We really need to understand there are differences

There ARE differences. And blacks are trailing the pack. Not to say that they couldn't pull their pants up and catch up, they just don't seem to want to.

Yeah right. Maybe we need to enact laws that make it so for 188 years whites don't get the same opportunities we do then let's see who is behind.
Blacks tried to build a society called Africa but it's a total failure. You should thank your lucky stars that whites let you ungrateful bunch live in our society.

Africa is a continent that has 54 different countries on it. It was ding quite fine until whites decided they had rights to the continent. There is nothing to thank.
If you're not in Africa then you should thank the white man for letting you stay here in our white supremacist society, as you would call it. And if you're so unhappy here, why don't you go back to Africa.
There ARE differences. And blacks are trailing the pack. Not to say that they couldn't pull their pants up and catch up, they just don't seem to want to.

Yeah right. Maybe we need to enact laws that make it so for 188 years whites don't get the same opportunities we do then let's see who is behind.
Blacks tried to build a society called Africa but it's a total failure. You should thank your lucky stars that whites let you ungrateful bunch live in our society.

Africa is a continent that has 54 different countries on it. It was ding quite fine until whites decided they had rights to the continent. There is nothing to thank.
If you're not in Africa then you should thank the white man for letting you stay here in our white supremacist society, as you would call it. And if you're so unhappy here, why don't you go back to Africa.

No, I don't have to thank the white man for a damn thing. You thank the white man for allowing you to stay here without becoming a serf.
There ARE differences. And blacks are trailing the pack. Not to say that they couldn't pull their pants up and catch up, they just don't seem to want to.

Yeah right. Maybe we need to enact laws that make it so for 188 years whites don't get the same opportunities we do then let's see who is behind.
Blacks tried to build a society called Africa but it's a total failure. You should thank your lucky stars that whites let you ungrateful bunch live in our society.
Do you honestly believe these two things you said?
There ARE differences. And blacks are trailing the pack. Not to say that they couldn't pull their pants up and catch up, they just don't seem to want to.

Yeah right. Maybe we need to enact laws that make it so for 188 years whites don't get the same opportunities we do then let's see who is behind.
Blacks tried to build a society called Africa but it's a total failure. You should thank your lucky stars that whites let you ungrateful bunch live in our society.
Do you honestly believe these two things you said?

Seems like he does. He has repeated this over and over.

But of course he's not a racist.
For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites,
That sort of racism doesn't exist (well, unless you run into a total shut-in who has never seen or read about negroes who happens to be racist). White racism is based on statistical observation of negroes in America, Europe, and Africa. There are also personal observations, like my observation of your stupid posts where you blame whites for Mugabe's actions, flip-flop on per capita statistics, etc...
For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites,
That sort of racism doesn't exist (well, unless you run into a total shut-in who has never seen or read about negroes who happens to be racist). White racism is based on statistical observation of negroes in America, Europe, and Africa. There are also personal observations, like my observation of your stupid posts where you blame whites for Mugabe's actions, flip-flop on per capita statistics, etc...

Actually it does and you practice it. .White racism is not based on anything but a bunch of opinions from retarded whites losers.
For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites, What is referred to as black racism is the angry response to people who tell us we are inferior.

There is a major difference and intelligent adults should be able to recognize that difference and try understanding how you would feel if you were the group told how you were all stupid, that your race has never done anything, and that if not for the white man you'd be nothing. I don't think you'd appreciate being called a racist for saying your race is superior after reading pages of how inferior you are to whites in every way. Only a human with no personal pride would accept this kind if constant denigration without fighting back. Yet here blacks doing this are called racists.

Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. Then after slavery was made illegal whites created another system on inequality that continued to enforce that same belief for an additional 100 plus years. Only in the last 52 years have blacks been at least free from overt racist beliefs from whites. 52 YEARS! Therefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop .

Dear IM2
I am friends with a community leader in Freedmen's Town
who defines racism based on whites having all the power and greater privilege
so that all racism is spelled out from THAT perspective.

The majority of people I know understand racism
more generally to mean ANY prejudice that causes
people to project or discriminate "by association"
with either color, ethnicity, race, or culture that
has been "run together" so that even "discrimination
against Mexicans or Palestinians" is called RACIST.

You made it clear that PREJUDICE is not what you mean
when you are trying to address white racism against blacks
and other minorities as an extension of that.

IM2 these are NOT all the same.
And neither are the people.

You yourself keep trying to blame others "for all doing the same thing"
and trying to "tell others to think and do things THEIR way."

but you also come across the same way
trying to define and impose YOUR perspective on racism
which may not be the way other people approach it or see it.

"we are not all going to see things the same way"

The number one advice I can give you and support you on
is to differentiate your way from other people and not try to make
everyone see it your way either.

If you do that, make that distinction and accept those differences,
you will do MORE to encourage and influence OTHERS
to see your way is different from theirs, and accept that also!!!

Please do not fall further in the trap of mutual resentment
over all people pushing their way. Of course people are
going to defend their positions and perspective,
as you do as well. That's going to happen.

Please do not attack this, but work with it.

You will do more to overcome biases and prejudices
and FEAR of being overrun by other people's ways.

If you want people to differentiate,
keep doing the same. Don't run everyone else
together as the enemy either. We all have the
right to our own views and take responsibility for them.
Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. ... 52 yearsTherefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop .
MOST American Whites - and ASIANS - didn't come here on the Mayflower either. Irish, Italian, Jews, Russians, etc, came here Broke-ass and Discriminated against.
Many signs up into the 60's said "No Blacks OR Jews".

Many Asians in fact, came here as indentured Railway labor just as blacks were being freed from slavery

Then we Interned the Japanese as late WWII, and they lost everything. We Nuked their resourceLess Seismic Rock, and killed a good portion of their male population.
YET NE Asians HERE surpass us in Average IQ and Income, and Japan was the #2 economy within "50 years" of losing WWII.
Domestically, Jews yet a bit higher.
Discrimination does NOT explain this.

It's IQ.
It's Genetic.
Reality Check:
That's the reason the country And World looks the way it does.
It's that simple.

Before Colonialization Marco Polo found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service system, and Astronomical records in China/Japan.
In sub-Saharan Africa, just the same hunter-gatherer man had been 100,000 years ago before migrants who left had Evolved above their ancestral populations. No written language, no wheel.

Were it not for 'Whites', in fact, sub-Saharan Africa would be the same as it was those milennia ago... even today. Half the continent Wiped out by AIDS or Ebola without White medicine, and many still live in huts. Sub-Sahara still an un-self-governable rabble.

It's that simple/predictable.
The world only makes sense knowing/acknowledging this fact, rather than 10,000 rationalizations.
Last edited:
For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites,
That sort of racism doesn't exist (well, unless you run into a total shut-in who has never seen or read about negroes who happens to be racist). White racism is based on statistical observation of negroes in America, Europe, and Africa. There are also personal observations, like my observation of your stupid posts where you blame whites for Mugabe's actions, flip-flop on per capita statistics, etc...

Actually it does and you practice it. .White racism is not based on anything but a bunch of opinions from retarded whites losers.
Crime statistics aren't opinions, idiot.
For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites, What is referred to as black racism is the angry response to people who tell us we are inferior.

There is a major difference and intelligent adults should be able to recognize that difference and try understanding how you would feel if you were the group told how you were all stupid, that your race has never done anything, and that if not for the white man you'd be nothing. I don't think you'd appreciate being called a racist for saying your race is superior after reading pages of how inferior you are to whites in every way. Only a human with no personal pride would accept this kind if constant denigration without fighting back. Yet here blacks doing this are called racists.

Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. Then after slavery was made illegal whites created another system on inequality that continued to enforce that same belief for an additional 100 plus years. Only in the last 52 years have blacks been at least free from overt racist beliefs from whites. 52 YEARS! Therefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop .

Dear IM2
I am friends with a community leader in Freedmen's Town
who defines racism based on whites having all the power and greater privilege
so that all racism is spelled out from THAT perspective.

The majority of people I know understand racism
more generally to mean ANY prejudice that causes
people to project or discriminate "by association"
with either color, ethnicity, race, or culture that
has been "run together" so that even "discrimination
against Mexicans or Palestinians" is called RACIST.

You made it clear that PREJUDICE is not what you mean
when you are trying to address white racism against blacks
and other minorities as an extension of that.

IM2 these are NOT all the same.
And neither are the people.

You yourself keep trying to blame others "for all doing the same thing"
and trying to "tell others to think and do things THEIR way."

but you also come across the same way
trying to define and impose YOUR perspective on racism
which may not be the way other people approach it or see it.

"we are not all going to see things the same way"

The number one advice I can give you and support you on
is to differentiate your way from other people and not try to make
everyone see it your way either.

If you do that, make that distinction and accept those differences,
you will do MORE to encourage and influence OTHERS
to see your way is different from theirs, and accept that also!!!

Please do not fall further in the trap of mutual resentment
over all people pushing their way. Of course people are
going to defend their positions and perspective,
as you do as well. That's going to happen.

Please do not attack this, but work with it.

You will do more to overcome biases and prejudices
and FEAR of being overrun by other people's ways.

If you want people to differentiate,
keep doing the same. Don't run everyone else
together as the enemy either. We all have the
right to our own views and take responsibility for them.

I don't resent anyone. There are some facts that are central to this discussion. Blacks and whites have had different experiences in America. That is a fact and no matte how many people want to male things the same, they were and are not.

You cannot name one law or policy enacted by blacks that was done to purposefully deny whites of opportunities. I'm not trying to make anyone see anything. But just as you can say he sun rises in the daytime, and that is a fact, there have been laws and policies enacted by whites one on purpose to deny people of color of opportunity. This went on for at least 188 years by written law and for whites think that we all should just forget and ignore what happens or those who are angry about it are racists is just a willful refusal to accept responsibility for the damage created by the racism whites have caused.

I'm listening to what people say, but really there are no two sides to listen to. Whites in America have treated people of color wrongly. It is documented in our courthouses, state law books, museums and almost every other record keeping facility.

You see whites are always telling us how we should do things. How we shouldn't be resentful for what they have done to us. The thing is if anything happens to whites they do all the tings they tell us we should not do. Look at what you read in this forum. Yet we are to speak nicely and not to lump all whites into a group while they do it every day. We are not to show resentment, yet they have made up an untrue tale about how they are being discriminated against because they resent us getting equal opportunity.
Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. ... 52 yearsTherefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop .
MOST American Whites - and ASIANS - didn't come here on the Mayflower either. Irish, Italian, Jews, Russians, etc, came here Broke-ass and Discriminated against.
Many signs up into the 60's said "No Blacks OR Jews".

Many Asians in fact, came here as indentured Railway labor just as blacks were being freed from slavery

Then we Interned the Japanese as late WWII, and they lost everything. We Nuked their resourceLess Seismic Rock, and killed a good portion of their male population.
YET NE Asians HERE surpass us in Average IQ and Income, and Japan was the #2 economy within "50 years" of losing WWII.
Domestically, Jews yet a bit higher.
Discrimination does NOT explain this.

It's IQ.
It's Genetic.
Reality Check:
That's the reason the country And World looks the way it does.
It's that simple.

Before Colonialization Marco Polo found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service system, and Astronomical records in China/Japan.
In sub-Saharan Africa, just the same hunter-gatherer man had been 100,000 years ago before migrants who left had Evolved above their ancestral populations. No written language, no wheel.

Were it not for 'Whites', in fact, sub-Saharan Africa would be the same as it was those milennia ago... even today. Half the continent Wiped out by AIDS or Ebola without White medicine, and many still live in huts. Sub-Sahara still an un-self-governable rabble.

It's that simple/predictable.
The world only makes sense knowing/acknowledging this fact, rather than 10,000 rationalizations.

Yeah and so what happened to blacks after they were freed from slavery? The rest of what you say isn't worth me wasting my time. It's the same old tired lie
For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites,
That sort of racism doesn't exist (well, unless you run into a total shut-in who has never seen or read about negroes who happens to be racist). White racism is based on statistical observation of negroes in America, Europe, and Africa. There are also personal observations, like my observation of your stupid posts where you blame whites for Mugabe's actions, flip-flop on per capita statistics, etc...

Actually it does and you practice it. .White racism is not based on anything but a bunch of opinions from retarded whites losers.
Crime statistics aren't opinions, idiot.

And crime statistics show that whites commit the most crimes.
For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites,
That sort of racism doesn't exist (well, unless you run into a total shut-in who has never seen or read about negroes who happens to be racist). White racism is based on statistical observation of negroes in America, Europe, and Africa. There are also personal observations, like my observation of your stupid posts where you blame whites for Mugabe's actions, flip-flop on per capita statistics, etc...

Actually it does and you practice it. .White racism is not based on anything but a bunch of opinions from retarded whites losers.
Crime statistics aren't opinions, idiot.

And crime statistics show that whites commit the most crimes.
They show blacks commit violent crimes at a higher rate than whites. Like I told you before, if 100/100 blacks are violent criminals and 200 out of 2,000,000 whites are violent criminals (in a country with a population of 2,000,000 whites and 100 blacks), is the average white more violent than the average black?
Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. ... 52 yearsTherefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop .
MOST American Whites - and ASIANS - didn't come here on the Mayflower either. Irish, Italian, Jews, Russians, etc, came here Broke-ass and Discriminated against.
Many signs up into the 60's said "No Blacks OR Jews".

Many Asians in fact, came here as indentured Railway labor just as blacks were being freed from slavery

Then we Interned the Japanese as late WWII, and they lost everything. We Nuked their resourceLess Seismic Rock, and killed a good portion of their male population.
YET NE Asians HERE surpass us in Average IQ and Income, and Japan was the #2 economy within "50 years" of losing WWII.
Domestically, Jews yet a bit higher.
Discrimination does NOT explain this.

It's IQ.
It's Genetic.
Reality Check:
That's the reason the country And World looks the way it does.
It's that simple.

Before Colonialization Marco Polo found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service system, and Astronomical records in China/Japan.
In sub-Saharan Africa, just the same hunter-gatherer man had been 100,000 years ago before migrants who left had Evolved above their ancestral populations. No written language, no wheel.

Were it not for 'Whites', in fact, sub-Saharan Africa would be the same as it was those milennia ago... even today. Half the continent Wiped out by AIDS or Ebola without White medicine, and many still live in huts. Sub-Sahara still an un-self-governable rabble.

It's that simple/predictable.
The world only makes sense knowing/acknowledging this fact, rather than 10,000 rationalizations.

Yeah and so what happened to blacks after they were freed from slavery?
Whatever happened must have still been better than what happened to them or their ancestors in Africa given that they decided to stay and still stay to this day.
abu afak last post

"MOST American Whites - and ASIANS - didn't come here on the "Mayflower" either. Irish, Italians, Jews, Russians, etc, came here Broke-ass and Discriminated against.
Many signs up into the 60's said "No Blacks OR Jews".

Many Asians in fact, came here as indentured Railway labor just as blacks were being freed from slavery

Then we Interned the Japanese as late WWII, and they lost everything. We Nuked their resourceLess Seismic Rock, and killed a good portion of their male population.
YET NE Asians HERE surpass us in Average IQ and Income, and Japan was the #2 economy within "50 years" of losing WWII.
Domestically, Jews yet a bit higher.
Discrimination does NOT explain this.

It's IQ.
It's Genetic.
Reality Check:
That's the reason the country And World looks the way it does.
It's that simple.

Before Colonialization Marco Polo found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service system, and Astronomical records in China/Japan.
In sub-Saharan Africa, just the same hunter-gatherer man had been 100,000 years ago before migrants who left had Evolved above their ancestral populations. No written language, no wheel.

Were it not for 'Whites', in fact, sub-Saharan Africa would be the same as it was those milennia ago... even today. Half the continent Wiped out by AIDS or Ebola without White medicine, and many still live in huts. Sub-Sahara still an un-self-governable rabble.

It's that simple/predictable.
The world only makes sense knowing/acknowledging this fact, rather than 10,000 rationalizations/excuses."
End abu afak last post

IM2 said:
Yeah and so what happened to blacks after they were freed from slavery? The rest of what you say isn't worth me wasting my time. It's the same old tired lie

NO Answer.
Just want everyone to see your Non-responsive WHIFF again.
The World looks the way it does because of...

NE Asians - 106
White/Euro - 100
USA 'Black' - 85 (avg 25% white, 75% sub-Saharan)
sub-Saharan - 70.

That's all you gotta know.
And that's the way the world looked BEFORE SLAVERY/colonialization and still does.

As I pointed out.
Last edited:
There ARE differences. And blacks are trailing the pack. Not to say that they couldn't pull their pants up and catch up, they just don't seem to want to.

Yeah right. Maybe we need to enact laws that make it so for 188 years whites don't get the same opportunities we do then let's see who is behind.
Blacks tried to build a society called Africa but it's a total failure. You should thank your lucky stars that whites let you ungrateful bunch live in our society.
Do you honestly believe these two things you said?

I think that if you push people to ACCEPT grand fairytales of African successes, and constantly make excuses to wipe out the INTERNAL problems that black Americans face by BLAMING WHITES AS A GROUP -- that's what you get back.

It's much the same backlash that Obama got to his collectivist "You didn't build that".. When you point fingers -- you get them pointed back at you. (See my Avie pic for a demonstration.) And then NORMAL reasoned dialogue becomes impossible.
There ARE differences. And blacks are trailing the pack. Not to say that they couldn't pull their pants up and catch up, they just don't seem to want to.

Yeah right. Maybe we need to enact laws that make it so for 188 years whites don't get the same opportunities we do then let's see who is behind.
Blacks tried to build a society called Africa but it's a total failure. You should thank your lucky stars that whites let you ungrateful bunch live in our society.
Do you honestly believe these two things you said?

I think that if you push people to ACCEPT grand fairytales of African successes, and constantly make excuses to wipe out the INTERNAL problems that black Americans face by BLAMING WHITES AS A GROUP -- that's what you get back.

It's much the same backlash that Obama got to his collectivist "You didn't build that".. When you point fingers -- you get them pointed back at you. (See my Avie pic for a demonstration.) And then NORMAL reasoned dialogue becomes impossible.

If I was pushing a fairy tale then what you say would have credence. You have been shown the truth and quite frankly I don't give a good goobly damn what you and the rest if these retards come back with. All you are going to get are more historically documented facts and peer reviewed studies. Things you are to scared to read because you don't want to leave the slavery you live in on your conservative right wing plantation. So eventually after not reading he facts and making silly mindless comments you'll just close the thread because you know you are incapable of debating the facts.
abu afak last post

MOST American Whites - and ASIANS - didn't come here on the "Mayflower" either. Irish, Italians, Jews, Russians, etc, came here Broke-ass and Discriminated against.
Many signs up into the 60's said "No Blacks OR Jews".

Many Asians in fact, came here as indentured Railway labor just as blacks were being freed from slavery

Then we Interned the Japanese as late WWII, and they lost everything. We Nuked their resourceLess Seismic Rock, and killed a good portion of their male population.
YET NE Asians HERE surpass us in Average IQ and Income, and Japan was the #2 economy within "50 years" of losing WWII.
Domestically, Jews yet a bit higher.
Discrimination does NOT explain this.

It's IQ.
It's Genetic.
Reality Check:
That's the reason the country And World looks the way it does.
It's that simple.

Before Colonialization Marco Polo found, Silk, Porcelain, Gunpowder, a Civil Service system, and Astronomical records in China/Japan.
In sub-Saharan Africa, just the same hunter-gatherer man had been 100,000 years ago before migrants who left had Evolved above their ancestral populations. No written language, no wheel.

Were it not for 'Whites', in fact, sub-Saharan Africa would be the same as it was those milennia ago... even today. Half the continent Wiped out by AIDS or Ebola without White medicine, and many still live in huts. Sub-Sahara still an un-self-governable rabble.

It's that simple/predictable.
The world only makes sense knowing/acknowledging this fact, rather than 10,000 rationalizations/excuses.
End abu afak last post

IM2 said:
Yeah and so what happened to blacks after they were freed from slavery? The rest of what you say isn't worth me wasting my time. It's the same old tired lie

NO Answer.
Just want everyone to see your Non-responsive WHIFF again.
The World looks the way it does because of...

NE Asians - 106
White/Euro - 100
USA 'Black' - 85 (avg 25% white, 75% sub-Saharan)
sub-Saharan - 70.

That's all you gotta know.
And that's the way the world looked BEFORE SLAVERY/colonialization and still does.

As I pointed out.

Nah that's not all I gotta know.

Japanese got reparations. $20,000 each during Reagan.

In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act to compensate more than 100,000 people of Japanese descent who were incarcerated in internment camps during World War II. The legislation offered a formal apology and paid out $20,000 in compensation to each surviving victim. The law won congressional approval only after a decade-long campaign by the Japanese-American community.

From Wrong To Right: A U.S. Apology For Japanese Internment

Japan got US AID after the war to rebuild.

In September, 1945, General Douglas MacArthur took charge of the Supreme Command of Allied Powers (SCAP) and began the work of rebuilding Japan. Although Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the Republic of China had an advisory role as part of an “Allied Council,” MacArthur had the final authority to make all decisions. The occupation of Japan can be divided into three phases: the initial effort to punish and reform Japan, the work to revive the Japanese economy, and the conclusion of a formal peace treaty and alliance.

Milestones: 1945–1952 - Office of the Historian

During the Cold War, strategic interests led the U.S. to allow Japan to export to the US while protecting its domestic market, enabling the formation of cartels and non-market driven factors in Japanese economy, and the development of an asymmetrical trade relationship with the U.S. The export-driven economy that Japan consequently developed also benefited enormously from an international market of low tariffs (by joining the GATT, forerunner of WTO), low prices of oil and other raw materials needed for industrial development.

Because Article 9 of the Japanese constitution forbids Japan from rearmament, Japan has lived under the umbrella of U.S. military protection, spending only 1 per cent of their GNP on the military's defensive abilities (which is a huge sum of money as the Japanese economy grew to be the second largest in the world), which, percentage wise, helped save the Japanese much money if they were militarily on their own.

2. The welfare society in Japan

In Japan, a welfare society rather than welfare state exists, characterized by total employment, including cartels of small and medium sized companies to prevent them from bankruptcy in order to maintain total employment.
The welfare society and total employment enabled the Japanese state to devote much of the money it would have spent on welfare to industrial development, in the form of bank loans.

The birth of the welfare society:

During the American occupation:1946-49, Japanese economy was sustained by $500 million annually from the US. Despite this help, because of wartime devastation, Japanese economy was in shambles.

In reaction, the American occupational forces invited the Detroit banker Dodge to balance Japanese economy, who introduced the Dodge Plan (1949): balance budget, reduce inflation, repay Japanese government debts. Fix exchange rate ($1=360 yen). (compared with $1=110 yen today)

That this exchange rate made Japanese yen too expensive shows the high inflation going on in Japan before 1949.

Reaction to the Dodge Plan: massive laying off of workers and economic recession, because Japanese goods became less competitive in the international market (too expensive) (Dodge hoped that after the initial pain, Japanese economy would start steady development later on).

In reaction: state bank loans to private companies to prevent them from bankruptcy. In the 1950s, major concern of Japanese economy was capital accumulation and export promotion; also medium sized companies protested against tax increases. These concerns prevented the formation of a welfare state because that would require tax increases. Instead, the state promoted a welfare society through legislation. The welfare society, through maintaining near total employment via liberal government loans to private companies, dispensed with the need for unemployment benefits. Retirement pensions came largely from personal savings and company compensation, rather than benefits from the state.

The welfare society saved Japanese government much money, which was liberally loaned to companies and guaranteed a secure supply of funding to many companies, leading some to competition and technological innovation. (but it also prevented some companies from upgrading themselves because of guaranteed funding, so it was a two sided story).

Under the welfare society, limited unemployment benefits do exist, but they are provided by the private companies. The unemployment insurance premiums are borne by workers and employers on a fifty-fifty basis. The government pays only a partial sum of the management and operation costs--14 percent of the cost for unemployment insurance and the other services concerning unemployment is covered directly out of the national treasury account. The wage withholding is, in principle, set at 1.1 percent of the total annual salary. However, the actual rate of contribution to these schemes was lowered to 0.9 percent in fiscal 1992, and has been at 0.8 percent since fiscal 1993. Unemployment benefits were 60 percent to 80 percent of the wage before becoming unemployed for a period of 90 to 300 days, which was extended to 330 days after 2001. Conditions vary depending on age and length of time contributing to the system. The larger private companies were also responsible for subsidized housing, health benefits, retirement pension and other benefits for recreational activities in a package called lifetime employment, practiced after 1960. All these, naturally add to the cost of big corporations, which then pass the cost on to the consumers in the form of higher prices.

Japanese economic takeoff after 1945

So did Europe.

World War II devastated Western Europe, inflicting a staggering death toll on combatants and civilians, and destroying homes, buildings, factories and key

At the time, leaders in Washington understood that the United States had a powerful strategic interest in helping Western Europe to recover and stand on its own. As Secretary of State George C. Marshall
said on June 5, 1947: “Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation and chaos. Its purpose should be the revival of a working economy in the world so as to permit the emergence of political and social conditions in which free institutions can exist.”

That’s why the United States worked to rebuild post-war Europe,
investing $22 billion — or roughly $182 billion in real 21st-century dollars adjusted for inflation — in economic foreign assistance across 16 war-torn nations from 1946 to 1952. To be sure, America’s post-war commitment to Western Europe demonstrated our nation’s character. Yet it also advanced our economic interests. America’s $182 billion in economic foreign assistance to Europe amounts to far less than the more than $250 billion in goods that the United States now annually exports to those countries.


Africa was still colonized and blacks still in apartheid here.

So yes, it was discrimination. IQ had nothing to do with it.

Learn the truth.

And that's what you gotta know.
All you are going to get are more historically documented facts and peer reviewed studies.

That's not what I've gotten and seen. The whole deal about carbon tempered steel being a gift from Africa to the rest of the world was based on a few obscure links to articles printing in 70s by a pair of researchers. The SAME research was then peer reviewed and forced those authors to RETRACT many of their claims. That's a fact I just gave you.

And as for your "diversity trainer" tool, peer review on OPINION PIECES means nothing. Jack shit from an academic standpoint if the peer review is done by OTHERS in the "Big Diversity" business for a living. The OP is all asserted opinions. It is NOT a scientific article. I've authored dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers and OPINIONS are not welcomed in a TRUE scientific study..
Things you are to scared to read because you don't want to leave the slavery you live in on your conservative right wing plantation

Yoda says the stereotyping force is strong within you.. :banana:

Let's get this straight. I am NOT a "right-winger" STEEEERIKE ONE. I can out liberal you on a lot of issues. My political life has been to work for ballot and debate access for Independents and 3rd parties. And I'm 20 year WORKING member of the Libertarian Party. The one that nominated an openly GAY man for Prez in the 70s because he was the "right one for the job".. .

STEERIKE TWO. I'm NEVER afraid to read anything that might conflict with my highly polished and very strong political compass. I HAVE THAT leisure to ponder issues without a STRICT REGIMEN of political conformity like MOST americans who just can't get past the two old and decrepit, inept, arrogant and corrupt 2 party system..

Here comes the next pitch. Better hope it's out of the strike zone... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

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