Well , he signed the NDAA

It would not have to die ANYWHERE if someone had not made sure it was in there huh?

Not one of you have answered WHY the republicans made sure it hit Obamas desk by writing it into the law.

That's already been answered, so they can have this power next time they take control.

That was me who said that.

I want to hear what the right says about it
It was written by someone huh?

It was written by the house which is republican

Are you really going to sit back and give a free pass to your party on this? Are THAT much of a party hack? Even other Democrats on this board are calling you a hack.

Republicans sold us out by writing it, and Democrats sold us out by approving it. There, now can we get past this partisan bullshit and agree that both parties just fucked us up the ass? Or do you honestly believe it's okay if the country is destroyed, so long as it's a Democrat that destroys it? I know Republicans are okay with their party destroying the country, but are you okay with yours doing it too?

Wacky Quacky...meet TM, TM...meet Wacky Quacky
Why is it always republican democrat with some people? This law was a partisan law agreed to by both party's and signed by the president. This is what happens when you no longer have a party of no.

next time insist your party not play games with our military funding
Why is it always republican democrat with some people? This law was a partisan law agreed to by both party's and signed by the president. This is what happens when you no longer have a party of no.

next time insist your party not play games with our military funding

It hasn't got a fucking thing to do with party lines you piece of shit. This law is a partisan legislation agreed to by both party's if you can't see that both party's just took away your rights you are bat shit crazy.
The republican party wrote this into the bill so they could give Obama shit about it.

They wanted to play games with our military funding so they could harm the American president
Why is it always republican democrat with some people? This law was a partisan law agreed to by both party's and signed by the president. This is what happens when you no longer have a party of no.

next time insist your party not play games with our military funding

TM....your such a partisan hack....but you are USMB's partisan hack...every political message boad needs one. :cool:
It was written by someone huh?

It was written by the house which is republican

Are you really going to sit back and give a free pass to your party on this? Are THAT much of a party hack? Even other Democrats on this board are calling you a hack.

Republicans sold us out by writing it, and Democrats sold us out by approving it. There, now can we get past this partisan bullshit and agree that both parties just fucked us up the ass? Or do you honestly believe it's okay if the country is destroyed, so long as it's a Democrat that destroys it? I know Republicans are okay with their party destroying the country, but are you okay with yours doing it too?

Wacky Quacky...meet TM, TM...meet Wacky Quacky

I've read a lot of TM's posts and knew she was a Democrat first, American second; but I never realized she was so much of a hack that she would give a pass to her party for approving and signing into law one of the most despicable bills in decades.
Are you really going to sit back and give a free pass to your party on this? Are THAT much of a party hack? Even other Democrats on this board are calling you a hack.

Republicans sold us out by writing it, and Democrats sold us out by approving it. There, now can we get past this partisan bullshit and agree that both parties just fucked us up the ass? Or do you honestly believe it's okay if the country is destroyed, so long as it's a Democrat that destroys it? I know Republicans are okay with their party destroying the country, but are you okay with yours doing it too?

Wacky Quacky...meet TM, TM...meet Wacky Quacky

I've read a lot of TM's posts and knew she was a Democrat first, American second; but I never realized she was so much of a hack that she would give a pass to her party for approving and signing into law one of the most despicable bills in decades.

I have never heard TM say anything bad about the democrats, not one thing ever. She usually will cut and run before she's put in a corner and would have to admit it.
From what I understand, state govoners could already declare martial law. That is how military was used against US citizens during Bush's inaugeration & in New Orleans during Katrina.
No, per Ex Parte Mulligan (1866), martial law may be declared only where there is ‘actual military war’ and the courts have ceased to function. And martial law would apply only to that specific area effected, not an entire county/parish or state.
Bla bla bla.

more bullshit from the right wing clucking chickens.

Not one of you answered WHY the republicans wrote this into a bill that would allow ANY president to sign it.

Cluck cluck cluck you fools
The republican party wrote this into the bill so they could give Obama shit about it.

They wanted to play games with our military funding so they could harm the American president

And if the President had a pair of balls he would have stood against it regardless. One television spot or sound bite stating why he wouldn't sign the bill is all it would have taken. Turning this bill back against Republicans isn't rocket science, but Obama signed it because ultimately, he wanted to. The excuses your coming up with are just that, excuses. They're drudged up so that party hacks like you will eat them up and allow Democrats to sign this piece of shit and still have support from their base.
Bla bla bla.

more bullshit from the right wing clucking chickens.

Not one of you answered WHY the republicans wrote this into a bill that would allow ANY president to sign it.

Cluck cluck cluck you fools

I answered it, and asked you a question...why won't you answer it, TM?
or is it just a cluck, cluck, cluck from you?
Bla bla bla.

more bullshit from the right wing clucking chickens.

Not one of you answered WHY the republicans wrote this into a bill that would allow ANY president to sign it.

Cluck cluck cluck you fools

Holy fucking shit, would a Republican PLEASE come and answer this just to shut her up!!

06-02-2011, 09:50 AM
Wacky Quacky
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Member #29956 Join Date: May 2011
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Keep up the good fight. The truth does matter to some
Obama has got to go
Thank you
No problem. But honestly, I could care less if Obama gets kicked out if it's someone like Romney who takes his spot.

Last edited by Wacky Quacky; 06-02-2011 at 11:43 AM.
Bla bla bla.

more bullshit from the right wing clucking chickens.

Not one of you answered WHY the republicans wrote this into a bill that would allow ANY president to sign it.

Cluck cluck cluck you fools

Holy fucking shit, would a Republican PLEASE come and answer this just to shut her up!!

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