We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
So all of the experts, including doctors, scientists and epidemiologists, are overreacting? The mainstream media did not declare a pandemic. President Trump has asked people to not go to bars and restaurants. Is he overreacting? I guess the stock market is more important than people's lives. Tragic, very tragic.
IMHO, the panic is the pandemic, not Covid-19.

The infection rates are significantly lower than are being reported. There is no definitive test for corona virus being used in emergency room admissions at hospitals. Many patients may be suffering from other kinds of infections. This is because the symptoms of Corona virus infection are similar to many other pathogens. Thus, identifying someone as having "Corona Virus" by simply observing symptoms is unscientific and beyond stupid.

Reported "Mortality rates" are statistically being misrepresented. They regard the rates of mortality of patients admitted to hospitals suffering from influenza like symptoms which are presumed to be Corona virus. Thus, the current rates being reported of 3.4% do not regard only the Corona virus. Also, death may not result from the virus but from other symptoms.

A highly rigorous analysis of causes of death is needed, and this cannot be done daily, this requires months of statistical analysis and has to be conducted in highly controlled environments. None of that is happening...

Fools are buying toilet paper and canned corn, I'll be buying stocks.

Koch Industries is one of the world's greatest TP manufacturer. Quilted Northern and Angel Soft are among their tremendous brands. Unfortunately , Koch is a privately held company
IMHO, the panic is the pandemic, not Covid-19.

The infection rates are significantly lower than are being reported. There is no definitive test for corona virus being used in emergency room admissions at hospitals. Many patients may be suffering from other kinds of infections. This is because the symptoms of Corona virus infection are similar to many other pathogens. Thus, identifying someone as having "Corona Virus" by simply observing symptoms is unscientific and beyond stupid.

Reported "Mortality rates" are statistically being misrepresented. They regard the rates of mortality of patients admitted to hospitals suffering from influenza like symptoms which are presumed to be Corona virus. Thus, the current rates being reported of 3.4% do not regard only the Corona virus. Also, death may not result from the virus but from other symptoms.

A highly rigorous analysis of causes of death is needed, and this cannot be done daily, this requires months of statistical analysis and has to be conducted in highly controlled environments. None of that is happening...

Fools are buying toilet paper and canned corn, I'll be buying stocks.

Koch Industries is one of the world's greatest TP manufacturer. Quilted Northern and Angel Soft are among their tremendous brands. Unfortunately , Koch is a privately held company

I am buying Vanguard Dividend Growth fund.
He did that personally? or did the FDA follow its rather strict procedures for test kits?

And since in our Federal System the States have the "boots on the ground" responsibility for things like this, Governors by design will have to "take their own actions". The Feds are limited by law to support and control of the borders. If state border shutdowns are required, they would have to approve of them as well.

It's why NY is using its own National Guard to help with the quarantine in New Rochelle, not federal troops.

Amazing how according to Trump Cultists, Trump has no responsibility for things now that they are going south, badly.
He did that personally? or did the FDA follow its rather strict procedures for test kits?

And since in our Federal System the States have the "boots on the ground" responsibility for things like this, Governors by design will have to "take their own actions". The Feds are limited by law to support and control of the borders. If state border shutdowns are required, they would have to approve of them as well.

It's why NY is using its own National Guard to help with the quarantine in New Rochelle, not federal troops.

Amazing how according to Trump Cultists, Trump has no responsibility for things now that they are going south, badly.

Was Edward III or Justinian responsible for the pestilences in their day? I didn't blame Obama for the hemorrhoids I contracted during his reign.
well again, how am I wrong, if none have been reported? need cheese?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The deaths were reported in the paper. Apparently you’re not familiar with the language so I’ll explain it to you. That means the authors of the paper did not write it down in the paper. The data exists. The deaths have been reported, but when they wrote the paper it was not data that they decided to put in the paper.
well post the paper it was in.

It’s funny how I’m posting the paper you’re supposedly referencing. Just goes to show that you don’t really know what you’re talking about.


Mortality rates discussed around the bottom of page 12.
yeah, thanks for the link, but what is it on page 12 that backs your position? quote it. I had confirmed cases. I did a word search. now within this quoted material, where does it mention people under 50?

here's all I found.

As of 20 February, 2114 of the 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases have died.

Mortality increases with age, with the highest mortality among people over 80 years of age (CFR 21.9%). The CFR is higher among males compared to females (4.7% vs. 2.8%). By occupation, patients who reported being retirees had the highest CFR at 8.9%. While patients who reported no comorbid conditions had a CFR of 1.4%, patients with comorbid conditions had much higher rates: 13.2% for those with cardiovascular disease, 9.2% for diabetes, 8.4% for hypertension, 8.0% for chronic respiratory disease, and 7.6% for cancer
Yes. As you see, they didn’t include mortality rates for individuals ages below 80 which is why the spots on the chart are blank. If no one in those age brackets died, the mortality rate would be listed as zero. The spots are blank because there is no data.

So you see how you’re mistaken?

Stop making things up.
I'm not mistaken at all. there is no data. no data means no data. you're making up shit, not me. I merely posted factual data. I made nothing up. there is no figure for any person under 50. I'm still waiting for you to prove me wrong. you failed poindexter.
yeah, thanks for the link, but what is it on page 12 that backs your position? quote it. I had confirmed cases. I did a word search. now within this quoted material, where does it mention people under 50?

here's all I found.

As of 20 February, 2114 of the 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases have died.

Mortality increases with age, with the highest mortality among people over 80 years of age (CFR 21.9%). The CFR is higher among males compared to females (4.7% vs. 2.8%). By occupation, patients who reported being retirees had the highest CFR at 8.9%. While patients who reported no comorbid conditions had a CFR of 1.4%, patients with comorbid conditions had much higher rates: 13.2% for those with cardiovascular disease, 9.2% for diabetes, 8.4% for hypertension, 8.0% for chronic respiratory disease, and 7.6% for cancer
Yes. As you see, they didn’t include mortality rates for individuals ages below 80 which is why the spots on the chart are blank. If no one in those age brackets died, the mortality rate would be listed as zero. The spots are blank because there is no data.

So you see how you’re mistaken?

Stop making things up.
so that means there some? come on fk, again, spin as you need. my point is still valid and yours is still missing. so once you can point to one death under 50, I'll be stating no confirmed deaths below 50.

It remains unclear hoe you’ve come to the conclusion there have been no confirmed deaths below 50.

Are you just making that up?

If you are claiming that there are confirmed deaths of people below 50 from coronavirus, you should verify it

Why am I the only one that has to verify it. The other poster made the claim that no one under 50 has died. You don’t ask them for verification?
because you said there were. I provided data that shows me correct. you haven't proven there were. still waiting.
What has changed in the last three days?

Coronavirus Update: New York, New Jersey, Connecticut agree to shared COVID-19 restrictions

"Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the latest coronavirus numbers in New York state, which currently stand at 950 cases with seven fatalities.

"Cuomo said 158, roughly 17% of cases, are hospitalized.

"There have been 221 new cases since Sunday, including 134 new cases in New York City to bring the total there to 463."
well I'd say quarantining isn't working then. why is that? The test is really quite simple and you can test yourself, one symptom is a temperature. They even showed at the pres's presser yesterday they took the temperature of each reporter before letting them in. No temperature, no virus. how come that's so hard for some of you?
You don’t know what you’re talking about.

The deaths were reported in the paper. Apparently you’re not familiar with the language so I’ll explain it to you. That means the authors of the paper did not write it down in the paper. The data exists. The deaths have been reported, but when they wrote the paper it was not data that they decided to put in the paper.
well post the paper it was in.

It’s funny how I’m posting the paper you’re supposedly referencing. Just goes to show that you don’t really know what you’re talking about.


Mortality rates discussed around the bottom of page 12.
yeah, thanks for the link, but what is it on page 12 that backs your position? quote it. I had confirmed cases. I did a word search. now within this quoted material, where does it mention people under 50?

here's all I found.

As of 20 February, 2114 of the 55,924 laboratory confirmed cases have died.

Mortality increases with age, with the highest mortality among people over 80 years of age (CFR 21.9%). The CFR is higher among males compared to females (4.7% vs. 2.8%). By occupation, patients who reported being retirees had the highest CFR at 8.9%. While patients who reported no comorbid conditions had a CFR of 1.4%, patients with comorbid conditions had much higher rates: 13.2% for those with cardiovascular disease, 9.2% for diabetes, 8.4% for hypertension, 8.0% for chronic respiratory disease, and 7.6% for cancer
Yes. As you see, they didn’t include mortality rates for individuals ages below 80 which is why the spots on the chart are blank. If no one in those age brackets died, the mortality rate would be listed as zero. The spots are blank because there is no data.

So you see how you’re mistaken?

Stop making things up.
I'm not mistaken at all. there is no data. no data means no data. you're making up shit, not me. I merely posted factual data. I made nothing up. there is no figure for any person under 50. I'm still waiting for you to prove me wrong. you failed poindexter.
There’s plenty of data, it’s just not written in that paper that you’re citing without actually knowing you’re citing it.

That’s how confused you are. You don’t even know what you’re basing your own argument on.
Yes. As you see, they didn’t include mortality rates for individuals ages below 80 which is why the spots on the chart are blank. If no one in those age brackets died, the mortality rate would be listed as zero. The spots are blank because there is no data.

So you see how you’re mistaken?

Stop making things up.
so that means there some? come on fk, again, spin as you need. my point is still valid and yours is still missing. so once you can point to one death under 50, I'll be stating no confirmed deaths below 50.

It remains unclear hoe you’ve come to the conclusion there have been no confirmed deaths below 50.

Are you just making that up?

If you are claiming that there are confirmed deaths of people below 50 from coronavirus, you should verify it

Why am I the only one that has to verify it. The other poster made the claim that no one under 50 has died. You don’t ask them for verification?
because you said there were. I provided data that shows me correct. you haven't proven there were. still waiting.
You have not provided any data that shows you’re correct, as I’ve attempted to point out to you and you’re refuses to acknowledge. That’s not my fault that you don’t understand what you’re talking about. It’s especially not my fault that you aren’t listening to me setting you straight.
Go on, what about it?

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Over 14,000 deaths no panic
14000 out of over 7 BILLION

no need to panic
And how many Americans have died from the Coronavirus that caused the panic we have now??
FYI there aren't 7 billion America's.
FYI there haven't been 14000 deaths in the US
There were over 14,000 deaths in America due to H1N1

H1NI is not this virus in case you didn't know that
Over 14,000 deaths no panic
14000 out of over 7 BILLION

no need to panic
And how many Americans have died from the Coronavirus that caused the panic we have now??
FYI there aren't 7 billion America's.
FYI there haven't been 14000 deaths in the US
There were over 14,000 deaths in America due to H1N1

H1NI is not this virus in case you didn't know that
Ok this virus has killed less Americans than N1H1 Was that your point?
14000 out of over 7 BILLION

no need to panic
And how many Americans have died from the Coronavirus that caused the panic we have now??
FYI there aren't 7 billion America's.
FYI there haven't been 14000 deaths in the US
There were over 14,000 deaths in America due to H1N1

H1NI is not this virus in case you didn't know that
Ok this virus has killed less Americans than N1H1 Was that your point?

My point was that this virus has not killed 14000 people in the US as was claimed
And how many Americans have died from the Coronavirus that caused the panic we have now??
FYI there aren't 7 billion America's.
FYI there haven't been 14000 deaths in the US
There were over 14,000 deaths in America due to H1N1

H1NI is not this virus in case you didn't know that
Ok this virus has killed less Americans than N1H1 Was that your point?

My point was that this virus has not killed 14000 people in the US as was claimed
The CDC disagrees
The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: A New Flu Virus Emerges ... and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States ...
2009 H1N1 Pandemic
FYI there haven't been 14000 deaths in the US
There were over 14,000 deaths in America due to H1N1

H1NI is not this virus in case you didn't know that
Ok this virus has killed less Americans than N1H1 Was that your point?

My point was that this virus has not killed 14000 people in the US as was claimed
The CDC disagrees
The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: A New Flu Virus Emerges ... and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States ...
2009 H1N1 Pandemic
you don't seem to comprehend that this thread is not about H1N1
There were over 14,000 deaths in America due to H1N1

H1NI is not this virus in case you didn't know that
Ok this virus has killed less Americans than N1H1 Was that your point?

My point was that this virus has not killed 14000 people in the US as was claimed
The CDC disagrees
The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: A New Flu Virus Emerges ... and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States ...
2009 H1N1 Pandemic
you don't seem to comprehend that this thread is not about H1N1
Now you're arguing this thread is not about N1H1 LOL when it's proven N1H1 was more deadlier in a thread about not over reacting to the Coronavirus. Hilarious
H1NI is not this virus in case you didn't know that
Ok this virus has killed less Americans than N1H1 Was that your point?

My point was that this virus has not killed 14000 people in the US as was claimed
The CDC disagrees
The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: A New Flu Virus Emerges ... and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States ...
2009 H1N1 Pandemic
you don't seem to comprehend that this thread is not about H1N1
Now you're arguing this thread is not about N1H1 LOL when it's proven N1H1 was more deadlier in a thread about not over reacting to the Coronavirus. Hilarious

I'm not arguing anything I am stating a fact.

Someone said there were 14000 deaths due to corona in the US

There hasn't been

You're the one talking about H1N1 not me
Ok this virus has killed less Americans than N1H1 Was that your point?

My point was that this virus has not killed 14000 people in the US as was claimed
The CDC disagrees
The 2009 H1N1 Pandemic: A New Flu Virus Emerges ... and 12,469 deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States ...
2009 H1N1 Pandemic
you don't seem to comprehend that this thread is not about H1N1
Now you're arguing this thread is not about N1H1 LOL when it's proven N1H1 was more deadlier in a thread about not over reacting to the Coronavirus. Hilarious

I'm not arguing anything I am stating a fact.

Someone said there were 14000 deaths due to corona in the US

There hasn't been

You're the one talking about H1N1 not me
You're wrong your facts are wrong according to the CDC
No one that I know of has said the Coronavirus has killed 14000 America's
OK lets get a few things straight about covid 19

1. when our economy is on the skids who benefits? China, Russia, Iran, Democrats, the anti Trump media

2. This virus has not affected as many americans as the every year flu or H1N1, bird flu, west nile, Sars, or any of the other humanity-ending pandemics that seem to occur every election year

3. the fake panic has revealed that we are much too dependent on China for paper products and especially antibiotics and other drugs

4. the stock market crash is an vast over reaction driven by media hype, it will find a bottom and start back up soon, no reason to cash out at a loss now.

5. 80% of the people who get this will not even know they have it and 97% who get it will survive. Those who will die are either the very old or those with compromised immune systems or other major health issues, those people woutd probably die if covid 19 never happened.

6. government agencies and businesses are scared shitless of being sued. so they are going overboard with closings and shutting events down. If they don't take those drastic actions and someone gets sick at their place of business or social event, they could be blamed and/or sued, so like doctors ordering unnecessary tests in order to protect them selves from malpractice suits, the govts and businesses take the safests path to protect themselves from greedy lawyers and crazed media pukes.

7; This will end, we will get back to normal, it may be two weeks or two months, but it will happen.

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