Welfare question for libertarians, conservatives

Should welfare recipients receive cash?

  • yes

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • no

    Votes: 21 87.5%

  • Total voters
NOTHING wrong with giving hand-ups...but it has to be limited, and for a limited time. AS they are on the dole, it is incumbent upon them to better their situation in the meantime...Safety net is FINE...it is when it becomes a hammock, a way of life I have a problem with. THOSE people I call moochers, and they get the moniker deservedly so.

But T, what happens when the limited time runs out and these people still aren't on their feet? Won't society feel a greater burden if we just cut these people off and leave them out in the cold?
There used to be a time when PRIVATE CHARITIES took care of these needs exclusively. Yeah many are still around but...they fall under the scrutiny of the same Government that wants the job permanently...Get the drift?

Yeah totally. My question is do the private charities have the means to do a sufficient enough job by themselves or is there a needed role for government?
But T, what happens when the limited time runs out and these people still aren't on their feet? Won't society feel a greater burden if we just cut these people off and leave them out in the cold?
There used to be a time when PRIVATE CHARITIES took care of these needs exclusively. Yeah many are still around but...they fall under the scrutiny of the same Government that wants the job permanently...Get the drift?

Yeah totally. My question is do the private charities have the means to do a sufficient enough job by themselves or is there a needed role for government?
Yes there is a role. Get out of their business. NO TAX restrictions on ANY charity. The problem is the 16th Amendment and the tax code being used to punish.
What are we supposed to do with the people who can't fend for themselves? Let them starve in the street?
What did we do with them before the federal government started its "benevolence" programs?

We let them starve in the street.

Thanks for going back to full retard. Fun to watch.

Yes everyone, all people that could not afford "food' just starved in the streets. The time of mass death by starvation is rarely brought up in US history, and not be3cause it was never really an issue.... But instead i'll leave G5 to make up bullshit as he changes his answer.
What are we supposed to do with the people who can't fend for themselves? Let them starve in the street?
What did we do with them before the federal government started its "benevolence" programs?

We let them starve in the street.
Yeah...that's the ticket. The way you act is there are hundreds of thousands starving in the streets...if it DOES happen? You may thank the politicians YOU defend by killing the private sector...

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Having been a welfare mom living on food stamps & HUD housing a very long time ago what I saw was a perpetual generational lifestyle. Most thought they were owed something.
If I needed help paying for Other stuff I needed to go to the local church and wait in line for help. Standing in those lines are what made me get my butt to class everyday so I could get myself out of the situation I was in. I saw people over and over again at these places with expectations of donuts and coffee to be served to them.

I did NOT grow up in a welfare home or with a give me what I need attitude. I had always worked for a living. I used the system for 3 years to get a degree that could support me and my son. It was a Hand Up not a hand out. I repaid every single dime many times over in the taxes I paid when I went to work.

The one person that told me I Couldn't meet my goal was my Social Worker. If there was one person that tried to hold me back it was the Government employee that was supposed to help me. She berated me as if I was stupid and told me straight out I would NEVER be anything. One of my very best days was when she called me telling me I hadn't turned in my paperwork for Food Stamps and I wasn't going to get them that month. I could hear the smug smile as she said those words to me. I politely told her I NO longer needed her or her food stamps because even through all the terrible things she told me I would never accomplish I had graduated and had a High Paying job. I still think she was pissed when I told her how much money I was making as I am very sure my starting pay was more than she had been making after many years. I know my last paycheck was well above her pay grade.

Welfare, foodstamps and every other program should be difficult and embarrassing so people will take some pride and find a way to get themselves off government assistance.
In those days I was a Liberal democrat. I actually worked getting signatures for a petition to get something on the ballot...25 cents a signature. That's what you call making it work.
How about all those cigarette smoking welfare recipients...I had to quit smoking when cigs went up to 99 cents a pack....Diapers or cigerettes?? Diapers won...

If they don't feel the pain then they are just taking without ever knowing that they need to give back. It was shocking to hear so many telling each other how to WORK the system. Most were not interested in getting off of welfare...and were coming from years of welfare. Probably those that I stood in line with are still stuck in the system along with their children and grandchildren. It a vicious cycle where there is NO Way out especially when the people that work as so called social workers like to keep people down. She got a real high knowing she held the power over me and everyone else waiting to see her.

People on Welfare don't even know much less care that Other people working and paying taxes are where their checks are coming from. Ask anyone on welfare where the money is coming from and they will say the government, too stupid to realize the Gov does not make money it only takes from some to give to Them.

If someone is on welfare then they should be volunteering somewhere helping someone with less than they have. The inner cities should be the nicest places to live since no one works. How about planting a community garden where all could share fresh fruits and veggies?
A co-op for parents that need help with childcare...On welfare then donate 8 hours a week then use 8 hours a week going to classes to get out and off the system.
No ~ what I saw was people that had NO WAY OUT only because it was all they knew how to do was Take and the expectations were more than disgusting.
I became a conservative when I started paying high presentage in taxes and seeing Nothing Change. More taking and wanting even More...
I have a foreign friend not from America...His favorite saying is "Only in America Can You Become Anything You are Willing to Work for and Only in America will they pay you to do Nothing and the people are satisfied" Sad but True...
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Absolutely. If you walked down any street in the late 19th and 20th centuries before government run welfare, you'd see hundreds, if not thousands of dead people in the streets.

Change "dead" to "starving", and you would be 100 percent accurate. And the death rate among the poor was atrocious. There was a 30 percent infant mortality rate in some cities in 1900.

So keep up the sarcasm. You are accurately portraying actual facts.

Wow like Omg, you totally have a point there.... Wow... like wow I wonder if death rates among the poor and infants went up the further you go back in history... like omg, maybe there's something to that.

G5, yer so smart!

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