Welfare should be ended completely

It is called making life easier and increasing our living standards.
-SSI keeps old people from dying on the street
-Food stamps makes sure people don't starve in tough times.
-Unemployment allows a person to survive between jobs
A public education allows poor and rich alike to have equal chance to succeed. We'd look more like india or africa if it wasn't for this.
-Minimum wage helps increase our standard of living for our poorest.

Are you really so heartless to take this away? I'd focus more on education and technological training if you wished for success, but if you're a moral person then that is the general reason for welfare.

The premise of welfare and public schooling is what you described. That is how it was intended.

Sadly, some parents started setting bad example for their children. Too many don't take advantage of the education they are offered. That means they will eventually need assistance because they will never acquire the needed skills to do well on their own.

It's one thing to always have that safety net, but some didn't fall into it, they climbed into it without trying to do things on their own first.

Some are born into government dependence and will never know what it's like to be on their own.

You and other libs refuse to acknowledge the hold that government has over those who rely on them for everything.
Society as a whole has benefitted.

Where? What more part time jobs? More individuals on the welfare rolls? His signature failure ObamaCare is not affordable and has only created another burden for the real taxpayers. Gay Marriage is a joke and offers nothing for society as a whole...

Please provide proof...

More persons are graduating college in this nation than ever,

More persons? LOL and you use this in conjunction with higher education...

Link for this assertion, good luck...

life spans are actually longer than ever

Oh yeah Obama the Messiah has increased our life span? Do you really believe this crap?

climate change is now front and center on the agenda of issues facing the nation, etc....

With inaccurate science, half truths and lies, yeah you are clueless...

I realize none of these important matters will mean anything to you.

I deal better with the truth, you live in a fantasy. You're a victim...

You equate "doing something" with mass casualties of Americans fighting for industry in the sands of arabia and how many fellow Americans' rights you can actively oppress or how many you can intimidate.

Yeah all these Islamic Radical Jihadist are a figment of our imagination or better yet we created them, when is it you begin to realize they will kill you too if they have half a chance? They hate Western Civilization, they don't care if you sympathize with them. You obviously didn't receive the higher education you claim we have more benefiting from today...

Conservatives are, on balance, the most hateful people in the nation and it's strangely appropriate the GOP nominee is thought of so poorly by so many for suc h a variety of reasons.

Conservatives do a much better job of living in the real world were as Liberals are stuck in the dream world...

How you equate this to hatred is frightening and explains a lot...
Care, I think a large portion of the population on welfare do believe it's just easier to get a government check that work for it. We can't end welfare altogether, that is not reality. But we can restrict it to 2 years for physically able people and not profitable.

I knew of a family that had so many gov't giveaways, that they bought an RV that I could not afford.
Jackson, children are the majority recipients of food stamps AND MOST ALL ADULTS who receive food stamps WORK FOR A LIVING....yes Jackson, they are already in the workforce.
Really? Then why are they spending them in casinos and selling them off to others at half price?
It is called making life easier and increasing our living standards.
-SSI keeps old people from dying on the street
-Food stamps makes sure people don't starve in tough times.
-Unemployment allows a person to survive between jobs
A public education allows poor and rich alike to have equal chance to succeed. We'd look more like india or africa if it wasn't for this.
-Minimum wage helps increase our standard of living for our poorest.

Are you really so heartless to take this away? I'd focus more on education and technological training if you wished for success, but if you're a moral person then that is the general reason for welfare.

The premise of welfare and public schooling is what you described. That is how it was intended.

Sadly, some parents started setting bad example for their children. Too many don't take advantage of the education they are offered. That means they will eventually need assistance because they will never acquire the needed skills to do well on their own.

It's one thing to always have that safety net, but some didn't fall into it, they climbed into it without trying to do things on their own first.

Some are born into government dependence and will never know what it's like to be on their own.

You and other libs refuse to acknowledge the hold that government has over those who rely on them for everything.
I hear similar things in the UK. However the evidence is that the welfare bill is not great and the people you have described are in the minority.There will always be people who abuse the system but that doesnt mean you need to get rid of the system.

Well it is lucky that pretty much everybody disagrees with you. Vote for a party that wants to end a civilised society and see how far that gets you.

A lot of confused people have trouble understanding the concept of Liberty. You are one of them.

Having the oppressive government take your money from you and give it to somebody else is forcing you into slavery and deprives you of Liberty and if you are too stupid to understand it then that just shows us your ignorance.

Thievery by government is one of the most uncivilized institution anyone can imagine. You need to go take a Civics course so that you can understand the immorality of using the government to steal. It is a bad thing.

Democracy sucks and is oppressive when 51% of the people find out they can use the government to steal from the 49% what they are too sorry to provide for themselves.

Most of the time it is not even 51% of the greedy voters that do the thievery. It is usually only a plurality.
The beauty is that you have a vote and if you can find enough support you can agitate to reintroduce the stone age.
Failing that you could find a small atoll in the South Pacific and live there unencumbered of the burden of supporting your neighbours.
There, my friend, you will find true liberty.
Republican welfare ideas actually do get people off of welfare. The left criticizes them for some minor reason but they do reduce the welfare rolls to some degree. The same can never be said about 'liberal' welfare programs. Those always seem to expand.

So the Republican solution is that people on welfare do not suffer enough

Well it is lucky that pretty much everybody disagrees with you. Vote for a party that wants to end a civilised society and see how far that gets you.

Most of the people in Germany agreed with Hitler, didn't they? That doesn't mean jackshit. Socialism has always sucked and has been thievery and deprived the people of Liberty and the welfare state has always been destructive to an economy.

What means something is the concept of individual Liberty. I don't have Liberty when the fucking jackbooted government thugs takes my money away and gives it some illegal alien or welfare queen.

I don't know what Moon Bat colony that you live in but the hard working working that I know don't like to have their money confiscated by the government and given to shitheads.
Republican welfare ideas actually do get people off of welfare. The left criticizes them for some minor reason but they do reduce the welfare rolls to some degree. The same can never be said about 'liberal' welfare programs. Those always seem to expand.
Are you really so dense to not even recognize all of the corporate welfare created because of republicans? Do you really see ANY republican try to put an end to it? Instead they would rather target cheaper programs for the poor. That makes for good politics.

It's amazing to me how willfully ignorant and stupid you people really are.
define corporate welfare

The beauty is that you have a vote and if you can find enough support you can agitate to reintroduce the stone age.
Failing that you could find a small atoll in the South Pacific and live there unencumbered of the burden of supporting your neighbours.
There, my friend, you will find true liberty.

There is no beauty in voting in government oppression.

If you like government controlling your life so much then you can move to North Korea or maybe even Cuba. Those places are a Socialist paradise.

The model we should be looking at is one where our individual freedom is protected by an iron clad Bill of Rights. One that says a corrupt and power hungry government official cannot take our money and give it a greedy irresponsible shithead in exchange for a vote. The one we have is too weak and doesn't not protect the individual from government abuse well enough.

What I propose is Liberty. What you propose is slavery to the state and that is despicable. You Moon Bats are all despicable and greedy.
Repairing GOP screw ups.

Yeah, but after the past 7 years, we know that they blame everything on the GOP. If it rained on Thursday, they'd blame the GOP.

Flint goes broke, and changes water supplies, causing a crisis, they would blame the GOP, even though the city is run by democrats.

No matter what happens, they'll blame the GOP.

So effectively you are saying "they'll screw something up, blame the GOP, and run on fixing their own failures".

30 of 50 states in the US are run by the GOP...

Tell me one time any of them have taken reponsiblity for anything that happened in their state.

What is that supposed to mean? Take for example Illinois governor Rauner is trying to clean up the fiscal mess but the democrats were fighting him tooth and nail.


Funny, Obama is trying to clean up the mess left by GWB and mostly what you hear from idiots like you is that the opposition he faces at every turn from the GOP congress is principled and right.
Repairing GOP screw ups.

Yeah, but after the past 7 years, we know that they blame everything on the GOP. If it rained on Thursday, they'd blame the GOP.

Flint goes broke, and changes water supplies, causing a crisis, they would blame the GOP, even though the city is run by democrats.

No matter what happens, they'll blame the GOP.

So effectively you are saying "they'll screw something up, blame the GOP, and run on fixing their own failures".
After 35 years of Reaganism, our infrastructure is falling apart, stupid. All to save the greedy idiot GOP rich...
Republican welfare ideas actually do get people off of welfare. The left criticizes them for some minor reason but they do reduce the welfare rolls to some degree. The same can never be said about 'liberal' welfare programs. Those always seem to expand.
Yup, like the corrupt Booosh world depression. We're STILL paying 2-300 billion a year for welfare for the victims...used to almost a trillion a year. and you dupes think Obama caused this. LOL brainwashed functional morons....minor reason my butt. Pure RW idiocy.
How long are you idiots going to keep blaming Bush for obamas inability to function at a level greater than a shoe shine boy at the local bus stop.

Well it is lucky that pretty much everybody disagrees with you. Vote for a party that wants to end a civilised society and see how far that gets you.

Most of the people in Germany agreed with Hitler, didn't they? That doesn't mean jackshit. Socialism has always sucked and has been thievery and deprived the people of Liberty and the welfare state has always been destructive to an economy.

What means something is the concept of individual Liberty. I don't have Liberty when the fucking jackbooted government thugs takes my money away and gives it some illegal alien or welfare queen.

I don't know what Moon Bat colony that you live in but the hard working working that I know don't like to have their money confiscated by the government and given to shitheads.
Tick,tick ,tick..............................

Can I ask if you own guns ?
The only reason I can think of why we have so many people not in the work force is that food stamps is better which is why those programs should be ended.

Every citizen should receive a minimum basic income, whether they're penniless or a billionaire.

1. That eliminates the complaint that the poor are getting money at the expense of the not poor.

2. That takes care of the basic needs of the poor.

3. That eliminates the disincentive to work, and thus make more than your minimum allowance, because your basic income is uneffected by how much you work or earn.
Republican welfare ideas actually do get people off of welfare. The left criticizes them for some minor reason but they do reduce the welfare rolls to some degree. The same can never be said about 'liberal' welfare programs. Those always seem to expand.

Well of course. If you actually helped people into self-sufficiency.... what use would they have for Left-wingers? You gotta keep them at the pork line, or they don't need the pork line anymore.

Democrats always run on "this needs fixed". If everything is fixed, what would they run on?
Where are all these grandiose Republican plans and programs to help people in to self sufficiency? Republicans controlled congress and the senate majorities, for 6 years under president bush and another 6 years under Obama, and 6 years before bush 2 under Clinton....

You'd think these beloved by you plans of the Repubs to help these people in to self sufficiency would have done something by now, eh?

oh...say what....? Republicans have never legislated anything ....never put their money where their mouth is...?

YES, of course, the DO NOTHING Repub congress critters, have done nothing at all to back up their mouths... :thup:
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It is called making life easier and increasing our living standards.
-SSI keeps old people from dying on the street
-Food stamps makes sure people don't starve in tough times.
-Unemployment allows a person to survive between jobs
A public education allows poor and rich alike to have equal chance to succeed. We'd look more like india or africa if it wasn't for this.
-Minimum wage helps increase our standard of living for our poorest.

Are you really so heartless to take this away? I'd focus more on education and technological training if you wished for success, but if you're a moral person then that is the general reason for welfare.

The premise of welfare and public schooling is what you described. That is how it was intended.

Sadly, some parents started setting bad example for their children. Too many don't take advantage of the education they are offered. That means they will eventually need assistance because they will never acquire the needed skills to do well on their own.

It's one thing to always have that safety net, but some didn't fall into it, they climbed into it without trying to do things on their own first.

Some are born into government dependence and will never know what it's like to be on their own.

You and other libs refuse to acknowledge the hold that government has over those who rely on them for everything.
I hear similar things in the UK. However the evidence is that the welfare bill is not great and the people you have described are in the minority.There will always be people who abuse the system but that doesnt mean you need to get rid of the system.

I wouldn't suggest getting rid of the system, but I know too many people who went on welfare as teen moms and are still on it decades later. Meanwhile, they have had more kids and it is a way of life. I am not convinced it's a minority who use it as a permanent solution. I don't see many who are actively trying to improve their skills so they can find a better job.
I wouldn't suggest getting rid of the system, but I know too many people who went on welfare as teen moms and are still on it decades later. Meanwhile, they have had more kids and it is a way of life. I am not convinced it's a minority who use it as a permanent solution. I don't see many who are actively trying to improve their skills so they can find a better job.

This would be a point if 'better jobs' were being created; they aren't. Reducing the country's population would bring the numbers of jobs created closer to population, but it doesn't take care of being able to move to where jobs are being created and afford that move. Tax breaks and outright subsidies for outsourcing need to be shut down as well. Over 80% of new jobs aren't really skilled jobs, and many of those employers claim need skills aren't jobs they can't train their own hirees to perform.
Repairing GOP screw ups.

Yeah, but after the past 7 years, we know that they blame everything on the GOP. If it rained on Thursday, they'd blame the GOP.

Flint goes broke, and changes water supplies, causing a crisis, they would blame the GOP, even though the city is run by democrats.

No matter what happens, they'll blame the GOP.

So effectively you are saying "they'll screw something up, blame the GOP, and run on fixing their own failures".
After 35 years of Reaganism, our infrastructure is falling apart, stupid. All to save the greedy idiot GOP rich...
Republican welfare ideas actually do get people off of welfare. The left criticizes them for some minor reason but they do reduce the welfare rolls to some degree. The same can never be said about 'liberal' welfare programs. Those always seem to expand.
Yup, like the corrupt Booosh world depression. We're STILL paying 2-300 billion a year for welfare for the victims...used to almost a trillion a year. and you dupes think Obama caused this. LOL brainwashed functional morons....minor reason my butt. Pure RW idiocy.
How long are you idiots going to keep blaming Bush for obamas inability to function at a level greater than a shoe shine boy at the local bus stop.
I don't. I blame the mindless party of NO!. Booosh just wrecked everything lol.
Repairing GOP screw ups.

Yeah, but after the past 7 years, we know that they blame everything on the GOP. If it rained on Thursday, they'd blame the GOP.

Flint goes broke, and changes water supplies, causing a crisis, they would blame the GOP, even though the city is run by democrats.

No matter what happens, they'll blame the GOP.

So effectively you are saying "they'll screw something up, blame the GOP, and run on fixing their own failures".

30 of 50 states in the US are run by the GOP...

Tell me one time any of them have taken reponsiblity for anything that happened in their state.

What is that supposed to mean? Take for example Illinois governor Rauner is trying to clean up the fiscal mess but the democrats were fighting him tooth and nail.


Funny, Obama is trying to clean up the mess left by GWB and mostly what you hear from idiots like you is that the opposition he faces at every turn from the GOP congress is principled and right.

We were talking states, ok what has the republicans been fighting obama on reduce spending, fiscal responsibility? Social crap don't count.

I wouldn't suggest getting rid of the system, but I know too many people who went on welfare as teen moms and are still on it decades later. Meanwhile, they have had more kids and it is a way of life. I am not convinced it's a minority who use it as a permanent solution. I don't see many who are actively trying to improve their skills so they can find a better job.

This would be a point if 'better jobs' were being created; they aren't. Reducing the country's population would bring the numbers of jobs created closer to population, but it doesn't take care of being able to move to where jobs are being created and afford that move. Tax breaks and outright subsidies for outsourcing need to be shut down as well. Over 80% of new jobs aren't really skilled jobs, and many of those employers claim need skills aren't jobs they can't train their own hirees to perform.

but it doesn't take care of being able to move to where jobs are being created

Why is that? Could it possibly be just possible that idiots for for democrats and run the jobs away in the first place and no one wants to creat jobs in democrat controlled high tax, high minimum wage , union states and city's.

God you guys are stupid.

Repairing GOP screw ups.

Yeah, but after the past 7 years, we know that they blame everything on the GOP. If it rained on Thursday, they'd blame the GOP.

Flint goes broke, and changes water supplies, causing a crisis, they would blame the GOP, even though the city is run by democrats.

No matter what happens, they'll blame the GOP.

So effectively you are saying "they'll screw something up, blame the GOP, and run on fixing their own failures".

30 of 50 states in the US are run by the GOP...

Tell me one time any of them have taken reponsiblity for anything that happened in their state.

What is that supposed to mean? Take for example Illinois governor Rauner is trying to clean up the fiscal mess but the democrats were fighting him tooth and nail.


Funny, Obama is trying to clean up the mess left by GWB and mostly what you hear from idiots like you is that the opposition he faces at every turn from the GOP congress is principled and right.

We were talking states, ok what has the republicans been fighting obama on reduce spending, fiscal responsibility? Social crap don't count.

All to protect their greedy idiot rich and giant corps- refusal to invest in Americans.

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