We will never have an honest election again and the Democrats will impose a one-party state

We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
There has been no voter fraud. Putin and Russia have been trying to discredit democracy. Trump with his brainwashed flock has been and still are tools of Putin. Our election in 2020 was honest and fair. No one has shown otherwise.

Huh, a mindless Democrat who got what he wanted said "there has been no voter fraud." Well, there you go then.

No, it's not Putin who's making American elections an illegitimate joke, it's the Democrat party doing that
You nor Trump nor Trump's lawyers have proven any of his and your lies. Courts have soundly rejected your fantasies and lies and America has rejected and fired Trump.

Funny how after a three year investigation which found no evidence other than against Hillary you still talk about Trump as guilty. But with Democrats you keep arguing that if it's not already been proven, it's proven wrong.

You're a retard
Trump is facing numerous felony charges when he leaves office unless he receives a pardon, which will require he plead guilty to the charges. Multiple members of his staff and campaign have been imprisoned. He was impeached which probably helped lead to his being rejected, fired, and loss of a 2nd term.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Repeating crazy conspiracy theories doesn't make them any more truem
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

No, we are trying to prevent the most significant threat to the Republic since the civil war.

Remember sweetie, the COTUS oath includes ALL enemies, foreign (china) AND domestic, every Dem AND repub politician who takes money from china qualifies as a domestic enemy. So too do t by e legacy media and Big Tech. There is ample evidence that they have all been subverted by the chinese.

You are either too stupid to figure it out, or in on it.
Last edited:
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Where is your evidence of "relentless fraud"? You should get it over to Donnie Covidseed QUICK. He is flailing worse than you are.

Still waiting for you to explain Utah if mailing ballots to every registered voter is a "Democratic plot". Such a shame to see you go 100% Trump psychophant.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?
Democrats didn't care about destroying democracy the last four years. You guys are such hypocrites.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
Check out crazy conspiracy theories? No thanks.
Yeah, like Russian collusion.

There was Russian collusion.

I'm just laughing at you. You still believe your stupid conspiracy theories even after they were proven wrong.

But let's agree to that. We investigated Russia for three years and you found nothing. Now let's investigate voter fraud for three years

Rudy has already established that no cause for investigation of voter fraud ( exhaustively investigated, incidentally) is warranted.

There were crimes and ethical violations exposed by the “Russia investigation”. Dozens of indictments. Collusion. Obstruction. All of it is in the Mueller report and the DOJ charging documents. You should read them.
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
There has been no voter fraud. Putin and Russia have been trying to discredit democracy. Trump with his brainwashed flock has been and still are tools of Putin. Our election in 2020 was honest and fair. No one has shown otherwise.

Huh, a mindless Democrat who got what he wanted said "there has been no voter fraud." Well, there you go then.

No, it's not Putin who's making American elections an illegitimate joke, it's the Democrat party doing that
You nor Trump nor Trump's lawyers have proven any of his and your lies. Courts have soundly rejected your fantasies and lies and America has rejected and fired Trump.

Funny how after a three year investigation which found no evidence other than against Hillary you still talk about Trump as guilty. But with Democrats you keep arguing that if it's not already been proven, it's proven wrong.

You're a retard

There you go again.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?
Democrats didn't care about destroying democracy the last four years. You guys are such hypocrites.

We saved that shit, fuckwit. You won’t like how you and your Trombie cult are treated in texts a few decades from now. You’re fake patriots and you almost fucked the nation.
The Democrat Dirty Trick's Department has all the mechanisms in place in the Democrat controlled big city shitholes to corrupt any local, state or national election.

No voter ID required, mail in ballots, fraudulent votes, Democrats doing the counting without opposition observers and computer programs that they control.

We will never see another honest election.

The greedy Democrats have stolen our Republic in order to turn this country into a Socialist shithole so they can get their free stuff.

It is common for Left Wingers to use illegal means to gain power. We have seen it in many places around the world.

We are fucked as a country.

China gets it man in the White House and the filthy ass greedy Moon Bats will get more welfare, more Illegals, more Muslim refugees, higher taxes, more poverty and $10K off their loan for their worthless degree.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?
Democrats didn't care about destroying democracy the last four years. You guys are such hypocrites.

We saved that shit, fuckwit. You won’t like how you and your Trombie cult are treated in texts a few decades from now. You’re fake patriots and you almost fucked the nation.
Almost? It's gonna take us a decade to unfuck it.
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
There has been no voter fraud. Putin and Russia have been trying to discredit democracy. Trump with his brainwashed flock has been and still are tools of Putin. Our election in 2020 was honest and fair. No one has shown otherwise.

Huh, a mindless Democrat who got what he wanted said "there has been no voter fraud." Well, there you go then.

No, it's not Putin who's making American elections an illegitimate joke, it's the Democrat party doing that
You nor Trump nor Trump's lawyers have proven any of his and your lies. Courts have soundly rejected your fantasies and lies and America has rejected and fired Trump.

Funny how after a three year investigation which found no evidence other than against Hillary you still talk about Trump as guilty. But with Democrats you keep arguing that if it's not already been proven, it's proven wrong.

You're a retard
Trump is facing numerous felony charges when he leaves office unless he receives a pardon, which will require he plead guilty to the charges. Multiple members of his staff and campaign have been imprisoned. He was impeached which probably helped lead to his being rejected, fired, and loss of a 2nd term.

That's just you fantasizing and jerking off, wanker
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Repeating crazy conspiracy theories doesn't make them any more truem

Yet you're still here vouching for Russia, Russia, Russia even after it was based on Obama spying on a campaign, a fake Hillary dossier and a Mueller investigation that said it found no evidence. So to quote you, why are you repeating crazy conspiracy theories?

Not to mention, so the Russians bought some facebook pages for like $100K. Biden has what, $100 million? Why would he give a shit?
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?

Democrats turned our election into a fraud, you destroyed it. Walking up to a guy on the street and saying wow, that guy was shot doesn't make you the one who shot him, genius. I just observed that we had an illegitimate election and Biden is a sham President
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?
Democrats didn't care about destroying democracy the last four years. You guys are such hypocrites.

Democrats destroyed democracy the last four years and they are the ones doing it now. Somehow we are supposed to just pretend they won the election
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
Check out crazy conspiracy theories? No thanks.
Yeah, like Russian collusion.

There was Russian collusion.

I'm just laughing at you. You still believe your stupid conspiracy theories even after they were proven wrong.

But let's agree to that. We investigated Russia for three years and you found nothing. Now let's investigate voter fraud for three years

Rudy has already established that no cause for investigation of voter fraud ( exhaustively investigated, incidentally) is warranted.

There were crimes and ethical violations exposed by the “Russia investigation”. Dozens of indictments. Collusion. Obstruction. All of it is in the Mueller report and the DOJ charging documents. You should read them.

Actually, none of the indictments in the Russia investigation were FOR Russia collusion, Sport. Again, you're the whack jobs.

And you've already made the moronic argument that the Mueller investigation which said they found no evidence of collusion then proved collusion. You believe anything based on just that you want to believe it. You think the Onion articles are real
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
There has been no voter fraud. Putin and Russia have been trying to discredit democracy. Trump with his brainwashed flock has been and still are tools of Putin. Our election in 2020 was honest and fair. No one has shown otherwise.

Huh, a mindless Democrat who got what he wanted said "there has been no voter fraud." Well, there you go then.

No, it's not Putin who's making American elections an illegitimate joke, it's the Democrat party doing that
You nor Trump nor Trump's lawyers have proven any of his and your lies. Courts have soundly rejected your fantasies and lies and America has rejected and fired Trump.

Funny how after a three year investigation which found no evidence other than against Hillary you still talk about Trump as guilty. But with Democrats you keep arguing that if it's not already been proven, it's proven wrong.

You're a retard

There you go again.
The Mueller Report said it found no evidence of collusion, you just lie and lie and lie
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?
Democrats didn't care about destroying democracy the last four years. You guys are such hypocrites.

We saved that shit, fuckwit. You won’t like how you and your Trombie cult are treated in texts a few decades from now. You’re fake patriots and you almost fucked the nation.

Fortunately you saved the nation by denying Trump won and then committing voter fraud to get it back. Yeah, we're saved!
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

Because you want to believe that. Or at least say it. You know perfectly well the Democrats are the party of fraud which is why you blindly screamed for every chaos voting scheme the Democrats came up with. More chaos = easier fraud. You know that perfectly well, and you proved you know who's committing it.

Our President is illegitimate, our voting system is bogus. We're Venezuela. Blue States literally used Venezuelan software to secure the vote for Biden
It truly amazes me that you went full on batshit. Seriously, what happened to you?
You should check it out. Something stinks.
No, it doesn't. You are simply a brainwashing victim.

And you're a fascist who wants to end having a second party beyond the Democrat party. AKA the Communist party
Dear Lord, can't you see that this is precisely what you all are trying to illegally do, trying to install the Loser of the election and establish a dictatorial, one party system?

YOU trumpers are who, you try hard, to accuse.... look in the mirror, for God's sake!

Wanting a fair election where voters validate who they are with a legitimate ID is "trying to install the Loser of the election."

What a stupid bimbo, you're really a dumb ass
No, you are the bimbo... we played under the rules set, prior to election day.

You are trying to change the rules, after the election had been completed, so to subvert democracy, and our right to choose, our own leaders in our govt.

If you want some id system or safer system for absentee ballots, then you get legislation in all states for future elections.

Bull shit. Mailing ballots all over the country were NOT the rules. You changed the rules going into the election. We opposed that because of the obvious fraud. You supported it because of the obvious fraud.

Then there were all the Democrat States who illegally changed deadlines and counting rules.

Not to mention the Democrats who just blocked Republican observers then kept them where they couldn't see anything. 20 feet? You have to be kidding, you can't monitor from there.

No, you did everything to prove you knew what you were doing to steal the election. Just stop pretending you support democracy or a State with more than one party.

And you're completely silent to the violence, threats and intimidation against anyone who disagrees with you
Mailing ballots to military families transferred out of their state is the purpose of absentee ballots. Mailing ballots to private citizens temporarily out of State is also one of the purposes of absentee ballots. And they are issued to both Democratic and Republican registered voters.

It's up to each State on how to run their own elections....in the battleground states in contention, no one mailed ballots to all registered voters.... not Pennsylvania, nor Michigan, nor Wisconsin...

The deadline and counting rules due to covid and the post office...intentional delays were changed prior to the election, and most of them held up in court suits, thus the rules PRIOR to the election.

Nope! No legal republican poll watchers were kept from watching... by law, each counting station can have 1 republican, 1 democrat, and 1 independent at each. NOT ONE MORE. Each voting station already had their limit, and that is why others were not allowed in.

Poll watchers legally inside did win a court case moving them from 10-20ft away, to 6ft away.

YOU ARE TRYING TO STEAL THIS ELECTION from the man who legally won, Joe Biden, and steal the votes from over 80million voters, who CHOSE to NOT give president Trump a second term.

You are trying to subvert democracy, through illegal shenanigans.

Bull shit, it was an illegitimate election stolen by Democrats with relentless fraud. You've delegitimized your own government. Way to go
Your post is a fucking lie. Why do you want to destroy our democracy?
Democrats didn't care about destroying democracy the last four years. You guys are such hypocrites.

We saved that shit, fuckwit. You won’t like how you and your Trombie cult are treated in texts a few decades from now. You’re fake patriots and you almost fucked the nation.
Almost? It's gonna take us a decade to unfuck it.

You're going to need a lot of therapy, huh?

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