"We trusted you!" trump supporters on tax cuts

'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots of complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!
The new tax system does hurt certainly taxpayers. The lost of the personal exception can be a real hit. However, what hurts most people is the required withholding from paychecks was set well below what most people would owe in order for people to see more money in their net pay starting with the first paycheck of 2018. Now, they will be paying it back when file their return.
'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots of complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!
Wow, going through some of the thousands of tweets?

By the next election, everyone will know what the Republicans did to them. Twice.

Check out this part:

Even though the 2017 GOP tax cut is leading to spiking federal deficits thanks to its generous benefits to corporations, many middle-class Americans are winding up having to pay more because the bill eliminated multiple deductions used by middle-class families to lower their annual tax payments.

Among other things, the tax bill capped deductions for taxes paid to state and local governments, while massively increasing the amount of money you must donate to qualify for a charitable giving deduction.


I was pointing that out right here on the USMB and these Republicans here screamed liar and called me names. A badge of honor.
Strongest economy in decades?

With barely any real income growth, stock market flat for 2018, GDP growth stuck forever at 2.X%, manufacturing growth you need a magnifying glass to see on a historical scale and near Trillion dollar deficits??

Laughing my ass off at your ignorant Trumpster idiocy.
Yes. Strongest in decades.

I'll bet when you send in front of the mirror you can't stop laughing.
What a bunch of dishonest, misleading propaganda, based on a hit-piece garbage article. Your article failed to mention that the only people who will have to pay "thousands of dollars" more in taxes because of the $10K SALT deduction cap are people who either live in super-high-tax blue states like New York, Illinois, Massachusetts, and California *and* who make at least nearly double the average U.S. household income or people who earn at least triple the average household income. In Virginia, where I live, in order to pay just slightly more than $10K in SALT, you must earn at least $100K and own a house worth at least $280K--to pay "thousands" more in SALT, you must earn at least $150K and own a home worth at least $400K.
Most people will pay more:
For instance, the people in the middle quintile of earners, something like 90 percent of them saw a tax cut under the TCJA, and about 7 percent saw a tax increase of about $900 on average. But people in the quintile below that, about 5 percent of them saw a tax increase. And in the quintile above [the middle], about 7 percent saw an increase too. So, it's not just earners at a particular income level that saw that will see a tax increase this year. It's something that a small percentage of people at all income levels will have seen.
/——/ Libtards love tax increases. You should be pleased.
only pleased if tax on billionaires.
/——/ Why?
because gates, buffett, bezos have net worth greater than half the population.
/—-/ So? What’s stopping you from being successful? If you’re not sure then look in the mirror.
'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots if complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!

I didn't get screwed. I made it out just fine under the new tax plan

So did I and everyone I know. Nobody got screwed. Even the lefty loons made out.

Fake news because I just received my tax cut.

Cmon people, you have to think JIMI and his OP are hysterical, lol.

He has been relegated to try and convince you that the money you received, and the economic growth happening, isn't really happening, and basically---------->who are you going to believe, him, or your lying eyes, lol!

Jimi, Jimi; time to kill this account, cause your credibility on it is shot, you phony-e-baloney, lololol!
As reported by the dutiful lolberal hacks at Raw Story....

View attachment 244256

Those tax returns aren’t fake news. You Magats aren’t going to slime your way out of this one. Wait until April.
My taxes are lower, and I'm not wealthy by an stretch, maggot.
There's only two ways your taxes are lower.

Either you make 6 figures or more in a state that doesn't have much in the way of property taxes and state income taxes (which you now lose deductions for)...or your idea of "lower" is around $500 "lower"
'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots if complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!
/----/ But he's not angry enough to take off his MAGA hat. Ummmm smells like a fake tweet
View attachment 244257

So I've clicked on six of those alleged tweets so far and none of them exist.
Click again, they work for me.
As reported by the dutiful lolberal hacks at Raw Story....

View attachment 244256

Those tax returns aren’t fake news. You Magats aren’t going to slime your way out of this one. Wait until April.
My taxes are lower, and I'm not wealthy by an stretch, maggot.
There's only two ways your taxes are lower.

Either you make 6 figures or more in a state that doesn't have much in the way of property taxes and state income taxes (which you now lose deductions for)...or your idea of "lower" is around $500 "lower"
I know.....Just crumbs....Commie loser.
Taxes increased on SS benefits and state tax liability and refunds are reduced...But I am sure glad we could help out them poor rich folks...
'I trusted you!' Trump voters seethe after realizing they're getting screwed by the GOP's tax plan

I am hearing lots if complains from people as they begin to file their tax returns....the Repubs screw the middle class again...ENJOY!
/----/ But he's not angry enough to take off his MAGA hat. Ummmm smells like a fake tweet
View attachment 244257

So I've clicked on six of those alleged tweets so far and none of them exist.

I clicked on the first 6 and found 5 of them. Maybe you should learn how to internet?
As reported by the dutiful lolberal hacks at Raw Story....

View attachment 244256

Those tax returns aren’t fake news. You Magats aren’t going to slime your way out of this one. Wait until April.
My taxes are lower, and I'm not wealthy by an stretch, maggot.
There's only two ways your taxes are lower.

Either you make 6 figures or more in a state that doesn't have much in the way of property taxes and state income taxes (which you now lose deductions for)...or your idea of "lower" is around $500 "lower"

Of course that's what it is. These people are happy with the scraps that fall from their masters plates.

These are also people that don't understand how tax brackets work. Do you think they really truly know if their taxes went up or down?
Of course that's what it is. These people are happy with the scraps that fall from their masters plates.

These are also people that don't understand how tax brackets work. Do you think they really truly know if their taxes went up or down?
Nothing I worked for came from "my master's plate" commie asswipe.

And I file long form, not 1040EZ like you know-it-all looters.....My taxes went down significantly, so suck it.
Of course that's what it is. These people are happy with the scraps that fall from their masters plates.

These are also people that don't understand how tax brackets work. Do you think they really truly know if their taxes went up or down?
Nothing I worked for came from "my master's plate" commie asswipe.

And I file long form, not 1040EZ like you know-it-all looters.....My taxes went down significantly, so suck it.

"Significant" is a relative term. Enjoy that $500 while your Masters laugh all the way to the bank and you thank them for it.


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