Well regulated militia

nope that was not the purpose of the second amendment
There are multiple purposes of the Second Amendment. One of those purposes is indeed to require the government to always have a militia and keep it in good working order so that it can effectively defend the nation.

Another purpose of the Second Amendment is to forbid the government from infringing the right to keep and bear arms.
There are multiple purposes of the Second Amendment. One of those purposes is indeed to require the government to always have a militia and keep it in good working order so that it can effectively defend the nation.

Another purpose of the Second Amendment is to forbid the government from infringing the right to keep and bear arms.
the government doesn't have a second amendment right
it is the job of the government to protect the second amendment right of the citizens of America.
the government doesn't have a second amendment right
I don't know about that. If a state government wanted to create a militia and the federal government did not allow it, I think that state government would have a case to sue the feds over the Second Amendment.
The Swiss have a militia that seems quite a bit like what the Founding Fathers wanted America to have.

Their militiamen have kept their automatic rifles at home without too much trouble.
They are famous for their neutrality. We are not. I have only been there a couple of times, finding it beautiful and high priced. I do not know how their militia functions. We do have absolute gun nuts here. The National Guard is trained to Army Standards and is quite well regulated. You have no idea what is in those vaults every small, middle sized town and large city. The security usually has to be quite tight, just to keep stuff from walking away. I have been a report of survey investigating officer, recovering material in some of the worst neighborhoods in cities, where police insisted I have police backup just to go investigate and recover. Your idea will not work here, and you definitely do not want these people running around with your full auto weapons on their own recognizance.
I was referring to a military invasion. As bad as CA has been, they haven't launched a military invasion of Nevada.

Yeah, they sort of have. We were a great State till an army of progressive leftist assholes from Cali began invading 20 years ago.
Yeah, they sort of have. We were a great State till an army of progressive leftist assholes from Cali began invading 20 years ago.

And I do not doubt they have caused problems. But nothing compared to a military invasion. Look at Ukraine and see if it looks better or worse than Nevada.
Absolutely, You are aversed to the National Guard viewed as the militia, no matter it's roots, heritage, state and local service, etc. I was just relating my experience with local manifestation, organized by more local politicos, people with large marginal income reserves etc. You have be careful who you get in bed with, what their unstated long term goals are and so on, lest you are tied (though innocent in original intent) inextricably to their organization and possible activities. One day a local group looking to help keep their community safe, next day unknown to rank and file, plotting to kidnap governors. It is the same with protests and anti-protest group, but with an off brand citizens militia, you start with weapons in the mix. Remember protests since 2019, where they turned violent or even anti-government, know many had no intention before things got out of hand, they would be party to outright proactive attacks, ending up in jail as youtube stars of insurrection.
I prefer the National Guard for the militia function, or the State's defense force (which is made up of retired Guard) and grounded with the state.
Except when the National Guard is in Iraq or Afghanistan then that leaves the States without any defense at all and with no way to get their troops home to defend the state. The Guard is not the militia. Find anything in the Constitution that allows the government to send the militia to foreign soil. Until you do, and since you can't, you're wrong.
Militiamen have the job of repelling foreign invasions. That means militiamen have the right to have enough firepower to repel a foreign invasion.

Also, even under the limited scope of the Supreme Court's Heller ruling, restrictions on guns are allowed only if those restrictions can be justified as serving a compelling government interest.

That means that if there is no compelling government interest in restricting access to a given type of gun, people have the right to have that type of gun.
and, unfortunately,. it means that they consider that the government can infringe if there's a government interest. Since the primary interests of government are self-preservation and self-expansion. There's no thing that, by that standard, the government cannot do.
Except when the National Guard is in Iraq or Afghanistan then that leaves the States without any defense at all and with no way to get their troops home to defend the state. The Guard is not the militia. Find anything in the Constitution that allows the government to send the militia to foreign soil. Until you do, and since you can't, you're wrong.
Big Army has never sent all or even a majority a state's National Guard assets and personnel overseas at the same time. There are plenty for state defense, or natural emergency response. The state governors and AG are on signed commitments to support other states, if those state request it, also. So, they are always available to answer the call of the state or states, performing that state defense mission.
I don't know about that. If a state government wanted to create a militia and the federal government did not allow it, I think that state government would have a case to sue the feds over the Second Amendment.
The bill of rights was written to insure individuals had their rights protected. The government doesn't have a second amendment right.
They are famous for their neutrality. We are not. I have only been there a couple of times, finding it beautiful and high priced. I do not know how their militia functions.
Swiss Militiamen have a full-auto rifle (roughly equivalent to an M-16) that they keep at home. They take it to gun ranges and practice with it. I think there are restrictions on where and when the guns can be fired on full-auto. There are also national shooting competitions that are quite popular. After they leave the militia, their gun is converted to semi-auto-only and they keep it. Due to European law they now have to join a shooting club in order to keep using high capacity magazines after leaving the militia, but since shooting competitions are so popular this is not much of a burden.

We do have absolute gun nuts here. The National Guard is trained to Army Standards and is quite well regulated. You have no idea what is in those vaults every small, middle sized town and large city. The security usually has to be quite tight, just to keep stuff from walking away. I have been a report of survey investigating officer, recovering material in some of the worst neighborhoods in cities, where police insisted I have police backup just to go investigate and recover. Your idea will not work here, and you definitely do not want these people running around with your full auto weapons on their own recognizance.
I don't see why it wouldn't work. It is possible for people to be responsible with guns.

The US allows a limited amount of full-autos now, and the people who go to the trouble of all the cost and paperwork tend to be very responsible with their guns.

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