Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Flounder, broiled with a little herb blend, the ubiquitous salad aforehand (romaine & tomatoes, some sliced zukes for grins), rice with chopped tomatoes, etc, and green beans with a few craisins.

The husband polished off the sherbert, so I had to settle for an apple and a small chunk o' cheddar. And 6 butter cookies after that (they were small, but the darned things are addictive!)
This morning I prepared for my lovely lady an omlette with spinach, feta, mushrooms, onions, and tomatoes. The half that I destroyed while trying to flip it became my breakfast, and the half that turned out pretty was hers. Our AWESOME neighbor brought over a kind of kimchee pancake thing for lunch. I'm not currently able to eat, but I have high hopes for later.
Just consumed a New York strip topped with mixed bell peppers and pesto. Mac & Cheese and mashed taters.

I made the Greek pasta salad I mentioned last night. Rotini pasta, spinach leaves, grape tomatoes, red onion, and feta cheese with homemade tzatziki sauce. I also made garlic butter shrimp. After we finished the shrimp and were ready for seconds on the pasta salad - SOO good - I chopped up some leftover pastrami lunch meat into the salad, and it added a nice little salty touch.

Tonight we're having broiled chicken sausages with gravy over buttered herb pasta and green beans on the side. Didn't want to get too involved, or have too many leftovers, since I'm doing corned beef and cabbage tomorrow.
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Sunday dinner was corned beef (uncooked, by cured by manufactuerer, next year is self cured corned beef), Mashed potatoes, and cabbage with turkey bacon.

And I make my mashed potatoes the real way, with butter and heavy cream, none of this make it healthy crap.
Flounder, broiled with a little herb blend, the ubiquitous salad aforehand (romaine & tomatoes, some sliced zukes for grins), rice with chopped tomatoes, etc, and green beans with a few craisins.

The husband polished off the sherbert, so I had to settle for an apple and a small chunk o' cheddar. And 6 butter cookies after that (they were small, but the darned things are addictive!)

Sounds yummy. Love flounder...also love sherbet, apples & cheddar, and shortbread cookies!!!!!
Sunday dinner was corned beef (uncooked, by cured by manufactuerer, next year is self cured corned beef), Mashed potatoes, and cabbage with turkey bacon.

And I make my mashed potatoes the real way, with butter and heavy cream, none of this make it healthy crap.

But you'll put turkey bacon in your cabbage?

If you don't mind my saying so, your priorities are sadly crooked, lol.

Last night I had corned beef w/cabbage and homemade rolls.

Baked the corned beef with it's little packet of stuff on the fat...baked at 350 for about 3 hours, then had to go pick up a kid so turned it down to 325, and when I got back 20 minutes later the pan was just starting to smoke, so I threw on some water, and quartered a cabbage and threw that in there, and then divided up the roll dough and let them raise a few minutes, then pulled the corned beef out and put it on a plate to rest, stirred the cabbage a little, cranked up the heat to 400 and threw the bread in alongside the roaster....

It turned out pretty good. I don't like brisket enough to sweat doing it myself, it's a gnarly piece of meat...much like tongue..yes, the good parts are really good but omg, what you have to go through to get to them....

tonite dinner will be something easy and really late...maybe a pork chop and a spud and some applesauce.

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