We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
Gotta love those Republicans

I go away for two weeks and you have already jumped off the Perry bandwagon and jumped onto Cain?

Fickle bunch aren't you?

Since this is my thread I will assume your addressing me with your comment.

My response is to challenge you to find a post where I threw my support to ANY candidate in the past. I'll check back in later to watch you eat some words.
Gotta love those Republicans

I go away for two weeks and you have already jumped off the Perry bandwagon and jumped onto Cain?

Fickle bunch aren't you?

Since this is my thread I will assume your addressing me with your comment.

My response is to challenge you to find a post where I threw my support to ANY candidate in the past. I'll check back in later to watch you eat some words.

Me either Grampa. I have not picked the candidate I expect to vote for yet. I am appreciating the GOP field we will pick from this time a LOT though. I think it is great that we can find so many positives among so many and will have a choice between several great people instead of having to settle for the less mediocre. Right now Herman Cain's star is rising and there is much to like there.
I love watching white people debate the impact of race in America.

When you're done, can we get back to discussing Cain's policy ideas?
Cain gets the most support by a wide margin yet we get more anti Cain posts. Hmmm

Seems the libs are desperate to try to discredit him and pull his numbers back.

They have to do that. They can't argue on the merits of the issues so they have to find some way to demonize the opposition. They can't defend their own candidate without looking like idiots, so they have to somehow make ours look worse.

And Herman Cain scares them more than any other I think. He is self-made successful, he is smart, he is well educated, he brings a wealth of valuable experience, and he can competently articulate a no nonsense opinion better than anybody we've seen in a long time. But the opposition not only have to find a way to discredit him as a man, but as a BLACK man who must not be allowed to wander off the liberal reservation with impunity. After all, setting an example like that could give others ideas. We can't have that.
Gotta love those Republicans

I go away for two weeks and you have already jumped off the Perry bandwagon and jumped onto Cain?

Fickle bunch aren't you?

Since this is my thread I will assume your addressing me with your comment.

My response is to challenge you to find a post where I threw my support to ANY candidate in the past. I'll check back in later to watch you eat some words.

Your so vain.....

You probably think this post is about you...

Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?
Cain gets the most support by a wide margin yet we get more anti Cain posts. Hmmm

Seems the libs are desperate to try to discredit him and pull his numbers back.

They have to do that. They can't argue on the merits of the issues so they have to find some way to demonize the opposition. They can't defend their own candidate without looking like idiots, so they have to somehow make ours look worse.

I posted a 7-point take down of Cain's policy ideas, not counting the terrible 9-9-9 Plan, and you did not respond in any way. You went on and on about his race.

But sure, I'm the one who doesn't want to argue the merit of the issues.
1) It is in our national security to stop depending on other countries for our energy needs. National security means it is a Federal issue and will not be resolved without Federal action. Cain is against this. I am not.
2) Pulling students and "their money" out of public schools who are already underfunded will not fix those schools. Cain is for this. I am not.
3) Allowing states and counties to decide what to teach children is a terrible idea. Just look at what Kansas has tried. Cain is for this. I am not.
4) No President should favour an ethnic group over another, or mistreat one group over another. As you just said, we don't know where Cain stands on this.
5) Cain supports ending Medicare. I do not.
6) Cain has no plan to slow the rise in health care costs or health insurance premiums. In fact, he wants to repeal the one plan we currently have. I am against this.
7) Cain is for dropping the inheritance tax, dropping taxes on repatriate profits for companies and dropping capital gains taxes. Terrible ideas.

LOL Lets stick with number one. Cain wants to open markets, drilling, refinement etc while the left wants to continue to increase our dependence.

Why should we bother reading your BS beyond number one? does it get better or worse?
1) It is in our national security to stop depending on other countries for our energy needs. National security means it is a Federal issue and will not be resolved without Federal action. Cain is against this. I am not.
2) Pulling students and "their money" out of public schools who are already underfunded will not fix those schools. Cain is for this. I am not.
3) Allowing states and counties to decide what to teach children is a terrible idea. Just look at what Kansas has tried. Cain is for this. I am not.
4) No President should favour an ethnic group over another, or mistreat one group over another. As you just said, we don't know where Cain stands on this.
5) Cain supports ending Medicare. I do not.
6) Cain has no plan to slow the rise in health care costs or health insurance premiums. In fact, he wants to repeal the one plan we currently have. I am against this.
7) Cain is for dropping the inheritance tax, dropping taxes on repatriate profits for companies and dropping capital gains taxes. Terrible ideas.

LOL Lets stick with number one. Cain wants to open markets, drilling, refinement etc while the left wants to continue to increase our dependence.

Why should we bother reading your BS beyond number one? does it get better or worse?

If you're going to post my thoughts and ideas, I would prefer if you quoted me.

Thank you.
Gotta love those Republicans

I go away for two weeks and you have already jumped off the Perry bandwagon and jumped onto Cain?

Fickle bunch aren't you?

Since this is my thread I will assume your addressing me with your comment.

My response is to challenge you to find a post where I threw my support to ANY candidate in the past. I'll check back in later to watch you eat some words.

Your so vain.....

You probably think this post is about you...

Don't you? Don't you? Don't you?

You messed up the words.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHWrudgCc3Q&feature=youtube_gdata_player]You're So Vain - Official Video - Carly Simon - YouTube[/ame]
Cain gets the most support by a wide margin yet we get more anti Cain posts. Hmmm

Seems the libs are desperate to try to discredit him and pull his numbers back.

They have to do that. They can't argue on the merits of the issues so they have to find some way to demonize the opposition. They can't defend their own candidate without looking like idiots, so they have to somehow make ours look worse.

I posted a 7-point take down of Cain's policy ideas, not counting the terrible 9-9-9 Plan, and you did not respond in any way. You went on and on about his race.

But sure, I'm the one who doesn't want to argue the merit of the issues.

I debated it with you. Your only point that "could" be valid is the tax on gains. The rest was nothing more than your opinion. Hell, you didn't even respond to my last rebuttal.
1) It is in our national security to stop depending on other countries for our energy needs. National security means it is a Federal issue and will not be resolved without Federal action. Cain is against this. I am not.
2) Pulling students and "their money" out of public schools who are already underfunded will not fix those schools. Cain is for this. I am not.
3) Allowing states and counties to decide what to teach children is a terrible idea. Just look at what Kansas has tried. Cain is for this. I am not.
4) No President should favour an ethnic group over another, or mistreat one group over another. As you just said, we don't know where Cain stands on this.
5) Cain supports ending Medicare. I do not.
6) Cain has no plan to slow the rise in health care costs or health insurance premiums. In fact, he wants to repeal the one plan we currently have. I am against this.
7) Cain is for dropping the inheritance tax, dropping taxes on repatriate profits for companies and dropping capital gains taxes. Terrible ideas.

LOL Lets stick with number one. Cain wants to open markets, drilling, refinement etc while the left wants to continue to increase our dependence.

Why should we bother reading your BS beyond number one? does it get better or worse?

If you're going to post my thoughts and ideas, I would prefer if you quoted me.

Thank you.

Was there some doubt on who I was speaking with?


You do understand how the quick reply button works right?
They have to do that. They can't argue on the merits of the issues so they have to find some way to demonize the opposition. They can't defend their own candidate without looking like idiots, so they have to somehow make ours look worse.

I posted a 7-point take down of Cain's policy ideas, not counting the terrible 9-9-9 Plan, and you did not respond in any way. You went on and on about his race.

But sure, I'm the one who doesn't want to argue the merit of the issues.

I debated it with you. Your only point that "could" be valid is the tax on gains. The rest was nothing more than your opinion. Hell, you didn't even respond to my last rebuttal.

You didn't debate anything with me. You basically proclaimed I was wrong and then acted like the "winner". You never, not to any of my points, explained how Cain's plan is the better plan and how it will better this country.

Simply telling me I'm wrong doesn't make me wrong.
Enemy of my enemy=my friend. I will vote for Obama and work to get him elected for 4 more years. I will feel sad doing it, but I will be hoping the republicans can win back the senate and increase our majority in the house.

Maybe we can get Obama impeached and get Biden.... :eusa_drool:

You will feel said doing it? Is that what you said? fuckwit.
Simple, If Cain wins the nomination will you vote for him or Obama?

I could vote for Cain, but I think some of his ideas are unrealistic. 9-9-9 being one of them.

But why? WHY is it unrealistic? Because some say it can't be done? People once said it was impossible to sail around the world, to fly, to receive voices or pictures through a wire, to fit a computer into single room, let alone into the palm of your hand. It was once believed that people are incapable of governing themselves or a Constitution such as is enjoyed in America was not possible.

I don't accept that we can't stop the runaway trainwreck that our federal government has become, that there is no better way to do tax policy, I don't accept that the federal government can't be reformed, that we are incapable of doing things differently and better.

I don't know whether 9-9-9 will work, but I do know that Herman Cain is a master mathematician and probably has a good grasp on the numbers. That alone means we should give it an honest hearing before we reject it as 'impractical'.
Simple, If Cain wins the nomination will you vote for him or Obama?

I could vote for Cain, but I think some of his ideas are unrealistic. 9-9-9 being one of them.

But why? WHY is it unrealistic? Because some say it can't be done? People once said it was impossible to sail around the world, to fly, to receive voices or pictures through a wire, to fit a computer into single room, let alone into the palm of your hand. It was once believed that people are incapable of governing themselves or a Constitution such as is enjoyed in America was not possible.

I don't accept that we can't stop the runaway trainwreck that our federal government has become, that there is no better way to do tax policy, I don't accept that the federal government can't be reformed, that we are incapable of doing things differently and better.

I don't know whether 9-9-9 will work, but I do know that Herman Cain is a master mathematician and probably has a good grasp on the numbers. That alone means we should give it an honest hearing before we reject it as 'impractical'.

No one is saying government can't be reformed or shouldn't be reformed. But you are advocating doing what many "conservatives" claim to hate about liberals. You are advocating change for the sake of change. You even admit you don't know if the plan will work! Why throw out the system in place and replace with something that could be worse?

As for the claim Cain is a "master mathematician", if he is, why has he so far released exactly ZERO numbers behind his plan? Why has he released ZERO support and evidence?

Let me guess, we need to elect him to see what's in the plan.
I could vote for Cain, but I think some of his ideas are unrealistic. 9-9-9 being one of them.

But why? WHY is it unrealistic? Because some say it can't be done? People once said it was impossible to sail around the world, to fly, to receive voices or pictures through a wire, to fit a computer into single room, let alone into the palm of your hand. It was once believed that people are incapable of governing themselves or a Constitution such as is enjoyed in America was not possible.

I don't accept that we can't stop the runaway trainwreck that our federal government has become, that there is no better way to do tax policy, I don't accept that the federal government can't be reformed, that we are incapable of doing things differently and better.

I don't know whether 9-9-9 will work, but I do know that Herman Cain is a master mathematician and probably has a good grasp on the numbers. That alone means we should give it an honest hearing before we reject it as 'impractical'.

No one is saying government can't be reformed or shouldn't be reformed. But you are advocating doing what many "conservatives" claim to hate about liberals. You are advocating change for the sake of change. You even admit you don't know if the plan will work! Why throw out the system in place and replace with something that could be worse?

As for the claim Cain is a "master mathematician", if he is, why has he so far released exactly ZERO numbers behind his plan? Why has he released ZERO support and evidence?

Let me guess, we need to elect him to see what's in the plan.

You will be hard put to find where at ANY time in ANY place in ANY forum I have advocated change for the sake of change. So you're full of it the first rattle out of the box.

Further you can't show at any place or any time or in any context that I have advocated replacing anything with something worse or without doing the necessary homework to competently predict the odds of success. Not doing very well here are you.

Cain not only has a degree in mathematics but a master's degree in computer science which is heavily math based in the practical application end. And there are a whole lot of folks coming up with lots and lots of numbers if his plan isn't specific enough for you. It is impossible to release support and evidence for something that has not been tried before. But Cain's track record as a competent executive suggests that he won't push to do something of that magnitude without plenty of study and logical rationale to support it.

The current system has the economy stalled and is saddling this and generations to come with ever increasing crushing debt.

Only the numbnuts won't at least look to see if something new and different has merit.
I could vote for Cain, but I think some of his ideas are unrealistic. 9-9-9 being one of them.

But why? WHY is it unrealistic? Because some say it can't be done? People once said it was impossible to sail around the world, to fly, to receive voices or pictures through a wire, to fit a computer into single room, let alone into the palm of your hand. It was once believed that people are incapable of governing themselves or a Constitution such as is enjoyed in America was not possible.

I don't accept that we can't stop the runaway trainwreck that our federal government has become, that there is no better way to do tax policy, I don't accept that the federal government can't be reformed, that we are incapable of doing things differently and better.

I don't know whether 9-9-9 will work, but I do know that Herman Cain is a master mathematician and probably has a good grasp on the numbers. That alone means we should give it an honest hearing before we reject it as 'impractical'.

No one is saying government can't be reformed or shouldn't be reformed. But you are advocating doing what many "conservatives" claim to hate about liberals. You are advocating change for the sake of change. You even admit you don't know if the plan will work! Why throw out the system in place and replace with something that could be worse?

As for the claim Cain is a "master mathematician", if he is, why has he so far released exactly ZERO numbers behind his plan? Why has he released ZERO support and evidence?

Let me guess, we need to elect him to see what's in the plan.

Lol, no, that's what Pelosi would say for any of HER ideas. I was listening to one of his interviews and he did quote numbers. They were too much for me to remember ( too late when I was listening), but they were there. It was on the interview you probably liked so much, with MSNBC. It was at the end of the interview. You're welcome.

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