We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
I have nothing against Cain as a person. I'm sure he's very nice and would be fun to sit down with and have a pizza.

But his policies are terrible. I mean, REALLY, terrible. There are areas that Obama needs to improve, but Cain is just ... terrible.

Otherwise definitely Obama over Cain, for the judicial appointments alone. The economy will heal in its own time in its own way whomever’s in the WH; but the last thing we need are reactionary judges and justices undermining our privacy, due process, and equal protection rights.
So, then, the racist is you. Don't project your racism on to others. Fool.

If white people treated him poorly his whole life, then it's not racism.

Stop making assumptions.

You are making the assumption. White people haven't treated me poorly my whole life.

I never said they did. I don't know you outside this board. I'm merely pointing out there could be reasons in your past that cause you to dislike white people that have nothing to do with racism.
Too bad there is no "other" option here... That might have beat out votes for Cain or at least showed that many are not on board with his 999 only campaign plan. Oh, there is the building of a giant fence along the boarder, lolz.

I'd write in Ron Paul... Because I'm a Paul bot for not liking either Obama or Cain, right?
No response? Ok. It's either too hard or you're scared of it. We can move on.

How about Cain's stance on alternative energy? Meaning, he doesn't believe the government should have anything to do with it. How does that lower our dependence on foreign oil?

Your fishing. Take a position will ya!

I already addressed the Muslim issue. It was a terrible statement. Was it a misspeak or did he mean it verbatim? Only he knows.

Cains stance on energy is correct. The govt should not be subsidizing any privately held industries. (including oil and corn)

Now, when are you going to move on to these policy concerns you claim to have and stop playing the gotcha game?

Gotcha game? Have you been reading Palin's book?

1) It is in our national security to stop depending on other countries for our energy needs. National security means it is a Federal issue and will not be resolved without Federal action. Cain is against this. I am not.
2) Pulling students and "their money" out of public schools who are already underfunded will not fix those schools. Cain is for this. I am not.
3) Allowing states and counties to decide what to teach children is a terrible idea. Just look at what Kansas has tried. Cain is for this. I am not.
4) No President should favour an ethnic group over another, or mistreat one group over another. As you just said, we don't know where Cain stands on this.
5) Cain supports ending Medicare. I do not.
6) Cain has no plan to slow the rise in health care costs or health insurance premiums. In fact, he wants to repeal the one plan we currently have. I am against this.
7) Cain is for dropping the inheritance tax, dropping taxes on repatriate profits for companies and dropping capital gains taxes. Terrible ideas.

How was that? Care to pick on now?

I have never read a single word Palin has written.

1) Then you should be all for "drill baby drill" but your not. You for blowing money on unproven and expensive technology that will ensure monitary support for the democratic party. If this industry was viable the private sector would take it and run because as you know the private sector is greedy. You are expexting maturity from an industry that is still in its infancy.

2) We increase funding EVERY YEAR for our public school system and it isnt working. But do you know what is? Charter schools and private schools. But your not for those either. You would rather see the children in the inner cities drown in a failing system ensuring future democrats than to see them succeed in life.

3) Have no idea what the hell you are talking about but I think it should have fallen under number 2 anyways.

4) You are 100% correct. If Cain has racial issues you can be sure they will surface because he actually has an extensive background of employment and publicly held positions.

5) Flat out lie and you know it. He supports reforming the system.

6) Unlike Obama, Cain will actually get input from others around him to impliment a sound healthcare solution. Not a reform that was bought and paid for by democratic shennanigans as we currently have. It should be repealed and burned in the Whitehouse fireplace.

7) The DEATH tax is a tax on money that has already been taxed when it was earned. Double taxiation should be unconstitutional. Again, taxes on capital gains were paid when the original money was earned. And hell yea lets forgive overseas money to entice them to bring the jobs back to America.

Sounds to me like your not a person that desires to see America succeed
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I just got this off of Herman Cain's Web site:

He says the Obaman administration "does nothing to limit frivolous lawsuits that drive up the cost of health care."

That's all I need to hear. I am not a great Obama supporter, never have been - but if that is how Mr. Cain feels about this particular point, I will vote for Obama in a N.Y. second.

So you support con men and women that play the medical system making millions off of our premiums through frivilous lawsuits?
If white people treated him poorly his whole life, then it's not racism.

Stop making assumptions.

You are making the assumption. White people haven't treated me poorly my whole life.

I never said they did. I don't know you outside this board. I'm merely pointing out there could be reasons in your past that cause you to dislike white people that have nothing to do with racism.

So by this logic we can stop calling people racists who simply oppose Obama because he is a democrat or they dissagree with his policies right?

Yea, I didnt think so............Hypocrite
You are making the assumption. White people haven't treated me poorly my whole life.

I never said they did. I don't know you outside this board. I'm merely pointing out there could be reasons in your past that cause you to dislike white people that have nothing to do with racism.

So by this logic we can stop calling people racists who simply oppose Obama because he is a democrat or they dissagree with his policies right?

Yea, I didnt think so............Hypocrite

Why? It works so well, racists.
Your fishing. Take a position will ya!

I already addressed the Muslim issue. It was a terrible statement. Was it a misspeak or did he mean it verbatim? Only he knows.

Cains stance on energy is correct. The govt should not be subsidizing any privately held industries. (including oil and corn)

Now, when are you going to move on to these policy concerns you claim to have and stop playing the gotcha game?

Gotcha game? Have you been reading Palin's book?

1) It is in our national security to stop depending on other countries for our energy needs. National security means it is a Federal issue and will not be resolved without Federal action. Cain is against this. I am not.
2) Pulling students and "their money" out of public schools who are already underfunded will not fix those schools. Cain is for this. I am not.
3) Allowing states and counties to decide what to teach children is a terrible idea. Just look at what Kansas has tried. Cain is for this. I am not.
4) No President should favour an ethnic group over another, or mistreat one group over another. As you just said, we don't know where Cain stands on this.
5) Cain supports ending Medicare. I do not.
6) Cain has no plan to slow the rise in health care costs or health insurance premiums. In fact, he wants to repeal the one plan we currently have. I am against this.
7) Cain is for dropping the inheritance tax, dropping taxes on repatriate profits for companies and dropping capital gains taxes. Terrible ideas.

How was that? Care to pick on now?

I have never read a single word Palin has written.

1) Then you should be all for "drill baby drill" but your not. You for blowing money on unproven and expensive technology that will ensure monitary support for the democratic party. If this industry was viable the private sector would take it and run because as you know the private sector is greedy. You are expexting maturity from an industry that is still in its infancy.

2) We increase funding EVERY YEAR for our public school system and it isnt working. But do you know what is? Charter schools and private schools. But your not for those either. You would rather see the children in the inner cities drown in a failing system ensuring future democrats than to see them succeed in life.

3) Have no idea what the hell you are talking about but I think it should have fallen under number 2 anyways.

4) You are 100% correct. If Cain has racial issues you can be sure they will surface because he actually has an extensive background of employment and publicly held positions.

5) Flat out lie and you know it. He supports reforming the system.

6) Unlike Obama, Cain will actually get imput from others around him to impliment a sound healthcare solution. Not a reform that was bought and paid for by democratic shennanigans as we currently have. It should be repealed and burned in the Whitehouse fireplace.

7) The DEATH tax is a tax on money that has already been taxed when it was earned. Double taxiation should be unconstitutional. Again, taxes on capital gains were paid when the original money was earned. And hell yea lets forgive overseas money to entice them to bring the jobs back to America.

Sounds to me like your not a person that desires to see America succeed

1) I have no problem with drilling more domestically. I have a problem with people frothing at the mouth trying to get into national parks and not wanting be to responsible for their oil spills though. Drilling RESPONSIBLY would not be a problem. And all technology was unproven until it was proven. That's the dumbest, most-American thing I have seen in a while. Putting a man on the moon was unproven until we did it.

2) Private schools charge tuition so not every kid could get in. Going all private is not the answer. Charter schools don't charge admission but currently 60% of them have a wait list of several hundred students. We could build more, but that would cost money, which you and Cain are not for. That leaves the current public school system, which is not perfect, it needs help, but you don't help it by giving it less money.

3) Kansas has been trying for a decade to remove the Theory of Evolution from curriculum state-wide and having it replaced with the Notion of Intelligent Design. And this is in Science classes. If you think this will make us more competitive globally then you have a serious problem.


5) He supports the Ryan plan to completely end the Medicare system we currently have. He then supports creating a new system of coupons and vouchers that will grow in value slower than the cost of health care. This will force any senior on that new system to spend virtually all their money just to buy health care. I am against this.

6) As of now, Cain has talked only about limiting lawsuits. Period. I cannot find any plan to control the rising costs of health care or premiums. Cain may like Obamacare, but doing away with our only current plan when he has NOTHING to put in its place is just poor leadership.

7) You don't understand our tax system at all, do you? Capital gains are taxes on the GAIN, not on the capital used to get that gain. This has been explained to you countless times. The inheritance tax is NOT a tax on money earned. It is a tax paid to transfer wealth from one person to another. If there was no tax, who do you suggest pays for that transfer? Are you going to volunteer? Should the poor pay so the wealthy can transfer wealth? And there is ZERO incentive for companies to create jobs with repatriated funds. Zero. Look up the "Homeland Investment Act" that Bush and the GOP passe din 2004. It was supposed to lead to increased investment and job creation here and it instead lead to neither.
So by this logic we can stop calling people racists who simply oppose Obama because he is a democrat or they dissagree with his policies right?

Yea, I didnt think so............Hypocrite

The only people who claim that disagreeing with Obama makes you a racist are, ironically, "Conservatives".
Too bad there is no "other" option here... That might have beat out votes for Cain or at least showed that many are not on board with his 999 only campaign plan. Oh, there is the building of a giant fence along the boarder, lolz.

I'd write in Ron Paul... Because I'm a Paul bot for not liking either Obama or Cain, right?

There are other threads devoted to Ron Paul and you are free to set up a poll of Paul vs Obama on its own thread. Actually that would be a very interesting discussion.

Several here aren't necessarily championing Cain but are rather comparing how his Presidency would likely stack up against Obama's. If 9-9-9 isn't feasible it wouldn't get through Congress. If it is feasible, Cain has roughly twelve months to teach the concepts to us and to sell us on them. And hopefully we can elect enough more public servants to Congress to make it a good debate there.

If it isn't feasible, there are brilliant minds who will spell out why it is a bad idea and I believe Herman Cain will go with what works instead of trying to defend a flawed concept.

Until all that plays out, I have real serious doubts that any of you can competently make a case that Herman Cain would not be a good President. Not being Ron Paul isn't sufficient reason to reject him.
Gotcha game? Have you been reading Palin's book?

1) It is in our national security to stop depending on other countries for our energy needs. National security means it is a Federal issue and will not be resolved without Federal action. Cain is against this. I am not.
2) Pulling students and "their money" out of public schools who are already underfunded will not fix those schools. Cain is for this. I am not.
3) Allowing states and counties to decide what to teach children is a terrible idea. Just look at what Kansas has tried. Cain is for this. I am not.
4) No President should favour an ethnic group over another, or mistreat one group over another. As you just said, we don't know where Cain stands on this.
5) Cain supports ending Medicare. I do not.
6) Cain has no plan to slow the rise in health care costs or health insurance premiums. In fact, he wants to repeal the one plan we currently have. I am against this.
7) Cain is for dropping the inheritance tax, dropping taxes on repatriate profits for companies and dropping capital gains taxes. Terrible ideas.

How was that? Care to pick on now?

I have never read a single word Palin has written.

1) Then you should be all for "drill baby drill" but your not. You for blowing money on unproven and expensive technology that will ensure monitary support for the democratic party. If this industry was viable the private sector would take it and run because as you know the private sector is greedy. You are expexting maturity from an industry that is still in its infancy.

2) We increase funding EVERY YEAR for our public school system and it isnt working. But do you know what is? Charter schools and private schools. But your not for those either. You would rather see the children in the inner cities drown in a failing system ensuring future democrats than to see them succeed in life.

3) Have no idea what the hell you are talking about but I think it should have fallen under number 2 anyways.

4) You are 100% correct. If Cain has racial issues you can be sure they will surface because he actually has an extensive background of employment and publicly held positions.

5) Flat out lie and you know it. He supports reforming the system.

6) Unlike Obama, Cain will actually get imput from others around him to impliment a sound healthcare solution. Not a reform that was bought and paid for by democratic shennanigans as we currently have. It should be repealed and burned in the Whitehouse fireplace.

7) The DEATH tax is a tax on money that has already been taxed when it was earned. Double taxiation should be unconstitutional. Again, taxes on capital gains were paid when the original money was earned. And hell yea lets forgive overseas money to entice them to bring the jobs back to America.

Sounds to me like your not a person that desires to see America succeed

1) I have no problem with drilling more domestically. I have a problem with people frothing at the mouth trying to get into national parks and not wanting be to responsible for their oil spills though. Drilling RESPONSIBLY would not be a problem. And all technology was unproven until it was proven. That's the dumbest, most-American thing I have seen in a while. Putting a man on the moon was unproven until we did it.

2) Private schools charge tuition so not every kid could get in. Going all private is not the answer. Charter schools don't charge admission but currently 60% of them have a wait list of several hundred students. We could build more, but that would cost money, which you and Cain are not for. That leaves the current public school system, which is not perfect, it needs help, but you don't help it by giving it less money.

3) Kansas has been trying for a decade to remove the Theory of Evolution from curriculum state-wide and having it replaced with the Notion of Intelligent Design. And this is in Science classes. If you think this will make us more competitive globally then you have a serious problem.


5) He supports the Ryan plan to completely end the Medicare system we currently have. He then supports creating a new system of coupons and vouchers that will grow in value slower than the cost of health care. This will force any senior on that new system to spend virtually all their money just to buy health care. I am against this.

6) As of now, Cain has talked only about limiting lawsuits. Period. I cannot find any plan to control the rising costs of health care or premiums. Cain may like Obamacare, but doing away with our only current plan when he has NOTHING to put in its place is just poor leadership.

7) You don't understand our tax system at all, do you? Capital gains are taxes on the GAIN, not on the capital used to get that gain. This has been explained to you countless times. The inheritance tax is NOT a tax on money earned. It is a tax paid to transfer wealth from one person to another. If there was no tax, who do you suggest pays for that transfer? Are you going to volunteer? Should the poor pay so the wealthy can transfer wealth? And there is ZERO incentive for companies to create jobs with repatriated funds. Zero. Look up the "Homeland Investment Act" that Bush and the GOP passe din 2004. It was supposed to lead to increased investment and job creation here and it instead lead to neither.

1) Space exploration is now a part of our energy independence? And the private sector thrives off of innovation so no its not dumb in the least. If privately held corporations cant make these new technologies profitable why the fuck sould we sink our tax dollars into it? When there is a demand for it and its not cost prohibitive it will succeed, not before then. The Chevy Volt is a prime example but the left doesnt seem to care about losing money as stated by Obama "We knew all these green jobs and investments wouldnt be successful"

They might be viable solutions if you shake your snowglobe a little harder though. Or maybe you should consult your magic 8 ball.

2) They could get in just fine if the left would stop blocking the voucher system solution. I know, I know that would end the unions grip and we cant have that now can we.

3) Yea, thats dumb.


5) I support the Ryan plan as well. Its a good starting point from which we can come up with a better plan. Of course democrats arent interested in problem solving as evident by the senate constantly shelving the proposals rather than trying to ammend or debate them.

6) I dunno what Cains specific healthcare plans are beyond repeal, which im fine with. Hard to debate the unknown.

7) I understand taxes just fine trust me. I might actually be receptive to your opinion if congress didnt already waste most of our money on frivilous bullshit. Until then not another fucking dime.
Too bad there is no "other" option here... That might have beat out votes for Cain or at least showed that many are not on board with his 999 only campaign plan. Oh, there is the building of a giant fence along the boarder, lolz.

I'd write in Ron Paul... Because I'm a Paul bot for not liking either Obama or Cain, right?

There are other threads devoted to Ron Paul and you are free to set up a poll of Paul vs Obama on its own thread. Actually that would be a very interesting discussion.

Several here aren't necessarily championing Cain but are rather comparing how his Presidency would likely stack up against Obama's. If 9-9-9 isn't feasible it wouldn't get through Congress. If it is feasible, Cain has roughly twelve months to teach the concepts to us and to sell us on them. And hopefully we can elect enough more public servants to Congress to make it a good debate there.

If it isn't feasible, there are brilliant minds who will spell out why it is a bad idea and I believe Herman Cain will go with what works instead of trying to defend a flawed concept.

Until all that plays out, I have real serious doubts that any of you can competently make a case that Herman Cain would not be a good President. Not being Ron Paul isn't sufficient reason to reject him.

Apparently you did not my post of 7 issues where Cain comes up way short. And that wasn't counting the 9-9-9 debacle.
So by this logic we can stop calling people racists who simply oppose Obama because he is a democrat or they dissagree with his policies right?

Yea, I didnt think so............Hypocrite

The only people who claim that disagreeing with Obama makes you a racist are, ironically, "Conservatives".

Lies. Your not a conservative so how the hell would you know what we hear on a daily basis both on here and in the real world?
So by this logic we can stop calling people racists who simply oppose Obama because he is a democrat or they dissagree with his policies right?

Yea, I didnt think so............Hypocrite

The only people who claim that disagreeing with Obama makes you a racist are, ironically, "Conservatives".

Lies. Your not a conservative so how the hell would you know what we hear on a daily basis both on here and in the real world?

Well, seeing as how I've never seen a liberal call any of you racist simply for disagreeing with Obama, yet, I've seen many of you call yourselves that (jokingly I assume), I'd say I have a pretty good idea.
If this is what it's going to come down too. Then beam me the fuck up scotty. This country will go down the crapper fast. Sicking.
The only people who claim that disagreeing with Obama makes you a racist are, ironically, "Conservatives".

Lies. Your not a conservative so how the hell would you know what we hear on a daily basis both on here and in the real world?

Well, seeing as how I've never seen a liberal call any of you racist simply for disagreeing with Obama, yet, I've seen many of you call yourselves that (jokingly I assume), I'd say I have a pretty good idea.

Well I got a story for you then.

I have one of those stickers on my truck that says OneBigAssMistakeAmerica. Its small and on the back of it. When I do estimates I park in the street because politics doesnt belong at work and I dont want it to come up. Yet probably 3/10 customers will usually bring it up in the context of "how is this economy treating your business?" I try to remain neutral no matter what during the estimate process and just agree with what they say or nod my head and pray for a topic change. Often (not always) during those conversations I will hear comments like "Can you believe our country is still this racist that Obama is treated and spoken of the way he is?" Some will then assume I am a democrat because of my nods and go even further into the complete bullshit that is racism.

I even had one customer who after he discovered my sticker after we started the job tell my help (and im sure he was joking) "I better hide my Obama yard signs so Jon (me) doesnt tear them all up"

Thats really where we are as a nation. Completely divided over race because we elected a black president and the MSM feels the need to trumpet racism every chance they get in an attempt to garner sympathy support for a failing president and his policies.

The hardest estimate I ever had to endure was prior to the 08 elections and it was for Clair McCaskels sister. She had so much Obama shit in her yard and on their cars you couldnt even see the grass or paint on the cars. LOL It was brutal because I was there for about an hour and all she talked about was Obama and her sister and what saints they were. That was a tough day when it comes to bitting ones tongue.

Anyways I do hear the racism shit all the time. And its rarely conservatives bringing it up

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