Well the Southern Baptists declared the bible a true factual word of God.

Did biotechnology cause HR weeds?

Herbicide-resistant weeds did not begin with herbicide-resistant crops; resistant weeds have been evolving in conventional crop cultivars worldwide from selection pressure placed on them from repeated use of herbicides.

A plant does not evolve resistance because herbicides cause a genetic change in the plant that makes it resistant. Rather, a few plants with natural resistance to the herbicide survive an application of the herbicide, and as those plants reproduce and each generation is exposed to the herbicide, the number of resistant plants in the population increases until they dominate the population of susceptible plants.

The wide-scale use of any single herbicidal SOA contributes to the evolution of resistance to that SOA, and the unprecedented scale of glyphosate use in glyphosate-resistant (GR) crops has clearly contributed to the number of GR weeds identified in recent years.
You think black supremacists believe God is white?
Who believes God has skin?
Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
…23But a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for the Father is seeking such as these to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and His worshipers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”
The pictorial evidence certainly would make it seem as if He has skin
Jesus, the man. You should take a look at all the various depictions...everything from the Caucasian you presented, to many Middle Eastern depictions, to quite a few black depictions.
I suspect Jesus looked like a pali

Why would you suspect that?
“We don't know what [Jesus] looked like, but if all of the things that we do know about him are true, he was a Palestinian Jewish man living in Galilee in the first century,” says Robert Cargill, assistant professor of classics and religious studies at the University of Iowa and editor of Biblical Archaeology Review. “So he would have looked like a Palestinian Jewish man of the first century. He would have looked like a Jewish Galilean
The pictorial evidence certainly would make it seem as if He has skin
Jesus, the man. You should take a look at all the various depictions...everything from the Caucasian you presented, to many Middle Eastern depictions, to quite a few black depictions.
I suspect Jesus looked like a pali

Why would you suspect that?
The pictorial evidence certainly would make it seem as if He has skin
Jesus, the man. You should take a look at all the various depictions...everything from the Caucasian you presented, to many Middle Eastern depictions, to quite a few black depictions.
I suspect Jesus looked like a pali

Why would you suspect that?
In her 2018 book What Did Jesus Look Like?, Taylor used archaeological remains, historical texts and ancient Egyptian funerary art to conclude that, like most people in Judea and Egypt around the time, Jesus most likely had brown eyes, dark brown to black hair and olive-brown skin. He may have stood about 5-ft.-5-in. (166 cm) tall, the average man’s height at the time
The pictorial evidence certainly would make it seem as if He has skin
Jesus, the man. You should take a look at all the various depictions...everything from the Caucasian you presented, to many Middle Eastern depictions, to quite a few black depictions.
I suspect Jesus looked like a pali

Why would you suspect that?
Another rare early portrait of Jesus was discovered in 2018 on the walls of a ruined church in southern Israel. Painted in the sixth century A.D., it is the earliest known image of Christ found in Israel, and portrays him with shorter, curly hair, a depiction that was common to the eastern region of the Byzantine empire―especially in Egypt and the Syria-Palestine region―but disappeared from later Byzantine art.
The pictorial evidence certainly would make it seem as if He has skin
Jesus, the man. You should take a look at all the various depictions...everything from the Caucasian you presented, to many Middle Eastern depictions, to quite a few black depictions.
I suspect Jesus looked like a pali

Why would you suspect that?
Some of the earliest known artistic representations of Jesus date to the mid-third century A.D., more than two centuries after his death. These are the paintings in the ancient catacombs of St. Domitilla in Rome, first discovered some 400 years ago. Reflecting one of the most common images of Jesus at the time, the paintings depict Jesus as the Good Shepherd, a young, short-haired, beardless man with a lamb around his shoulders
The pictorial evidence certainly would make it seem as if He has skin
Jesus, the man. You should take a look at all the various depictions...everything from the Caucasian you presented, to many Middle Eastern depictions, to quite a few black depictions.
I suspect Jesus looked like a pali

Why would you suspect that?
But the question is not relevant
The pictorial evidence certainly would make it seem as if He has skin
Jesus, the man. You should take a look at all the various depictions...everything from the Caucasian you presented, to many Middle Eastern depictions, to quite a few black depictions.
I suspect Jesus looked like a pali

Why would you suspect that?
New International Version
Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
God is spirit. Tell me, does your own spirit have a skin color, or is that solely your physical appearance?
I'll take a look when I get to Heaven.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Many black supremacists allege that Almighty God is black and the honky is the devil
This is a lie.
You think black supremacists believe God is white?
Not sure what you're trying to prove with this, but go on, I guess.
Absolutely accurate in every aspect. According to Genesis the earth was created in seven days. That belief held for hundreds of years until geological evidence stated otherwise then they backtracked a little by saying things like..well maybe a day meant a million years. I mean nowhere in the bible are the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras even mentioned, each of which spanned millions of years. I mean which came first, Adam and Eve or the dinosaurs....Is the Bible Historically Accurate?

You have to read what it says.
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Formed. Tangible. Period. Done. (Created and formed are the exact opposite of void and without form.)
Was in Gen. 2 is transcribed in the ancient Greek as became. And the darkness transcribed as unnatural. (not a natural night vs day darkness.) We are given the chronology of what transpired but not the time frame. We are not privy to how long God and Lucifer fought over earth prior to the remake, but keep in mind that there was no linear (human) time created yet, so the time between the first and second creations were mere minutes in eternal time, but billions of years we as we understand our time to be.
Then came the total makeover, including a garden, space time, 24 hour days and the rest that we are aware of today.

1. In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth. 2. It became without form. It became void.
Six days is how long it took God to clean up the mess, and continue with His plan for children. He rested on the 7th day.
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Absolutely accurate in every aspect. According to Genesis the earth was created in seven days. That belief held for hundreds of years until geological evidence stated otherwise then they backtracked a little by saying things like..well maybe a day meant a million years. I mean nowhere in the bible are the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras even mentioned, each of which spanned millions of years. I mean which came first, Adam and Eve or the dinosaurs....Is the Bible Historically Accurate?

You have to read what it says.
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. Formed. Tangible. Period. Done. (Created and formed are the exact opposite of void and without form.)
Was in Gen. 2 is transcribed in the ancient Greek as became. And the darkness transcribed as unnatural. (not a natural night vs day darkness.) We are given the chronology of what transpired but not the time frame. We are not privy to how long God and Lucifer fought over earth prior to the remake, but keep in mind that there was no linear (human) time created yet, so the time between the first and second creations were mere minutes in eternal time, but billions of years we as we understand our time to be.
Then came the total makeover, including a garden, space time, 24 hour days and the rest that we are aware of today.

1. In the beginning, God created the heaven and earth. 2. It became without form. It became void.
Six days is how long it took God to clean up the mess, and continue with His plan for children. He rested on the 7th day.
How does an all powerful deity become so exhausted that He needs to rest?
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
I am sorry.

My comment was not a "Gotcha" attempt, merely a thought to ponder. I agree we will not know until the hereafter.
My apologies. You're right. We will not know, either in our lifetimes, or on this plane of existence.
Through the light of human reason I know now.
The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available.
It kind of contradicts itself when it says...

"We shall see that as a mental activity Christian faith is no different from everyday faith."


"The Biblical concept of faith is that it amounts to complete confidence in something for which there is no empirical or rational proof available."

Most people don't put complete trust in something or someone without good reason for doing so. So if they are asserting that Christian faith is no different than say putting faith in seat belts, what they are arguing for is completely different than everyday faith. I am arguing that no matter what people put their faith in they have good reasons for doing so. God can be known through the light of human reason through the study of what he created.

If St. Paul is correct that we are without excuse, then St. Paul must have believed that there is empirical and rational proof available. Setting aside that St. Paul was talking about studying what God created to see proof of God's work, what about Jesus? Are you suggesting that Jesus Christ is not empirical evidence or rational proof?
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