Wearing unearned military medals is free speech

The court made the correct ruling.

What you can go after is their use of the false medals to somehow make money. If they get a material benefit from the fake medals, that's fraud.

You ever watch any of the Stolen Valor videos? A bunch of losers pretending to be someone, it's sad and pathetic. Best one out there is the one where a fraud ran into an Airborne Ranger, the Ranger literally bitch slapped the fraud.

You have no argument that isnt emotional

If I cared what a leftist retard said that might bother me but given you are indeed a leftist retard it doesn't. Now....GFY, clown boy
There are few things lower than doing this and Stolen Valor. If you never walked the walk do NOT pretend you have.

Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution

SAN FRANCISCO (Tribune News Service) — A federal law that prohibited people from wearing military medals they didn’t earn is unconstitutional for the same reason as a law that made it a crime to lie about earning a medal, a federal appeals court ruled Monday: It’s a falsehood that is protected by freedom of speech.
In an 8-3 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the now-repealed law against wearing unearned military decorations was a ban on a type of “symbolic speech.” Although the government can forbid falsehoods that cause tangible harm, like fraud or perjury, the Constitution restricts government regulation of expression based solely on its content, the court said.
“Suppressing a symbolic communication threatens the same First Amendment harm as suppressing a written communication,” Judge Sandra Ikuta said in the majority opinion. “Wearing a medal has no purpose other than to communicate a message.”

[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution[/FONT]
Just like now having a dick has no purpose but to say you're a woman. And we wonder why we are losing.

The court made the correct ruling.

What you can go after is their use of the false medals to somehow make money. If they get a material benefit from the fake medals, that's fraud.

You ever watch any of the Stolen Valor videos? A bunch of losers pretending to be someone, it's sad and pathetic. Best one out there is the one where a fraud ran into an Airborne Ranger, the Ranger literally bitch slapped the fraud.

You have no argument that isnt emotional

If I cared what a leftist retard said that might bother me but given you are indeed a leftist retard it doesn't. Now....GFY, clown boy

You seem to believe that not caring means you are not presenting an emotional argument. The only thing you have is the visual equivalent of this

There are few things lower than doing this and Stolen Valor. If you never walked the walk do NOT pretend you have.

Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution

SAN FRANCISCO (Tribune News Service) — A federal law that prohibited people from wearing military medals they didn’t earn is unconstitutional for the same reason as a law that made it a crime to lie about earning a medal, a federal appeals court ruled Monday: It’s a falsehood that is protected by freedom of speech.
In an 8-3 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the now-repealed law against wearing unearned military decorations was a ban on a type of “symbolic speech.” Although the government can forbid falsehoods that cause tangible harm, like fraud or perjury, the Constitution restricts government regulation of expression based solely on its content, the court said.
“Suppressing a symbolic communication threatens the same First Amendment harm as suppressing a written communication,” Judge Sandra Ikuta said in the majority opinion. “Wearing a medal has no purpose other than to communicate a message.”

[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution[/FONT]
Just like now having a dick has no purpose but to say you're a woman. And we wonder why we are losing.

I've run out of Katyushas...more on order.
The problem in making it illegal to wear medals you haven't earned is that such a law would apply to actors in a movie or TV show about the military.

BUT in such cases it is open & widely known it is for the movie or show. All effected actors could well sign a document waiver if necessary, but it's only used as a prop for a movie. Not worn in general public to deceive anyone.
If you seen Joe Blow on the street in full military drag with medals, you wouldn't know any different. BUT if you seen Sylvester Stallone or Will Smith on the street in the same clothes, you'd know in instantly it was part of his 'costume' & not real.
The court made the correct ruling.

What you can go after is their use of the false medals to somehow make money. If they get a material benefit from the fake medals, that's fraud.

You ever watch any of the Stolen Valor videos? A bunch of losers pretending to be someone, it's sad and pathetic. Best one out there is the one where a fraud ran into an Airborne Ranger, the Ranger literally bitch slapped the fraud.

You have no argument that isnt emotional

If I cared what a leftist retard said that might bother me but given you are indeed a leftist retard it doesn't. Now....GFY, clown boy

You seem to believe that not caring means you are not presenting an emotional argument. The only thing you have is the visual equivalent of this


Doesn't your b/f need fondled or something? Your middle school type insults are just that, middle school. Now I repeat, GFY
Every time this issue comes up the first person that comes to mind is the fucking traitor phony poser John Kerry. He was in VN for about 90 days and awarded himself the Silver Star.
The man is a walking piece of shit AND the man Obama sent to Iran to give Iran whatever they wanted if they'd only stop building nuclear bombs. The Ayatollah based laughed in Kerry's face and used the bullshit agreement as ass wipe before Kerry even got to the fucking plane to fly home to the fucking mental case drug addled "Pickle Lady'.
You are a liar, lying about a decorated Vietnam veteran. Kerry was serving on the USS Gridley in the Gulf of Tonkin searching for and rescuing downed pilots. He requested, volunteered, transfer to service with Swift Boats and the request was granted. He was awarded three Purple Hearts. Sailors do not give themselves Purple Hearts and Silver Stars you idiot. SOP was that three such awards were accompanied by a reward of transfer out of the combat zone and country. Prove otherwise or STFU you POS.
There are few things lower than doing this and Stolen Valor. If you never walked the walk do NOT pretend you have.

Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution

SAN FRANCISCO (Tribune News Service) — A federal law that prohibited people from wearing military medals they didn’t earn is unconstitutional for the same reason as a law that made it a crime to lie about earning a medal, a federal appeals court ruled Monday: It’s a falsehood that is protected by freedom of speech.
In an 8-3 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the now-repealed law against wearing unearned military decorations was a ban on a type of “symbolic speech.” Although the government can forbid falsehoods that cause tangible harm, like fraud or perjury, the Constitution restricts government regulation of expression based solely on its content, the court said.
“Suppressing a symbolic communication threatens the same First Amendment harm as suppressing a written communication,” Judge Sandra Ikuta said in the majority opinion. “Wearing a medal has no purpose other than to communicate a message.”

[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution[/FONT]
Just like now having a dick has no purpose but to say you're a woman. And we wonder why we are losing.

I've run out of Katyushas...more on order.

You're dealing with someone that can't find his own ass with both hands.
Desperate fools try to defend the POS John Kerry. A traitor to the service and this nation
The ones defending this crap most likely have surplus uniforms and medals from Army/Navy surplus stores they throw on to impress people and get discounts.
The ones defending this crap most likely have surplus uniforms and medals from Army/Navy surplus stores they throw on to impress people and get discounts.

Or recognize that being an asshole isn't a crime. And that free speech includes quite a bit of douchebaggery.
There are few things lower than doing this and Stolen Valor. If you never walked the walk do NOT pretend you have.

Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution

SAN FRANCISCO (Tribune News Service) — A federal law that prohibited people from wearing military medals they didn’t earn is unconstitutional for the same reason as a law that made it a crime to lie about earning a medal, a federal appeals court ruled Monday: It’s a falsehood that is protected by freedom of speech.
In an 8-3 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the now-repealed law against wearing unearned military decorations was a ban on a type of “symbolic speech.” Although the government can forbid falsehoods that cause tangible harm, like fraud or perjury, the Constitution restricts government regulation of expression based solely on its content, the court said.
“Suppressing a symbolic communication threatens the same First Amendment harm as suppressing a written communication,” Judge Sandra Ikuta said in the majority opinion. “Wearing a medal has no purpose other than to communicate a message.”

[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution[/FONT]
Is it illegal to wear a military uniform if you are not in the military? Or a cop uniform? I am guessing but I would think it definitely is?

If so, for me that is reason enough not to allow military awards as well. I might let a terrorist into an even simply because I wanted to honor his "purple heart" he earned in Iraq.
What you can go after is their use of the false medals to somehow make money. If they get a material benefit from the fake medals, that's fraud.

You ever watch any of the Stolen Valor videos? A bunch of losers pretending to be someone, it's sad and pathetic. Best one out there is the one where a fraud ran into an Airborne Ranger, the Ranger literally bitch slapped the fraud.

You have no argument that isnt emotional

If I cared what a leftist retard said that might bother me but given you are indeed a leftist retard it doesn't. Now....GFY, clown boy

You seem to believe that not caring means you are not presenting an emotional argument. The only thing you have is the visual equivalent of this


Doesn't your b/f need fondled or something? Your middle school type insults are just that, middle school. Now I repeat, GFY

It wasnt an insult. Your only responses are all the equivalent of gasping and clutching your chest.

Sorry that seems to be an insult to you but the best thing about it is that you dont have to continue doing it.

The courts ruled correctly. You have nothing to counter it. End of story.
There are few things lower than doing this and Stolen Valor. If you never walked the walk do NOT pretend you have.

Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution

SAN FRANCISCO (Tribune News Service) — A federal law that prohibited people from wearing military medals they didn’t earn is unconstitutional for the same reason as a law that made it a crime to lie about earning a medal, a federal appeals court ruled Monday: It’s a falsehood that is protected by freedom of speech.
In an 8-3 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the now-repealed law against wearing unearned military decorations was a ban on a type of “symbolic speech.” Although the government can forbid falsehoods that cause tangible harm, like fraud or perjury, the Constitution restricts government regulation of expression based solely on its content, the court said.
“Suppressing a symbolic communication threatens the same First Amendment harm as suppressing a written communication,” Judge Sandra Ikuta said in the majority opinion. “Wearing a medal has no purpose other than to communicate a message.”

[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution[/FONT]
Is it illegal to wear a military uniform if you are not in the military? Or a cop uniform? I am guessing but I would think it definitely is?

If so, for me that is reason enough not to allow military awards as well. I might let a terrorist into an even simply because I wanted to honor his "purple heart" he earned in Iraq.

I'm not 100% sure but I don't think it is illegal unless you use the uniform to commit fraud
There are few things lower than doing this and Stolen Valor. If you never walked the walk do NOT pretend you have.

Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution

SAN FRANCISCO (Tribune News Service) — A federal law that prohibited people from wearing military medals they didn’t earn is unconstitutional for the same reason as a law that made it a crime to lie about earning a medal, a federal appeals court ruled Monday: It’s a falsehood that is protected by freedom of speech.
In an 8-3 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the now-repealed law against wearing unearned military decorations was a ban on a type of “symbolic speech.” Although the government can forbid falsehoods that cause tangible harm, like fraud or perjury, the Constitution restricts government regulation of expression based solely on its content, the court said.
“Suppressing a symbolic communication threatens the same First Amendment harm as suppressing a written communication,” Judge Sandra Ikuta said in the majority opinion. “Wearing a medal has no purpose other than to communicate a message.”

[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution[/FONT]
Is it illegal to wear a military uniform if you are not in the military? Or a cop uniform? I am guessing but I would think it definitely is?

If so, for me that is reason enough not to allow military awards as well. I might let a terrorist into an even simply because I wanted to honor his "purple heart" he earned in Iraq.
It is not illegal to wear military uniforms. They are available to the public. BDUs make great work clothes. The don't wear out, rip, or tear easily.
There are few things lower than doing this and Stolen Valor. If you never walked the walk do NOT pretend you have.

Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution

SAN FRANCISCO (Tribune News Service) — A federal law that prohibited people from wearing military medals they didn’t earn is unconstitutional for the same reason as a law that made it a crime to lie about earning a medal, a federal appeals court ruled Monday: It’s a falsehood that is protected by freedom of speech.
In an 8-3 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the now-repealed law against wearing unearned military decorations was a ban on a type of “symbolic speech.” Although the government can forbid falsehoods that cause tangible harm, like fraud or perjury, the Constitution restricts government regulation of expression based solely on its content, the court said.
“Suppressing a symbolic communication threatens the same First Amendment harm as suppressing a written communication,” Judge Sandra Ikuta said in the majority opinion. “Wearing a medal has no purpose other than to communicate a message.”

[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution[/FONT]
Is it illegal to wear a military uniform if you are not in the military? Or a cop uniform? I am guessing but I would think it definitely is?

If so, for me that is reason enough not to allow military awards as well. I might let a terrorist into an even simply because I wanted to honor his "purple heart" he earned in Iraq.
It is not illegal to wear a military uniforms. They are available to the public. BDUs make great work clothes. The don't wear out, rip, or tear easily.

Thanks for informing me. Fabric, great idea. But surely, no one is stupid enough to put on the full regalia of a military uniform, etc. and walk around acting as though that is who they are or were? I guess I have heard of a few lunatics like that.

But even a policeman or highway patrol uniform? Who would dare try to get away with that?
There are few things lower than doing this and Stolen Valor. If you never walked the walk do NOT pretend you have.

Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution

SAN FRANCISCO (Tribune News Service) — A federal law that prohibited people from wearing military medals they didn’t earn is unconstitutional for the same reason as a law that made it a crime to lie about earning a medal, a federal appeals court ruled Monday: It’s a falsehood that is protected by freedom of speech.
In an 8-3 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the now-repealed law against wearing unearned military decorations was a ban on a type of “symbolic speech.” Although the government can forbid falsehoods that cause tangible harm, like fraud or perjury, the Constitution restricts government regulation of expression based solely on its content, the court said.
“Suppressing a symbolic communication threatens the same First Amendment harm as suppressing a written communication,” Judge Sandra Ikuta said in the majority opinion. “Wearing a medal has no purpose other than to communicate a message.”

[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution[/FONT]
Is it illegal to wear a military uniform if you are not in the military? Or a cop uniform? I am guessing but I would think it definitely is?

If so, for me that is reason enough not to allow military awards as well. I might let a terrorist into an even simply because I wanted to honor his "purple heart" he earned in Iraq.
It is not illegal to wear military uniforms. They are available to the public. BDUs make great work clothes. The don't wear out, rip, or tear easily.

We're discussing uniforms with rank, insignia and medals
You ever watch any of the Stolen Valor videos? A bunch of losers pretending to be someone, it's sad and pathetic. Best one out there is the one where a fraud ran into an Airborne Ranger, the Ranger literally bitch slapped the fraud.

You have no argument that isnt emotional

If I cared what a leftist retard said that might bother me but given you are indeed a leftist retard it doesn't. Now....GFY, clown boy

You seem to believe that not caring means you are not presenting an emotional argument. The only thing you have is the visual equivalent of this


Doesn't your b/f need fondled or something? Your middle school type insults are just that, middle school. Now I repeat, GFY

It wasnt an insult. Your only responses are all the equivalent of gasping and clutching your chest.

This is the Big One! You hear that Elizabeth? I'm coming to join you!
There are few things lower than doing this and Stolen Valor. If you never walked the walk do NOT pretend you have.

Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution

SAN FRANCISCO (Tribune News Service) — A federal law that prohibited people from wearing military medals they didn’t earn is unconstitutional for the same reason as a law that made it a crime to lie about earning a medal, a federal appeals court ruled Monday: It’s a falsehood that is protected by freedom of speech.
In an 8-3 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco said the now-repealed law against wearing unearned military decorations was a ban on a type of “symbolic speech.” Although the government can forbid falsehoods that cause tangible harm, like fraud or perjury, the Constitution restricts government regulation of expression based solely on its content, the court said.
“Suppressing a symbolic communication threatens the same First Amendment harm as suppressing a written communication,” Judge Sandra Ikuta said in the majority opinion. “Wearing a medal has no purpose other than to communicate a message.”

[FONT=Georgia, Times, Times New Roman, serif]Court: Wearing unearned military medal is protected by Constitution[/FONT]
Is it illegal to wear a military uniform if you are not in the military? Or a cop uniform? I am guessing but I would think it definitely is?

If so, for me that is reason enough not to allow military awards as well. I might let a terrorist into an even simply because I wanted to honor his "purple heart" he earned in Iraq.
It is not illegal to wear military uniforms. They are available to the public. BDUs make great work clothes. The don't wear out, rip, or tear easily.

We're discussing uniforms with rank, insignia and medals
Many of the military clothing items sold at thrift shops and Army Navy stores still have the rank and insignia on them. I don't see a problem with wearing it or even the medals, as long you aren't pretending to be something you're not.

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