we won’t be playing nice anymore

According to the facts, you descend from invaders.


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WTF are you defending us from at the southern border?

A bunch of poor, unarmed hungry people looking for a MFing job.
JUST what Jimmy Carter (and probably you said) as Castro sent murderers,rapists,and terrorists into Florida.

How naive to see that the absolute best mask for the worst people is coming into the country alongside "A bunch of poor, unarmed hungry people looking for a MFing job." DO YOU EVER THINK !!!!!

"Officials in Washington say they have learned from sources in Havana that the releases from Cuban prisons began last weekend. President Bill Clinton is acutely conscious of the effectiveness of the Cuban tactic of sending killers and thieves along with genuine refugees: in 1980 his own political career was almost ended when 18,000 Cuban boat people, mostly former prisoners, rioted at a US military base, Fort Chafee in Arkansas."

C'mon Clinton and Carter--- are you even AWAKE ??????????????????????????????
Nor should we. Should Trump win in 2024, he won't be getting any cooperation from liberal Democrats. He will have no choice but to issue Executive Orders in order to give the American voters what they want.

---We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets.---

And if he doesn’t win you’re just gonna claim it’s because it was rigged

And you’ll make a bunch of tough-guy threats on internet message boards but not actually do anything

Yeah, because you'd rather cosplay than live and operate in reality. Thanks for proving my point. :dunno:
The REALITY is that the southern border is being INVADED BY FOREIGNERS.
You welcome that just as the rest of the demented LEFT.
You want to eradicate the WHITE MAJORITY in this country.
That is ALL what this is about, bingo-Boi.
No "cosplay" projection fantasy that you proclaim, just protecting our national sovereignty.
Oh, and go fuck yourself, you agitating shit stirring pathetic POS.
I get a kick out of the media blaming republicans for holding the Ukraine bill up! Hey all you mther fkers it’s our fking money, go raid Ukraine’s peoples taxes!! Fk yo fk you fk you! My American friends money is for Americans

You are too stupid to be one person. If Putin attacks the rest of Europe, we're all in a mess, but then you love Russia. You posted your admiration of the Russian people over the American people. You want Russia to win so of course your want to pull funding.

Thanks for finally admitting you're not in the USA.
The REALITY is that the southern border is being INVADED BY FOREIGNERS.
Wrong. The reality is that capitalists need more workers and you fail whites aren't making enough babies so they have to come from somewhere. What you have at the border are migrant workers and people seeking asylum. All perfectly legal. The real problem at the border is that we dont have the resources there to process all of them quickly enough.
You welcome that just as the rest of the demented LEFT.
Yes but for different reasons than the capitalists.
You want to eradicate the WHITE MAJORITY in this country.
Yep. That's the one. The capitalists don't really care about your lot being replaced, they imagine they'll still maintain their socio-economic advantage.
That is ALL what this is about, bingo-Boi.
It's war. Whether we're talking about a shooting war, a political war or a culture war, having a larger army is an advantage over your enemies. Why wouldn't we seek this advantage over you?
No "cosplay" projection fantasy that you proclaim, just protecting our national sovereignty.
Except it is all cosplay. You imagine the only people who want more immigration here are liberals and communists and you think solutions will come in the form of Warthogs or a mote guarded by a dragon. Both are equally fanciful ideas.
Oh, and go fuck yourself, you agitating shit stirring pathetic POS.
Go cry about it you impotent fail white. :dunno:
Wrong. The reality is that capitalists need more workers and you fail whites aren't making enough babies so they have to come from somewhere. What you have at the border are migrant workers and people seeking asylum. All perfectly legal. The real problem at the border is that we dont have the resources there to process all of them quickly enough.

Yes but for different reasons than the capitalists.

Yep. That's the one. The capitalists don't really care about your lot being replaced, they imagine they'll still maintain their socio-economic advantage.

It's war. Whether we're talking about a shooting war, a political war or a culture war, having a larger army is an advantage over your enemies. Why wouldn't we seek this advantage over you?

Except it is all cosplay. You imagine the only people who want more immigration here are liberals and communists and you think solutions will come in the form of Warthogs or a mote guarded by a dragon. Both are equally fanciful ideas.

Go cry about it you impotent fail white. :dunno:
There's LEGAL immigration, and there's ILLEGAL immigration.
It's no fun being an illegal alien.
No no it's no fun being an illegal alien.
There's LEGAL immigration, and there's ILLEGAL immigration.
It's no fun being an illegal alien.
No no it's no fun being an illegal alien.
Those illegals are coming here for work because capitalists love cheaper labor. You're not going to get a solution to illegal immigration because the capitalists who own your politicians don't want a real solution. Their non solution however is still better for you than my solution which would be to allow anyone who wants to immigrate here to do so. You don't have a big enough political majority to win on this issue.
You mean the guys who drove out other tribes so they could take the prime real estate? You know we can go back as far as we need to, because history didn't just start where you think it's convenient.
Neither does context. We don't have to pretend skirmishes between nations competing for resources is the same as genocide and chattel slavery.

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