WE TOLD You SO!!! "He just didn’t have the experience for governance"

Years of intelligence gathering under Bush Cheney and the brilliant skill of the Navy Seals got Bin Laden. Giving Obumble credit for uttering "Get him" on his Blackberry is a total joke. Just saw CNN is going to run ANOTHER fu*kn end zone dance on OBL! Are you kidding me?
Years of intelligence gathering under Bush Cheney and the brilliant skill of the Navy Seals got Bin Laden. Giving Obumble credit for uttering "Get him" on his Blackberry is a total joke. Just saw CNN is going to run ANOTHER fu*kn end zone dance on OBL! Are you kidding me?
Bin Laden never flew the planes on 9-11, he never planned the attacks
All he said was "Get em"
The same thread over and over . Here's the anti obama thread recipe :

1. Claim he failed on somthing using totally subjective criteria and opinion. No facts needed.

2. Invent obscure statistics and act as if they are common Economic indicators . Avoid time tested Indicators .

3. If somthing is good, claim that Obama has nothing to do with it . If something is bad , obama is 100% responsible .

4. If you can't avoid a good stat, just say it's a lie .

5. Make shit up.
He ran on turning the economy around, amongst many other things. Like Bush spending 4 trillion was unpatriotic. The economy was in the tank but we still aren't where we were before it crashed. There are many examples, discussed here quite frequently. You burrowing into your safe space so you can't see it doesn't make it go away, it just makes you look ignorant.

He pulled us out of the great recession part 2! He's kept us safe. He's pulled us out of Iraq . Has brought health care to all .

And I know the examples discussed . They go like this .

"Unemployment is at 5%"

"No its not, it's really 30%! ".
He fucked up Iraq. It was obie that the Iraqis used to get W to sign the withdrawal agreement in the first place. Now we have ISIS to fill in the vacuum. They are here, we are not kept safe, you're a liar. What is your claim obie did that turned the economy around. You criticized people for making baseless claims yet offer no support for yours. Many can no longer afford the insurance increase so you have a bizarre way of defining success.

The shit liberals have to say to cling to their beliefs!

Have our planes and buildings come crashing down around us ?

Fuck Iraq . We gave them everything they needed for over a decade. Not our fault they can't keep it together .

But hey, troops ain't coming back dead or blown up like they used to . I know that upsets right wingers .
Bush destroyed al queda so no buildings down. But now you are moving the goal posts to try to win the argument. You first said we were safe, no, ISIS is on the rise, thanks to obie.
Nope, you lost it, as usual.
Years of intelligence gathering under Bush Cheney and the brilliant skill of the Navy Seals got Bin Laden. Giving Obumble credit for uttering "Get him" on his Blackberry is a total joke. Just saw CNN is going to run ANOTHER fu*kn end zone dance on OBL! Are you kidding me?
Mike that is wack a doodle far right nonsense, and 80% of America know that. Obama gets credit for OBL in the minds of the great majority of Americans, rightfully so.
The same thread over and over . Here's the anti obama thread recipe :

1. Claim he failed on somthing using totally subjective criteria and opinion. No facts needed.

2. Invent obscure statistics and act as if they are common Economic indicators . Avoid time tested Indicators .

3. If somthing is good, claim that Obama has nothing to do with it . If something is bad , obama is 100% responsible .

4. If you can't avoid a good stat, just say it's a lie .

5. Make shit up.
He ran on turning the economy around, amongst many other things. Like Bush spending 4 trillion was unpatriotic. The economy was in the tank but we still aren't where we were before it crashed. There are many examples, discussed here quite frequently. You burrowing into your safe space so you can't see it doesn't make it go away, it just makes you look ignorant.

He pulled us out of the great recession part 2! He's kept us safe. He's pulled us out of Iraq . Has brought health care to all .

And I know the examples discussed . They go like this .

"Unemployment is at 5%"

"No its not, it's really 30%! ".
He fucked up Iraq. It was obie that the Iraqis used to get W to sign the withdrawal agreement in the first place. Now we have ISIS to fill in the vacuum. They are here, we are not kept safe, you're a liar. What is your claim obie did that turned the economy around. You criticized people for making baseless claims yet offer no support for yours. Many can no longer afford the insurance increase so you have a bizarre way of defining success.

The shit liberals have to say to cling to their beliefs!

And Obama along with this dick idiots DIDN"T help our fighting troops morale while at the same time according to a Harvard study prolong the Iraq war!

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
The enemy LOVES to use idiots' above statements to recruit and kill more of our troops.
But the other enemy of our troops is the stupidity of Obama's total hatred of American troops by telling our troops........
“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
Byron York: McChrystal's Real Offense (Rules of Engagement Killing Our Troops)
Byron York: McChrystal's Real Offense (Rules of Engagement Killing Our Troops)
hm, when you are ready to present a balanced, nuanced and in context comment and do so, I will fall to my knews and thank heavens you have been restored to sanity.
The same thread over and over . Here's the anti obama thread recipe :

1. Claim he failed on somthing using totally subjective criteria and opinion. No facts needed.

2. Invent obscure statistics and act as if they are common Economic indicators . Avoid time tested Indicators .

3. If somthing is good, claim that Obama has nothing to do with it . If something is bad , obama is 100% responsible .

4. If you can't avoid a good stat, just say it's a lie .

5. Make shit up.
He ran on turning the economy around, amongst many other things. Like Bush spending 4 trillion was unpatriotic. The economy was in the tank but we still aren't where we were before it crashed. There are many examples, discussed here quite frequently. You burrowing into your safe space so you can't see it doesn't make it go away, it just makes you look ignorant.

He pulled us out of the great recession part 2! He's kept us safe. He's pulled us out of Iraq . Has brought health care to all .

And I know the examples discussed . They go like this .

"Unemployment is at 5%"

"No its not, it's really 30%! ".
He fucked up Iraq. It was obie that the Iraqis used to get W to sign the withdrawal agreement in the first place. Now we have ISIS to fill in the vacuum. They are here, we are not kept safe, you're a liar. What is your claim obie did that turned the economy around. You criticized people for making baseless claims yet offer no support for yours. Many can no longer afford the insurance increase so you have a bizarre way of defining success.

The shit liberals have to say to cling to their beliefs!

And Obama along with this dick idiots DIDN"T help our fighting troops morale while at the same time according to a Harvard study prolong the Iraq war!

"Are insurgents in Iraq emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

Senator Obama(D) .."troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
The enemy LOVES to use idiots' above statements to recruit and kill more of our troops.
But the other enemy of our troops is the stupidity of Obama's total hatred of American troops by telling our troops........
“Patrol only in areas that you are reasonably certain that you will not have to defend yourselves with lethal force,” the laminated card reads.
For a soldier who has traveled halfway around the world to fight, that’s like telling a cop he should only patrol in areas where he knows he won’t have to make arrests. “Does that make any f–king sense?” Pfc. Jared Pautsch.
Byron York: McChrystal's Real Offense (Rules of Engagement Killing Our Troops)
Byron York: McChrystal's Real Offense (Rules of Engagement Killing Our Troops)
Bush did not help our soldiers by putting them in harms way to justify his WMD fantasies......5000 gave their lives

The Democrats pointing out the error is not turning on our soldiers
Years of intelligence gathering under Bush Cheney and the brilliant skill of the Navy Seals got Bin Laden. Giving Obumble credit for uttering "Get him" on his Blackberry is a total joke. Just saw CNN is going to run ANOTHER fu*kn end zone dance on OBL! Are you kidding me?
Mike that is wack a doodle far right nonsense, and 80% of America know that. Obama gets credit for OBL in the minds of the great majority of Americans, rightfully so.
It is unimaginable that Republicans can't even give credit for killing bin laden...shows the level of hate
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Years of intelligence gathering under Bush Cheney and the brilliant skill of the Navy Seals got Bin Laden. Giving Obumble credit for uttering "Get him" on his Blackberry is a total joke. Just saw CNN is going to run ANOTHER fu*kn end zone dance on OBL! Are you kidding me?
Mike that is wack a doodle far right nonsense, and 80% of America know that. Obama gets credit for OBL in the minds of the great majority of Americans, rightfully so.
It is unimaginable that Republucans can't even give credit for killing bin laden...shows the level of hate
The seal team mostly Republican, but, no, Bush et al does not get credit.
hm, when you are ready to present a balanced, nuanced and in context comment and do so, I will fall to my knews and thank heavens you have been restored to sanity.

You know I've tried several times now to type "knews" finally worked. What are they????
Do you mean these and you are JUST too f...king lazy to pay attention to little details? This is the major problem with dicks like you! You think you are so intellectually superior and you CAN'T even follow a little red dotted line!! ...............!
Screen Shot 2016-04-30 at 8.03.06 PM.png

Geez guys like you are so DUMB!
I am well aware that you do not know the details, hm. You simply want to hide in your hole and send out silly messages. Wear your tin foil hat, son, if it helps you.
This country is all in it for the uber wealthy. Once you understand that you understand reality. Only the dumbies buy the garbage its the unions, teachers, police, and poor who are the problem. To believe that rubbish is unreal. Hook line and sinker.
Yawn, guy, the Republican complaint about Obama.

He didn't fix all the things Bush fucked up fast enough.
Never before has someone spent so much to fix so little..................Leaving a legacy of debt that our children have no hope of paying back................


never before has congress been infected by wingnuts who planned to obstruct the president from the day he was inaugurated.

now be quiet.
Yawn, guy, the Republican complaint about Obama.

He didn't fix all the things Bush fucked up fast enough.
Never before has someone spent so much to fix so little..................Leaving a legacy of debt that our children have no hope of paying back................


never before has congress been infected by wingnuts who planned to obstruct the president from the day he was inaugurated.

now be quiet.
Oh, so not so.

The Democrats made John Quincy Adams' presidency brutal, as did the Democrats and Whigs (both parties!) toward John Tyler, Republicans and Woodrow Wilson, Democrats and Nixon and GWB, Republicans and Clinton and Obama.
Yawn, guy, the Republican complaint about Obama.

He didn't fix all the things Bush fucked up fast enough.
Never before has someone spent so much to fix so little..................Leaving a legacy of debt that our children have no hope of paying back................


never before has congress been infected by wingnuts who planned to obstruct the president from the day he was inaugurated.

now be quiet.
Oh, so not so.

The Democrats made John Quincy Adams' presidency brutal, as did the Democrats and Whigs (both parties!) toward John Tyler, Republicans and Woodrow Wilson, Democrats and Nixon and GWB, Republicans and Clinton and Obama.

There were no "democrats" then. They were Democrat-Republicans

The rest you're also incorrect on.

Nixon started the EPA and worked with Dems

GWB had Democratic cooperation until he screwed up so badly that he was a disaster.
Jillian, Jackson's people became the Democratic Party, so my point is valid. My other points are valid. You are talking about 'wing nuts'. Yes, they infected Congress against presidents from either party over the years. Read your history more closely, counselor.
Jillian, Jackson's people became the Democratic Party, so my point is valid. My other points are valid. You are talking about 'wing nuts'. Yes, they infected Congress against presidents from either party over the years. Read your history more closely, counselor.

it does not matter what they "became".

parties change.

all the kkk dems are now repubs. but likening the democratic-republicans to todays' democrats is as silly as pretending that today's republicans are the party of lincoln

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