we won’t be playing nice anymore

Those illegals are coming here for work because capitalists love cheaper labor. You're not going to get a solution to illegal immigration because the capitalists who own your politicians don't want a real solution. Their non solution however is still better for you than my solution which would be to allow anyone who wants to immigrate here to do so. You don't have a big enough political majority to win on this issue.
You guys planning another biological attack to stop us.....AGAIN?
You guys planning another biological attack to stop us.....AGAIN?
Covid wasn't a biological attack and you simply lost the election. You're not a popular people. In fact you've lost the popular vote since 2004. That's damn near two decades of the majority of this county saying "no thank you". It's the electoral college that has kept you relevant and then only just.
Nor should we. Should Trump win in 2024, he won't be getting any cooperation from liberal Democrats. He will have no choice but to issue Executive Orders in order to give the American voters what they want.

---We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets.---

Playing nice is for weak people not worthy of winning.
Covid wasn't a biological attack and you simply lost the election. You're not a popular people. In fact you've lost the popular vote since 2004. That's damn near two decades of the majority of this county saying "no thank you". It's the electoral college that has kept you relevant and then only just.
Nutter Trump Russian collusion never happened but you nutters pushed it.
Nutter Trump Russian collusion never happened but you nutters pushed it.
No, we investigated it. I accept Muellers report that attempts were made to collude but that nothing ever came of it and that over the course of the investigation Trump committed multiple acts of obstruction. Why can't you? :dunno:
Neither does context. We don't have to pretend skirmishes between nations competing for resources is the same as genocide and chattel slavery.
We can, however, compare apples to apples when we acknowledge that the Native American tribes enslaved each other as well. Thus it has been for all of human history. The conquering tribe enslaved the defeated one. It's only been in the last several hundred years that slavery has been seen as an objective evil.
We can, however, compare apples to apples when we acknowledge that the Native American tribes enslaved each other as well. Thus it has been for all of human history. The conquering tribe enslaved the defeated one. It's only been in the last several hundred years that slavery has been seen as an objective evil.
Slavery still isn't an objective evil. Objective evil is an oxymoron. The point was about complaints of being invaded, in that case I'd say then don't venerate invaders yourself or boo hoo. :dunno:
That's the problem you have. We do want America.

So you leave.
then why do you want Ukraine's borders secured and not Americas? funny way of supporting your own country by campaigning for another country's borders to be secured.

homeless in the street pooping in the streets spreading bacterial sickness in America, but you're for america? haahhhaahahahahaahahaha. Lick some more demofk ball juice.
WTF are you defending us from at the southern border?

A bunch of poor, unarmed hungry people looking for a MFing job.
It's amazing the head up the ass review of our southern border. Wow, you get fed bullshit and inhale it.
Except not a single black person in America gives a fuck what you think. 😄 What I'm thankful for is to be living in the age of the impotent white wing.

Go tell the blacks of chicago you think they're ok.

You're always the fool. You should research before you post.
You can post all the hilarious YouTube videos you like. :dunno:
hahahahaahahahahahahahahaha cause youtube what? Lies? disinformation much genius?

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Nor should we. Should Trump win in 2024, he won't be getting any cooperation from liberal Democrats. He will have no choice but to issue Executive Orders in order to give the American voters what they want.

---We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets.---

This is one of the best thread topics I've seen in a long time.

Playing nice is not getting us anywhere. Yes, I am a serious Christian who believes in... those pesky things called laws --including God's Laws-- and decorum and etc... But if the rules have changed, and we know they have --because the left has forced those new, crappy rules on us--

What can we say?
ted cruz....you watch
Cruz is one of the best "symbols" of forgiveness you could find. Trump was not nice to him during the 15 campaign (which made me dislike Trump for a time) but

Cruz never mentions that, that I know of... has worked w/ him and other productive-minded folks in DC

of which there appear to be few... :(

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