"We won in a Landslide" has been 100% Debunked

I have to wonder why it is that Liberal progressives keep bringing up Trump? He's no longer President....Biden is, and this all seems like a distraction....We should be focused on what Biden is doing, not having the 1000th argument on how we got here...I'll leave that one to investigations and historians....

Right now while we fiddle about how we got here, Biden is destroying here....
Biden is destroying AMERICA, and retards like you support it. go jump off a cliff, retard
Dozens of EO's upon entering office.
Threatening more.

Why is he so frightened to go through the legislative process? Do you have anything other than name calling and insult, Son?
Why? It would have been lost in the flurry of litigation. It all got coagulated into one big fail.

The testimony was no more useful than the pointless affidavits.
Point to the case where a witness was heard in court by a judge,


Courts don't just take to litigation whatever frivolous garbage filing happens to come their way.

If someone signs a sworn affadavid that they saw a guy processing ballots while wearing a BLM shirt, does that mean you now have a serious case to make in front of the judge? Hell no.

Read up a small sample of what these affadavits add up to:

"I witnessed election workers open ballots with Donald Trump votes and respond by rolling their eyes and showing it to other poll workers. I believe some of these ballots may not have been properly counted," said Artricia Bomer, a Republican challenger at the TCF, without providing evidence as to how the ballots were improperly counted.

While poll challengers say they that were denied access to portions of the vote counting, that their challenges were not taken seriously or that several different types of ballot processing errors occurred, the allegations do not show proof of widespread fraud or egregious misconduct.

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You asked for an example. What’s your problem now?

Trump-Appointed Judge Rejects Lin Wood's Georgia Lawsuit ...

The only fact witness called by Wood’s legal team was recount auditor Susan Voyles, who repeatedly called it “amazing” that so many absentee ballots skewed in Biden’s favor in the batches that she observed. She testified that she found it suspicious and conceded upon cross-examination that she is a Republican activist.

The Democratic Party of Georgia’s attorney Kevin Hamilton noted that a “generalized grievance” about the election does not give Wood standing, the legal term for the right to sue.

Those standing arguments appeared to resonate with Judge Grimberg.

Trump has had standing and it was Trump's team descision that Wood does not represent them.

So what is it in your mind that prevented Trump and his horde of lawyers from properly bringing a lawsuit?

Courts don't just take to letigation whatever frivolous garbage filing happens to come their way.

If someone signs a sworn affadavid that they saw a guy processing ballots while wearing a BLM shirt, does that mean you now have a serious case to make in front of the judge? Hell no.

Read up a small sample of what these affadavits add up to:

"I witnessed election workers open ballots with Donald Trump votes and respond by rolling their eyes and showing it to other poll workers. I believe some of these ballots may not have been properly counted," said Artricia Bomer, a Republican challenger at the TCF, without providing evidence as to how the ballots were improperly counted.

While poll challengers say they that were denied access to portions of the vote counting, that their challenges were not taken seriously or that several different types of ballot processing errors occurred, the allegations do not show proof of widespread fraud or egregious misconduct.
Not one.
"We won in a Landslide" has been 100% Debunked
I have yet to meet a Trump supporter that can logically and factually answer these 3 simple yet devastating questions.
Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
You should ask Barr. I don't know what he "looked at."
Why did all election officials (including GOP) say no voter fraud
Again, why does a child tell you a stranger came in and did it when the parents come home and find the cookie jar empty and the house a mess? If there was election fraud, would you REALLY expect to get the truth of it from the very officials running the elections?
Why are judges (including Trump appointed judges) saying no evidence of fraud at all????
Can you provide a list of names of those judges which said: "There is no evidence of fraud at all?"

I guess the real question is if there was absolutely no fraud in an election rife with 10,000 glaring questions, after spending four years demanding that there was in the 2016 election and that Russia did it through a handful of FB ads, then I gotta ask for the tenth time:

Then why won't you back it up by actually going over the many election fraud issues and questions I've identified and tell us how there can't be any truth to them when I can document that there is?




I'll lay them out, one by one, document the supporting facts, then you tell us how it is all wrong and totally baseless. I mean, you DID say it was all debunked? That means that the evidence proving it baseless HAS BEEN DOCUMENTED. Show it to us. Put it up against my proof so we can see which one really HOLDS UP.
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Courts don't just take to letigation whatever frivolous garbage filing happens to come their way.

If someone signs a sworn affadavid that they saw a guy processing ballots while wearing a BLM shirt, does that mean you now have a serious case to make in front of the judge? Hell no.

Read up a small sample of what these affadavits add up to:

"I witnessed election workers open ballots with Donald Trump votes and respond by rolling their eyes and showing it to other poll workers. I believe some of these ballots may not have been properly counted," said Artricia Bomer, a Republican challenger at the TCF, without providing evidence as to how the ballots were improperly counted.

While poll challengers say they that were denied access to portions of the vote counting, that their challenges were not taken seriously or that several different types of ballot processing errors occurred, the allegations do not show proof of widespread fraud or egregious misconduct.
Not one.

Yes, not one legitimate case.

Disagree? Ok point to a single case that was not given it's due consideration. ONE out of 60+ filed by Trumpists.
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I have yet to meet a Trump supporter that can logically and factually answer these 3 simple yet devastating questions. Their best answer is "because they are deep state" An illogical and invalid answer.

I challenge all idiot Trumpers to answer these 3 questions, none have ever done it.

Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
Why did all election officials (including GOP) say no voter fraud
Why are judges (including Trump appointed judges) saying no evidence of fraud at all????

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

Chief Justice Robert Brutinel agreed, saying Ward's challenge had failed to "present any evidence of 'misconduct,' 'illegal votes' or that the Biden Electors 'did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,'" he wrote — "let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results."

The evidence against fraud is so overwhelming. Nobody has been able to present a valid factual argument that supports voter fraud.

How could any logical, sane person then conclude that all these judges, AG Barr, all the election officials, and the Justice department are all lying. How could any sane person claim voter fraud when all of these people have said there was no evidence of fraud.

You little bitches just can't admit Biden won, and it is truly pathetic.

You little bitches just can't admit xiden, and dominion, screwed AMERICA. and it is truly pathetic.

Really? Is that why Dominion is suing the crap out of Trumpist lawyers for defamation?

Dominion is SOO concerned about Rudy and the gang exposing their big conspiracy that they sue the crap out of them to bring on extensive discovery process by the defense. :auiqs.jpg:
I have to wonder why it is that Liberal progressives keep bringing up Trump? He's no longer President....Biden is, and this all seems like a distraction....We should be focused on what Biden is doing, not having the 1000th argument on how we got here...I'll leave that one to investigations and historians....

Right now while we fiddle about how we got here, Biden is destroying here....
Biden is destroying AMERICA, and retards like you support it. go jump off a cliff, retard
Dozens of EO's upon entering office.
Threatening more.

Why is he so frightened to go through the legislative process? Do you have anything other than name calling and insult, Son?

Why was Trump "frightened to go through the legislative process" and instead issued the EO's that Biden now reversed?
I have to wonder why it is that Liberal progressives keep bringing up Trump? He's no longer President....Biden is, and this all seems like a distraction....We should be focused on what Biden is doing, not having the 1000th argument on how we got here...I'll leave that one to investigations and historians....

Right now while we fiddle about how we got here, Biden is destroying here....
Biden is destroying AMERICA, and retards like you support it. go jump off a cliff, retard
Dozens of EO's upon entering office.
Threatening more.

Why is he so frightened to go through the legislative process? Do you have anything other than name calling and insult, Son?
thank GOD im not related to a fucking retard like you...son..do you ever have anything intelligent to say? NO..
I have to wonder why it is that Liberal progressives keep bringing up Trump? He's no longer President....Biden is, and this all seems like a distraction....We should be focused on what Biden is doing, not having the 1000th argument on how we got here...I'll leave that one to investigations and historians....

Right now while we fiddle about how we got here, Biden is destroying here....
Biden is destroying AMERICA, and retards like you support it. go jump off a cliff, retard
Dozens of EO's upon entering office.
Threatening more.

Why is he so frightened to go through the legislative process? Do you have anything other than name calling and insult, Son?

Why was Trump "frightened to go through the legislative process" and instead issued the EO's that Biden now reversed?
the definition of the vile scum demonRATS
TRUMP was not , or ever will be afraid of anti-AMERICA scumbags of the demonRATS
I have yet to meet a Trump supporter that can logically and factually answer these 3 simple yet devastating questions. Their best answer is "because they are deep state" An illogical and invalid answer.

I challenge all idiot Trumpers to answer these 3 questions, none have ever done it.

Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
Why did all election officials (including GOP) say no voter fraud
Why are judges (including Trump appointed judges) saying no evidence of fraud at all????

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

Chief Justice Robert Brutinel agreed, saying Ward's challenge had failed to "present any evidence of 'misconduct,' 'illegal votes' or that the Biden Electors 'did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,'" he wrote — "let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results."

The evidence against fraud is so overwhelming. Nobody has been able to present a valid factual argument that supports voter fraud.

How could any logical, sane person then conclude that all these judges, AG Barr, all the election officials, and the Justice department are all lying. How could any sane person claim voter fraud when all of these people have said there was no evidence of fraud.

You little bitches just can't admit Biden won, and it is truly pathetic.

You little bitches just can't admit xiden, and dominion, screwed AMERICA. and it is truly pathetic.

Really? Is that why Dominion is suing the crap out of Trumpist lawyers for defamation?

Dominion is SOO concerned about Rudy and the gang exposing their big conspiracy that they sue the crap out of them to bring on extensive discovery process by the defense. :auiqs.jpg:
my goodness. why arent they suing me?
dominion voting machines are rigged to benefit the demonRATs.
dominion is a fraud company that screws AMERICANs
geez, do you think i said enough to be sued yet?
dominion voting machines are rigged to aid the chinese regimen of bejing xiden
I have completely and totally Stumped every idiot Trumper with these 3 questions...

They can't not and will not answer them beyond the "deep state" bribed them, a laughable response...
actually retard, you stumped yourself.
do enlighten us on your answers. this ought to be amusing, of course, unless you dont answer
I have to wonder why it is that Liberal progressives keep bringing up Trump? He's no longer President....Biden is, and this all seems like a distraction....We should be focused on what Biden is doing, not having the 1000th argument on how we got here...I'll leave that one to investigations and historians....

Right now while we fiddle about how we got here, Biden is destroying here....
Biden is destroying AMERICA, and retards like you support it. go jump off a cliff, retard
Dozens of EO's upon entering office.
Threatening more.

Why is he so frightened to go through the legislative process? Do you have anything other than name calling and insult, Son?
thank GOD im not related to a fucking retard like you...son..do you ever have anything intelligent to say? NO..

Ok, have a nice day.... :blahblah: :113:
I have yet to meet a Trump supporter that can logically and factually answer these 3 simple yet devastating questions. Their best answer is "because they are deep state" An illogical and invalid answer.

I challenge all idiot Trumpers to answer these 3 questions, none have ever done it.

Why did AG BARR say no election fraud???
Why did all election officials (including GOP) say no voter fraud
Why are judges (including Trump appointed judges) saying no evidence of fraud at all????

"The court finds that there is no credible or reliable evidence that the 2020 General Election in Nevada was affected by fraud.”

The Trump campaign “did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted, or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud, nor...in an amount sufficient to raise reasonable doubt as to the outcome of the election,”

Chief Justice Robert Brutinel agreed, saying Ward's challenge had failed to "present any evidence of 'misconduct,' 'illegal votes' or that the Biden Electors 'did not in fact receive the highest number of votes for office,'" he wrote — "let alone establish any degree of fraud or a sufficient error rate that would undermine the certainty of the election results."

The evidence against fraud is so overwhelming. Nobody has been able to present a valid factual argument that supports voter fraud.

How could any logical, sane person then conclude that all these judges, AG Barr, all the election officials, and the Justice department are all lying. How could any sane person claim voter fraud when all of these people have said there was no evidence of fraud.

You little bitches just can't admit Biden won, and it is truly pathetic.

You little bitches just can't admit xiden, and dominion, screwed AMERICA. and it is truly pathetic.

Really? Is that why Dominion is suing the crap out of Trumpist lawyers for defamation?

Dominion is SOO concerned about Rudy and the gang exposing their big conspiracy that they sue the crap out of them to bring on extensive discovery process by the defense. :auiqs.jpg:
my goodness. why arent they suing me?
dominion voting machines are rigged to benefit the demonRATs.
dominion is a fraud company that screws AMERICANs
geez, do you think i said enough to be sued yet?
dominion voting machines are rigged to aid the chinese regimen of bejing xiden

Dummy, it's because you are just a little nobody out on the internetz.

Thats why you aren't getting sued like Trump's lawyers who defamed Dominion publicly and caused them great damages with baselesss lies that dupes like you eat up.
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I have to wonder why it is that Liberal progressives keep bringing up Trump? He's no longer President....Biden is, and this all seems like a distraction....We should be focused on what Biden is doing, not having the 1000th argument on how we got here...I'll leave that one to investigations and historians....

Right now while we fiddle about how we got here, Biden is destroying here....
Biden is destroying AMERICA, and retards like you support it. go jump off a cliff, retard
Dozens of EO's upon entering office.
Threatening more.

Why is he so frightened to go through the legislative process? Do you have anything other than name calling and insult, Son?

Why was Trump "frightened to go through the legislative process" and instead issued the EO's that Biden now reversed?
the definition of the vile scum demonRATS
TRUMP was not , or ever will be afraid of anti-AMERICA scumbags of the demonRATS

Thats nice, but doesn't answer the question in any way at all.

Trump has issued many EO's, that were now reversed by Biden EO's. Yet not for a second did you ever question HIS use of it.

Why? Because you are braindead politico tool with zero self-awareness or consistency.

So here is the question again:

Why was Trump "frightened to go through the legislative process" and instead issued the EO's that Biden now reversed?

Let's see if you could put togather something coherent as an answer THIS TIME.
Surely they had a chance to present that surely solid evidence about someone wearing a BLM shirt before the court right? How did it go?

Not one single judge has heard one single witness in court. Not one.

They reviewed the testimony. The early cases, they did allow witnesses but those same witnesses crapped all over the witness stand. The other Judges didn't waste their time with the same crap over and over.
I have to wonder why it is that Liberal progressives keep bringing up Trump? He's no longer President....Biden is, and this all seems like a distraction....We should be focused on what Biden is doing, not having the 1000th argument on how we got here...I'll leave that one to investigations and historians....

Right now while we fiddle about how we got here, Biden is destroying here....
Biden is destroying AMERICA, and retards like you support it. go jump off a cliff, retard
Dozens of EO's upon entering office.
Threatening more.

Why is he so frightened to go through the legislative process? Do you have anything other than name calling and insult, Son?

Why was Trump "frightened to go through the legislative process" and instead issued the EO's that Biden now reversed?
the definition of the vile scum demonRATS
TRUMP was not , or ever will be afraid of anti-AMERICA scumbags of the demonRATS

Thats nice, but doesn't answer the question in any way at all.

Trump has issued many EO's, that were now reversed by Biden EO's. Yet not for a second did you ever question HIS use of it.

Why? Because you are braindead politico tool with zero self-awareness or consistency.

So here is the question again:

Why was Trump "frightened to go through the legislative process" and instead issued the EO's that Biden now reversed?

Let's see if you could put togather something coherent as an answer THIS TIME.

Trump wasn't frightened to go through the legislative process...He begged legislators to put aside ideology and work with him on legislation...Democrats utterly refused, even when it would have been in thier interests....

The difference is that Biden comes in with majorities in both houses, slim though they are, still....And won't use them, why?
I have to wonder why it is that Liberal progressives keep bringing up Trump? He's no longer President....Biden is, and this all seems like a distraction....We should be focused on what Biden is doing, not having the 1000th argument on how we got here...I'll leave that one to investigations and historians....

Right now while we fiddle about how we got here, Biden is destroying here....
Biden is destroying AMERICA, and retards like you support it. go jump off a cliff, retard
Dozens of EO's upon entering office.
Threatening more.

Why is he so frightened to go through the legislative process? Do you have anything other than name calling and insult, Son?

Why was Trump "frightened to go through the legislative process" and instead issued the EO's that Biden now reversed?
the definition of the vile scum demonRATS
TRUMP was not , or ever will be afraid of anti-AMERICA scumbags of the demonRATS

Thats nice, but doesn't answer the question in any way at all.

Trump has issued many EO's, that were now reversed by Biden EO's. Yet not for a second did you ever question HIS use of it.

Why? Because you are braindead politico tool with zero self-awareness or consistency.

So here is the question again:

Why was Trump "frightened to go through the legislative process" and instead issued the EO's that Biden now reversed?

Let's see if you could put togather something coherent as an answer THIS TIME.

Trump wasn't frightened to go through the legislative process...He begged legislators to put aside ideology and work with him on legislation...Democrats utterly refused, even when it would have been in thier interests....

The difference is that Biden comes in with majorities in both houses, slim though they are, still....And won't use them, why?

BS. Trump had full Congressional majority for two years.

Trump signed EO's. Biden unsigned his EO's. Yet Binen signing EO's is evidence "he is scared", where no such rationalle applies to Trump doing exactly same thing.
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