Well , he signed the NDAA

So where does the Republicans holding America hostage come into this? What was the threat in simply vetoing the bill?

The republicans wrote this into the bill


TM, you're so drenched in the partisan puppet show you've lost the ability to think rationally. I agree with you that the Republicans who wrote the bill are scumbags. I don't really care. Obama had the ability to put a stop to it and he chose not to. He's either a liar (and never had any intention of pushing back against the neo-cons) or a coward (choosing political expediency over principle).

and what would have happened to the Military funding?
This is the supreme court's chance to prove their worth.

This is the scariest piece of legislation I've ever seen.

Ya, they want you to wait the two years or so before it goes there. They want you to be complacent, because in two years this will be as accepted as the patriot act is.

Your right wing Scotus will sanction this and anything their massters tell them to sanction

The entire SCOTUS is right wing?

Tell me this, shit for brains... will they overturn Obamacare? If so, by what vote?
Well, it's either despite his campaign promises to the contrary, he actually believes in this crap or, as apologists would have it, he was afraid the Republicans would slam him for vetoing a military funding bill.

So, either dishonesty, or lack of courage. Take your pick.


Your team put it in

who signed it, dipshit?

All the right had to do was NOT hand this power to him on a silver platter huh?

why did they write it into the fucking bill?
Oh for Christ's sake. It must really suck to live in fear.

Tell all of us just how much you like the Homeland Security Bill.....oh, I bet that is different, huh?

I am not in favor of any encroachment into privacy or civil liberties but I am not going to let my life or my politics be ruled by fear or fearmongerers. I automatically reject any kind of issue that is presented as a demand for a visceral reaction. I am a patent man, I know that the pendulum swings both ways and the struggle against authoritarianism will go on no matter what laws or weapons they use.
All the President had to do is Veto it. So why didn't he?

Well, it's either despite his campaign promises to the contrary, he actually believes in this crap or, as apologists would have it, he was afraid the Republicans would slam him for vetoing a military funding bill.

So, either dishonesty, or lack of courage. Take your pick.


Your team put it in

My team??
Ya, they want you to wait the two years or so before it goes there. They want you to be complacent, because in two years this will be as accepted as the patriot act is.

Your right wing Scotus will sanction this and anything their massters tell them to sanction

The entire SCOTUS is right wing?

Tell me this, shit for brains... will they overturn Obamacare? If so, by what vote?

Why are you lying about what I said you hack?

The Scotus leans right wing NOW thanks to Bush, why dont you already know this?
Well, it's either despite his campaign promises to the contrary, he actually believes in this crap or, as apologists would have it, he was afraid the Republicans would slam him for vetoing a military funding bill.

So, either dishonesty, or lack of courage. Take your pick.


Your team put it in

My team??

yeah, she see's politics as a game....go figure
Oh for Christ's sake. It must really suck to live in fear.

Tell all of us just how much you like the Homeland Security Bill.....oh, I bet that is different, huh?

I am not in favor of any encroachment into privacy or civil liberties but I am not going to let my life or my politics be ruled by fear or fearmongerers. I automatically reject any kind of issue that is presented as a demand for a visceral reaction. I am a patent man, I know that the pendulum swings both ways and the struggle against authoritarianism will go on no matter what laws or weapons they use.

I agree with the point you're making about rejecting 'living in fear'. But the pendulum doesn't swing on its own. It gets pushed. By people who give a shit. If you don't, you're just along for the ride.
Things are about to get ugly people. You Obama supporters just say one thing against this country and you to might be detained!!! Wonder how you will feel about him if you or one of your family members gets in trouble for free speech! BREAKING: Obama Signs Homeland Battlefield Bill Into Law

Now, more than ever, we need to show that we are willing to stand up and say no.

He must be impeached.

I hope Ron Paul does it. He was pretty public about imeaching for Clinton for bombing without declaring and Obama has already done that to. Its high time someone stands up for the rule of law.
Oh for Christ's sake. It must really suck to live in fear.

Tell all of us just how much you like the Homeland Security Bill.....oh, I bet that is different, huh?

I am not in favor of any encroachment into privacy or civil liberties but I am not going to let my life or my politics be ruled by fear or fearmongerers. I automatically reject any kind of issue that is presented as a demand for a visceral reaction. I am a patent man, I know that the pendulum swings both ways and the struggle against authoritarianism will go on no matter what laws or weapons they use.

I'm glad you clarified your position, because you came across as if you were good with this bill.
He must be impeached.

I hope Ron Paul does it. He was pretty public about imeaching for Clinton for bombing without declaring and Obama has already done that to. Its high time someone stands up for the rule of law.

Unfortunately, this isn't enough to launch a viable impeachment effort. It would take some kind of juicy sex scandal or the like. You know, something important!
Well, it's either despite his campaign promises to the contrary, he actually believes in this crap or, as apologists would have it, he was afraid the Republicans would slam him for vetoing a military funding bill.

So, either dishonesty, or lack of courage. Take your pick.


Your team put it in

My team??


Your are right wing and you know you are

Quote: Originally Posted by dblack
I want government that's as localized, and limited as possible. In my view, government IS violence, and should only be used in response to such - in other words, I want government to protect us from bullies, not to manage my life for me.
Tell all of us just how much you like the Homeland Security Bill.....oh, I bet that is different, huh?

I am not in favor of any encroachment into privacy or civil liberties but I am not going to let my life or my politics be ruled by fear or fearmongerers. I automatically reject any kind of issue that is presented as a demand for a visceral reaction. I am a patent man, I know that the pendulum swings both ways and the struggle against authoritarianism will go on no matter what laws or weapons they use.

I agree with the point you're making about rejecting 'living in fear'. But the pendulum doesn't swing on its own. It gets pushed. By people who give a shit. If you don't, you're just along for the ride.

That's where the occupy movement comes in, riot control is the new frontier in military policing. If this law was written with anyone other than Al Qaeda in mind it was written for the dirty hippies that people around here like to dream about doing horrible things to.
What are all these Wars for Freedom abroad worth if our own Government continues taking our Freedom away right here at home? Do people really believe they're more free today than they were before 911? I sure hope they don't. Because that would be insane. Bin Laden't idiots don't have the resources and capablities to spy on us 24/7 and take our Freedom away. But our own Government does. And they're doing it. The 911 tragedy has been made so much worse than Americans could have ever imagined. So what do we do now? Will we ever get our Freedom back?
Things are about to get ugly people. You Obama supporters just say one thing against this country and you to might be detained!!! Wonder how you will feel about him if you or one of your family members gets in trouble for free speech! BREAKING: Obama Signs Homeland Battlefield Bill Into Law

Now, more than ever, we need to show that we are willing to stand up and say no.

He must be impeached.

I hope Ron Paul does it. He was pretty public about imeaching for Clinton for bombing without declaring and Obama has already done that to. Its high time someone stands up for the rule of law.

Mmm-hmm. Shall we impeach the 193 Republican "Yes" votes in the house too, then?

Why does the Republican party, which happened to be the main thrust behind this bill, seem to be getting a pass here?

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