Well said Ron Huldai...

Don't ever bitch and whine when there are further attacks from Hamas against Israel will you Daniyel! You are 'happy' to maintain the status quo so, what else would you expect!

Well, this is interesting. So, your belief is that the status quo must be broken and would ease the blockade, knowing that Hamas (with external assistance) would attack Israel, thus giving Israel the moral and legal right to defend itself? And you would find the collateral damage inherent in that scenario acceptable?

The status quo is an unsatisfactory 'solution'. Don't you agree?

Easing the blockade does NOT necessarily open the floodgates for arms into Gaza... Remember both Germany and Japan had very stringent arms embargos imposed after WWII...

It would be very easy to monitor shipments into Gaza, using an international peacekeeping force...

However, to answer your questions about Israel defending itself...

Yes, I do believe that Israel would have the right to defend itself, as it does today, and has done historically. However, unfortunately, the Israeli response is ALWAYS excessive and results in condemnation from the international community... Would it not be better to have the support of the international community in defence of Israel? This way, Israel cannot be blamed for using excessive force and Hamas can be 'dealt with' in the same way as many other regimes in the region have been dealt with.

The status quo, in my opinion, is not an acceptable solution...
That's all fine and dandy, sweetie, but it doesn't explain the global disease of Islamism and the attacks by Peaceful Inner Strugglers across the globe.

Maybe you're thinking that Daesh in Syria and Iraq are slaughtering Moslems for some reason other than they're upset with rising mortgage rates?

That's all fine and dandy, sweetie...

How about addressing the OP rather than derailing it?

Here, let me try and help you.....

The subject is Tel Aviv-Jaffa Mayor Ron Huldai stating the occupation by Israel is one factor for Palestinian terrorism...

And you ignore the major factor being the teachings of islam that demand subservience by all non muslims. It also teaches that their god gave them the world to play with, but first they had to murder, rape and pillage their way across it. Guess their god got it wrong and cant tell them because he wont allow another prophet, so does it by causing natural disasters and man made disasters. More muslims get killed every year than any other group, I wonder why ?

Welcome back Phoney....

The 'Western' misunderstanding of Islam is that the teachings demand subservience of non Muslims to Islam... That is the 'WESTERN' failure to understand Islam... NOT a failing of Islam!

You ignorance is a shining light for all Islamophobes, well done Phoney...

You clearly have no understanding of 'religion'...

The god of Islam is the same god as Christians and Jews...

Prophets are something different!

If you are incapable of understanding that very basic 'rule' then you have NO right to spout your BS on this forum!


The teachings of islam are there for anyone who can read to find them. They deal in violence, rape, theft, murder and world domination. How many verses from 635 C.E. are still preached today as they were then, with the same attention to the details. The god of islam is an old Arabic minor moon diety that was given a new start as the only god of arabia, and the original muslims stole the parts of Judaism and Christianity that met with their psychopathic ways. So twisted and devious that mo'mad the mental changed whole verses to attract certain tribes and gangs to his new religion. The Satanic verses are a good example of this as one group worshipped two female deities, so mo'mad incorporated them into islam making them equals of allah and his "wives"
What was spoken in 635 C.E. is now written down and followed today in the same manner as it was then. The whole of islam is an excuse for uncontrolled violence and mass murder thought up by a mentally delusioned man who has been shown to have suffered from a mental illness.

What were his prophesy's then as that the litmus test of a prophet. As far as I can see he made none that were not already generak knowledge.
You still don't get it? its better over hosting a situation where they are the same people who they were before, but now armed with bigger missiles and strategic capabilities, so yes unfortunately I am happy, since there is no better option, the Palestinians happiness should be the motive not Israel's "demotivation" to lose it all against the Palestinians who got nothing to lose anymore.

Oh Daniyel... I get it... Sorry to say YOU don't!

Let the status quo continue and stop every zionut complaining about rockets from Gaza because, in your belief, it is better than the alternative

Your argument is a childish joke Daniyel....

How long do you think it would take the Palestinians to achieve anywhere near the firepower of Israel today?

This continuous "weak victimhood" that Israel and zionists spew out day by day is moronic at best!

Give it 30 years and the Palestinians MAY achieve something close to the Israeli firepower today... How far will Israel be, militarily, in 30 years?

Neither you nor any zionist supporter can consider compromise... That is a very sad thing!
Still better odds than arming hostile militant organizations to the teeth and call them right.

Better odds to continue the troubles...?

Don't ever bitch and whine when there are further attacks from Hamas against Israel will you Daniyel! You are 'happy' to maintain the status quo so, what else would you expect!
I Assume we both know it's too much to ask, not to be attacked, but in that case it is better not to make a bad deal where the bully get what he wants by violence and put at risk millions of people, so yes I'm "happy", but it doesn't mean this justifies attacks against innocent people as you suggest, those attacks only take every bit of trust we had in the Palestinians back, and it doesn't change a thing. we will never going to agree to make peace under such attacks, so tell me, is it wise to attack Israel (as a Palestinian)? - No.
That's common sense.

But Daniyel...

You are happy with the status quo...

To accept that Israel will be attacked...

To accept that Israel will control air, land and sea of Gaza...

To accept that Israel will continue to occupy territory...

Most importantly, that Israel will never give 'freedom' to the Palestinians....

So, please, NEVER bitch about Israel being attacked!

You have just relinquished your right to complain!

Don't you read the evidence provided, is that why you ignore the facts. The lifting of the blockade and freedom were tried in 2005 and the muslims made sure it failed.

You can never bitch again about gaza being pounded when they fire illegal weapons at Israel can you, or are the rules different for your side ?
Still better odds than arming hostile militant organizations to the teeth and call them right.

Better odds to continue the troubles...?

Don't ever bitch and whine when there are further attacks from Hamas against Israel will you Daniyel! You are 'happy' to maintain the status quo so, what else would you expect!
I Assume we both know it's too much to ask, not to be attacked, but in that case it is better not to make a bad deal where the bully get what he wants by violence and put at risk millions of people, so yes I'm "happy", but it doesn't mean this justifies attacks against innocent people as you suggest, those attacks only take every bit of trust we had in the Palestinians back, and it doesn't change a thing. we will never going to agree to make peace under such attacks, so tell me, is it wise to attack Israel (as a Palestinian)? - No.
That's common sense.

But Daniyel...

You are happy with the status quo...

To accept that Israel will be attacked...

To accept that Israel will control air, land and sea of Gaza...

To accept that Israel will continue to occupy territory...

Most importantly, that Israel will never give 'freedom' to the Palestinians....

So, please, NEVER bitch about Israel being attacked!

You have just relinquished your right to complain!
'Happy' like any other adjective only goes in comparison to something else.
Don't be childish, I know you are fully aware of my right for free speech.

Je suis Tel Aviv.

Your right for free speech is not in question Daniyel...

Your reluctance to find peace is!

BUT peace at what price, the mass murder of 6 million Jews and the subservience of the remaining Jews and Christians ?

Would you accept that for a hollow short lived peace, if you would then you are a bigger fool than I thought you were.
The blockade stops the weapons from getting in, the likes of qassams, grads and pipe bombs.

And who would be on this international peace keeping force that will shoot first and ask questions later, as that is what must be done.

The response is not excessive at all it is the way hamas plays it that makes it look excessive. You cant make an omelette without cracking eggs. Maybe the UN should start arresting Palestinians and charge them with war crimes for every illegal weapon fired from gaza. Would that work do you think, or would it just cost the west more money.

You are allowed your opinion and that along with £1 will get you a cup of instant coffee.
Humanity, et al,

The credibility of an International Maritime Peacekeeping Unit is fairly low.

When the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) was confronted by the Egyptian Military and ordered to withdraw and allow the advance element of 100,000 troops to stage on the border with Israel, the UNEF folded.
There is no reliability that such peacekeeping could possibly face even a small formation of six civilian ships like that of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla," and conduct an interdiction. All the flotilla would do is continue on, safe in the knowledge that the UNEF would not use force.

The status quo may be all that is reasonably available.
The status quo is an unsatisfactory 'solution'. Don't you agree?

Easing the blockade does NOT necessarily open the floodgates for arms into Gaza... Remember both Germany and Japan had very stringent arms embargos imposed after WWII...

It would be very easy to monitor shipments into Gaza, using an international peacekeeping force...

However, to answer your questions about Israel defending itself...

Yes, I do believe that Israel would have the right to defend itself, as it does today, and has done historically. However, unfortunately, the Israeli response is ALWAYS excessive and results in condemnation from the international community... Would it not be better to have the support of the international community in defence of Israel? This way, Israel cannot be blamed for using excessive force and Hamas can be 'dealt with' in the same way as many other regimes in the region have been dealt with.

The status quo, in my opinion, is not an acceptable solution...

Right now, on the Northern Border Lebanon, Hezbollah has illicit weapons and drug traffic as a huge part of the business plan:

100 Hezbollah sleeper cells in Latin America linked to drug trafficking, Report

“”Latin American media reports confirmed that there are more than 100 sleeper cells affiliated with the Lebanese Hezbollah in Latin America and that they are spreading in the Triple Frontier; the tri-border between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay and in other areas on the Venezuelan-Columbian border where drug trafficking thrives. The Triple Frontier is considered one of the most dangerous areas in the world due to the drug trafficking and the money laundering activities that take place there.””

Easing the blockade does NOT necessarily open the floodgates for arms into Gaza... Remember both Germany and Japan had very stringent arms embargos imposed after WWII...

Relaxing the blockade can only come after the Hostile Arab Palestinians demonstrates a sustained period of peace. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is a nationalist-Islamist spinoff from the Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, and will exploit any opportunity that arises. Similarly, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) has adopted such a strategy.

Jihad is the way forward in HAMAS terms.

Most Respectfully,

The blockade stops the weapons from getting in, the likes of qassams, grads and pipe bombs.

Well, the blockade clearly doesn't work then does it Phoney!

It works as well as any other when you look. All they have is small arms and qassams. Without it we would see illegal chemical/biological weapons and long range missiles within a week of the blockade being lifted. But then you are just waiting for that day when the Jews are lying dead in the road again and the gutters run with the blood of innocents.
Humanity, et al,

The credibility of an International Maritime Peacekeeping Unit is fairly low.

When the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) was confronted by the Egyptian Military and ordered to withdraw and allow the advance element of 100,000 troops to stage on the border with Israel, the UNEF folded.
There is no reliability that such peacekeeping could possibly face even a small formation of six civilian ships like that of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla," and conduct an interdiction. All the flotilla would do is continue on, safe in the knowledge that the UNEF would not use force.

The status quo may be all that is reasonably available.
The status quo is an unsatisfactory 'solution'. Don't you agree?

Easing the blockade does NOT necessarily open the floodgates for arms into Gaza... Remember both Germany and Japan had very stringent arms embargos imposed after WWII...

It would be very easy to monitor shipments into Gaza, using an international peacekeeping force...

However, to answer your questions about Israel defending itself...

Yes, I do believe that Israel would have the right to defend itself, as it does today, and has done historically. However, unfortunately, the Israeli response is ALWAYS excessive and results in condemnation from the international community... Would it not be better to have the support of the international community in defence of Israel? This way, Israel cannot be blamed for using excessive force and Hamas can be 'dealt with' in the same way as many other regimes in the region have been dealt with.

The status quo, in my opinion, is not an acceptable solution...

Right now, on the Northern Border Lebanon, Hezbollah has illicit weapons and drug traffic as a huge part of the business plan:

100 Hezbollah sleeper cells in Latin America linked to drug trafficking, Report

“”Latin American media reports confirmed that there are more than 100 sleeper cells affiliated with the Lebanese Hezbollah in Latin America and that they are spreading in the Triple Frontier; the tri-border between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay and in other areas on the Venezuelan-Columbian border where drug trafficking thrives. The Triple Frontier is considered one of the most dangerous areas in the world due to the drug trafficking and the money laundering activities that take place there.””

Easing the blockade does NOT necessarily open the floodgates for arms into Gaza... Remember both Germany and Japan had very stringent arms embargos imposed after WWII...

Relaxing the blockade can only come after the Hostile Arab Palestinians demonstrates a sustained period of peace. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is a nationalist-Islamist spinoff from the Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, and will exploit any opportunity that arises. Similarly, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) has adopted such a strategy.

Jihad is the way forward in HAMAS terms.

Most Respectfully,

Relaxing the blockade can only come after the Hostile Arab Palestinians demonstrates a sustained period of peace.​

Why should the Palestinians (the victims of Israel's aggression) lay down their arms in hopes that one day the liars would eventually follow suit?
Humanity, et al,

The credibility of an International Maritime Peacekeeping Unit is fairly low.

When the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) was confronted by the Egyptian Military and ordered to withdraw and allow the advance element of 100,000 troops to stage on the border with Israel, the UNEF folded.
There is no reliability that such peacekeeping could possibly face even a small formation of six civilian ships like that of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla," and conduct an interdiction. All the flotilla would do is continue on, safe in the knowledge that the UNEF would not use force.

The status quo may be all that is reasonably available.
The status quo is an unsatisfactory 'solution'. Don't you agree?

Easing the blockade does NOT necessarily open the floodgates for arms into Gaza... Remember both Germany and Japan had very stringent arms embargos imposed after WWII...

It would be very easy to monitor shipments into Gaza, using an international peacekeeping force...

However, to answer your questions about Israel defending itself...

Yes, I do believe that Israel would have the right to defend itself, as it does today, and has done historically. However, unfortunately, the Israeli response is ALWAYS excessive and results in condemnation from the international community... Would it not be better to have the support of the international community in defence of Israel? This way, Israel cannot be blamed for using excessive force and Hamas can be 'dealt with' in the same way as many other regimes in the region have been dealt with.

The status quo, in my opinion, is not an acceptable solution...

Right now, on the Northern Border Lebanon, Hezbollah has illicit weapons and drug traffic as a huge part of the business plan:

100 Hezbollah sleeper cells in Latin America linked to drug trafficking, Report

“”Latin American media reports confirmed that there are more than 100 sleeper cells affiliated with the Lebanese Hezbollah in Latin America and that they are spreading in the Triple Frontier; the tri-border between Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay and in other areas on the Venezuelan-Columbian border where drug trafficking thrives. The Triple Frontier is considered one of the most dangerous areas in the world due to the drug trafficking and the money laundering activities that take place there.””

Easing the blockade does NOT necessarily open the floodgates for arms into Gaza... Remember both Germany and Japan had very stringent arms embargos imposed after WWII...

Relaxing the blockade can only come after the Hostile Arab Palestinians demonstrates a sustained period of peace. The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) is a nationalist-Islamist spinoff from the Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, and will exploit any opportunity that arises. Similarly, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) has adopted such a strategy.

Jihad is the way forward in HAMAS terms.

Most Respectfully,

Relaxing the blockade can only come after the Hostile Arab Palestinians demonstrates a sustained period of peace.​

Why should the Palestinians (the victims of Israel's aggression) lay down their arms in hopes that one day the liars would eventually follow suit?
The Arab-Moslem terrorist enclaves are victims of Islamist ideology. They are their own victims. The same issues that afflict the entirety of the Arab-Moslem Middle East are reflected in the two, competing Islamic terrorist franchises / welfare fraud entities in Gaza and the West Bank.

It's comical that you refuse the idea of the Islamic terrorists in Gaza and the West Bank should lay down their arms when those arms are not "theirs". Those arms are bought and payed for due to the negligence of western nations who foolishly and recklessly continue to fund an entire infrastructure of Islamic terrorism.
When the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) was confronted by the Egyptian Military and ordered to withdraw and allow the advance element of 100,000 troops to stage on the border with Israel, the UNEF folded.

I am unfamiliar with this...

Could you provide a link please Rocco.... I'm interested...
When the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) was confronted by the Egyptian Military and ordered to withdraw and allow the advance element of 100,000 troops to stage on the border with Israel, the UNEF folded.

No it didn't, Nasser asked it to vacate certain specific positions vital to Egypt's defence in case of a Zionist attack, but the SGUN unilaterally decided to pull UNEF out altogether in a bizarre "all or nothing" threat.
When the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) was confronted by the Egyptian Military and ordered to withdraw and allow the advance element of 100,000 troops to stage on the border with Israel, the UNEF folded.

No it didn't, Nasser asked it to vacate certain specific positions vital to Egypt's defence in case of a Zionist attack, but the SGUN unilaterally decided to pull UNEF out altogether in a bizarre "all or nothing" threat.
Nasser was busy declaring "victory over the Jews" while his soldiers were kissing Israeli soldiers boots for mercy in the desert. Ya gotta love it.
The credibility of an International Maritime Peacekeeping Unit is fairly low.

Yup. A picture of a ship proves the efficiency and effectiveness of the unit. :cuckoo:
The credibility of an International Maritime Peacekeeping Unit is fairly low.


To be honest, I wasn't particularly referring to a maritime peacekeeping unit...

More a land based unit monitoring ports... I believe that would be far more effective than a maritime force...

However, why not both? That would make complete sense!
Still better odds than arming hostile militant organizations to the teeth and call them right.

Better odds to continue the troubles...?

Don't ever bitch and whine when there are further attacks from Hamas against Israel will you Daniyel! You are 'happy' to maintain the status quo so, what else would you expect!
I Assume we both know it's too much to ask, not to be attacked, but in that case it is better not to make a bad deal where the bully get what he wants by violence and put at risk millions of people, so yes I'm "happy", but it doesn't mean this justifies attacks against innocent people as you suggest, those attacks only take every bit of trust we had in the Palestinians back, and it doesn't change a thing. we will never going to agree to make peace under such attacks, so tell me, is it wise to attack Israel (as a Palestinian)? - No.
That's common sense.

But Daniyel...

You are happy with the status quo...

To accept that Israel will be attacked...

To accept that Israel will control air, land and sea of Gaza...

To accept that Israel will continue to occupy territory...

Most importantly, that Israel will never give 'freedom' to the Palestinians....

So, please, NEVER bitch about Israel being attacked!

You have just relinquished your right to complain!
'Happy' like any other adjective only goes in comparison to something else.
Don't be childish, I know you are fully aware of my right for free speech.

Je suis Tel Aviv.

Your right for free speech is not in question Daniyel...

Your reluctance to find peace is!
In your eyes it may seem so because you prioritize things differently - Let's try something else, if you or anyone else here seems to be able to suggest a solution kindly share it with us.
There is one critical issue that must be addressed, for Israelis and Palestinians at once.

#Security of Israelis
(Israel's top priority)

#Security of Palestinians
(Palestinians top priority)

Your idea is beautiful and it does solve all of the Palestinians 'needs' but in order for Israel to accept it you must understand that Israel won't put 7 million people at constant risk simply because the Palestinians wants so.
Do you see the picture?
Humanity, et al,

The UNIPAL site that had all the individual reports from the Commander, UNEF, Major General Indar Jit Rikhye (India) is down (has been for several months). I cannot find a mirror. BUT, there are the following links that are somewhat detailed.

• [ 1967 ] Part 1 Sec 1 Chapter 9 The Situation in the Middle East UN site that provides COMMUNICATIONS RELATING TO THE OBSERVANCE OF THE ARMISTICE AGREEMENTS IN THE PERIOD JANUARY-MAY 1967 From Page 162 - 163

SECRETARY-GENERAL'S REPORTS OF 18 AND 19 MAY 1967 On 18 May 1967, the Secretary-General submitted a special report to the General Assembly concerning the withdrawal of the United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) from Sinai and the Gaza Strip. On that day, the report said, the Secretary-General received a message from the Foreign Minister of the United Arab Republic, informing him that the Government of the United Arab Republic had decided to terminate the presence of UNEF in Sinai and the Gaza Strip and requesting that the necessary steps be taken for the withdrawal of the Force as soon as possible.

On the evening of 16 May, the report stated, the Commander of UNEF, Major-General I. J. Rikhye, received from the Chief of Staff of the United Arab Republic Armed Forces, General Fawzy, a request to withdraw all United Nations troops at observation posts along the border.

On 18 May, troops of the United Arab Republic asked UNEF forces to withdraw from El Amr, Sharm El Sheikh, and Ras Nasrani; two artillery shells, apparently ranging rounds from United Arab Republic artillery, were reported to have burst between the UNEF Yugoslav camps at El Quseima and El Sabha.

Six Day War Comprehensive Timeline Recommend you star at about Page 2 of 15

May 15th 1967
Israel’s Prime Minister Levi Eshkol and members of the Cabinet responded by ordering some regular armoured units to reinforce the Sinai front and drafted a message to ensure Egypt understood that Israel was responding to Egyptian actions and not massing troops on its own initiative: “Israel wants to make it clear to the government of Egypt that it has no aggressive intentions whatsoever against any Arab state at all” [4]

May 16th 1967
Egypt moves it forces eastward across the Sinai desert towards the Israeli border.

Nasser demands withdrawal of 3,400 man UN Emergency Force: Major General Indar Jit Rikhye, commander of United Nations Emergency Force summoned to the Office of the UAR Liaison Staff in Gaza to be handed this message from General Mahmoud Fawzi, chief of staff of the Egyptian Army:

Commander UNEF (Gaza) To your information, I gave my instructions to all UAR forces to be ready for action against Israel the moment it might carry out any aggressive action against any Arab country.

When the UN Emergency Force (UNEF) was confronted by the Egyptian Military and ordered to withdraw and allow the advance element of 100,000 troops to stage on the border with Israel, the UNEF folded.

I am unfamiliar with this...

Could you provide a link please Rocco.... I'm interested...

Egypt made a serious mobilization. General Mahmoud Fawzi had already deployed about half of his Army.

Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 1.27.20 PM.png

Most Respectfully,

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