We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
The only people who claim that disagreeing with Obama makes you a racist are, ironically, "Conservatives".

Lies. Your not a conservative so how the hell would you know what we hear on a daily basis both on here and in the real world?

Well, seeing as how I've never seen a liberal call any of you racist simply for disagreeing with Obama, yet, I've seen many of you call yourselves that (jokingly I assume), I'd say I have a pretty good idea.

Sorry but conservatives who spoof the racism charge are simply reacting to Maxine Waters, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, Jimmy Carter, and numerous persons on MSNBC and other sources who accuse critics of President Obama as being racist and use almost any stretch to use a common word or phrase as a racist term if it is applied to the President. And it gets old being accused of being racist if we treat President Obama as we would treat any other person in that regard.

Here's the latest I've seen:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SzQ3UEFch0]MSNBC Yet Again Implies Criticism of Obama Is Racist (09-01-11) - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CRpjPJOEIE]MSNBC's Ed Schultz Selectively Edits Video To Make Perry Look Racist - YouTube[/ame]
What more do I need to say? His 9-9-9 plan encourages consumers to NOT spend money. That's a terrible idea for helping get the economy going. Couple that with cuts for the wealthy and increases for the poor, and it's just not going to help the country get better.

Kinda like how welfare and endless unemployment checks encourage people NOT to look for work?
His plan may not be perfect but no plan ever is in its initial conception. It is however a good base to start from. It would certainly cause businesses to explode with the lower taxes.

Do lower taxes really cause businesses to explode? Nutters long for the prosperity of the Reagan years,,,,,,when taxes were HIGHER THAN THEY ARE NOW.

It's not about higher taxes now any more than it should have been about lower taxes back in 2003. It's about fair taxes.

Fair and simple taxes, a budget balanced by law and then build an economy that your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science.
Lies. Your not a conservative so how the hell would you know what we hear on a daily basis both on here and in the real world?

Well, seeing as how I've never seen a liberal call any of you racist simply for disagreeing with Obama, yet, I've seen many of you call yourselves that (jokingly I assume), I'd say I have a pretty good idea.

Well I got a story for you then.

I have one of those stickers on my truck that says OneBigAssMistakeAmerica. Its small and on the back of it. When I do estimates I park in the street because politics doesnt belong at work and I dont want it to come up. Yet probably 3/10 customers will usually bring it up in the context of "how is this economy treating your business?" I try to remain neutral no matter what during the estimate process and just agree with what they say or nod my head and pray for a topic change. Often (not always) during those conversations I will hear comments like "Can you believe our country is still this racist that Obama is treated and spoken of the way he is?" Some will then assume I am a democrat because of my nods and go even further into the complete bullshit that is racism.

I even had one customer who after he discovered my sticker after we started the job tell my help (and im sure he was joking) "I better hide my Obama yard signs so Jon (me) doesnt tear them all up"

Thats really where we are as a nation. Completely divided over race because we elected a black president and the MSM feels the need to trumpet racism every chance they get in an attempt to garner sympathy support for a failing president and his policies.

The hardest estimate I ever had to endure was prior to the 08 elections and it was for Clair McCaskels sister. She had so much Obama shit in her yard and on their cars you couldnt even see the grass or paint on the cars. LOL It was brutal because I was there for about an hour and all she talked about was Obama and her sister and what saints they were. That was a tough day when it comes to bitting ones tongue.

Anyways I do hear the racism shit all the time. And its rarely conservatives bringing it up

Very interesting. I'm near to spitting nails this even ing with some of the stupidity shown on the anti Cain threads. In all my years I have never felt so angry over this racism. We should have known when Obama's mentor, Mr. Wright came upon us. Just where wqerre our heads?

The silver tongued beast got himself elected and when the world appeared overjoyed, I felt the same way. I thought perhaps thois will make a difference around the globe! It certainly has made a difference. In foreign affairs, he apologizes for us, the "beer summit" was his crude attempt to going too far.

I have black friends and I feel insulted for them that they are in jeopardy of being in the middle of the angry 60's again.

What does it take that we learn to live as one people...Americans first? We cannot let others tear down a successful man because he worked hard to obtain his goals. He has the personality of a friendly neighbor everyone would love to have.

Compare him to Obama who has failed to keep promises, solve any problems and made America divisive. We deserve better than this. We deserve someone who can bring us together in prosperity and good times. And that is most likely Herman Cain.
Well, seeing as how I've never seen a liberal call any of you racist simply for disagreeing with Obama, yet, I've seen many of you call yourselves that (jokingly I assume), I'd say I have a pretty good idea.

Well I got a story for you then.

I have one of those stickers on my truck that says OneBigAssMistakeAmerica. Its small and on the back of it. When I do estimates I park in the street because politics doesnt belong at work and I dont want it to come up. Yet probably 3/10 customers will usually bring it up in the context of "how is this economy treating your business?" I try to remain neutral no matter what during the estimate process and just agree with what they say or nod my head and pray for a topic change. Often (not always) during those conversations I will hear comments like "Can you believe our country is still this racist that Obama is treated and spoken of the way he is?" Some will then assume I am a democrat because of my nods and go even further into the complete bullshit that is racism.

I even had one customer who after he discovered my sticker after we started the job tell my help (and im sure he was joking) "I better hide my Obama yard signs so Jon (me) doesnt tear them all up"

Thats really where we are as a nation. Completely divided over race because we elected a black president and the MSM feels the need to trumpet racism every chance they get in an attempt to garner sympathy support for a failing president and his policies.

The hardest estimate I ever had to endure was prior to the 08 elections and it was for Clair McCaskels sister. She had so much Obama shit in her yard and on their cars you couldnt even see the grass or paint on the cars. LOL It was brutal because I was there for about an hour and all she talked about was Obama and her sister and what saints they were. That was a tough day when it comes to bitting ones tongue.

Anyways I do hear the racism shit all the time. And its rarely conservatives bringing it up

Very interesting. I'm near to spitting nails this even ing with some of the stupidity shown on the anti Cain threads. In all my years I have never felt so angry over this racism. We should have known when Obama's mentor, Mr. Wright came upon us. Just where wqerre our heads?

The silver tongued beast got himself elected and when the world appeared overjoyed, I felt the same way. I thought perhaps thois will make a difference around the globe! It certainly has made a difference. In foreign affairs, he apologizes for us, the "beer summit" was his crude attempt to going too far.

I have black friends and I feel insulted for them that they are in jeopardy of being in the middle of the angry 60's again.

What does it take that we learn to live as one people...Americans first? We cannot let others tear down a successful man because he worked hard to obtain his goals. He has the personality of a friendly neighbor everyone would love to have.

Compare him to Obama who has failed to keep promises, solve any problems and made America divisive. We deserve better than this. We deserve someone who can bring us together in prosperity and good times. And that is most likely Herman Cain.

I'm in Florida. My customers are not, for the most part, fans of Obama. I am a white dude....and it is assumed that I will appreciate the racial slurs. I hear them A LOT. Your take on things does not jive with my experience, Gramps.

Jackson......you called Obama a beast in your whinefest about how Cain is being treated. Did you mean to do that?
Well, seeing as how I've never seen a liberal call any of you racist simply for disagreeing with Obama, yet, I've seen many of you call yourselves that (jokingly I assume), I'd say I have a pretty good idea.

Well I got a story for you then.

I have one of those stickers on my truck that says OneBigAssMistakeAmerica. Its small and on the back of it. When I do estimates I park in the street because politics doesnt belong at work and I dont want it to come up. Yet probably 3/10 customers will usually bring it up in the context of "how is this economy treating your business?" I try to remain neutral no matter what during the estimate process and just agree with what they say or nod my head and pray for a topic change. Often (not always) during those conversations I will hear comments like "Can you believe our country is still this racist that Obama is treated and spoken of the way he is?" Some will then assume I am a democrat because of my nods and go even further into the complete bullshit that is racism.

I even had one customer who after he discovered my sticker after we started the job tell my help (and im sure he was joking) "I better hide my Obama yard signs so Jon (me) doesnt tear them all up"

Thats really where we are as a nation. Completely divided over race because we elected a black president and the MSM feels the need to trumpet racism every chance they get in an attempt to garner sympathy support for a failing president and his policies.

The hardest estimate I ever had to endure was prior to the 08 elections and it was for Clair McCaskels sister. She had so much Obama shit in her yard and on their cars you couldnt even see the grass or paint on the cars. LOL It was brutal because I was there for about an hour and all she talked about was Obama and her sister and what saints they were. That was a tough day when it comes to bitting ones tongue.

Anyways I do hear the racism shit all the time. And its rarely conservatives bringing it up

Very interesting. I'm near to spitting nails this even ing with some of the stupidity shown on the anti Cain threads. In all my years I have never felt so angry over this racism. We should have known when Obama's mentor, Mr. Wright came upon us. Just where wqerre our heads?

The silver tongued beast got himself elected and when the world appeared overjoyed, I felt the same way. I thought perhaps thois will make a difference around the globe! It certainly has made a difference. In foreign affairs, he apologizes for us, the "beer summit" was his crude attempt to going too far.

I have black friends and I feel insulted for them that they are in jeopardy of being in the middle of the angry 60's again.

What does it take that we learn to live as one people...Americans first? We cannot let others tear down a successful man because he worked hard to obtain his goals. He has the personality of a friendly neighbor everyone would love to have.

Compare him to Obama who has failed to keep promises, solve any problems and made America divisive. We deserve better than this. We deserve someone who can bring us together in prosperity and good times. And that is most likely Herman Cain.

"In all my years I have never felt so angry over this racism."

How old are you?
Well I got a story for you then.

I have one of those stickers on my truck that says OneBigAssMistakeAmerica. Its small and on the back of it. When I do estimates I park in the street because politics doesnt belong at work and I dont want it to come up. Yet probably 3/10 customers will usually bring it up in the context of "how is this economy treating your business?" I try to remain neutral no matter what during the estimate process and just agree with what they say or nod my head and pray for a topic change. Often (not always) during those conversations I will hear comments like "Can you believe our country is still this racist that Obama is treated and spoken of the way he is?" Some will then assume I am a democrat because of my nods and go even further into the complete bullshit that is racism.

I even had one customer who after he discovered my sticker after we started the job tell my help (and im sure he was joking) "I better hide my Obama yard signs so Jon (me) doesnt tear them all up"

Thats really where we are as a nation. Completely divided over race because we elected a black president and the MSM feels the need to trumpet racism every chance they get in an attempt to garner sympathy support for a failing president and his policies.

The hardest estimate I ever had to endure was prior to the 08 elections and it was for Clair McCaskels sister. She had so much Obama shit in her yard and on their cars you couldnt even see the grass or paint on the cars. LOL It was brutal because I was there for about an hour and all she talked about was Obama and her sister and what saints they were. That was a tough day when it comes to bitting ones tongue.

Anyways I do hear the racism shit all the time. And its rarely conservatives bringing it up

Very interesting. I'm near to spitting nails this even ing with some of the stupidity shown on the anti Cain threads. In all my years I have never felt so angry over this racism. We should have known when Obama's mentor, Mr. Wright came upon us. Just where wqerre our heads?

The silver tongued beast got himself elected and when the world appeared overjoyed, I felt the same way. I thought perhaps thois will make a difference around the globe! It certainly has made a difference. In foreign affairs, he apologizes for us, the "beer summit" was his crude attempt to going too far.

I have black friends and I feel insulted for them that they are in jeopardy of being in the middle of the angry 60's again.

What does it take that we learn to live as one people...Americans first? We cannot let others tear down a successful man because he worked hard to obtain his goals. He has the personality of a friendly neighbor everyone would love to have.

Compare him to Obama who has failed to keep promises, solve any problems and made America divisive. We deserve better than this. We deserve someone who can bring us together in prosperity and good times. And that is most likely Herman Cain.

I'm in Florida. My customers are not, for the most part, fans of Obama. I am a white dude....and it is assumed that I will appreciate the racial slurs. I hear them A LOT. Your take on things does not jive with my experience, Gramps.

Jackson......you called Obama a beast in your whinefest about how Cain is being treated. Did you mean to do that?

Your experience=/= mine

I must be full of it.

I smoke, my grandmother didnt. Therefore she must have faked her heart attack since I never had one.

/failed logic
Very interesting. I'm near to spitting nails this even ing with some of the stupidity shown on the anti Cain threads. In all my years I have never felt so angry over this racism. We should have known when Obama's mentor, Mr. Wright came upon us. Just where wqerre our heads?

The silver tongued beast got himself elected and when the world appeared overjoyed, I felt the same way. I thought perhaps thois will make a difference around the globe! It certainly has made a difference. In foreign affairs, he apologizes for us, the "beer summit" was his crude attempt to going too far.

I have black friends and I feel insulted for them that they are in jeopardy of being in the middle of the angry 60's again.

What does it take that we learn to live as one people...Americans first? We cannot let others tear down a successful man because he worked hard to obtain his goals. He has the personality of a friendly neighbor everyone would love to have.

Compare him to Obama who has failed to keep promises, solve any problems and made America divisive. We deserve better than this. We deserve someone who can bring us together in prosperity and good times. And that is most likely Herman Cain.

I'm in Florida. My customers are not, for the most part, fans of Obama. I am a white dude....and it is assumed that I will appreciate the racial slurs. I hear them A LOT. Your take on things does not jive with my experience, Gramps.

Jackson......you called Obama a beast in your whinefest about how Cain is being treated. Did you mean to do that?

Your experience=/= mine

I must be full of it.

I smoke, my grandmother didnt. Therefore she must have faked her heart attack since I never had one.

/failed logic

More failed logic: The glasses are on Foxfyre. The glasses are on the table. Therefore Foxfyre is a table.

Early on when Obama started gaining momentum I remarked in a large active forum that I did not want a BLACK president. I was perfectly okay, however, with a president who happened to be black.

Every conservative knew exactly what I meant. And most, not all but most, leftists and Obama supporters accused me of making a racist statement.

For example, the 'tar baby' flap. I grew up on all the popular children's books with some of my favorites being Joel Chandler's Uncle Remus series. Br'er Fox made a tar baby to ensnare Br'er Rabbit who, the more he struggled, the more stuck he became. I still remember my teacher explaining that the 'tar baby' was a bad situation that is difficult to get away from. I knew Uncle Remus was black and I knew him as a gentle, endearing, and lovable soul. I could imagine sitting at his knee hearing the stories he told to the children.

But even after the social engineers decided Uncle Remus was politically incorrect and it disappeared from school library shelves sometime in the 60's, I never ever associated a tar baby with a black person until the Mitt Romney flap some months ago. Thus another perfectly good and practical term was taken away and assigned to the murky world of 'racism'.

In my opinion, until we can stop doing that, racism will remain alive and well and will be nurtured and encouraged in all of our everyday lives. It is just as racist to insist that a black person be treated as a BLACK person as it is to openly accuse him or her of being inferior or incapable because of his/her skin color.
I'm in Florida. My customers are not, for the most part, fans of Obama. I am a white dude....and it is assumed that I will appreciate the racial slurs. I hear them A LOT. Your take on things does not jive with my experience, Gramps.

Jackson......you called Obama a beast in your whinefest about how Cain is being treated. Did you mean to do that?

Your experience=/= mine

I must be full of it.

I smoke, my grandmother didnt. Therefore she must have faked her heart attack since I never had one.

/failed logic

More failed logic: The glasses are on Foxfyre. The glasses are on the table. Therefore Foxfyre is a table.

Early on when Obama started gaining momentum I remarked in a large active forum that I did not want a BLACK president. I was perfectly okay, however, with a president who happened to be black.

Every conservative knew exactly what I meant. And most, not all but most, leftists and Obama supporters accused me of making a racist statement.

For example, the 'tar baby' flap. I grew up on all the popular children's books with some of my favorites being Joel Chandler's Uncle Remus series. Br'er Fox made a tar baby to ensnare Br'er Rabbit who, the more he struggled, the more stuck he became. I still remember my teacher explaining that the 'tar baby' was a bad situation that is difficult to get away from. I knew Uncle Remus was black and I knew him as a gentle, endearing, and lovable soul. I could imagine sitting at his knee hearing the stories he told to the children.

But even after the social engineers decided Uncle Remus was politically incorrect and it disappeared from school library shelves sometime in the 60's, I never ever associated a tar baby with a black person until the Mitt Romney flap some months ago. Thus another perfectly good and practical term was taken away and assigned to the murky world of 'racism'.

In my opinion, until we can stop doing that, racism will remain alive and well and will be nurtured and encouraged in all of our everyday lives. It is just as racist to insist that a black person be treated as a BLACK person as it is to openly accuse him or her of being inferior or incapable because of his/her skin color.

Like many, when Obama was elected I was excited at the opportunities for race relations in this country to take large steps forward.

I am utterly baffled that we have gone completely in the wrong direction. It defys logic.
I'd come closer to voting for Cain.

Truth is, I'll skip the potus race and slide down the ballot if there are only these two choices.
Chances are the Libertarians and the Constitution parties will offer an alternative.
Cain gets the most support by a wide margin yet we get more anti Cain posts. Hmmm

Seems the libs are desperate to try to discredit him and pull his numbers back.
Simple, If Cain wins the nomination will you vote for him or Obama?
Canadians have been described to a nation of "left-wing urban Americans" and yet they have
- healthier lives,
- longer lifespans,
- work less,
- take more holidays,
- spend more family time together,
- have more sex,
- less personal debt,
- accummulate more wealth
- less government debt/maintain their S&P AAA rating.

Following Cain and his GOP/Tea Party friends will lead to
- unhealthier lives
- shorter lifespans (compare the dicrepency in average livespans between red and blue states)
- work more
- take fewer holidays
- less family time
- less sex
- more personal debt
- accummulate less wealth
- more government debt/will not maintain a S&P AAA standing

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I'm in Florida. My customers are not, for the most part, fans of Obama. I am a white dude....and it is assumed that I will appreciate the racial slurs. I hear them A LOT. Your take on things does not jive with my experience, Gramps.

Jackson......you called Obama a beast in your whinefest about how Cain is being treated. Did you mean to do that?

Your experience=/= mine

I must be full of it.

I smoke, my grandmother didnt. Therefore she must have faked her heart attack since I never had one.

/failed logic

More failed logic: The glasses are on Foxfyre. The glasses are on the table. Therefore Foxfyre is a table.

Early on when Obama started gaining momentum I remarked in a large active forum that I did not want a BLACK president. I was perfectly okay, however, with a president who happened to be black.

Every conservative knew exactly what I meant. And most, not all but most, leftists and Obama supporters accused me of making a racist statement.

For example, the 'tar baby' flap. I grew up on all the popular children's books with some of my favorites being Joel Chandler's Uncle Remus series. Br'er Fox made a tar baby to ensnare Br'er Rabbit who, the more he struggled, the more stuck he became. I still remember my teacher explaining that the 'tar baby' was a bad situation that is difficult to get away from. I knew Uncle Remus was black and I knew him as a gentle, endearing, and lovable soul. I could imagine sitting at his knee hearing the stories he told to the children.

But even after the social engineers decided Uncle Remus was politically incorrect and it disappeared from school library shelves sometime in the 60's, I never ever associated a tar baby with a black person until the Mitt Romney flap some months ago. Thus another perfectly good and practical term was taken away and assigned to the murky world of 'racism'.

In my opinion, until we can stop doing that, racism will remain alive and well and will be nurtured and encouraged in all of our everyday lives. It is just as racist to insist that a black person be treated as a BLACK person as it is to openly accuse him or her of being inferior or incapable because of his/her skin color.

My daughter's tournament has been rained out.....so I've got some unexpected free time. I realize that trying to deal with this issue of race is not likely to bear fruit....but when I see someone who struggles with the reality of it so much....I just have to try.

Let me begin by saying that the attributes that you ascribe to those of us who feel that race still plays a significant roll in the American experience---are not accurate. I don't insist that a black person be treated any different than any other person.

Had I been here when you made those comments about Obama, I would not have accused you of making a racist statement. But I would have asked you to elaborate on it some. On the surface, it sounds like you would not want a black man who was culturally black. Physically, he could be black....but you want him to simply be an American in his roll as President. He ought to govern as though he is of no particular race.

I almost want to pause here to ask if my assessment of your comment is accurate...but I don't know if I'll be able to keep my train of thought. So I will assume that I've got it pretty close.

I'd then explain to you that a person who is culturally black.....who has full knowledge of the black experience in America...could be a great President. This person could acknowlege
his or her heritage and still govern all the people. As long as the laws that we live by are followed, the cultural personality of the person carries no weight.

I'd then ask if a woman were elected President....would you want her to be a President who is a woman rather than a woman President....and govern as though she were neither male nor female? Is that something that is even possible to do?

Finally, I'd ask....in retrospect.....if you think this President....President Obama....has met your criteria. Has he been a black President...or has he been a President who hapopens to be black.

I'd have to stop there. Your response is needed at this point.
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Cain gets the most support by a wide margin yet we get more anti Cain posts. Hmmm

Seems the libs are desperate to try to discredit him and pull his numbers back.
It just means the people are on the right course backing Cain.
Gotta love those Republicans

I go away for two weeks and you have already jumped off the Perry bandwagon and jumped onto Cain?

Fickle bunch aren't you?

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