Weisselberg Indicted

Plenty is legal when it comes to deductions as long as you frame them the right way. That's how accounting works.
Plenty is legal. This ain’t it.

Keep up the excuses. It just makes you look more and more obsequious.

We will see. If Vance over-reached any competent defense attorney will shred his ass.
will any competent attorney be willing to take this case? maybe rudy can get his suspension lifted and get to work. lol

Are you actually cheering someone not being able to find competent counsel?
bwahahahaha. i hope you never left your fainting couch, pearl clutching cuck soiboi.

Answer the question.

Does this guy deserve proper defense representation or not?
We will see. If Vance over-reached any competent defense attorney will shred his ass.
He hasn’t. Some rich assholes really think they’re above the law. And they also think that if they’re caught they’ll just pay a fine. The people who are making excuses for this are part of the problem.

And some DA's think politics trumps (lol) actually doing their fucking job. "Who cares if murders are up, WE GOTTA GET TRUMP!!!!"

The other thing is something like this usually comes out of the State Attorney's office, or the IRS/DOJ itself.

Coming from a county DA in a county/city run by TDS dems just reinforces the viewpoint of this being a political hack job.
Yeah, this is the kind of bullshit excuse making that hacks like yourself do.

As if we can’t prosecute tax fraud unless ever murderer is caught first. Tax fraud is widespread and the sooner we crack down on it, the better.

What bullshit? Usually things like this come at the State Attorney/US Attorney level, a county DA in NYC doing it is not common.

Day to day crimes are the local DA's scope of work, and idiots like Vance don't feel like prosecuting petty criminals because of progressive bullshit.
It’s bullshit excuse making.

Like how dare they go after people committing tax fraud on a scale of hundreds of thousands of dollars when they could be prosecuting people for petty crimes.

It's not petty when it's your shit getting boosted, or your store closing down because the shoplifting makes the margins too small to stay open.

And letting petty crime explode leads to larger crimes happening.

But letting murder rates climb is OK as long as the DA is woke enough....
Yep. And letting tax criminals slide also invites larger crimes.

That’s why these guys need to be prosecuted, not given a slap on the wrist.
Al Sharpton........
To convict the entire organzation they must show it was organizational wide
What does that mean?
It might help you to read Arthur Anderson LLP v. United States 544 U.S. 696 (2005
How would that help? It’s about jury instructions and there hasn’t been a trial yet.
it’s the law. It provides what the law is and what needs to be shown to convict the entire organization.

Plenty is legal when it comes to deductions as long as you frame them the right way. That's how accounting works.
Plenty is legal. This ain’t it.

Keep up the excuses. It just makes you look more and more obsequious.

We will see. If Vance over-reached any competent defense attorney will shred his ass.
will any competent attorney be willing to take this case? maybe rudy can get his suspension lifted and get to work. lol

Are you actually cheering someone not being able to find competent counsel?
bwahahahaha. i hope you never left your fainting couch, pearl clutching cuck soiboi.

Answer the question.

Does this guy deserve proper defense representation or not?
you have no business telling anyone what to do, fucktard.

it's his problem if his fat fucking troll boss has burned bridges with competent lawyers.
Are you actually cheering someone not being able to find competent counsel?
Only when it’s because of their own actions.
We will see. If Vance over-reached any competent defense attorney will shred his ass.
He hasn’t. Some rich assholes really think they’re above the law. And they also think that if they’re caught they’ll just pay a fine. The people who are making excuses for this are part of the problem.

And some DA's think politics trumps (lol) actually doing their fucking job. "Who cares if murders are up, WE GOTTA GET TRUMP!!!!"

The other thing is something like this usually comes out of the State Attorney's office, or the IRS/DOJ itself.

Coming from a county DA in a county/city run by TDS dems just reinforces the viewpoint of this being a political hack job.
Yeah, this is the kind of bullshit excuse making that hacks like yourself do.

As if we can’t prosecute tax fraud unless ever murderer is caught first. Tax fraud is widespread and the sooner we crack down on it, the better.

What bullshit? Usually things like this come at the State Attorney/US Attorney level, a county DA in NYC doing it is not common.

Day to day crimes are the local DA's scope of work, and idiots like Vance don't feel like prosecuting petty criminals because of progressive bullshit.
It’s bullshit excuse making.

Like how dare they go after people committing tax fraud on a scale of hundreds of thousands of dollars when they could be prosecuting people for petty crimes.

It's not petty when it's your shit getting boosted, or your store closing down because the shoplifting makes the margins too small to stay open.

And letting petty crime explode leads to larger crimes happening.

But letting murder rates climb is OK as long as the DA is woke enough....
Yep. And letting tax criminals slide also invites larger crimes.

That’s why these guys need to be prosecuted, not given a slap on the wrist.

Tax criminals or people who didn't file their taxes properly? Or more to the point people who someone says didn't file their taxes properly.

The Manhattan DA is not a tax attorney, and they don't specialize in tax prosecutions. That would be the Feds and the State Attorney General.

Some guy boosting my flat screen is far more cut and dry than someone didn't put the proper value in form G-233 page 5 section 12 in 2012, and thus made an error on said form page 8 section 15 going forward the next 10 years.
Yes, tax criminals.

You keep using pathetic language to try to downplay it. “Didn’t file their taxes properly” is a pathetic way to describe tax fraud. We’re just going to call someone “boosting your TV” actually “failed to properly transfer ownership”.

You’re a hack, Marty. People like you are making this country worse. You just want to left rich people (or maybe just your political favorites) be above the law. Hell no.
To convict the entire organzation they must show it was organizational wide
What does that mean?
It might help you to read Arthur Anderson LLP v. United States 544 U.S. 696 (2005
How would that help? It’s about jury instructions and there hasn’t been a trial yet.
it’s the law. It provides what the law is and what needs to be shown to convict the entire organization.

wow. one could almost get the impression that you have no fucking clue what you are queefing about.

Another example of trump trusting a demographic that always turns on him....

You libs like to play pretend huh? It's where gay marriage and butt intercourse comes from.

Proof you are a lib....

You noticed all the players behind the steal

Fox News
Hobbs of AZ

Are all Jews, many appointed by trump.

If you notice the election was stolen, you will face bizarre and false card tosses for noticing who did it....


You are the one who admires the Jussie Smollett standard of "proof..."
That's from reading the indictment. Wait until a good defense attorney has at this.

receipts prove transactions, not intentions.
Yeah, I know. Rich people don’t get convicted because the can afford good attorneys. God bless the USA.

There’s no argument to be made here. They knew it was compensation. That’s why they reduced his compensation at the same time as paying for his tax free shit.

They also tend to commit crimes, or be accused of crimes that are more "what happened" than "who did it"

Murder is murder. all you have to do is prove who killed the person. This is tax law, and not only do you have to prove that what happened happened, but the person doing it knew what they were doing was criminal, and not just bad accounting or misunderstanding tax law.

And you have to prove it to a jury.
You don't keep a second set of books on it, if you didn't KNOW what you were doing... :rolleyes:

So they have both sets of books?
according to item 19 on page 13, yes.

it doesn't refer to two sets of books, it says they think there was fraud in reporting.

Now they get to prove it.

Good luck lol.
oy vey. of course the indictment refers exactly that. by comparing both data sets they found the discrepancies leading to this indictment. this is not hard to understand, for non-trumptards.

They think they found it, lets see what the defense does to it.
you finally learned to understand the indictment, at least with regard to the two sets of books. baby steps, baby steps.

There are no book sets, the accusation doesn't explicitly state that.
aw. and i had such high hopes for you.

time for your nap, fat boy.
WE have no hope that you will ever commit logic, NAZI.
19. Weisselberg’s authorized annual compensation at all relevant times was fixed at a number certain. For example, from 2011 through 2018, his compensation was fixed at $940,000, to be comprised of $540,000 in base salary and $400,000 in end-of-year bonus. However, at Weisselberg’s direction, the Trump Organization excluded from his reported gross income the amounts that were paid to him indirectly in the form of rent paid on his New York City apartment, tuition paid on his behalf to his family members’ private school, the automobile expenses paid in connection with his and his wife’s personal cars, and the other items described above. Weisselberg, received the benefit of these payments, and the Trump Organization internally tracked and treated many of them as part of his authorized annual compensation, ensuring that he was not paid more than his pre-authorized, fixed amount of gross compensation. However, the corporate defendants falsified other compensation records so that the indirect compensation payments were not reflected in Weisselberg's reported gross income. Therefore, the W-2 forms and other compensation records reported to federal, state, and local tax authorities fraudulently understated the income that the Trump Organization had paid Weisselberg. Weisselberg included the falsified information set forth on his W-2 forms when he filed his personal income tax returns.
No, they didn't turd. They were not treated as part of his compensation. Otherwise they would have appeared on his W2 or his 1099. The Trump organization has not been accused of falsifying anything, moron. The only question at issue here is whether those items should have appeared on his W2 or 1099.
So, hearsay from a Trump hater is all ya got.
Trump acts like a mob boss. Doesn’t want anything in writing. He doesn’t write emails. He conducts his business by phone.

He’s learned how to get away with shit.
Your delusional opinions mean nothing, Clown.
I have testimony and a track record. You have your head up Trump‘s ass.
You have nothing but fantasies, moron.
That's from reading the indictment. Wait until a good defense attorney has at this.

receipts prove transactions, not intentions.
Yeah, I know. Rich people don’t get convicted because the can afford good attorneys. God bless the USA.

There’s no argument to be made here. They knew it was compensation. That’s why they reduced his compensation at the same time as paying for his tax free shit.

They also tend to commit crimes, or be accused of crimes that are more "what happened" than "who did it"

Murder is murder. all you have to do is prove who killed the person. This is tax law, and not only do you have to prove that what happened happened, but the person doing it knew what they were doing was criminal, and not just bad accounting or misunderstanding tax law.

And you have to prove it to a jury.
You don't keep a second set of books on it, if you didn't KNOW what you were doing... :rolleyes:

So they have both sets of books?
according to item 19 on page 13, yes.

it doesn't refer to two sets of books, it says they think there was fraud in reporting.

Now they get to prove it.

Good luck lol.
oy vey. of course the indictment refers exactly that. by comparing both data sets they found the discrepancies leading to this indictment. this is not hard to understand, for non-trumptards.

They think they found it, lets see what the defense does to it.
you finally learned to understand the indictment, at least with regard to the two sets of books. baby steps, baby steps.

There are no book sets, the accusation doesn't explicitly state that.
aw. and i had such high hopes for you.

time for your nap, fat boy.
WE have no hope that you will ever commit logic, NAZI.
19. Weisselberg’s authorized annual compensation at all relevant times was fixed at a number certain. For example, from 2011 through 2018, his compensation was fixed at $940,000, to be comprised of $540,000 in base salary and $400,000 in end-of-year bonus. However, at Weisselberg’s direction, the Trump Organization excluded from his reported gross income the amounts that were paid to him indirectly in the form of rent paid on his New York City apartment, tuition paid on his behalf to his family members’ private school, the automobile expenses paid in connection with his and his wife’s personal cars, and the other items described above. Weisselberg, received the benefit of these payments, and the Trump Organization internally tracked and treated many of them as part of his authorized annual compensation, ensuring that he was not paid more than his pre-authorized, fixed amount of gross compensation. However, the corporate defendants falsified other compensation records so that the indirect compensation payments were not reflected in Weisselberg's reported gross income. Therefore, the W-2 forms and other compensation records reported to federal, state, and local tax authorities fraudulently understated the income that the Trump Organization had paid Weisselberg. Weisselberg included the falsified information set forth on his W-2 forms when he filed his personal income tax returns.
No, they didn't turd. They were not treated as part of his compensation. Otherwise they would have appeared on his W2 or his 1099. The Trump organization has not been accused of falsifying anything, moron. The only question at issue here is whether those items should have appeared on his W2 or 1099.
your track record of being always wrong, obtuse, and obese remains intact.
So, hearsay from a Trump hater is all ya got.
Trump acts like a mob boss. Doesn’t want anything in writing. He doesn’t write emails. He conducts his business by phone.

He’s learned how to get away with shit.
Your delusional opinions mean nothing, Clown.
I have testimony and a track record. You have your head up Trump‘s ass.
MOB BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :abgg2q.jpg:

You obviously don't know much about mob bosses, Clown.
So, hearsay from a Trump hater is all ya got.
Trump acts like a mob boss. Doesn’t want anything in writing. He doesn’t write emails. He conducts his business by phone.

He’s learned how to get away with shit.
Your delusional opinions mean nothing, Clown.
I have testimony and a track record. You have your head up Trump‘s ass.
You leftist opinion piece writer is the only one who used the word "mob", Dumbass. You have no testimony saying "mob boss", Clown.
We will see. If Vance over-reached any competent defense attorney will shred his ass.
He hasn’t. Some rich assholes really think they’re above the law. And they also think that if they’re caught they’ll just pay a fine. The people who are making excuses for this are part of the problem.

And some DA's think politics trumps (lol) actually doing their fucking job. "Who cares if murders are up, WE GOTTA GET TRUMP!!!!"

The other thing is something like this usually comes out of the State Attorney's office, or the IRS/DOJ itself.

Coming from a county DA in a county/city run by TDS dems just reinforces the viewpoint of this being a political hack job.
Yeah, this is the kind of bullshit excuse making that hacks like yourself do.

As if we can’t prosecute tax fraud unless ever murderer is caught first. Tax fraud is widespread and the sooner we crack down on it, the better.

What bullshit? Usually things like this come at the State Attorney/US Attorney level, a county DA in NYC doing it is not common.

Day to day crimes are the local DA's scope of work, and idiots like Vance don't feel like prosecuting petty criminals because of progressive bullshit.
It’s bullshit excuse making.

Like how dare they go after people committing tax fraud on a scale of hundreds of thousands of dollars when they could be prosecuting people for petty crimes.

It's not petty when it's your shit getting boosted, or your store closing down because the shoplifting makes the margins too small to stay open.

And letting petty crime explode leads to larger crimes happening.

But letting murder rates climb is OK as long as the DA is woke enough....
Yep. And letting tax criminals slide also invites larger crimes.

That’s why these guys need to be prosecuted, not given a slap on the wrist.
Letting criminals like Hillary and Biden slide also invites larger crimes. Futhermore, nothing Vance accuses Trump employees of is a crime.
You leftist opinion piece writer is the only one who used the word "mob", Dumbass. You have no testimony saying "mob boss", Clown.
Jesus, is that the best you can do?
Pointing out you are full of shit? I guess.
You lack critical thinking, need everything spelled out for you.
All it takes is the ability to read your link to see you have no quote from anyone giving testimony using "mob boss". All you have is the description your leftist opinion piece writer came up with.

You are a dumbass, AND a clown.

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