Welfare queen wins nearly $200 million powerball - Is this right?

What the fuck is the matter with you?

Poor people do not deserve to be punished for their poverty. They don't need rightwing poverty police monitoring every penny they spend. If they want to have some enjoyment in life, they don't need assholes like you insisting they eat gruel and wear hand me downs

Since when did "here is some of MY money to help feed you, but don't be spending YOUR money on frivolous things" become punishment?

And yes, if they are so poor they need my help feeding themselves they certainly need SOMEONE policing their spending

God Almighty some of you are stupid
They receive money to buy food for their family

Any other money of theirs ........they get to do as they wish

Ice cream, movies or lottery tickets are theirs to buy

Just like you and me

Some people WANT them to suffer. They want to punish them and they hope they live in misery.

That is their biggest gripe

Poor people don't suffer enough

Well, I for one don't have a problem with my tax money going to help poor people here in America. I much prefer that than to send the money to help poor countries that hate us. Every single one of us has had difficult times. It's not easy to get job, especially for a single mother of 4. There are not a lot of options for a person like that. If she worked, most of her money would go just to pay for daycare for those 4 children.

For Christ sakes

The poor woman is struggling raising a kid with cerebral palsy and these morons are attacking her for buying a lottery ticket
It's been almost 15 years since I have jabbered with a gal I met online so long ago. But I remember she said she wanted a little wiccan shop...or spiritual shop that leaned towards pagan beliefs...with oodles of great books, novels (not spiritual), coffees from around the world, big soft easy chairs for customers to sit and read and sip coffee, etc. I told her long ago if I ever won the lottery, I would give her enough money to do that.

I still plan to do it if it ever happened. Unless she finally found a way to do it herself.
Imagine how neat that would be! Out of the blue...15 years later...I contact her (I know how to reach her if I needed to)....tell her I won...and "I remember the shop. How much do you need?"

I get goosebumps thinking about it. Giving is so much more fun than getting. But I would love to get the lottery, lol.
Imagine how neat that would be! Out of the blue...15 years later...I contact her (I know how to reach her if I needed to)....tell her I won...and "I remember the shop. How much do you need?"

I get goosebumps thinking about it. Giving is so much more fun than getting. But I would love to get the lottery, lol.

I can't even imagine. I've never even seen that kind of money before. Lol.
Imagine how neat that would be! Out of the blue...15 years later...I contact her (I know how to reach her if I needed to)....tell her I won...and "I remember the shop. How much do you need?"

I get goosebumps thinking about it. Giving is so much more fun than getting. But I would love to get the lottery, lol.
I can now reveal that she is actually me Gracie!
Phew, thank God, I've been dying to tell you but I didn't think you'd remember.

I'll send you my bank account number...ya know...just in case.
Imagine how neat that would be! Out of the blue...15 years later...I contact her (I know how to reach her if I needed to)....tell her I won...and "I remember the shop. How much do you need?"

I get goosebumps thinking about it. Giving is so much more fun than getting. But I would love to get the lottery, lol.
I can now reveal that she is actually me Gracie!
Phew, thank God, I've been dying to tell you but I didn't think you'd remember.

I'll send you my bank account number...ya know...just in case.

No, it's ME. :lol:
I won't forget USMB folks. Pinky swear promise. Ya'll are more family to me than my real one. Even with all yer flaws. But the raunchy ones...fergitaboutit. Not a dime.
I won't forget USMB folks. Pinky swear promise. Ya'll are more family to me than my real one. Even with all yer flaws. But the raunchy ones...fergitaboutit. Not a dime.

Note to self: Make sure to stay on Gracie's good side. :lol:
Yep. But on the other hand, state sponsored gambling is way wrong too. Where do you go with that?
You don't have to stay on my good side. There are people here I bump heads with and flat out don't much care for...but they have some great qualities. We just differ on opinions on some stuff. They are still good people.
Hell, the one I would still buy her wiccan book shop banned my ass a few times and reamed me a good one more than once. But she still is a good lady. Dayum, that was so long ago. we all have moved on.
The poor woman is struggling raising a kid with cerebral palsy and these morons are attacking her for buying a lottery ticket

Where is your evidence her kid has CB.? Just another liberal lie. And if it is true, then all the more reason to not waste money on gambling. THINK
That's a bullshit argument made by people who either A) can't extrapolate or B) can,but rather hide the facts

In fiscal 2014 , we spent $370.3 BILLION in federal tax money alone on welfare. Let's see the figueres are this woman will pay I believe it was 37% of $220M in federal income taxes, or what roughly $80M. $80M is what percentage of $370B? and that's just a one time payment.

Which put $629.51 BILLION into the economy.

If you want to be upset, read this:

Where Is The Outrage Over Corporate Welfare - Forbes

The BILLIONS spent put NOTHING into the economy.

Dollar for dollar, welfare for people is the biggest return on your tax monies.
One of the good people at stormfront posted that some states do make lottery winners on welfare pay back the welfare they received over the years. That will still be a tiny fraction of what she won.
There are no good people on Stormfront your racist. And she paid for the ticket.
If she takes the $200 million win in cash, don't they give her just $100 million? Since she pays half of that in taxes, that leaves her with a measly $50 million.
Short sighted and stupid.

I have kids in college. I help them pay their bills, but I find out they are out wasting their own money while taking mine to pay bills, I cut off their money.

The dollar amount of the lottery ticket is irrelevant, unless you are stupid. Do you really believe that a person making minimum wage and having four kids and is on welfare only wasted $2 in their lives ? Of course not, Amazing that people on welfare have IPhones, flat screen TV, 20" wheels on their cars, $100 jeans, $75 sneakers, etc etc Plenty of money for beer and pot.

Please deny any of that is true.

The monies you help off-set college costs are yours. Taxes that you've paid aren't your money anymore. You've paid a bill due.

Don't bother answering unless you can present a legal precedent.
If she was on welfare, that was OUR $2 she spent to buy the Powerball. Rightfully, the winnings should go to the taxpayers.

Taxes that you've paid aren't your money anymore. You've paid a bill due.

Don't bother answering unless you can present a legal precedent.

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