Well , he signed the NDAA

If the republicans had not written this into the law PROVE Obama would not have signed the bill

Have you ever taken a Civics/Government Class? I have to ask because you seem to not understand how Government works. The Democratic-controlled Senate wrote the final Bill and the Democratic President signed it into Law. That's how our Government works. Hope i helped you a bit. No need to thank me though.

I think we need to to expound on:

1. Democrat controlled Senate
2. Democrat President

Does this help you understand, TM?
It was written by someone huh?

It was written by the house which is republican
It's not Republican or Democrat.

It's the New World Order.

Why can't you understand?



Why cant you understand who is controling and buying our government out from underneath us?

Its the very people who own the republican party propaganda machine
I hope Ron Paul does it. He was pretty public about imeaching for Clinton for bombing without declaring and Obama has already done that to. Its high time someone stands up for the rule of law.

Mmm-hmm. Shall we impeach the 193 Republican "Yes" votes in the house too, then?

Why does the Republican party, which happened to be the main thrust behind this bill, seem to be getting a pass here?

Because the Democratic-controlled Senate wrote the final Bill and the Democratic President signed it into Law. So why do you seem to be giving the Democratic Party a pass here? Personally,i blame them all though. They're all Big Brother jerkoffs.

I haven't even stated a position on the bill. I'm just amused that on a bill that had predominantly Republican support, all I'm hearing is Obama Obama Obama.
Half the dupes say Obama is a Communist, half he's a Fascist corporate tool. Half say he's a war mongerer, half say he's a pussy muslim.What a bunch of brainwashed morons...
It's not Republican or Democrat.

It's the New World Order.

Why can't you understand?



Why cant you understand who is controling and buying our government out from underneath us?

Its the very people who own the republican party propaganda machine

Shit Stain here is the houses version of the NDAA

Bill Summary & Status - 112th Congress (2011 - 2012) - H.R.1540 - Cosponsors - THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Sponsored Rep McKeon, Howard P. "Buck" Cailfornia Republican
Co-Sponsored by rep Adam Smith Democrat.
the republicans will buy any fools argument to defend their historically failed ideas
Oh for Christ's sake. It must really suck to live in fear.

Did you read Obama's signing statement? If, as you insist, the NDAA gives the president no power to detain Americans in the US, why did he feel a need to spell out that he would not do that? Are you aware that signing statements are not binding on future presidents, or even the current one?
Half the dupes say Obama is a Communist, half he's a Fascist corporate tool. Half say he's a war mongerer, half say he's a pussy muslim.What a bunch of brainwashed morons...

I take it you support his new Law? Tell us what you like about it. I'm willing to listen.
I'm hearing a lot of that 'blame this one,blame that one' stuff but i'm not hearing about what people like about this Law. I think that says enough about it no?
Mmm-hmm. Shall we impeach the 193 Republican "Yes" votes in the house too, then?

Why does the Republican party, which happened to be the main thrust behind this bill, seem to be getting a pass here?

Because the Democratic-controlled Senate wrote the final Bill and the Democratic President signed it into Law. So why do you seem to be giving the Democratic Party a pass here? Personally,i blame them all though. They're all Big Brother jerkoffs.

I haven't even stated a position on the bill. I'm just amused that on a bill that had predominantly Republican support, all I'm hearing is Obama Obama Obama.
Obama had the option to NOT sign....
He chose to sign. He does not get a pass by essentially saying he held his nose and agreed to the bill.
Reminder for ADD Pub dupes:
Among the changes the administration secured was striking a provision that would have eliminated executive branch authority to use civilian courts for trying terrorism cases against foreign nationals.

The administration also pushed Congress to change a provision that would have denied U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism the right to trial and could have subjected them to indefinite detention. Lawmakers eventually dropped the military custody requirement for U.S. citizens or lawful U.S. residents.

News from The Associated Press

Codified the status quo, dingbats...Could have been a pub poison pill/trap- Obama outsmarts them again, in everyone's eyes bt total dittoheads.conspiricists...
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It would not have to die ANYWHERE if someone had not made sure it was in there huh?

Not one of you have answered WHY the republicans made sure it hit Obamas desk by writing it into the law.
It was written by someone huh?

It was written by the house which is republican

Are you really going to sit back and give a free pass to your party on this? Are THAT much of a party hack? Even other Democrats on this board are calling you a hack.

Republicans sold us out by writing it, and Democrats sold us out by approving it. There, now can we get past this partisan bullshit and agree that both parties just fucked us up the ass? Or do you honestly believe it's okay if the country is destroyed, so long as it's a Democrat that destroys it? I know Republicans are okay with their party destroying the country, but are you okay with yours doing it too?
It would not have to die ANYWHERE if someone had not made sure it was in there huh?

Not one of you have answered WHY the republicans made sure it hit Obamas desk by writing it into the law.

I answered you. The Democratic-controlled Senate wrote the final Bill and the Democratic President signed it into Law. That's how our Government works. But your guy could have Vetoed it anyway. So this discussion is meaningless.
It would not have to die ANYWHERE if someone had not made sure it was in there huh?

Not one of you have answered WHY the republicans made sure it hit Obamas desk by writing it into the law.

I'll say it. They're powermongering shitholes. And Obama is helping them.
It would not have to die ANYWHERE if someone had not made sure it was in there huh?

Not one of you have answered WHY the republicans made sure it hit Obamas desk by writing it into the law.

That's already been answered, so they can have this power next time they take control.
Why is it always republican democrat with some people? This law was a partisan law agreed to by both party's and signed by the president. This is what happens when you no longer have a party of no.

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