We should remove all links to outer racist past!


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
Since we are removing all connections to racism why don't we remove the party that fought against freeing the slaves. Shit! We are removing the Jefferson Davis monument so why not get rid of his political party that is still around today. What party is that...what party...wait....I got it...it is the Democratic Party. Black lives matter should get rid of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party should be destroyed for the same reason the confederate flag is banned. We must remove all symbols of racism!
Since we are removing all connections to racism why don't we remove the party that fought against freeing the slaves. Shit! We are removing the Jefferson Davis monument so why not get rid of his political party that is still around today. What party is that...what party...wait....I got it...it is the Democratic Party. Black lives matter should get rid of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party should be destroyed for the same reason the confederate flag is banned. We must remove all symbols of racism!
We'd get rid of all the racist symbols of the past if we could, but the modern GOP worships them.
Since we are removing all connections to racism why don't we remove the party that fought against freeing the slaves. Shit! We are removing the Jefferson Davis monument so why not get rid of his political party that is still around today. What party is that...what party...wait....I got it...it is the Democratic Party. Black lives matter should get rid of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party should be destroyed for the same reason the confederate flag is banned. We must remove all symbols of racism!
We'd get rid of all the racist symbols of the past if we could, but the modern GOP worships them.

Do you mean like people like george Washington?

While we are on the subject I can really give a rats ass if george Washington was a racist. I still like the guy. I know that upsets you but you can suck a dick and shit yourself in the head. That's the honest truth.
Since we are removing all connections to racism why don't we remove the party that fought against freeing the slaves. Shit! We are removing the Jefferson Davis monument so why not get rid of his political party that is still around today. What party is that...what party...wait....I got it...it is the Democratic Party. Black lives matter should get rid of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party should be destroyed for the same reason the confederate flag is banned. We must remove all symbols of racism!
We'd get rid of all the racist symbols of the past if we could, but the modern GOP worships them.

Do you mean like people like george Washington?

While we are on the subject I can really give a rats ass if george Washington was a racist. I still like the guy. I know that upsets you but you can suck a dick and shit yourself in the head. That's the honest truth.

I uh, don't think that's doable. At the very least it would take some extreme yoga positions. And possibly an official waiver of both the law of gravity and the Coriolis effect.
Let us also get rid of the ideology that endorsed it or maintained it--conservatism and capitalism.

Look, capitalism may have its downsides, but most of that follows from the darkness in human nature. Capitalism is really more or less a tool. It can act like a bullhorn that amplifies the wielders intention.

Holding up bad and outdated traditions for personal gain is part of the darkness in human nature.

Conservatives do this without truly questioning the concept--to them, our forefathers got it perfect the first time around. However, our forefathers disagree with this idea of 'perfection' and gave us the mechanism to change their work as ideas are discovered to be insufficient or downright barbaric.
Since we are removing all connections to racism why don't we remove the party that fought against freeing the slaves. Shit! We are removing the Jefferson Davis monument so why not get rid of his political party that is still around today. What party is that...what party...wait....I got it...it is the Democratic Party. Black lives matter should get rid of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party should be destroyed for the same reason the confederate flag is banned. We must remove all symbols of racism!

Yes, pretty much. The Democrats have been destroying their own constituents, principles and party for political statements and points
for a long long time now. (1) Addressing racism with more of the same in reverse (2) Preaching against bullying but relying on the same dirty tactics to run negative campaigns to win at the expense of principle (3) compromising "separation of church and state" to impose beliefs through govt and punish those who disagree and don't believe in the same things or with the same faith (4) abolishing "freedom of choice" by expanding even more health care decisions under govt control.

The ones who are aware are either frustrated, or leave, or they stay and play along hoping to get enough in return for their votes and campaign support that they can still get what they want from the deal. This causes division, but the only people hurt by this are the poor and disenfranchised; the wealthy and gay liberals who benefit from the division and fear continue to take advantage while others suffer from lack of free choice, lack of representation and inclusion, lack of access to participate equally, but only wanted by the Democrats for using the collective voting power to push their politicians' self-serving agenda.

People complain the corrupt GOP are just as bad, saying one thing, blaming others, then doing the exact same wrong. So much for "limited govt" when as much expansionism, bureaucracy, corporate abuses of govt OUTSIDE Constitutional check balances and ethical enforcement, and political game playing can equally be blamed on Bush and the rightwing as Obama and the left. .

The GOP is also going through similar, where the Tea Party rose out of this attempt to hold their own leaders to Constitutional commitments.
And BOY does the media LOVE to play THAT division to weaken and turn both sides against each other (to ensure time and energy are wasted, so ppl continue to depend on govt instead of fixing problems directly ourselves and THEN pushing whatever is shown to be most effective... That gets messy also. The Democrats are more in the closet about all this. They won't admit there is any fault on their side; any contradiction or conflict over "freedom of choice" and "separation of church and state" by implementing political beliefs through govt. Total denial.
The Republicans will generally admit their party and leaders get sold out and corrupted;
but they will turn around, point more blame on the Democrats, use that to divert attention,
but then go and commit the very same abuses by "conflicting interests" All sides need to do more to call out and stop the abuses of govt, not just blame the other side or party and actually organize around solutions, community centers, etc. to take community plans to the next level.
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The GOP is also going through similar, where the Tea Party rose out of this attempt to hold their own leaders to Constitutional commitments.

:lol: Sure they did. Wanna buy a bridge?

I am trying to build bridges, but spiritually across political and religious segregation keeping groups divided and competing to bully each other.

I'm trying to buy some historic houses for Vets to create jobs saving 1-3 nationally registered landmarks in Houston.

I would like to ask a million people to chip in 10 each to raise 10 million dollars for Vets and KPFT public radio to create a satellite center
in each district to organize community resources and outreach on a sustainable basis where revenue coming in from the work done (or the tax money saved or paid back from restitution for crime, violations abuse) pays the loans back that are invested in developing a campus
there for training interns and leaders in public service, govt reform, and social and health care outreach, etc.

Would you like to chip in and help build more bridges instead of walls??
Since we are removing all connections to racism why don't we remove the party that fought against freeing the slaves. Shit! We are removing the Jefferson Davis monument so why not get rid of his political party that is still around today. What party is that...what party...wait....I got it...it is the Democratic Party. Black lives matter should get rid of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party should be destroyed for the same reason the confederate flag is banned. We must remove all symbols of racism!
We'd get rid of all the racist symbols of the past if we could, but the modern GOP worships them.

Just team up with the Taliban, and start erasing all these icons, landmarks, and "idol worship" as abominations.
Yes, that's the ticket! Let's just destroy, kill, and bomb each other off the face of the earth.

Rah! Rah Rah! Go Team! Heck Yeah!
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Since we are removing all connections to racism why don't we remove the party that fought against freeing the slaves. Shit! We are removing the Jefferson Davis monument so why not get rid of his political party that is still around today. What party is that...what party...wait....I got it...it is the Democratic Party. Black lives matter should get rid of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party should be destroyed for the same reason the confederate flag is banned. We must remove all symbols of racism!

The strongest Democrat bases are victims and government dependents. So the only way to really get rid of the Democrat party is to have a country virtually without victims and government dependents. A little easier done than said.

Democrat politicians try to enhance or create new victims all the time. Syrian refugees? You're racist. War on women? Really? The Republican party is at war with half of the people in our country? You believe in traditional marriage only? What a homophobe.

As long as they can keep their groups believing in their BS, there will always be a Democrat party. The greatest fear a Democrat politician has is an informed voter.

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