We will never have an honest election again and the Democrats will impose a one-party state

If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
There has been no voter fraud. Putin and Russia have been trying to discredit democracy. Trump with his brainwashed flock has been and still are tools of Putin. Our election in 2020 was honest and fair. No one has shown otherwise.

Huh, a mindless Democrat who got what he wanted said "there has been no voter fraud." Well, there you go then.

No, it's not Putin who's making American elections an illegitimate joke, it's the Democrat party doing that
You nor Trump nor Trump's lawyers have proven any of his and your lies. Courts have soundly rejected your fantasies and lies and America has rejected and fired Trump.

Funny how after a three year investigation which found no evidence other than against Hillary you still talk about Trump as guilty. But with Democrats you keep arguing that if it's not already been proven, it's proven wrong.

You're a retard

There you go again.
The Mueller Report said it found no evidence of collusion, you just lie and lie and lie
Also said 10 charges of obstruction of justice, some of it probably of hiding collusion.
What are you claiming I lied about? You lie every time you claim evidence of voter fraud.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?

Democrats turned our election into a fraud, you destroyed it. Walking up to a guy on the street and saying wow, that guy was shot doesn't make you the one who shot him, genius. I just observed that we had an illegitimate election and Biden is a sham President
BS..Your ilk wants to destroy our democracy. No doubt about it.
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
There has been no voter fraud. Putin and Russia have been trying to discredit democracy. Trump with his brainwashed flock has been and still are tools of Putin. Our election in 2020 was honest and fair. No one has shown otherwise.

Huh, a mindless Democrat who got what he wanted said "there has been no voter fraud." Well, there you go then.

No, it's not Putin who's making American elections an illegitimate joke, it's the Democrat party doing that
You nor Trump nor Trump's lawyers have proven any of his and your lies. Courts have soundly rejected your fantasies and lies and America has rejected and fired Trump.

Funny how after a three year investigation which found no evidence other than against Hillary you still talk about Trump as guilty. But with Democrats you keep arguing that if it's not already been proven, it's proven wrong.

You're a retard

There you go again.
The Mueller Report said it found no evidence of collusion, you just lie and lie and lie
Also said 10 charges of obstruction of justice, some of it probably of hiding collusion.
What are you claiming I lied about? You lie every time you claim evidence of voter fraud.

You made that up, so I'll pass on responding to it
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?

Democrats turned our election into a fraud, you destroyed it. Walking up to a guy on the street and saying wow, that guy was shot doesn't make you the one who shot him, genius. I just observed that we had an illegitimate election and Biden is a sham President
BS..Your ilk wants to destroy our democracy. No doubt about it.

Well, if you're right about that you can read minds, I was too late. This sham election already did it. No one trusts elections now. Democrats have been cheating for a long time, I consider it good people are realizing that
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?

Democrats turned our election into a fraud, you destroyed it. Walking up to a guy on the street and saying wow, that guy was shot doesn't make you the one who shot him, genius. I just observed that we had an illegitimate election and Biden is a sham President
BS..Your ilk wants to destroy our democracy. No doubt about it.

Well, if you're right about that you can read minds, I was too late. This sham election already did it. No one trusts elections now. Democrats have been cheating for a long time, I consider it good people are realizing that
Wrong. Now I understand how Republics and democracies die. They die when their citizens think their institutions are a farce and a lie. The fact that Trump has failed to win any meaningful lawsuits , can’t produce any evidence of fraud in Court , and his own lawyers say in open court there was no fraud, and you still believe Trump when he lies about fraud, says all I need to know about those that have given up on democracy.
Well, I don't support poll taxes, I support paying people to not vote. Offer them $100 to decline their ballot.

But that's a stupid comparison. You're talking about requirements for someone to vote. I'm talking about simply establishing they are who they say they are. Democrats have no logical ability at all

But you are doing more than that. YOu are requiring them to get an ID, and then requiring them to subject themselves to an arbitrary handwriting comparison by someone who has no training in handwriting analysis.

Again, this is about suppressing the vote, not preventing voter fraud, the item you've claimed is out there for 20 years now and can never prove.

Nothing new. The Dems have been in absolute control since the Depression, WWII, Korea, the Vietnam War, the Gun Control Act of 1968, the Hippies, the Summer of Love 1969, Roe v Wade 1973.

The Republican Party --- the real Republican Party, not RINOs --- is stronger than it's ever been since. Trump has two more months to clean house before beginning his second term.

Actually- when Trump is gone, both parties will work very hard to make sure nothing like that ever happens again.
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.

Yes, concur. It is a new world and dems will rule most likely. Reps are generally quiet, well mannered and lots are old. Dems are young, violent and hateful. The dems devoire the reps.

Best advice is break the country into two. Preserve half or lose it all. Those are the breaks.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.
Do you support a one party rule country?

I support free and fair elections where the people choose who best represents them.

If that's one party, two, or many.......is for the people to decide.
Don’t recall asking you. Thank you for your answer.

I don't recall needing your permission to post.

And you're welcome.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.
Do you support a one party rule country?

I support free and fair elections where the people choose who best represents them.

If that's one party, two, or many.......is for the people to decide.
Don’t recall asking you. Thank you for your answer.

I don't recall needing your permission to post.

And you're welcome.
I actually don’t disagree with you but I do like checks and balances.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
We that's a lie. It's you tRumplings who have demonstrated over and over you want a fascist strong man for a leader.

It's Democrats who are using threats, violence, doxing and intimidating and canceling your opposition into silence.

It's Democrats advocating voter fraud and suppression and blocking observers from seeing your cheating.

That you call us fascists is just you being the empty headed blond that you are. I hope you're hot, you're not making a living other than on your back
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
The troll so much got his ass owned by you.:up: Unlike that shill,I am one that that has always been objective and has always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same,everybody that knows me knows that,so I am hardly a gop being loyal to the party by speaking the truth you owned his sorry ass.Thor decades that was true that both parties were corrupt and one in the same until this year when the dem party got infiltrated by terrorists.

The proof in the pudding on what you said is so true on they are the ones using violence and threats,all you got to do is take a look at what they did to all the trump supporters in their support for trump in dc,how they cowardly came up from behind people and beat them up.it’s all on video and that troll can’t get around that fact.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!
First of all,I’m not a trumper,I have said repeatedly I never wanted trump in office because of the fact both parties are corrupt and one in the same.in every other past election I did not care who got elected because of that,when Obama and Romney ran against each other,I did not give a crap which one got elected the fact they are both globalists and part of the new world order,both mass murderers I wanted independent Gary Johnson in.

I only cheered on trump to win because the alternative of mass murderer hitlery was five times worseand my guy johnson had no chance.anybody was a better choice than hitlery.lol. Same with this election, trump is the first president sense carter to not start any new wars for the elite,they made sure carter did not get re-elected because of that and they are doing the same to trump for the same reason the fact he did not expand any wars in the Mideast as Obama did.

Second of all,he is only a loser because your hero got illegally elected,you can keep lying to yourself over and over but that just proves your bias towards the dem party and hate trump so much you refuse to look at the evidence,this is much worse than when they fixed the election for bush to win,the whole world knows this election was fixed sense it is even five times more obvious than back in 2000. Vote fraud has gone on for Decades for presidents clueless.

lastly,I have said this forever and still stand by it that both parties need to be abolished sense they are both corrupt,dorks like you can’t put two and two together an independent like johnson has no chance to get elected because they are not part of the corrupt two party system or thst the elite are doing everything they can to keep trump out of office because he is not a globalist.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
We that's a lie. It's you tRumplings who have demonstrated over and over you want a fascist strong man for a leader.

It's Democrats who are using threats, violence, doxing and intimidating and canceling your opposition into silence.

It's Democrats advocating voter fraud and suppression and blocking observers from seeing your cheating.

That you call us fascists is just you being the empty headed blond that you are. I hope you're hot, you're not making a living other than on your back
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
The troll so much got his ass owned by you.:up: Unlike that shill,I am one that that has always been objective and has always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same,everybody that knows me knows that,so I am hardly a gop being loyal to the party by speaking the truth you owned his sorry ass.Thor decades that was true that both parties were corrupt and one in the same until this year when the dem party got infiltrated by terrorists.

The proof in the pudding on what you said is so true on they are the ones using violence and threats,all you got to do is take a look at what they did to all the trump supporters in their support for trump in dc,how they cowardly came up from behind people and beat them up.it’s all on video and that troll can’t get around that fact.
You're hallucinating again.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!
First of all,I’m not a trumper,I have said repeatedly I never wanted trump in office because of the fact both parties are corrupt and one in the same.in every other past election I did not care who got elected because of that,when Obama and Romney ran against each other,I did not give a crap which one got elected the fact they are both globalists and part of the new world order,both mass murderers I wanted independent Gary Johnson in.

I only cheered on trump to win because the alternative of mass murderer hitlery was five times worseand my guy johnson had no chance.anybody was a better choice than hitlery.lol. Same with this election, trump is the first president sense carter to not start any new wars for the elite,they made sure carter did not get re-elected because of that and they are doing the same to trump for the same reason the fact he did not expand any wars in the Mideast as Obama did.

Second of all,he is only a loser because your hero got illegally elected,you can keep lying to yourself over and over but that just proves your bias towards the dem party and hate trump so much you refuse to look at the evidence,this is much worse than when they fixed the election for bush to win,the whole world knows this election was fixed sense it is even five times more obvious than back in 2000. Vote fraud has gone on for Decades for presidents clueless.

lastly,I have said this forever and still stand by it that both parties need to be abolished sense they are both corrupt,dorks like you can’t put two and two together an independent like johnson has no chance to get elected because they are not part of the corrupt two party system or thst the elite are doing everything they can to keep trump out of office because he is not a globalist.
Your a tRumpling who is embarrassed to admit it.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass

Indeed,could not have said it better myself. :up: :thankusmile::yes_text12::up::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

these america haters they are so biased towards the dem party that I guarantee if this massive voting fraud that took place against trump was on the other shoe and the elite did the same thing to Obama pulling out all the stops to keep him from getting re-elected when he ran against Romney,they would be screaming bloody murder and pissed off as hell over this and never would be denying the massive voting fraud thst took place, they are such fucking hypocrites.

you really took the bimbo troll to school how she is completely silent to the dems corruption of cowardly attacking children and elderly people that were trump supporters at the rally,what an America hater. :up:
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We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!
Hardly. What is Trump doing that's illegal?
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
There has been no voter fraud. Putin and Russia have been trying to discredit democracy. Trump with his brainwashed flock has been and still are tools of Putin. Our election in 2020 was honest and fair. No one has shown otherwise.
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
There has been no voter fraud. Putin and Russia have been trying to discredit democracy. Trump with his brainwashed flock has been and still are tools of Putin. Our election in 2020 was honest and fair. No one has shown otherwise.

Huh, a mindless Democrat who got what he wanted said "there has been no voter fraud." Well, there you go then.

No, it's not Putin who's making American elections an illegitimate joke, it's the Democrat party doing that
This troll has a lonnnnggggg history of trolling and posting bs propaganda in the history section,he has NEVER been able to open up his mouth without lying especially in that section but in this election as well. Like you said,what else do you expect from a biased democrat? :laughing0301: The only time he has ever been objective is on the corruption of Reagan and that of course is no surprise the fact it’s against a Republican.:abgg2q.jpg:
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All of you happy Democrats better enjoy these days. When Biden is President you're gonna be very busy defending a demented senile old man. This is going to be fun.

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