We really do need something to replace the red X

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I kind of liked the redex thing, didn't/don't really care about the rating thing so much, but I am curious about the feelings/opinions of everyone just as much as I am the actual 'meat' of the post. It also helped speed up my scanning of posts cause if I saw a thread with a ton of dislikes I could skip reading it (same with posts.) Ultimately w/e, I speed read on most of the other forums I'm on anyway. *shrug*
Gunny had shit hissys...and they were a sight to behold. But he didn't let people run this board either. Assholes were ripped a new one and told to grow the fuck up..and if they didn't, he would make them grow up.
So let me get this straight. From my brief perusal of this thread and the other one that has now been closed; (obviously) the reputation system is gone because of the forums software change.

Under the old rep system, we could not neg rep anyone more in a 48 time line, lest we risk getting a temp ban. We could not positive rep anyone too much either, lest we were presented with the "You must spread some more reputation around before giving it to ____ again" message. And actually that applied to trying to give a neg rep as well.

Then after the initial the forum software changes and we could agree and disagree as much as we want with a 'like' thrown in and no 'messages'.

Now, we cannot even disagree at all with a post? I'm sorry but a political forum becoming "Politically Correct" by not allowing any 'down' of a poster's post is too Politically Correct for a political forum.

Just takes out political out of a political forum. IMHO.

If it was or is at all possible with this new forum software, try to add the extension, or whatever to retrieve the old rep and then we should all quit our . . . . . . B+++ching.

p.s. I am sure that many others who have been members much longer than I will flame my post, it has happened before and I expect to happen again.
I wouldn't dream of flaming your post. I would rep it all day, if I could.

But yes, you can expect to get flamed here. You seem to be articulate and write logical, easy to understand posts. Liberals HATE that.
When the reps system was up, I think I only gave a neg to one person. I think it was Rizhurkin (Sp?) because he told me I shouldn't move to HIS state and mess it up with my "liberal" ideologies. That kind of pissed me off. First off, I'm not a liberal. Secondly, no one can tell me where I can and cannot live. :rolleyes-41:

I forgive him though. :razz:
Just say it in words.
When a certain misogynist perv creep with homo erotic leanings manages to puke up a thread I liked being able to just x his crap and leave it at that. To respond means to interact with the dirtbag and give him the attention he so desperately desires

Before, when he was just ignored he thought it was acceptance

I don't think ignoring means acceptance. When you start a thread and only those that agree with you respond, there's no reward for the OP. The whole reason for posting a thread is for debate. Just x'ing it just means that one was not able to form a contradictory opinion and left in a huff. Probably gave the OP the feeling that he won.....ignoring him would have been better.

And besides, some trolls were going around and x'ing like 50 posts in a matter of minutes. You can't tell me they are reading all the posts. I got red'exed on pictures of cute Kittens.....no real effort on the part of the X'er.
Just say it in words.
When a certain misogynist perv creep with homo erotic leanings manages to puke up a thread I liked being able to just x his crap and leave it at that. To respond means to interact with the dirtbag and give him the attention he so desperately desires

Before, when he was just ignored he thought it was acceptance

I don't think ignoring means acceptance. When you start a thread and only those that agree with you respond, there's no reward for the OP. The whole reason for posting a thread is for debate. Just x'ing it just means that one was not able to form a contradictory opinion and left in a huff. Probably gave the OP the feeling that he won.....ignoring him would have been better.

And besides, some trolls were going around and x'ing like 50 posts in a matter of minutes. You can't tell me they are reading all the posts. I got red'exed on pictures of cute Kittens.....no real effort on the part of the X'er.

Why do you care? Are you redX scarred now? Do you have nightmares about Redexes?? :itsok:
To get right to the crux of the probs....TOO MANY CHANGES all at once. Hell we are all still trying to get used to the new software. Many members are MIA or not posting much any more. Others are actively looking for new digs. But the same shitters that were here before just found a new way to fuck with the new format and pissed a bunch of people off. So what to do? Go to Staff. What does staff do? They take the toys away. From everyone. Time to stop pussyfooting around and do something about the abusers...NOT the ones that have been here for a long time and are trying to stay here regardless of the changes.
Just say it in words.

I agree. The red X was for anyone that didn't know what to say when they didn't agree. Post your reasons for your disagreeing. Some were just clicking on the RED X like trolls, because they didn't even know why they disagreed..... were using it as a childish weapon against those they don't like.

I'm glad it's gone.
One opera singer, who shall remain unnamed, started slinging hundreds of redexes around like beads at Mardi Gras. I will admit I slung a couple dozen back.

You see, some people are just not worth the effort. In traffic, you just honk your horn and yell "Asshole". There is nothing you can say that will make an asshole, not an asshole.

No horn here at USMB anymore. And no more red X either
Again..it is NOT the redexs. Sure, they upset a few folks. They in turn went to where they always go..to staff. STAFF did something about it but what they did was punish the victims NOT the abusers doing it. Redexs are just....pencils. What are yall gonna do when the crayons are dragged out next?
I don't know what all happened to make Admin and mods choose to take the red x away, but I can near guarantee you this was not just done on a whim and they have their reasons that we are not privileged to....threads with the whining is probably only a part of it....I can see them being flooded with reporting and pm's complaining as well....(it's a thankless job)

You are correct. When you have to spend an inordinate amount of time on a single issue it simply becomes not worth it. If something can be abused people always find a way to do it.

It's easier to say "fuck it, lets just get rid of it" rather than try to constantly moderate and deal with it on a daily basis.

Making more rules was out of the question.

There is always an exception to the rule...
Just say it in words.
When a certain misogynist perv creep with homo erotic leanings manages to puke up a thread I liked being able to just x his crap and leave it at that. To respond means to interact with the dirtbag and give him the attention he so desperately desires

Before, when he was just ignored he thought it was acceptance

I don't think ignoring means acceptance. When you start a thread and only those that agree with you respond, there's no reward for the OP. The whole reason for posting a thread is for debate. Just x'ing it just means that one was not able to form a contradictory opinion and left in a huff. Probably gave the OP the feeling that he won.....ignoring him would have been better.

And besides, some trolls were going around and x'ing like 50 posts in a matter of minutes. You can't tell me they are reading all the posts. I got red'exed on pictures of cute Kittens.....no real effort on the part of the X'er.

That was so stupid when someone x'ed your kitty picture. Good Lord, what a douche!
I didn't see that post by CK. He is right. Someone will always find a way to fuck things up for others. So...instead of punishing EVERYONE, do something about the fuckers fucking everything up. And keep the redex gone if they want. But at least give us SOMETHING because Like Agree And Informative..suck.
Nothing will change tho.. this forum is NOT the same place it use to be and it keeps slinking further in to the liberal gutter.. you reap what you sow..
I'm kind of sad actually. Androw and I were having a red x contest going on. Now we'll never know who won. :cry:
So USMB will remain pussified?
We don't want to return to the time when some were bullying others by giving them neg reps, do we? Especially when they had less and the people doing it were telling them they should just shut up about it and accept it.

People were already abusing the red X. When you start red X'ing in the Lounge where people are just saying nice things to each other, that says to me that the person doing the red X'ing is just a troll trying to show their displeasure with someone that has different views whether political, religious or otherwise instead of just engaging them in conversation. If I don't like someone that much that I just want to smack them, I just ignore their posts and go on with my life, I don't need a Red X to show my displeasure.....or I can challenge what they said, like an adult.
What if we could Neg a Progressive by giving them a little Stalin avi and they could Neg an American by giving us a Reagan. It's still a Neg but we each would love having a collection of our Hero
Just say it in words.

I agree. The red X was for anyone that didn't know what to say when they didn't agree. Post your reasons for your disagreeing. Some were just clicking on the RED X like trolls, because they didn't even know why they disagreed..... were using it as a childish weapon against those they don't like.

I'm glad it's gone.

There's one member here who doesn't participate. She has only 4 posts, but I got about 40 redex from her. I have absolutely no idea what bee got in her bonnet because she just doesn't post comments to explain why she disagreed with me.
Lol! Bastards! :mad-61: <<<< I think we should use these smileys instead of redexes!

If people redexed me, I just redexed them right back. It does end up becoming a back and forth, but what I found annoying about it is when someone would go through the whole thread to redex all my posts and I would keep getting alerts for them! That was getting really annoying. I suppose I could have turned that feature off, but I like to get notified of the thanks too.

Yeah, if someone wants to disagree....why don't they just post in one of these = :mad-61:? Is it because they like that it's being counted and recorded so they can then use it to brag that they didn't get as many redX's, because the people they redx, who are adults, don't go around redx'ing just to annoy someone.
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