We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
Cain understands business and the economy. Obama does not. And he's not a career politician. He's probably the right guy at the right time. We don't need anymore tired dimwitted ideologues in the White House. We need someone with real hands-on experience with economic issues. So it's Cain in a landslide in my opinion.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vob-aM2W270]Herman Cain Talks Politics Part 1 - The View - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXTBDDhDN1g&NR=1]Herman Cain Talks Politics Part 2 - The View - YouTube[/ame]
Other than Ron Paul,i despise most career politicians. Cain seems refreshing to me. That's how i feel anyway.
I have nothing against Cain as a person. I'm sure he's very nice and would be fun to sit down with and have a pizza.

But his policies are terrible. I mean, REALLY, terrible. There are areas that Obama needs to improve, but Cain is just ... terrible.

I've said the same about Obama. I'd have dinner with him. Unfortunately, I can see the strings.

I felt that way until the last two or three months. Now I don't know if I would trust myself to have dinner with Obama. I mean, I was raised that you leave religion and politics and other edgy subjects out of polite dinner conversation and you are always gracious to your host. I'm not sure I could keep my mouth shut for an entire dinner.

I would love to have dinner with Herman Cain though and wouldn't feel like I would have to keep my mouth shut. I don't think he would be the least bit offended if I asked him about some of his policies I still have questions about.

And yes, I would vote for Cain in a heartbeat and without reservation right now. Or a year from November. I am still not convinced he's the candidate I want to win the nomination, but he could not possibly do more harm than Obama's policies have done to this country.
I'll vote for Obama. This has been a great 3 years for my bank account.

Got you some o' dat Obama Money, huh? From his stash? :lol: I've earned mine... all by myself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eh3inWjeVg]Breitbart tv » Thousands Line Up For Stimulus Money in Detroit - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6TcpfBHlbs]Ray Stevens - Obama Budget Plan - YouTube[/ame]
Enemy of my enemy=my friend. I will vote for Obama and work to get him elected for 4 more years. I will feel sad doing it, but I will be hoping the republicans can win back the senate and increase our majority in the house.

Maybe we can get Obama impeached and get Biden.... :eusa_drool:

You lost me in that explination and I havent even started drinking yet today......

It is Friday. happy Hour starts at 4:00 ob Fridays. get your ass in gear.
What more do I need to say? His 9-9-9 plan encourages consumers to NOT spend money. That's a terrible idea for helping get the economy going. Couple that with cuts for the wealthy and increases for the poor, and it's just not going to help the country get better.

9-9-9 is not a perfect plan and I have my own concerns with it, but it is a far better solution than our current mess of a tax system which not even the IRS understands. It will most definitely get the economy moving again, that's for sure.

How will Cain's plan get the economy moving again?
DONTBESTUPID as I asked do you have anything else to offer beyond the 9-9-9 plan? Or is that all you got.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQFEY9RIRJA]Cricket Chirping - YouTube[/ame]

Any other time your quick to argue your points..... Cat got your tongue?
DONTBESTUPID as I asked do you have anything else to offer beyond the 9-9-9 plan? Or is that all you got.

The #1 issue facing this country is the economy. The #1 issue Cain talks about, and people give him WAY too much credit on, is the economy. The #1 plan Cain has put out has been his 9-9-9 plan.

But sure, lets ignore that for now, right? Since it's been shot down repeatedly so many times, we can move on to something else, right?

Lets talk about his stance on Muslims then, ok?
Definitely Cain All you people who will vote for obama are twice as racist since he is only half as black.
Care to elaborate? beyond the 9-9-9 rhetoric

What more do I need to say? His 9-9-9 plan encourages consumers to NOT spend money. That's a terrible idea for helping get the economy going. Couple that with cuts for the wealthy and increases for the poor, and it's just not going to help the country get better.

Kinda like how welfare and endless unemployment checks encourage people NOT to look for work?
His plan may not be perfect but no plan ever is in its initial conception. It is however a good base to start from. It would certainly cause businesses to explode with the lower taxes.

Do lower taxes really cause businesses to explode? Nutters long for the prosperity of the Reagan years,,,,,,when taxes were HIGHER THAN THEY ARE NOW.
Simple, If Cain wins the nomination will you vote for him or Obama?

That depends.

I like the tax plan proposed by Herman Cain but his Republican potential for social self-righteousness has me cautious. I'll have to see more of candidate Cain before I decide.

If it makes a difference, he's the only republican I have any interest in at all, if not him I'll write-in "AVG-JOE" or get behind an independent hopeful.
I'll vote for Obama. This has been a great 3 years for my bank account.

Got you some o' dat Obama Money, huh? From his stash? :lol: I've earned mine... all by myself.

Does military retirement count as "some o' dat Obama Money"?

I make 6 figures working for a defense contractor and I earn it all by myself. My wife is an Oncology RN, but in your mind all black liberals are on welfare. Typical.
What more do I need to say? His 9-9-9 plan encourages consumers to NOT spend money. That's a terrible idea for helping get the economy going. Couple that with cuts for the wealthy and increases for the poor, and it's just not going to help the country get better.

Kinda like how welfare and endless unemployment checks encourage people NOT to look for work?
His plan may not be perfect but no plan ever is in its initial conception. It is however a good base to start from. It would certainly cause businesses to explode with the lower taxes.

Do lower taxes really cause businesses to explode? Nutters long for the prosperity of the Reagan years,,,,,,when taxes were HIGHER THAN THEY ARE NOW.

Actually they weren't when you factor in the deductions and adjustments allowed then that we don't have any more. Lower taxes or a reasonable tax policy that businesses can depend on for a good long haul--consistency is as important as the rate--are a definite plus in helping business calculate what profit they might expect in any enterprise. But you also have to look at mandates and regulation as well as they have the exact same effect as a tax on most businesses, most especially the smaller ones.
I'll vote for Obama. This has been a great 3 years for my bank account.

Got you some o' dat Obama Money, huh? From his stash? :lol: I've earned mine... all by myself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eh3inWjeVg]Breitbart tv » Thousands Line Up For Stimulus Money in Detroit - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6TcpfBHlbs]Ray Stevens - Obama Budget Plan - YouTube[/ame]

Are all black liberals on welfare?
What more do I need to say? His 9-9-9 plan encourages consumers to NOT spend money. That's a terrible idea for helping get the economy going. Couple that with cuts for the wealthy and increases for the poor, and it's just not going to help the country get better.

Kinda like how welfare and endless unemployment checks encourage people NOT to look for work?
His plan may not be perfect but no plan ever is in its initial conception. It is however a good base to start from. It would certainly cause businesses to explode with the lower taxes.

Do lower taxes really cause businesses to explode? Nutters long for the prosperity of the Reagan years,,,,,,when taxes were HIGHER THAN THEY ARE NOW.

Considering our country wasnt on the verge of bankruptcy with stagnant very high unemployment and the manufacturing sector hadnt yet fled our country I can see your comparing apples to apples.....

I'll vote for Obama. This has been a great 3 years for my bank account.

Got you some o' dat Obama Money, huh? From his stash? :lol: I've earned mine... all by myself.

Does military retirement count as "some o' dat Obama Money"?

I make 6 figures working for a defense contractor and I earn it all by myself. My wife is an Oncology RN, but in your mind all black liberals are on welfare. Typical.

So your making a ton of money off of Bush's wars, yet complaining about them while giving Obama credit.........

gotcha :eusa_eh:

Ps. Were you not the guy who said you hate whites because they are white????
Got you some o' dat Obama Money, huh? From his stash? :lol: I've earned mine... all by myself.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eh3inWjeVg"]Breitbart tv » Thousands Line Up For Stimulus Money in Detroit - YouTube[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6TcpfBHlbs"]Ray Stevens - Obama Budget Plan - YouTube[/ame]

Are all black liberals on welfare?
When did colour come into this equation? That's right...you introduced the words, didn't you?

Hope your spincter can handle feather trauma from all the ones you'll be passing.
I'll vote for Obama. This has been a great 3 years for my bank account.

Got you some o' dat Obama Money, huh? From his stash? :lol: I've earned mine... all by myself.

Does military retirement count as "some o' dat Obama Money"?

I make 6 figures working for a defense contractor and I earn it all by myself. My wife is an Oncology RN, but in your mind all black liberals are on welfare. Typical.

Interesting. I haven't hit 30 yet and I'm catching you up. But I find this talk of how much one earns rather crass. I do good - and I do it for myself. I'm comfortable with that.

And I totally forget you were black - I was referring to your Messiah, not your skin color. Jeeez, you need to get over this whole race shit. You're not special, nor am I. We are only special because we are the same... American.

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