We now know why it took so long to identify the Oregan shooter

Is that why when a white shooter shoots up a place we are told within minutes who he is and what race he was? So Obama is not black now? Thanks for clearing that up perhaps you should inform historians that have all parroted the line that Obama is the first BLACK president? Is that why news organizations whitened his pictured?

No news source "whitened" the picture of the shooter, sone right-wing blogger did and claimed he got it fron CNN.

Then you guys all ran with it, because you really wanted it to be true.

CNN did it, numskull:

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer - A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted...


REAL IMAGE (left) – CNN IMAGE (right)

Yeah, that's the random conservative blogger I was referring to, that made it up. Every other ridiculous right wing blog leads right back to that story.

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? I've heard about some interesting and lucrative financial opportunities from exiled Nigerian princes...
So you agree with Stat that he is not a black man and that Obama is not either right?

What in the world are you talking about?
So you are not reading all the replies just the ones that you want to? Stat has claimed the shooter is NOT a black man. Then hedged on whether Obama was or not. Now he is insisting color doesn't matter. All the while reminding everyone that the shooter was mixed race.
No news source "whitened" the picture of the shooter, sone right-wing blogger did and claimed he got it fron CNN.

Then you guys all ran with it, because you really wanted it to be true.

CNN did it, numskull:

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer - A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted...


REAL IMAGE (left) – CNN IMAGE (right)

Yeah, that's the random conservative blogger I was referring to, that made it up. Every other ridiculous right wing blog leads right back to that story.

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? I've heard about some interesting and lucrative financial opportunities from exiled Nigerian princes...
So you agree with Stat that he is not a black man and that Obama is not either right?

What in the world are you talking about?
So you are not reading all the replies just the ones that you want to? Stat has claimed the shooter is NOT a black man. Then hedged on whether Obama was or not. Now he is insisting color doesn't matter. All the while reminding everyone that the shooter was mixed race.

Why would anything I've posted imply to you that I agreed with whatever nonsense you attributed to me in your post?

Yeah, that's the random conservative blogger I was referring to, that made it up. Every other ridiculous right wing blog leads right back to that story.

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? I've heard about some interesting and lucrative financial opportunities from exiled Nigerian princes...
So you agree with Stat that he is not a black man and that Obama is not either right?

What in the world are you talking about?
So you are not reading all the replies just the ones that you want to? Stat has claimed the shooter is NOT a black man. Then hedged on whether Obama was or not. Now he is insisting color doesn't matter. All the while reminding everyone that the shooter was mixed race.

Why would anything I've posted imply to you that I agreed with whatever nonsense you attributed to me in your post?
In other words YOU only respond to right side and ignore all the left side stuff cause you can not oppose your side even when they are wrong, got it. Nice to know you don't even bother to read your buddies posts cause they may embarrass you.
Yeah, that's the random conservative blogger I was referring to, that made it up. Every other ridiculous right wing blog leads right back to that story.

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? I've heard about some interesting and lucrative financial opportunities from exiled Nigerian princes...
So you agree with Stat that he is not a black man and that Obama is not either right?

What in the world are you talking about?
So you are not reading all the replies just the ones that you want to? Stat has claimed the shooter is NOT a black man. Then hedged on whether Obama was or not. Now he is insisting color doesn't matter. All the while reminding everyone that the shooter was mixed race.

Why would anything I've posted imply to you that I agreed with whatever nonsense you attributed to me in your post?
In other words YOU only respond to right side and ignore all the left side stuff cause you can not oppose your side even when they are wrong, got it. Nice to know you don't even bother to read your buddies posts cause they may embarrass you.

You seem very butthurt.

Need some creme, little boy scout?
Yeah, that's the random conservative blogger I was referring to, that made it up. Every other ridiculous right wing blog leads right back to that story.

Do you believe everything you read on the internet? I've heard about some interesting and lucrative financial opportunities from exiled Nigerian princes...
So you agree with Stat that he is not a black man and that Obama is not either right?

What in the world are you talking about?
So you are not reading all the replies just the ones that you want to? Stat has claimed the shooter is NOT a black man. Then hedged on whether Obama was or not. Now he is insisting color doesn't matter. All the while reminding everyone that the shooter was mixed race.

Why would anything I've posted imply to you that I agreed with whatever nonsense you attributed to me in your post?
In other words YOU only respond to right side and ignore all the left side stuff cause you can not oppose your side even when they are wrong, got it. Nice to know you don't even bother to read your buddies posts cause they may embarrass you.


I respond to whatever posts pique my interest. I'm under no obligation to respond to the posts that you feel that I should respond to.

Aside from the concept itself being ridiculous, it's particularly entertaining to watch you try to play "fairness cop". I don't believe I've ever seen you call out one of your "side", on any issue.
So you agree with Stat that he is not a black man and that Obama is not either right?

What in the world are you talking about?
So you are not reading all the replies just the ones that you want to? Stat has claimed the shooter is NOT a black man. Then hedged on whether Obama was or not. Now he is insisting color doesn't matter. All the while reminding everyone that the shooter was mixed race.

Why would anything I've posted imply to you that I agreed with whatever nonsense you attributed to me in your post?
In other words YOU only respond to right side and ignore all the left side stuff cause you can not oppose your side even when they are wrong, got it. Nice to know you don't even bother to read your buddies posts cause they may embarrass you.


I respond to whatever posts pique my interest. I'm under no obligation to respond to the posts that you feel that I should respond to.

Aside from the concept itself being ridiculous, it's particularly entertaining to watch you try to play "fairness cop". I don't believe I've ever seen you call out one of your "side", on any issue.
Of course you haven't you can not even be bothered reading all of a thread. As for fairness, I am NOT a mod one would think that as a mod you would actually read all the posts looking for violations of board rules.
This is simple, dummies.

First....the OP is wrong. It didn't take any longer to ID this guy than it has taken in other cases. That is nutter dishonesty.

Second...this guy appears to be white. The first photo I saw of him was on his dating site page. Based on that photo, I could not have guessed that he's got one black parent. That's why he's not being called black. President Obama, on the other hand, appears to be black. It is obvious that he has at least one black parent.

You dumb shits can't be honest about anything. I'm glad I could help.
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no legitimate news source is claiming he's a muslim. just the crazies are doing that.
Would that be the same news sites that refused to identify him as black?

He's not black: he's mixed race. With a skin color between white and black.
Smart people know this. Racists only see black, because they want to.
And his identity was delayed, maybe 7 hours, BECAUSE the police chief said it would be delayed until the coroner was absolutely sure who it was, using things like dental records, because that is policy when it comes to these kind of crimes.

You are really not very bright, now are you....
Is that why when a white shooter shoots up a place we are told within minutes who he is and what race he was? So Obama is not black now? Thanks for clearing that up perhaps you should inform historians that have all parroted the line that Obama is the first BLACK president? Is that why news organizations whitened his pictured?

No news source "whitened" the picture of the shooter, sone right-wing blogger did and claimed he got it fron CNN.

Then you guys all ran with it, because you really wanted it to be true.

CNN did it, numskull:

The Curious Case of Oregon Shooter Chris Harper-Mercer - A Social Media Profile Shaped, Modified and Deleted...


REAL IMAGE (left) – CNN IMAGE (right)

Sorry, but there is no proof that this is real. NONE. It's misinformation. Propaganda.

Conservative Treehouse, Gateway Pundit, et,al, do intentionally mislead.....the unsubstantiated lies they tell are repeated ad nauseum by other sites until people believe it is legit. This lie even made it onto the front page of Drudge. Sadly misinformation is the norm for partisan reporting that passes as "news"...

Until someone can show a real link to the supposed "photoshopping" by CNN, this story is total bunk.
As for the question of whether the shooter was black, of course he was.

Don't be fucking morons. Why the fuck does whether you call him black or not matter?

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