfamiliar with the concept of "Fake News".

Just because something is in a newspaper, doesn't necessarily mean it actually happened. A lot of times, newspapermen and journalists try to make a difference and craft public opinion by writing stories designed to do exactly that. Not because they are truthful or actually happened.
We need to capture this dumbass and send him to a deserted island somewhere or possibly Norh Korea or Iran.
There is stupid and then there is deathly dangerous, chronic, beyond belief, incurable stupidity. This dumbass ass suffers from the former. Get him out of our country. He is more dangerous than the coronavirus.
TDS is far more dangerous.
These idiotic posts cannot be coming from real people. This has to be people pulling all of our chains or Russians acting like the stupidest of stupid Americans.
I cannot believe there are this many absolutely dumbass people in the US.
This no longer has anything to do with Trump. This has to do with what doctors and scientists are telling us. Trump has been locked in his bedroom with bags of McDonald burgers and a case of diet coke watching Fox news and cartoons.
Worst case scenario is a few million Americans die. I don't know a single person whose life is worth the amount of damage that is being caused by shutting down the economy. We need to stop acting like children start living life as normal. Yes, a few million or more people may die, but that's their patriotic duty. I wish it didn't have to happen, but some times people need to die for the good of the country. These are also the weakest members of our nation. How much do they cost the US economy everyday that they wake up? They need to face up to reality that this may the one good thing they can do for our great country. Imagine if the men storming the beaches of Normandy were behaving similar to the snowflakes who are cowering in fear over a tiny little virus. Suck it up and go forward. We cannot let self-entitled snowflakes dictate how this country is run. Stop closing down businesses. Stop working from home. Stop subsidies to help those who refuse to do their JOBS so they can get money to pay their bills.

I am tired of long lines, increased hold times, and the smell of lysol. Let's end this madness that the democrats are causing just to make President Trump look bad.
You should start by shooting yourself in the head...now. Do the world a favor.

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
Last edited:
You really think now is a time for public celebration?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
98% of people won't die if they catch it. so far no one under 50. why are you over reacting?
Are you going to answer the question...

Is now the time for public celebration?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
celebrate what? your question is open ended. I could be celebrating working from home. I could celebrate I don't have to go to the store for one month. I could be celebrating my dryer got fixed today. Many things to celebrate. be more clear.
Americans out publicly celebrating en masse, for anything.

Did you think now is a time for that a activity?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk
we don't believe in your sky is falling scenarios. sorry you're unwanted in your world.
So, I take it that's a yes?

Sent from my SM-N976V using Tapatalk

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