We now know why it took so long to identify the Oregan shooter

I read that the nutjob was linked to a Moslem nutjob on his MySpace page....

I can't vouch for the authenticity but here is the link ....BREAKING: CONFIRMED: Chris Harper-Mercer Is 26 Year-Old Muslim Killer #UCCShooting - GotNews

One thing is certain- the wacko is not white.


Righties will never learn.

We've learned one thing - He's not white. Much to the chagrin of many.....

His race is unimportant to me. The heinious crime that he committed, now that is important to me.
I heard he was a Tea Party member and contributed to the NRA. That's probably not important to you either.

Actually, no, it would not be.
Your mancrush on me is really embarrassing. Ugh.
Maybe you can hit up on Aaron or Howey or NLT for a while....
no legitimate news source is claiming he's a muslim. just the crazies are doing that.
Would that be the same news sites that refused to identify him as black?

He's not black: he's mixed race. With a skin color between white and black.
Smart people know this. Racists only see black, because they want to.
And his identity was delayed, maybe 7 hours, BECAUSE the police chief said it would be delayed until the coroner was absolutely sure who it was, using things like dental records, because that is policy when it comes to these kind of crimes.

You are really not very bright, now are you....
Is that why when a white shooter shoots up a place we are told within minutes who he is and what race he was? So Obama is not black now? Thanks for clearing that up perhaps you should inform historians that have all parroted the line that Obama is the first BLACK president? Is that why news organizations whitened his pictured?

No news source "whitened" the picture of the shooter, sone right-wing blogger did and claimed he got it fron CNN.

Then you guys all ran with it, because you really wanted it to be true.

CNN did it, numskull:

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer - A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted...


REAL IMAGE (left) – CNN IMAGE (right)

Not surprising, coming from CNN (Communist News Network). Had to make him White. In flucked up Communist/Progressive world, it's only a crime if a White Christian dude's involved.
no legitimate news source is claiming he's a muslim. just the crazies are doing that.
Would that be the same news sites that refused to identify him as black?

He's not black: he's mixed race. With a skin color between white and black.
Smart people know this. Racists only see black, because they want to.
And his identity was delayed, maybe 7 hours, BECAUSE the police chief said it would be delayed until the coroner was absolutely sure who it was, using things like dental records, because that is policy when it comes to these kind of crimes.

You are really not very bright, now are you....
Is that why when a white shooter shoots up a place we are told within minutes who he is and what race he was? So Obama is not black now? Thanks for clearing that up perhaps you should inform historians that have all parroted the line that Obama is the first BLACK president? Is that why news organizations whitened his pictured?

No news source "whitened" the picture of the shooter, sone right-wing blogger did and claimed he got it fron CNN.

Then you guys all ran with it, because you really wanted it to be true.

CNN did it, numskull:

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer - A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted...


REAL IMAGE (left) – CNN IMAGE (right)

Yeah, that's the random conservative blogger I was referring to, that made it up. Every other ridiculous right wing blog leads right back to that story.

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? I've heard about some interesting and lucrative financial opportunities from exiled Nigerian princes...
I guess because he's a mass shooter the guy is now a "white-black." :D
It was his white half that made him shoot.
the black muslim half tried to stop the white half but the white was too strong in him.

Are y'all psychiatrists. Thats an awesome observation.
Are you? y'all seem to be pretty sure that we dont like the boy child because he is black.

No. I just thought that was funny!
I read that the nutjob was linked to a Moslem nutjob on his MySpace page....

I can't vouch for the authenticity but here is the link ....BREAKING: CONFIRMED: Chris Harper-Mercer Is 26 Year-Old Muslim Killer #UCCShooting - GotNews

One thing is certain- the wacko is not white.


Righties will never learn.

We've learned one thing - He's not white. Much to the chagrin of many.....

His race is unimportant to me. The heinious crime that he committed, now that is important to me.
and obamas race is not important to us, the heinous crimes against the country is what is important to us.
In the bizarre media world of race George Zimmerman is not Hispanic, Rachel Dolezal is not white, Obama is not mixed race, and this loser is not black.
Libs are the biggest racists on the planet. And Statistheilhitler is their court jester.

Uhm, no. You are drunk, probably on cum.
Give it a rest, fake rabid rabbit rabbi.
So you have NEVER said Obama was a black man? You have never referred to him as the first black President, you have never claimed some person opposed to his policies is actually a racist upset because Obama is black? None of that has ever been said by you, right?
Statistheilhitler is the biggest scumbag on this site. He lacks a shred of intellectual honesty. Hell, he lacks a shred of intellect.
Would that be the same news sites that refused to identify him as black?

He's not black: he's mixed race. With a skin color between white and black.
Smart people know this. Racists only see black, because they want to.
And his identity was delayed, maybe 7 hours, BECAUSE the police chief said it would be delayed until the coroner was absolutely sure who it was, using things like dental records, because that is policy when it comes to these kind of crimes.

You are really not very bright, now are you....
Is that why when a white shooter shoots up a place we are told within minutes who he is and what race he was? So Obama is not black now? Thanks for clearing that up perhaps you should inform historians that have all parroted the line that Obama is the first BLACK president? Is that why news organizations whitened his pictured?

No news source "whitened" the picture of the shooter, sone right-wing blogger did and claimed he got it fron CNN.

Then you guys all ran with it, because you really wanted it to be true.

CNN did it, numskull:

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer - A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted...


REAL IMAGE (left) – CNN IMAGE (right)

Yeah, that's the random conservative blogger I was referring to, that made it up. Every other ridiculous right wing blog leads right back to that story.

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? I've heard about some interesting and lucrative financial opportunities from exiled Nigerian princes...
So you agree with Stat that he is not a black man and that Obama is not either right?
It's fun to watch the racists here just get madder and madder and madder.


Carry on. It's good entertainment.

Bunch of dorks.
I read that the nutjob was linked to a Moslem nutjob on his MySpace page....

I can't vouch for the authenticity but here is the link ....BREAKING: CONFIRMED: Chris Harper-Mercer Is 26 Year-Old Muslim Killer #UCCShooting - GotNews

One thing is certain- the wacko is not white.


Righties will never learn.

We've learned one thing - He's not white. Much to the chagrin of many.....

His race is unimportant to me. The heinious crime that he committed, now that is important to me.
I heard he was a Tea Party member and contributed to the NRA. That's probably not important to you either.

Actually, no, it would not be.
Your mancrush on me is really embarrassing. Ugh.
Maybe you can hit up on Aaron or Howey or NLT for a while....
LOL! Yeah tell us. You'd be talking about right wing nutjobs. Like you always do.
He's not black: he's mixed race. With a skin color between white and black.
Smart people know this. Racists only see black, because they want to.
And his identity was delayed, maybe 7 hours, BECAUSE the police chief said it would be delayed until the coroner was absolutely sure who it was, using things like dental records, because that is policy when it comes to these kind of crimes.

You are really not very bright, now are you....
Is that why when a white shooter shoots up a place we are told within minutes who he is and what race he was? So Obama is not black now? Thanks for clearing that up perhaps you should inform historians that have all parroted the line that Obama is the first BLACK president? Is that why news organizations whitened his pictured?

No news source "whitened" the picture of the shooter, sone right-wing blogger did and claimed he got it fron CNN.

Then you guys all ran with it, because you really wanted it to be true.

CNN did it, numskull:

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer - A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted...


REAL IMAGE (left) – CNN IMAGE (right)

Yeah, that's the random conservative blogger I was referring to, that made it up. Every other ridiculous right wing blog leads right back to that story.

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? I've heard about some interesting and lucrative financial opportunities from exiled Nigerian princes...
So you agree with Stat that he is not a black man and that Obama is not either right?

What in the world are you talking about?
In the bizarre media world of race George Zimmerman is not Hispanic, Rachel Dolezal is not white, Obama is not mixed race, and this loser is not black.
Libs are the biggest racists on the planet. And Statistheilhitler is their court jester.

Uhm, no. You are drunk, probably on cum.
Give it a rest, fake rabid rabbit rabbi.
So you have NEVER said Obama was a black man? You have never referred to him as the first black President, you have never claimed some person opposed to his policies is actually a racist upset because Obama is black? None of that has ever been said by you, right?
Statistheilhitler is the biggest scumbag on this site. He lacks a shred of intellectual honesty. Hell, he lacks a shred of intellect.

Your opinion, which amounts to less than a small pile of flyshit.

Righties will never learn.

We've learned one thing - He's not white. Much to the chagrin of many.....

His race is unimportant to me. The heinious crime that he committed, now that is important to me.
I heard he was a Tea Party member and contributed to the NRA. That's probably not important to you either.

Actually, no, it would not be.
Your mancrush on me is really embarrassing. Ugh.
Maybe you can hit up on Aaron or Howey or NLT for a while....
LOL! Yeah tell us. You'd be talking about right wing nutjobs. Like you always do.

I do try to avoid talking about you, it ruins my appetitite and I do love a good steak dinner.
I read that the nutjob was linked to a Moslem nutjob on his MySpace page....

I can't vouch for the authenticity but here is the link ....BREAKING: CONFIRMED: Chris Harper-Mercer Is 26 Year-Old Muslim Killer #UCCShooting - GotNews

One thing is certain- the wacko is not white.


Righties will never learn.

We've learned one thing - He's not white. Much to the chagrin of many.....

His race is unimportant to me. The heinious crime that he committed, now that is important to me.
I heard he was a Tea Party member and contributed to the NRA. That's probably not important to you either.
would it be asking too much to have a link included? I would prefer one that did not come from some BS leftist site.

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