We should vote for Herschel Walker even if some of that BS is true

The rise of godless paganism is not unexpected and was predicted in the Bible as a condition prior to the return of Jesus

Foolish libs think they are winning the war when in fact they are sealing their own fate
There is absolutely no evidence to say that there is a god.
Walker turned his life around with the help of GOD and prayer... even though his son hasn't figured that out yet.... he will one day and be sorry for his public diatribe....
Walker's opponent is still a scumbag and has made no attempt to reform... he is still lying about when he tried to kill his wife with his car... and how he has gotten so wealthy by serving in his seat....
He'll get the GQP vote.

And from that moment on, we're going to laugh whenever they bring up pro-life or morality or traditional values.

For obvious reasons.
I bet you'll have Christine Blasey Ford waiting in the wings to give her side of the story. I bet Mr. Walker was in that rape chain she said she saw. 🤣
Have you heard him speak? It’s gibberish.
You ain't from Georgia.

Also, The Senate race this year is all of a whopping 4 candidates. 2024 is the real deal for Senate.
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They confirm judges who rule at the appellate level on abortion laws…..and vote to replace Supreme Court Justices.
Abortion is already illegal in Georgia after 6 weeks because of the SCOTUS decision. Whst do judges have to do with that?
Did Walker ask for forgiveness for killing a baby? Last I saw he denied it ever happened.
and you believe the liberals just bc they are liberals, totally ignoring the fact that liberals are known for lying

that tells us all we need to know about you
There is no heaven and there is no hell. Mainstream religion has already renegged on that superstitious belief too.
St Faustina said that most people in Hell did not believe in Hell

She is a little more credible than you are. She is a canonized saint (who lived in the pre-Vatican era)
and you believe the liberals just bc they are liberals, totally ignoring the fact that liberals are known for lying

that tells us all we need to know about you
Walker has had a serious problem with telling the truth throughout his candidacy.
St Faustina said that most people in Hell did not believe in Hell
She/it has some evidence?
She is a little more credible than you are. She is a canonized saint (who lived in the pre-Vatican era)

Superstitious nonsense with no evidence to support any of it.

And an abundance of evidence from modern science that disproves Chrisrtianity's every claim.

Laughably balderdash and poppycock!
There is absolutely no evidence to say that there is a god.
There is with me. I have been in the Presence of an all-forgiving, loving God, namely Jesus Christ as found in the Real Presence found only in the Roman Catholic Church, the ONE Church He founded

He only established ONE Church and even if its ruler is a heretic, that founding does not change. And as to the Real Presence, Jesus said that He would be with us (in a tangible way like this) until the END --Mt 2820
She/it has some evidence?

Superstitious nonsense with no evidence to support any of it.

And an abundance of evidence from modern science that disproves Chrisrtianity's every claim.

Laughably balderdash and poppycock!

Those last terms sound highly scientific but I think we get what they mean.. [roll eyes]

She claims she was taken to Hell by Jesus Himself.

Believe what you want. You will find out in the end like everyone else who dies

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