Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Plus Del Taco makes their food from quaint things like chicken, beef, beans, and cheese. Taco Bell has the more advance polycarbonatedcrapalicious monosaturated soy infused styrene bromide based fillings.... AND remember, if you don't finish a Taco Bell meal, don't throw it in the trash, it IS considered hazardous waste....

Its a shame I used to enjoy the chicken fajitas from Taco Bell when I was little. Now, I wouldn't go near that place.

I like to make my own tacos, tostados, enchiladas, burritos, etc. Fresh ingredients and made the way I like them. I also like vegetarian refried beans put in a casserole dish with shredded cheese on top and heated in the oven. I make my own homemade salsa, fresh and crunchy, very nice. It's a recipe from a vegetarian cookbook someone gave me a long time ago. BTW, this kind of food is good to help prevent heart disease because of the fiber and peppers. I read that Mexican men have a lower rate of heart disease than Americans. It's the beans, peppers, corn tortillas, and avocado in guacamole. Just don't over do the cheese, sour cream, beef, and refined flour tortillas.

That is good to know, I love Guacamole.
Had All-U-Can-Eat Chinese tonight. I try not to frequent the same All-U-Can-Eat place too often as I don't want to get banned. I've been warned before. I only had nine platefuls tonight, no warnings from management. Great food, well worth the risk of getting banned.

You know a Chinese restaurant is good when you actually have a significant number of Chinese eating there as well.
Hash browns with scrambled eggs, bacon bits, cheese sprinkled on top. Wasn't in the mood for anything else.
Its a shame I used to enjoy the chicken fajitas from Taco Bell when I was little. Now, I wouldn't go near that place.

I like to make my own tacos, tostados, enchiladas, burritos, etc. Fresh ingredients and made the way I like them. I also like vegetarian refried beans put in a casserole dish with shredded cheese on top and heated in the oven. I make my own homemade salsa, fresh and crunchy, very nice. It's a recipe from a vegetarian cookbook someone gave me a long time ago. BTW, this kind of food is good to help prevent heart disease because of the fiber and peppers. I read that Mexican men have a lower rate of heart disease than Americans. It's the beans, peppers, corn tortillas, and avocado in guacamole. Just don't over do the cheese, sour cream, beef, and refined flour tortillas.

That is good to know, I love Guacamole.
Absolutely. I especially like guacamole sauce in a nice carne asada burrito, or two.
Had All-U-Can-Eat Chinese tonight. I try not to frequent the same All-U-Can-Eat place too often as I don't want to get banned. I've been warned before. I only had nine platefuls tonight, no warnings from management. Great food, well worth the risk of getting banned.

You know a Chinese restaurant is good when you actually have a significant number of Chinese eating there as well.

This is a very good point.
Ground Turkey patty with turkey gravy on top, and mashed taters with the same gravy. It was yummy. And then I had a homemade chocolate milkshake for a chaser.
Nothing. I was very fatiqued today for some reason. Actually, yesterday. Slept all day until 8pm...which is why I am still awake now. But i feel better. I don't know why the heck I couldn't keep my eyes open longer than 15 minutes before falling asleep and feeling so tired.

I'm hungry now, but it is 3:18am...and I'd wake everyone up if I cooked something.

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