We'll soon see a shift of "reasons" why R-W'ers voted for the Trumpster...


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Based on the rhetoric I can see on some of the Trump ass kissers' responses in some threads, I believe that there is a subtle (and increasing) shift in their rationale for having voted for the orange charlatan.

Whereas there was once unbridled joy by these right wingers for having elected a guy whose demagoguery these nitwits actually believed, now..............as reality is sinking in........they are shifting to simply stating that trump was simply better than Hillary Clinton since they hated both her and Obama.

In just 100 days, most of these right wingers have figured out that the promises Trump made were just bullshit, and that Trump's flip-flops are comical and the source of worl-wide ridicule.....So, what can these poor, ignorant and naive right wingers do?

Well, certainly NOT admit they made a serious mistake (that would take some honesty and guts)...Instead, they revert to blaming the DNC for helping to nominate Clinton and THAT is why these nitwits had "no choice" but to go with our beloved clown.

Give reality another 100 days and we'll see more remorse.
Based on the rhetoric I can see on some of the Trump ass kissers' responses in some threads, I believe that there is a subtle (and increasing) shift in their rationale for having voted for the orange charlatan.

Whereas there was once unbridled joy by these right wingers for having elected a guy whose demagoguery these nitwits actually believed, now..............as reality is sinking in........they are shifting to simply stating that trump was simply better than Hillary Clinton since they hated both her and Obama.

In just 100 days, most of these right wingers have figured out that the promises Trump made were just bullshit, and that Trump's flip-flops are comical and the source of worl-wide ridicule.....So, what can these poor, ignorant and naive right wingers do?

Well, certainly NOT admit they made a serious mistake (that would take some honesty and guts)...Instead, they revert to blaming the DNC for helping to nominate Clinton and THAT is why these nitwits had "no choice" but to go with our beloved clown.

Give reality another 100 days and we'll see more remorse.

hmm, in 100 days, 2% of those that voted for him are sorry.

what do you figure?

in another 100 days, another 3%?
The fact of the matter is that the public has no real choice, the system vomited up what Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, Raytheon and the rest selected. The notion that the american public elects its own president is fiction. You are allowed to go get some exercise on election day and choose between two individuals who will serve the interests of the aristocracy. Goldman Sachs was gonna be running the white house either way.
Based on the rhetoric I can see on some of the Trump ass kissers' responses in some threads, I believe that there is a subtle (and increasing) shift in their rationale for having voted for the orange charlatan.

Whereas there was once unbridled joy by these right wingers for having elected a guy whose demagoguery these nitwits actually believed, now..............as reality is sinking in........they are shifting to simply stating that trump was simply better than Hillary Clinton since they hated both her and Obama.

In just 100 days, most of these right wingers have figured out that the promises Trump made were just bullshit, and that Trump's flip-flops are comical and the source of worl-wide ridicule.....So, what can these poor, ignorant and naive right wingers do?

Well, certainly NOT admit they made a serious mistake (that would take some honesty and guts)...Instead, they revert to blaming the DNC for helping to nominate Clinton and THAT is why these nitwits had "no choice" but to go with our beloved clown.

Give reality another 100 days and we'll see more remorse.

They didn't make a mistake it was you and your ilk
Keep a corrupt and evil person out of power

Save the SCOTUS

Nope, my reasons won't change...
I can think of many other things far more important to spend one's time on than predicting a future poll on why people voted for someone.
Based on the rhetoric I can see on some of the Trump ass kissers' responses in some threads, I believe that there is a subtle (and increasing) shift in their rationale for having voted for the orange charlatan.

Whereas there was once unbridled joy by these right wingers for having elected a guy whose demagoguery these nitwits actually believed, now..............as reality is sinking in........they are shifting to simply stating that trump was simply better than Hillary Clinton since they hated both her and Obama.

In just 100 days, most of these right wingers have figured out that the promises Trump made were just bullshit, and that Trump's flip-flops are comical and the source of worl-wide ridicule.....So, what can these poor, ignorant and naive right wingers do?

Well, certainly NOT admit they made a serious mistake (that would take some honesty and guts)...Instead, they revert to blaming the DNC for helping to nominate Clinton and THAT is why these nitwits had "no choice" but to go with our beloved clown.

Give reality another 100 days and we'll see more remorse.
I can see it coming down the pike with excuses like "but we's was lied to" or "how were we to know he'd turn out to be a yuuge liar", or "what the Hell just happened with our Orange King". It happened with Bush's last year and it's and it'll happen with the Orange One's first year like rats on a sinking ship. May and June are going to open a lot of eyes when the FBI starts the disclosure of Oval Office's Homies' involvement with the Russia thingy!
Based on the rhetoric I can see on some of the Trump ass kissers' responses in some threads, I believe that there is a subtle (and increasing) shift in their rationale for having voted for the orange charlatan.

Whereas there was once unbridled joy by these right wingers for having elected a guy whose demagoguery these nitwits actually believed, now..............as reality is sinking in........they are shifting to simply stating that trump was simply better than Hillary Clinton since they hated both her and Obama.

In just 100 days, most of these right wingers have figured out that the promises Trump made were just bullshit, and that Trump's flip-flops are comical and the source of worl-wide ridicule.....So, what can these poor, ignorant and naive right wingers do?

Well, certainly NOT admit they made a serious mistake (that would take some honesty and guts)...Instead, they revert to blaming the DNC for helping to nominate Clinton and THAT is why these nitwits had "no choice" but to go with our beloved clown.

Give reality another 100 days and we'll see more remorse.
I can see it coming down the pike with excuses like "but we's was lied to" or "how were we to know he'd turn out to be a yuuge liar", or "what the Hell just happened with our Orange King". It happened with Bush's last year and it's and it'll happen with the Orange One's first year like rats on a sinking ship. May and June are going to open a lot of eyes when the FBI starts the disclosure of Oval Office's Homies' involvement with the Russia thingy!

Of what year?
I can see it coming down the pike with excuses like "but we's was lied to" or "how were we to know he'd turn out to be a yuuge liar", or "what the Hell just happened with our Orange King". It happened with Bush's last year and it's and it'll happen with the Orange One's first year like rats on a sinking ship. May and June are going to open a lot of eyes when the FBI starts the disclosure of Oval Office's Homies' involvement with the Russia thingy!
I voted for Trump because of his promises. He has managed to keep most of those promises. The ones he's having difficulty with are because both Democrats and Republicans are fighting everything he does. The reason that is happening is because the sleazy bastards have their own promises to keep so that they may keep being re-elected. I voted for Trump because he's not a politician and he's shown there is no logical reason to have politicians running the country.
General George S. Patton was spot on when he noted that ''Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician."
Based on the rhetoric I can see on some of the Trump ass kissers' responses in some threads, I believe that there is a subtle (and increasing) shift in their rationale for having voted for the orange charlatan.

Whereas there was once unbridled joy by these right wingers for having elected a guy whose demagoguery these nitwits actually believed, now..............as reality is sinking in........they are shifting to simply stating that trump was simply better than Hillary Clinton since they hated both her and Obama.

In just 100 days, most of these right wingers have figured out that the promises Trump made were just bullshit, and that Trump's flip-flops are comical and the source of worl-wide ridicule.....So, what can these poor, ignorant and naive right wingers do?

Well, certainly NOT admit they made a serious mistake (that would take some honesty and guts)...Instead, they revert to blaming the DNC for helping to nominate Clinton and THAT is why these nitwits had "no choice" but to go with our beloved clown.

Give reality another 100 days and we'll see more remorse.
I can see it coming down the pike with excuses like "but we's was lied to" or "how were we to know he'd turn out to be a yuuge liar", or "what the Hell just happened with our Orange King". It happened with Bush's last year and it's and it'll happen with the Orange One's first year like rats on a sinking ship. May and June are going to open a lot of eyes when the FBI starts the disclosure of Oval Office's Homies' involvement with the Russia thingy!

Of what year?
Oh, I'm thinking the Orange Fat Fuck will be gone by the end of 2018 or at least on his way out just like Nixon was when the lies and corruption got to hot for the Congress to ignore by the summer of 1974!
hmm, in 100 days, 2% of those that voted for him are sorry.

what do you figure?

in another 100 days, another 3%?

Well,first let's work on your math skills.......Since 96% of dimwits STILL approve of the Trumpster, using your toes and fingers should yield a 4% (not 2%) shift......

But, placing that aside, ask a grown up to figure out if 4 or 7 or 10% shift would have won for Trump the election were it to be held today....
Based on the rhetoric I can see on some of the Trump ass kissers' responses in some threads, I believe that there is a subtle (and increasing) shift in their rationale for having voted for the orange charlatan.

Whereas there was once unbridled joy by these right wingers for having elected a guy whose demagoguery these nitwits actually believed, now..............as reality is sinking in........they are shifting to simply stating that trump was simply better than Hillary Clinton since they hated both her and Obama.

In just 100 days, most of these right wingers have figured out that the promises Trump made were just bullshit, and that Trump's flip-flops are comical and the source of worl-wide ridicule.....So, what can these poor, ignorant and naive right wingers do?

Well, certainly NOT admit they made a serious mistake (that would take some honesty and guts)...Instead, they revert to blaming the DNC for helping to nominate Clinton and THAT is why these nitwits had "no choice" but to go with our beloved clown.

Give reality another 100 days and we'll see more remorse.

hmm, in 100 days, 2% of those that voted for him are sorry.

what do you figure?

in another 100 days, another 3%?

Well,first let's work on your math skills.......Since 96% of dimwits STILL approve of the Trumpster, using your toes and fingers should yield a 4% (not 2%) shift......

But, placing that aside, ask a grown up to figure out if 4 or 7 or 10% shift would have won for Trump the election were it to be held today....

Assuming no Hillary voters shift.

But, then you don't have that data...do you ?
hmm, in 100 days, 2% of those that voted for him are sorry.

what do you figure?

in another 100 days, another 3%?

Well,first let's work on your math skills.......Since 96% of dimwits STILL approve of the Trumpster, using your toes and fingers should yield a 4% (not 2%) shift......

But, placing that aside, ask a grown up to figure out if 4 or 7 or 10% shift would have won for Trump the election were it to be held today....
Since 96% of dimwits STILL approve of the Trumpster
I've seen 94-96%

Would it have?

Would the loss of the nearest battle ground states have affected the EC that much?

or, are you as usual, dreaming?

Would those votes have gone for HIllary,or just stayed home?

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