We should be at 7.5% unemployment

All it demonstrates is that the previous regime left things in a bigger mess than most people thought.

Yup.........but only those in the minority think that. If the majority thought that you wouldnt get..................



Oh yeh that's right....

Obama promises unemployment will not go over 8%.....when it does it's Bush's fault
Obama says it will be a summer of recovery and it's not.....It's Bush's fault...
Obama lies and says there are shovel ready jobs then admits his lie....It's Bush's fault
Biden promises there will be 500,000 jobs a month due to stimulus it didn't...Bush's fault

I can agree it's Bush's fault that Obama got elected, so technically that's all true. :tongue:
I recall farther back than that where the experts said everything would be back to normal in 6 months, just a little adjustment.

Once the campaign started, there was no way we were going to recover quickly.

All the consumer heard was "gloom and doom on the horizon"...and "the GOP took us to the brink of a recession"

They say elections have consequences...

I say campaigns have consequences.

True to all that, but policy has consequences too.

The Stimulus not only got us more in debt, it actually made things much worse.

Trickle up poverty.
Well I see the Fed is now saying the the high unemployment numbers are here to stay for quite awhile.
Gloomy Fed employment forecast overshadows upbeat GDP data
Gloomy Fed jobs forecast overshadows upward revision on U.S. economic growth - latimes.com
The artice states that the American worker is facing competition from robots, computers and foreign workers.
And as this goes on, the US trade deficit grows.
So instead of putting 100% of the blame on Obama, Free Trade is certainly to blame and of course the outsourcing of American jobs overseas.

So you are saying that the USA cannot compete successfully in the world market? I seem to remember that being said while Carter was in office, too.

The key here is not shutting out those who you percieve to be more ingenious and creative than their American Counterparts but rather for their American Couterparts to be more ingenious and creative than they are.

How might we do this as a country and how might the government help this along?

Should the government confiscate 5% of the GDP, impose punitive taxes on the small business owners and tax the estates of the rich to assure that no wealth is passed generationally from one entrepeneur to the next or should the government do everything possible to entice the creative and the ingenious to create and build here in the USA?

You're probably right. Let's just give up and pass the torch to the Chinese. Our turn is over.
All it demonstrates is that the previous regime left things in a bigger mess than most people thought.

It might demonstrate that. That will be a point of debate over the next two years.

Something that it definitely does demonstrate is that the current administration did not understand the size or complexity of the problem, did not have a solution for it, has not figured it out yet and is showing no sign that it either understands the problem or has a solution.

Another thing that is pretty clear is the the American people have noticed that the Emperor has no clothes.

When do you think he'll figure out that the jig is up?
Obviously, Obama can't stop you, even though he's a socialist commie.
Are you serious, you are going to outsource jobs offshore? And if so, you're on here bragging about it?

I didn't say I was, I asked what Obama is doing to stop me. So far all he doing is giving me every incentive to do it.

What incentives?

The financial "reforms," the healthcare law, and the crony capitalism. This country really isn't a very good place to have employees these days. He knows it, that's why he gave GM approval to offshore jobs.

Comrades! The 5-Year Plan is bearing fruit! Do not slacken your efforts -- we must strive to defeat the imperialists and bring glory to the Motherland! And, uh, don't forget to pay your union dues!
I didn't say I was, I asked what Obama is doing to stop me. So far all he doing is giving me every incentive to do it.

What incentives?

The financial "reforms," the healthcare law, and the crony capitalism. This country really isn't a very good place to have employees these days. He knows it, that's why he gave GM approval to offshore jobs.

OK, I can agree with healthcare reform, I have always been against the mandates, I have always supported elective choices.
But the financial reforms? The main concept of the financial reforms is to protect the consumer. So what is your business and how do the finacial reforms hurt you? Are you part of the financial sector?
And finally, the GM bailout and outsourcing jobs offshore isn't moral at all, so naturally, I'm not happy with that move at all. I'm also not happy with the GOP blocking efforts to take away tax breaks for companies that practice offshore outsourcing.
I got involved with this thread for a simple reason, we can't just blame Obama, as I have stated a multitude of times, this whole recession and all the negatives that go with it belong to be on the shoulders of both parties. I get sick of the left blaming GWB for everything and sick of the right blaming Obama for everything. Sorry folks, there's plenty of blame that needs to be spread around.
We should be at 0% unemployment. Unfortunately, politicians have a habit of screwing things up.
Remember this?


We should be at 7.5% unemployment right now. Remember before all this "in the ditch" nonsense was created, the above chart says what the Obama Economic team said would happen. They assured us they were the best experts on the planet, and they assured us that the Stimulus plan would work.

Remember this, it didn't. Unemployment is at 9.6% and despite all the predictions, rhetoric, and excuses, it's still flat at a rate higher than what they said it would be if we agreed to their plan.

Another key thing they got wrong is the time they expected things to get better with or without the Stimulus. Early in the 4th quarter of 2010 the unemployment rate was predicted to go down with or without the Stimulus and yet it's still flat. Obviously we'll never know if it would have gone down without the Stimulus, but it's clear that they were wrong on the results and wrong on the timeline. Remember this whenever Obama and his economic team decide to change things because "we can't stay on the current course." Keep the current course and get out of the way, it's obvious he can't make things better and I propose we consider that they actually made things worse.

It is a very misleading graph without a link, and obvioulsy been doctored in pornoshop (Actual graph below).

The stimulus should have been given to the people, but the republicans don't feel you are smart enough to spend money. The whole mess is on Bush's plate, and of course we would know the actual results if we chose to be observant. ie. businesses have accumulated over a trillion dollars that wasn't put into the economy, and several trillion more dollars in the stock market that are not circulating in the economy. The Obama stimulus was a success! The Retard Corps are a FAIL.

Last edited:
Remember this?


We should be at 7.5% unemployment right now. Remember before all this "in the ditch" nonsense was created, the above chart says what the Obama Economic team said would happen. They assured us they were the best experts on the planet, and they assured us that the Stimulus plan would work.

Remember this, it didn't. Unemployment is at 9.6% and despite all the predictions, rhetoric, and excuses, it's still flat at a rate higher than what they said it would be if we agreed to their plan.

Another key thing they got wrong is the time they expected things to get better with or without the Stimulus. Early in the 4th quarter of 2010 the unemployment rate was predicted to go down with or without the Stimulus and yet it's still flat. Obviously we'll never know if it would have gone down without the Stimulus, but it's clear that they were wrong on the results and wrong on the timeline. Remember this whenever Obama and his economic team decide to change things because "we can't stay on the current course." Keep the current course and get out of the way, it's obvious he can't make things better and I propose we consider that they actually made things worse.

We probably would be at 7.5 if people would take the jobs available and quit holding out for management positions.
I recall farther back than that where the experts said everything would be back to normal in 6 months, just a little adjustment.

Once the campaign started, there was no way we were going to recover quickly.

All the consumer heard was "gloom and doom on the horizon"...and "the GOP took us to the brink of a recession"

They say elections have consequences...

I say campaigns have consequences.

True to all that, but policy has consequences too.

The Stimulus not only got us more in debt, it actually made things much worse.

At what point do you guys plan on updating your knowledge on this subject instead of repeating that worn-out, inaccurate old line?

Stimulus Provided Large Jobs Boost, CBO Report Concludes
The heavily criticized American Recovery and Reinvestment Act generated a rise of between 1.4 and 4.1 percent in national output from July to September, according to a report from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

With the unemployment rate still at the forefront of public concerns, the CBO said the stimulus package also created between 1.4 million and 3.6 million jobs during the same period. The stimulus did not, however, decrease the unemployment rate to below 8 percent, as the Obama administration promised when it sold the stimulus at the height of the recession. That figure remains at 9.6 percent, a rate the CBO believes would be between 10.4 percent and 11.6 percent without the Recovery Act.

CBO analysis methods explained here, along with further information as summarized above.

Director's Blog Blog Archive Estimated Impact of ARRA on Employment and Economic Output From July 2010 Through September 2010
Remember this?


We should be at 7.5% unemployment right now. Remember before all this "in the ditch" nonsense was created, the above chart says what the Obama Economic team said would happen. They assured us they were the best experts on the planet, and they assured us that the Stimulus plan would work.

Remember this, it didn't. Unemployment is at 9.6% and despite all the predictions, rhetoric, and excuses, it's still flat at a rate higher than what they said it would be if we agreed to their plan.

Another key thing they got wrong is the time they expected things to get better with or without the Stimulus. Early in the 4th quarter of 2010 the unemployment rate was predicted to go down with or without the Stimulus and yet it's still flat. Obviously we'll never know if it would have gone down without the Stimulus, but it's clear that they were wrong on the results and wrong on the timeline. Remember this whenever Obama and his economic team decide to change things because "we can't stay on the current course." Keep the current course and get out of the way, it's obvious he can't make things better and I propose we consider that they actually made things worse.

We probably would be at 7.5 if people would take the jobs available and quit holding out for management positions.

The problem isn't unemployment, it is the "manner in which unemployment is being calculated." That is what is giving you the high unemployment rate figures.
Well I see the Fed is now saying the the high unemployment numbers are here to stay for quite awhile.
Gloomy Fed employment forecast overshadows upbeat GDP data
Gloomy Fed jobs forecast overshadows upward revision on U.S. economic growth - latimes.com
The artice states that the American worker is facing competition from robots, computers and foreign workers.
And as this goes on, the US trade deficit grows.
So instead of putting 100% of the blame on Obama, Free Trade is certainly to blame and of course the outsourcing of American jobs overseas.

All of the experts agree that the manufacturing jobs lost during this recession will not be coming back. That means retraining of much of the workforce that has been in limbo these past two years in areas of production that will keep jobs HERE, not THERE. So what industry(ies) will that be? Since the U.S. dragged its feet in pursuing green energy, China now far surpasses us in those endeavors, so what else are we prepared to do that other countries can't do just as well but cheaper? Any answers?
Well I see the Fed is now saying the the high unemployment numbers are here to stay for quite awhile.
Gloomy Fed employment forecast overshadows upbeat GDP data
Gloomy Fed jobs forecast overshadows upward revision on U.S. economic growth - latimes.com
The artice states that the American worker is facing competition from robots, computers and foreign workers.
And as this goes on, the US trade deficit grows.
So instead of putting 100% of the blame on Obama, Free Trade is certainly to blame and of course the outsourcing of American jobs overseas.

All of the experts agree that the manufacturing jobs lost during this recession will not be coming back. That means retraining of much of the workforce that has been in limbo these past two years in areas of production that will keep jobs HERE, not THERE. So what industry(ies) will that be? Since the U.S. dragged its feet in pursuing green energy, China now far surpasses us in those endeavors, so what else are we prepared to do that other countries can't do just as well but cheaper? Any answers?

Green energy is a myth.
Well I see the Fed is now saying the the high unemployment numbers are here to stay for quite awhile.
Gloomy Fed employment forecast overshadows upbeat GDP data
Gloomy Fed jobs forecast overshadows upward revision on U.S. economic growth - latimes.com
The artice states that the American worker is facing competition from robots, computers and foreign workers.
And as this goes on, the US trade deficit grows.
So instead of putting 100% of the blame on Obama, Free Trade is certainly to blame and of course the outsourcing of American jobs overseas.

All of the experts agree that the manufacturing jobs lost during this recession will not be coming back. That means retraining of much of the workforce that has been in limbo these past two years in areas of production that will keep jobs HERE, not THERE. So what industry(ies) will that be? Since the U.S. dragged its feet in pursuing green energy, China now far surpasses us in those endeavors, so what else are we prepared to do that other countries can't do just as well but cheaper? Any answers?

Develop a potent energy source & grid, develop a glass highway for transportation, double our food supplies, quadruple our fresh water supply, explore the moon for usable mineral sources. Learn how to be diplomats.
Well I see the Fed is now saying the the high unemployment numbers are here to stay for quite awhile.
Gloomy Fed employment forecast overshadows upbeat GDP data
Gloomy Fed jobs forecast overshadows upward revision on U.S. economic growth - latimes.com
The artice states that the American worker is facing competition from robots, computers and foreign workers.
And as this goes on, the US trade deficit grows.
So instead of putting 100% of the blame on Obama, Free Trade is certainly to blame and of course the outsourcing of American jobs overseas.

All of the experts agree that the manufacturing jobs lost during this recession will not be coming back. That means retraining of much of the workforce that has been in limbo these past two years in areas of production that will keep jobs HERE, not THERE. So what industry(ies) will that be? Since the U.S. dragged its feet in pursuing green energy, China now far surpasses us in those endeavors, so what else are we prepared to do that other countries can't do just as well but cheaper? Any answers?

Green energy is a myth.

Why do you say that?

But we cant blame Obama. According to him, his team of 100 top economists who knew for sure that the stimulus was a must, misread the severity of the economy.
Sure...all 100 of them misread it.

lmao...........and are you seeing what Im seeing lately? Starting to see this total crock of BS being laid down by the thousands of media people in the tank for this guy..........

"There are structural flaws in this economy that are keeping growth rates down and unemployment up!!! Nobody has the solution!!"

Expect to hear this crock of shit for the next 24 months. Heard it again on the Morning Joe show this AM on MSNBC!!! The asshole lefty from Boston.........cant remember his name now!! This is going to be the new strategy of duping the hopelessly duped.

A crock of shit? Then I guess all these other guys are lying too. Here are a couple of examples of "structural flaws" in the economy, better known as GREED:

More Layoffs, Bigger Payoffs: CEOs Who Cut More Jobs Got Paid 42% More Money in 2009 - DailyFinance
Combined, the CEOs at those 50 firms made $598 million and laid off 531,363 workers -- accounting for more than three quarters of the 697,448 announced layoffs at the top 500 firms. The study also found that 72% of them announced their mass layoffs during periods of positive earnings reports, and that those companies enjoyed a 44% profit increase in 2009.

U.S. companies buy back stock in droves as they hold record levels of cash
For months, companies have been sitting on the sidelines with record piles of cash, too nervous to spend. Now they're starting to deploy some of that money - not to hire workers or build factories, but to prop up their share prices.

Yeah, everybody lies but you, including FORTUNE magazine. Uh huh...

Who can magically fix the economy? No one - Full version - Oct. 15, 2010

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