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We should help Moderate and Conservatives divide their party!


Pentheus torn apart
Nov 1, 2008
As someone who tends to vote Democrat to Republican 2 to 1, why am I saying this? Especially to a group of optimistic progressives with "We Win" if the turmoil in the GOP continues. I say this to help America! We need choice--clear and unfettered choice in our electoral process. As of now, we have 2 parties, but 3 core ideological bents. The Democrats, which is composed of Liberals and Moderates, and the Republicans which is composed of Conservative and Moderates.

This system has seemed to work only for the Liberals!! By increasing the tension between Moderates and Conservatives, the largest ideological groups in the country. While Moderate and Conservatives fight, Liberal squeeze through and get their Agendas past in the heat of the moment. If what I say is so, then why would any Liberal wish to change this dynamic. It is due to the trend of Conservatism slowly corrupting the Moderates with their ideology!

A quick look at Centrist ideology tells the whole story. Moderates hate conflict deep down, they are normally the ones looking for compromises and resolutions. Government is kept functional due to the Moderates hard work and even sacrifice of what they may want.

However, the Conservatives are not afraid of conflict! They see conflict as just one of the many tools to protect the things to preserve. Think about it. A quick to the head will warn any adversary against changing the core values they installed in America. They do not waste bullets with warning shots!. This difference is the first key to transforming Moderates into Conservatives.

The other Key is the fact that Liberals are taking advantage of the conflict between the two. Moderates do not favor 'rapid' change. They like to look things over and and weigh the pros and cons first. However, by being in lock battle with conservatives, they only get to hear the cons and are accused of supporting those cons!! The conservatives are waging a political and psychological war on the moderates. The conservatives weaponry only increase each time Liberals sneak-pass an agenda.

The ACA--Conservatives call Moderates socialist at best, Marxist soldiers running death camp for poor and elderly at worst!!

Gay Marriage--Conservatives claim Moderates don't read the Bible at best, atheistic homosexuals that support child rape and polygamy at worst!!

Now immigration. We know what the Conservatives say! Drug smugglers and rapist that kill and raping women without care. An invading army that are stealing jobs and decreasing wages!! A large group of squatters that suck the government teat dry and take a squat on American Traditions!! The Moderates support this, they scream!! The Moderates, with their Liberal allies, are enablers of Americas destruction!!

How long do you think the Centrist Wall will last, my dear Liberals and progressives?

How long do you think the "conflict resolving, lets all settle down and examine the problem, I'm sure we can come up with something" Mr and Mrs Moderate can hold up to the Conservative bombardment of anger and hatred?

Moderates are not ideologues. They do not readily throw themselves upon the martyr pyre of socialism nor capitalism. They are convinced something can be wrangled out so that all can live sufficiently, comfortably if they try hard enough. They seek political understanding and corporation with their fellows citizens.

This is what makes them a weak Wall! Their willingness to compromise and listen to the otherside. For the last 6 years, Moderates are the ones that took the blunt of Liberal accomplishment. The Moderates deeply considered what the conservatives have said, while liberals laughed it off as nonsense!! The Moderates feel the real animosity of the right as they wonder if they have not betrayed the founders dream, while Liberals moon conservatives and call all that anger "deranged madness derived from conservative xenophobia and insecurities!!"

The Centrist Wall is slowly crumbling, Liberals!! When it falls, many of those Moderates would have converted or quit politics!!

The only way to save what you have accomplished is to separate the Moderates from the Conservatives! Don't let your comrades carry your burden. Remove the Moderates from the front lines! Help divide the Republican party. Confront those Conservatives on the battlefields of political ideas. Give the Moderates a break.

It is not too late Moderate Republicans!

Help is on the way!!​
No-an actual division!
Democrats should help divide the GOP into 2 viable parties!!
As someone who tends to vote Democrat to Republican 2 to 1, why am I saying this? Especially to a group of optimistic progressives with "We Win" if the turmoil in the GOP continues. I say this to help America! We need choice--clear and unfettered choice in our electoral process. As of now, we have 2 parties, but 3 core ideological bents. The Democrats, which is composed of Liberals and Moderates, and the Republicans which is composed of Conservative and Moderates.

This system has seemed to work only for the Liberals!! By increasing the tension between Moderates and Conservatives, the largest ideological groups in the country. While Moderate and Conservatives fight, Liberal squeeze through and get their Agendas past in the heat of the moment. If what I say is so, then why would any Liberal wish to change this dynamic. It is due to the trend of Conservatism slowly corrupting the Moderates with their ideology!

A quick look at Centrist ideology tells the whole story. Moderates hate conflict deep down, they are normally the ones looking for compromises and resolutions. Government is kept functional due to the Moderates hard work and even sacrifice of what they may want.

However, the Conservatives are not afraid of conflict! They see conflict as just one of the many tools to protect the things to preserve. Think about it. A quick to the head will warn any adversary against changing the core values they installed in America. They do not waste bullets with warning shots!. This difference is the first key to transforming Moderates into Conservatives.

The other Key is the fact that Liberals are taking advantage of the conflict between the two. Moderates do not favor 'rapid' change. They like to look things over and and weigh the pros and cons first. However, by being in lock battle with conservatives, they only get to hear the cons and are accused of supporting those cons!! The conservatives are waging a political and psychological war on the moderates. The conservatives weaponry only increase each time Liberals sneak-pass an agenda.

The ACA--Conservatives call Moderates socialist at best, Marxist soldiers running death camp for poor and elderly at worst!!

Gay Marriage--Conservatives claim Moderates don't read the Bible at best, atheistic homosexuals that support child rape and polygamy at worst!!

Now immigration. We know what the Conservatives say! Drug smugglers and rapist that kill and raping women without care. An invading army that are stealing jobs and decreasing wages!! A large group of squatters that suck the government teat dry and take a squat on American Traditions!! The Moderates support this, they scream!! The Moderates, with their Liberal allies, are enablers of Americas destruction!!

How long do you think the Centrist Wall will last, my dear Liberals and progressives?

How long do you think the "conflict resolving, lets all settle down and examine the problem, I'm sure we can come up with something" Mr and Mrs Moderate can hold up to the Conservative bombardment of anger and hatred?

Moderates are not ideologues. They do not readily throw themselves upon the martyr pyre of socialism nor capitalism. They are convinced something can be wrangled out so that all can live sufficiently, comfortably if they try hard enough. They seek political understanding and corporation with their fellows citizens.

This is what makes them a weak Wall! Their willingness to compromise and listen to the otherside. For the last 6 years, Moderates are the ones that took the blunt of Liberal accomplishment. The Moderates deeply considered what the conservatives have said, while liberals laughed it off as nonsense!! The Moderates feel the real animosity of the right as they wonder if they have not betrayed the founders dream, while Liberals moon conservatives and call all that anger "deranged madness derived from conservative xenophobia and insecurities!!"

The Centrist Wall is slowly crumbling, Liberals!! When it falls, many of those Moderates would have converted or quit politics!!

The only way to save what you have accomplished is to separate the Moderates from the Conservatives! Don't let your comrades carry your burden. Remove the Moderates from the front lines! Help divide the Republican party. Confront those Conservatives on the battlefields of political ideas. Give the Moderates a break.

It is not too late Moderate Republicans!

Help is on the way!!​

Not to burst your bubble but the moderate centrist wall is the largest it has been in decades.

We are talking about 40% of the electorate now consider themselves to be moderates.

And that growth has occurred largely on the moderate right. The liberals have inched up by only one percent.

The growth of the moderate middle has occurred at the expense of the conservative right.

With that said the fact that the extremist hard right is driving the moderate right out of the party and into the center is actually doing exactly what you are proposing.

The extremist hard right is splitting the GOP by driving out the "RINOs" and making them an endangered species.

All we need is another viable centrist party and they will be on board in a heartbeat.

FYI the Whig party is trying to fill that gap.

So no, I don't see the moderates as being in any danger of collapse any time soon.

If anything they are either going to retake the GOP back from the rabid hard right or they will be the core of a new centrist party.

If I had to put any money on it I would go with the former.
There is a Whig party?

They disappeared over a century ago.

Are you sure you are not celebrating the Aug 6 debates too soon?
Not to burst your bubble but the moderate centrist wall is the largest it has been in decades.

We are talking about 40% of the electorate now consider themselves to be moderates.

And that growth has occurred largely on the moderate right. The liberals have inched up by only one percent.

The growth of the moderate middle has occurred at the expense of the conservative right.

With that said the fact that the extremist hard right is driving the moderate right out of the party and into the center is actually doing exactly what you are proposing.

The extremist hard right is splitting the GOP by driving out the "RINOs" and making them an endangered species.

All we need is another viable centrist party and they will be on board in a heartbeat.

FYI the Whig party is trying to fill that gap.

So no, I don't see the moderates as being in any danger of collapse any time soon.

If anything they are either going to retake the GOP back from the rabid hard right or they will be the core of a new centrist party.

If I had to put any money on it I would go with the former.

Not to burst your bubble but fed up conservatives and the tea party kicked the living shit out of the left and Democrats during the last 3 elections. Dem's have been decimated, we threw them to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed.

The only time Democrats win is when they lie through their teeth like Obama did in 2012. Even with him on the ballot lying Dem's barely scraped back 6 of the 56 seats in the House they lost in 2010, that's a loss by any measure. Then when Obama's lies became obvious voters got mad and WHAMMO Dem's got bitch slapped again in 2014.

Its good times to be a conservative watching the Democratic party implode. Now Dem's are stuck with Hillary...HAHAHAHAHA they just can't catch a break. :laugh:
Not to burst your bubble but the moderate centrist wall is the largest it has been in decades.

We are talking about 40% of the electorate now consider themselves to be moderates.

And that growth has occurred largely on the moderate right. The liberals have inched up by only one percent.

The growth of the moderate middle has occurred at the expense of the conservative right.

With that said the fact that the extremist hard right is driving the moderate right out of the party and into the center is actually doing exactly what you are proposing.

The extremist hard right is splitting the GOP by driving out the "RINOs" and making them an endangered species.

All we need is another viable centrist party and they will be on board in a heartbeat.

FYI the Whig party is trying to fill that gap.

So no, I don't see the moderates as being in any danger of collapse any time soon.

If anything they are either going to retake the GOP back from the rabid hard right or they will be the core of a new centrist party.

If I had to put any money on it I would go with the former.

Not to burst your bubble but fed up conservatives and the tea party kicked the living shit out of the left and Democrats during the last 3 elections. Dem's have been decimated, we threw them to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed.

The only time Democrats win is when they lie through their teeth like Obama did in 2012. Even with him on the ballot lying Dem's barely scraped back 6 of the 56 seats in the House they lost in 2010, that's a loss by any measure. Then when Obama's lies became obvious voters got mad and WHAMMO Dem's got bitch slapped again in 2014.

Its good times to be a conservative watching the Democratic party implode. Now Dem's are stuck with Hillary...HAHAHAHAHA they just can't catch a break. :laugh:

What are you smoking and why aren't you sharing?

Not to burst your bubble but the moderate centrist wall is the largest it has been in decades.

We are talking about 40% of the electorate now consider themselves to be moderates.

And that growth has occurred largely on the moderate right. The liberals have inched up by only one percent.

The growth of the moderate middle has occurred at the expense of the conservative right.

With that said the fact that the extremist hard right is driving the moderate right out of the party and into the center is actually doing exactly what you are proposing.

The extremist hard right is splitting the GOP by driving out the "RINOs" and making them an endangered species.

All we need is another viable centrist party and they will be on board in a heartbeat.

FYI the Whig party is trying to fill that gap.

So no, I don't see the moderates as being in any danger of collapse any time soon.

If anything they are either going to retake the GOP back from the rabid hard right or they will be the core of a new centrist party.

If I had to put any money on it I would go with the former.

Not to burst your bubble but fed up conservatives and the tea party kicked the living shit out of the left and Democrats during the last 3 elections. Dem's have been decimated, we threw them to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed.

The only time Democrats win is when they lie through their teeth like Obama did in 2012. Even with him on the ballot lying Dem's barely scraped back 6 of the 56 seats in the House they lost in 2010, that's a loss by any measure. Then when Obama's lies became obvious voters got mad and WHAMMO Dem's got bitch slapped again in 2014.

Its good times to be a conservative watching the Democratic party implode. Now Dem's are stuck with Hillary...HAHAHAHAHA they just can't catch a break. :laugh:

What are you smoking and why aren't you sharing?


1921 yes that's how far back you have to go to find a Democratic party bitch slapping as bad as we put on the fools. :laugh:
Yes, we REALLY need these men (I use that term lightly, traitors would be more accurate) to declare themselves DemocRATS and leave the Republican party...after all even dimwitted Democrats can understand when a politician LIES! GO TRUMP, CRUZ, and a handful of REAL CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICANS!

Not to burst your bubble but the moderate centrist wall is the largest it has been in decades.

We are talking about 40% of the electorate now consider themselves to be moderates.

And that growth has occurred largely on the moderate right. The liberals have inched up by only one percent.

The growth of the moderate middle has occurred at the expense of the conservative right.

With that said the fact that the extremist hard right is driving the moderate right out of the party and into the center is actually doing exactly what you are proposing.

The extremist hard right is splitting the GOP by driving out the "RINOs" and making them an endangered species.

All we need is another viable centrist party and they will be on board in a heartbeat.

FYI the Whig party is trying to fill that gap.

So no, I don't see the moderates as being in any danger of collapse any time soon.

If anything they are either going to retake the GOP back from the rabid hard right or they will be the core of a new centrist party.

If I had to put any money on it I would go with the former.

Not to burst your bubble but fed up conservatives and the tea party kicked the living shit out of the left and Democrats during the last 3 elections. Dem's have been decimated, we threw them to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed.

The only time Democrats win is when they lie through their teeth like Obama did in 2012. Even with him on the ballot lying Dem's barely scraped back 6 of the 56 seats in the House they lost in 2010, that's a loss by any measure. Then when Obama's lies became obvious voters got mad and WHAMMO Dem's got bitch slapped again in 2014.

Its good times to be a conservative watching the Democratic party implode. Now Dem's are stuck with Hillary...HAHAHAHAHA they just can't catch a break. :laugh:

What are you smoking and why aren't you sharing?


1921 yes that's how far back you have to go to find a Democratic party bitch slapping as bad as we put on the fools. :laugh:

Gerrymandering because your old white demographic is dying off.

How long do you imagine you can keep control of the House before it is removed from your cold dead hands?

The experts reckon 2020 is about all you have left. Better make the most of those few years you have left.

2016 will see the Senate go back to the Dems and given that you don't want to field a serious candidate for 2016 the Dems will probably hold the Whitehouse too.
I'm not saying they join the Democrat party

I am arguing for a 3 party system!!
As someone who tends to vote Democrat to Republican 2 to 1, why am I saying this? Especially to a group of optimistic progressives with "We Win" if the turmoil in the GOP continues. I say this to help America! We need choice--clear and unfettered choice in our electoral process. As of now, we have 2 parties, but 3 core ideological bents. The Democrats, which is composed of Liberals and Moderates, and the Republicans which is composed of Conservative and Moderates.

This system has seemed to work only for the Liberals!! By increasing the tension between Moderates and Conservatives, the largest ideological groups in the country. While Moderate and Conservatives fight, Liberal squeeze through and get their Agendas past in the heat of the moment. If what I say is so, then why would any Liberal wish to change this dynamic. It is due to the trend of Conservatism slowly corrupting the Moderates with their ideology!

A quick look at Centrist ideology tells the whole story. Moderates hate conflict deep down, they are normally the ones looking for compromises and resolutions. Government is kept functional due to the Moderates hard work and even sacrifice of what they may want.

However, the Conservatives are not afraid of conflict! They see conflict as just one of the many tools to protect the things to preserve. Think about it. A quick to the head will warn any adversary against changing the core values they installed in America. They do not waste bullets with warning shots!. This difference is the first key to transforming Moderates into Conservatives.

The other Key is the fact that Liberals are taking advantage of the conflict between the two. Moderates do not favor 'rapid' change. They like to look things over and and weigh the pros and cons first. However, by being in lock battle with conservatives, they only get to hear the cons and are accused of supporting those cons!! The conservatives are waging a political and psychological war on the moderates. The conservatives weaponry only increase each time Liberals sneak-pass an agenda.

The ACA--Conservatives call Moderates socialist at best, Marxist soldiers running death camp for poor and elderly at worst!!

Gay Marriage--Conservatives claim Moderates don't read the Bible at best, atheistic homosexuals that support child rape and polygamy at worst!!

Now immigration. We know what the Conservatives say! Drug smugglers and rapist that kill and raping women without care. An invading army that are stealing jobs and decreasing wages!! A large group of squatters that suck the government teat dry and take a squat on American Traditions!! The Moderates support this, they scream!! The Moderates, with their Liberal allies, are enablers of Americas destruction!!

How long do you think the Centrist Wall will last, my dear Liberals and progressives?

How long do you think the "conflict resolving, lets all settle down and examine the problem, I'm sure we can come up with something" Mr and Mrs Moderate can hold up to the Conservative bombardment of anger and hatred?

Moderates are not ideologues. They do not readily throw themselves upon the martyr pyre of socialism nor capitalism. They are convinced something can be wrangled out so that all can live sufficiently, comfortably if they try hard enough. They seek political understanding and corporation with their fellows citizens.

This is what makes them a weak Wall! Their willingness to compromise and listen to the otherside. For the last 6 years, Moderates are the ones that took the blunt of Liberal accomplishment. The Moderates deeply considered what the conservatives have said, while liberals laughed it off as nonsense!! The Moderates feel the real animosity of the right as they wonder if they have not betrayed the founders dream, while Liberals moon conservatives and call all that anger "deranged madness derived from conservative xenophobia and insecurities!!"

The Centrist Wall is slowly crumbling, Liberals!! When it falls, many of those Moderates would have converted or quit politics!!

The only way to save what you have accomplished is to separate the Moderates from the Conservatives! Don't let your comrades carry your burden. Remove the Moderates from the front lines! Help divide the Republican party. Confront those Conservatives on the battlefields of political ideas. Give the Moderates a break.

It is not too late Moderate Republicans!

Help is on the way!!​

It always amazes me the leftist pride in your group think, monolithic positions on everything as if somehow actually disagreeing and debating is a bad thing. I guess you do have self awareness on your collectivist desire to turn your manhood over to your party on some level
If you losers could ever just win on your own without trying to screw everyone with all your games. this country would faint. go goose step to the polling booth and pull that lever for your masters in the Democrat/Socialist/commie party

what's funny is they still seem to think the people are all in LOVE with them and their nasty party.
what they want to FORGET. is the people KICKED their party out of control of Congress in TWO HISTORIC midterm elections while have a Democrat thug President in office.

whatever. you people need to worry about those old fogies you have running. you'll be lucky if they both don't stroke out before they reach the finish line
If you losers could ever just win on your own without trying to screw everyone with all your games. this country would faint. go goose step to the polling booth and pull that lever for your masters in the Democrat/Socialist/commie party. what's funny is they still seem to think the people are all in LOVE with them and their nasty party. what they want to FORGET. is the people KICKED their party out of control of Congress in TWO HISTORIC midterm elections while have a Democrat thug President in office. whatever. you people need to worry about those old fogies you have running. you'll be lucky if they both don't stroke out before they reach the finish line
Reminds me of the song "Sundown" by Gordon Lightfoot.

Sometimes I think it's a sin
When I feel like I'm winning when I'm losing again

Not to burst your bubble but the moderate centrist wall is the largest it has been in decades.

We are talking about 40% of the electorate now consider themselves to be moderates.

And that growth has occurred largely on the moderate right. The liberals have inched up by only one percent.

The growth of the moderate middle has occurred at the expense of the conservative right.

With that said the fact that the extremist hard right is driving the moderate right out of the party and into the center is actually doing exactly what you are proposing.

The extremist hard right is splitting the GOP by driving out the "RINOs" and making them an endangered species.

All we need is another viable centrist party and they will be on board in a heartbeat.

FYI the Whig party is trying to fill that gap.

So no, I don't see the moderates as being in any danger of collapse any time soon.

If anything they are either going to retake the GOP back from the rabid hard right or they will be the core of a new centrist party.

If I had to put any money on it I would go with the former.

Not to burst your bubble but fed up conservatives and the tea party kicked the living shit out of the left and Democrats during the last 3 elections. Dem's have been decimated, we threw them to the ground, kicked dirt in their faces and laughed.

The only time Democrats win is when they lie through their teeth like Obama did in 2012. Even with him on the ballot lying Dem's barely scraped back 6 of the 56 seats in the House they lost in 2010, that's a loss by any measure. Then when Obama's lies became obvious voters got mad and WHAMMO Dem's got bitch slapped again in 2014.

Its good times to be a conservative watching the Democratic party implode. Now Dem's are stuck with Hillary...HAHAHAHAHA they just can't catch a break. :laugh:

What are you smoking and why aren't you sharing?


1921 yes that's how far back you have to go to find a Democratic party bitch slapping as bad as we put on the fools. :laugh:

Gerrymandering because your old white demographic is dying off.

How long do you imagine you can keep control of the House before it is removed from your cold dead hands?

The experts reckon 2020 is about all you have left. Better make the most of those few years you have left.

2016 will see the Senate go back to the Dems and given that you don't want to field a serious candidate for 2016 the Dems will probably hold the Whitehouse too.

Ahahaha are those the same experts who predicted Dem's would hold the House for another 40 years in 2008? Here's a tissue I know rejection is difficult, poor libs.

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