Well the Southern Baptists declared the bible a true factual word of God.

The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.
Gay marriage was shoved down our throats

How were you forced to accept gay marriage?
The people of California took a vote and said No to gay marriage..

I thought we were a democracy?

So no civil rights for gay people?
So we are not a democracy?
A limited democracy! How much worse would it or could it be under an absolute democracy?
The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.
Gay marriage was shoved down our throats

How were you forced to accept gay marriage?
The people of California took a vote and said No to gay marriage..

I thought we were a democracy?
The Woman Caught in Adultery
…6They said this to test Him, in order to have a basis for accusing Him. But Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with His finger. 7 When they continued to question Him, He straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” 8And again He bent down and wrote on the ground
Probably that lady and many more would be stoned to death in an absolute democracy with no input from God.
The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.
Gay marriage was shoved down our throats

How were you forced to accept gay marriage?
The people of California took a vote and said No to gay marriage..

I thought we were a democracy?
The Woman Caught in Adultery
…6They said this to test Him, in order to have a basis for accusing Him. But Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with His finger. 7 When they continued to question Him, He straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” 8And again He bent down and wrote on the ground
Probably that lady and many more would be stoned to death in an absolute democracy with no input from God.
I am impressed...

The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.
Gay marriage was shoved down our throats

How were you forced to accept gay marriage?
The people of California took a vote and said No to gay marriage..

I thought we were a democracy?
The Woman Caught in Adultery
…6They said this to test Him, in order to have a basis for accusing Him. But Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with His finger. 7 When they continued to question Him, He straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” 8And again He bent down and wrote on the ground
Probably that lady and many more would be stoned to death in an absolute democracy with no input from God.
I am impressed...

My guess would be that he was writing the sins of those who were getting ready to stone the adulterous
The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.
Gay marriage was shoved down our throats

How were you forced to accept gay marriage?
The people of California took a vote and said No to gay marriage..

I thought we were a democracy?
The Woman Caught in Adultery
…6They said this to test Him, in order to have a basis for accusing Him. But Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with His finger. 7 When they continued to question Him, He straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” 8And again He bent down and wrote on the ground
Probably that lady and many more would be stoned to death in an absolute democracy with no input from God.
I am impressed...

New International Version
How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye
The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.
Gay marriage was shoved down our throats

How were you forced to accept gay marriage?
The people of California took a vote and said No to gay marriage..

I thought we were a democracy?
The Woman Caught in Adultery
…6They said this to test Him, in order to have a basis for accusing Him. But Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with His finger. 7 When they continued to question Him, He straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” 8And again He bent down and wrote on the ground
Probably that lady and many more would be stoned to death in an absolute democracy with no input from God.
I am impressed...

Woes to Scribes and Pharisees
…12For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. 13 Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let in those who wish to enter. …
The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.
Gay marriage was shoved down our throats

How were you forced to accept gay marriage?
The people of California took a vote and said No to gay marriage..

I thought we were a democracy?
The Woman Caught in Adultery
…6They said this to test Him, in order to have a basis for accusing Him. But Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with His finger. 7 When they continued to question Him, He straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” 8And again He bent down and wrote on the ground
Probably that lady and many more would be stoned to death in an absolute democracy with no input from God.
I am impressed...

Tree and its Fruit
…22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’ 24Therefore everyone who hears these words of Mine and acts on them is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.…
The "sharing your faith" thing is fundie-speak for bothering people who don't want to be bothered.

I've never heard of an "LGBT activist group" shoving any sort "beliefs" on anyone. There is no belief shared by all LGBT people. The DC area has all sorts of religious congregations of just about every major religion. I haven't seen the local LGBT paper for years. But I know that it used to publish a list of local religious services by faith affiliation.

I also have never heard of an LGBT group attacking a group of heterosexuals for being heterosexual. I've known many LGBTs and none has ever tried to convert me into being LGBT.
Gay marriage was shoved down our throats

How were you forced to accept gay marriage?
The people of California took a vote and said No to gay marriage..

I thought we were a democracy?
The Woman Caught in Adultery
…6They said this to test Him, in order to have a basis for accusing Him. But Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with His finger. 7 When they continued to question Him, He straightened up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.” 8And again He bent down and wrote on the ground
Probably that lady and many more would be stoned to death in an absolute democracy with no input from God.
I am impressed...

The Unforgiving Servant
21Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?” 22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy-seven times! 23Because of this, the kingdom of heaven is like a king who wanted to settle accounts with his servants.
Absolutely accurate in every aspect. According to Genesis the earth was created in seven days. That belief held for hundreds of years until geological evidence stated otherwise then they backtracked a little by saying things like..well maybe a day meant a million years. I mean nowhere in the bible are the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras even mentioned, each of which spanned millions of years. I mean which came first, Adam and Eve or the dinosaurs....Is the Bible Historically Accurate?
If the bible were the word of God there would not be 500 versions all written and edited by men

Grow up fool
The "mob" cannot overrule anyone's individual rights under the U.S. Constitution. I bet that you would not want to lose your First Amendment right to free speech by majority vote.
There are four Gospels, yet each one is the Word of God. People have the freedom to Express the same event in their own way.
The "mob" cannot overrule anyone's individual rights under the U.S. Constitution. I bet that you would not want to lose your First Amendment right to free speech by majority vote.
Thought we were a democracy?

Democracy, literally, rule by the people. The term is derived from the Greek dēmokratia, which was coined from dēmos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”) in the middle of the 5th century bce to denote the political systems then existing in some Greek city-states, notably Athens.
Jesus Teaches at the Feast
…23If a boy can be circumcised on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses will not be broken, why are you angry with Me for making the whole man well on the Sabbath? 24Stop judging by outward appearances, and start judging justly.” 25Then some of the people of Jerusalem began to say, “Isn’t this the man they are trying to kill
This fails as an appeal to authority fallacy.
And they didn't consult you first?! The nerve of those people!!

Let's have a thought experiment. In this experiment, God created the universe 10 minutes ago, in its current state as of 10 minutes ago, with all the "evidence" it's billions of years old built-in, with the light from distant stars created in transit, and us with all our memories of a lifetime in place.

Now...how could you disprove this?
Not my claim. Not my job to disprove it.
It's a thought experiment. Sorry you're incapable of providing the tools required.
It was a dumb hypothetical.
It...and your reaction to it...are very illustrative.
Not based on circulay logic dumb ass carbon 14 decays at a constant rate. The fossil age can be identified.

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