Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Know what is REALLY good that I have almost every night with whatever meal I make? Those mini peppers..orange, red, yellow. Sliced thin, fried in a pan with some drizzled italian dressing and a few chopped onions. YUMMY.

Anyway..I had a homemade beef burrito. And a side of the above ^. :)

That reminds me. I bought these little cute colored peppers that were labeled Scotch bonnet peppers. I thought that they wouldn't be too hot, and I put them in my macaroni salad . . . . OMG, they were the hottest things ever! They were burning my mouth so bad, as if I had taken a sip of very hot coffee or something. It was terrible. I ended up throwing that batch out and making a new batch. Evil cute little peppers.

Thats some funny shit right there!!!
We eat Scotch Bonnets,the Cousin of the Habanero,all the time with our Jerk chicken.
If ya want hot you need to try one of these little gems......
The Carolina Reaper.
View attachment 146056
The Scotch Bonnet tops out at 350'000 Scoville units.
The Carolina Reaper is around 2'500'000 Scoville units.
You actually get high from the heat.

No way. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy eating something that hurts!

I dont mind Scotch Bonnets. The Reaper was just to see how hot they really are.

They are gross. They ruined the taste of the entire macaroni salad. Nobody wanted to eat it anymore. It was terrible.
A little bit of spicy is good, so that you can still taste your food. When it is too hot, you really can't taste anything at all anymore. It just burns the crap out of your mouth. I don't see how people can find any enjoyment in their food that way, unless it tastes terrible and you want to kill the flavor!
Did these take way longer that I thought....!!!
But as they say,they're done when they're done.

How long do you have to smoke it on average per pound?

Around an hour and fifteen minutes give or take.

Wow. No wonder it takes so long. That's a long time. I don't think I would have the patience. :D

It's a lot easier with the new smoker.
No need to hover over it and tend the fire,you just toss in the meat,program your parameters into the smoker and walk away.
Other than spritzing every hour or so with apple juice and Worcestershire you really dont have to do anything.
I made chicken and dumplings last night and it was amazing.

My mom is visiting, altogether we are seven in my household right now...I think...anyway...

We couldn't find mom's old recipe that makes spectacular no fail dumplings. So we used Betty Crocker dumplings recipe, which looked very much like Mom's. Unfortunately, I used LARD instead of shortening. Note to self...don't use lard in dumplings, they will all dissolve or turn to sinkers. I don't know how many times I have to experience that before I finally remember.

So the first batch, though it thickened up the soup nicely was a major fail.

I made a second batch without a recipe, and they puffed up and were AMAZING with no sinkers, and none of them dissolved.

So here you go:

1 whole chicken, washed inside and out...throw that puppy in a pot and cover with salted water. Put in a bay leaf if you have it.
Saute some onions and celery in a pan if you like, throw that in there too.

Boil it about an hour or 90 minutes, until the meat will fall off the bones, but before it actually does..remove the chicken and let it cool a little, then pick off the meat (I pull it off in chunks as big as I can) and put back into the pot. Discard the skin and bones (I throw a leg bone and a thigh bone back into the pot just because) Throw some carrots (canned or uncooked). If you use canned, drain off the liquid first. Fish out the bay leaves and discard.

I pour in a can of chicken broth just because I like to have lots of liquid and it can lend a little strength to the broth, in the event it's weak.

Bring it back up to a boil.

Mix about 4 C flour, 3 tbsp of baking powder, a tbsp of salt in a bowl, whisk together. Add about 1/4 cup of shortening or oil, more or less, mix together. Pour in about 2 c of flour. you should have a wet dough that is kind of medium soft...drop by LARGE tbsp into boiling broth. Fill the pot, try not to drop them on top of each other.

Boil covered for 10-15 minutes, don't open it to look. you might need to turn down or move a little off the burner if it starts to boil over. If you have a lot of dumplings, you can cook them for 15 minutes here.

Take off the lid and boil for another 10 minutes uncovered.

If you want to really have pretty dumplings, throw in a couple of tbsp of parsley into the flour mixture before you add milk, when you're making them.

The top bacon grease works really good for dumplings. :rolleyes:

I don't roll and cut, drop dumplings baby. :funnyface:

Tonight I made Corned beef and Cabbage, best batch evah!
This day? For my first food since the beginning Of Harvy what did I have for dinner? I grilled three flank steaks and ate them what th some tortilla my neighbors made with some chilies they grew. That and some beer. More beer then food.
This day? For my first food since the beginning Of Harvy what did I have for dinner? I grilled three flank steaks and ate them what th some tortilla my neighbors made with some chilies they grew. That and some beer. More beer then food.
Are you on a hunger strike???
This day? For my first food since the beginning Of Harvy what did I have for dinner? I grilled three flank steaks and ate them what th some tortilla my neighbors made with some chilies they grew. That and some beer. More beer then food.
Are you on a hunger strike???

No ma'am. Just getting ripped and eating beef, tortilla and peppers. Sometimes onion. I have been working instead of going home, so it's been candy bars, comes, ramen and such.
Well we had fried chicken legs last night, with mashed potatoes and gravy, and carrots and peas off our pea plants.

tonight pinto beans and corn bread.
I was going to doc this from the beginning but forgot..
Two Wagyu Filet Mignon,the marbling is amazing for a filet, in the water bath at 129 degrees for around an hour and a half.


Going to finish em in a VERY hot skillet with some dark Ghee.


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