Went to a Romney event tonight

Obama connected with people too....big fucking whoop.

So I take it, you don't really care about my analysis on the difference on how he is portrayed vs my observations in person? That's fine.

That's why Im encouraging people to go to Romney events and find out for yourself.

I lived in MA while he was governor and have seen his politics in actions. Plus, given your previous love affair with Santorum, I think you are the last Republican who should be talking about supporting a politician who claims to get government out of their lives.
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I have asked you to explain what you mean by Romney connecting with the people. Can you articulate it? Also...what did you learn about him that you did not already know?
Too funny, one by one conservatives are lining up behind the RINO.

They have been doing this for decades. At best they have Reagan, who exploded the debt and government.

Republicans don't like Conservatism, at least in the classical liberal sense, in which they preach all the time. They are party hacks and loyalists and have no problem increasing the size and scope of the government, along with the debt, as long as it is not their guy doing it.
You can say that all you want. Doesn't change the fact that I saw a man clearly connecting with people, even people I know who aren't supporting him this primary. You can take my observations as you choose, but doesnt change what I saw.

If you want to find out for yourself, go to an event.

I think if anything Romney is good at selling his product.

As noted in previous threads, he says what he needs to say for the given situation...it's not really surprising he seemed to connect with people in that scenario, he knows what they want to hear.
You can say that all you want. Doesn't change the fact that I saw a man clearly connecting with people, even people I know who aren't supporting him this primary. You can take my observations as you choose, but doesnt change what I saw.

If you want to find out for yourself, go to an event.

I think if anything Romney is good at selling his product.

As noted in previous threads, he says what he needs to say for the given situation...it's not really surprising he seemed to connect with people in that scenario, he knows what they want to hear.

Here is what conservatives want to hear:

'APPLETON, Wis. — Just days before the Republican presidential primary, Mitt Romney swept into Wisconsin, sounding general election themes and offering a forceful, and at times lyrical, speech laying out a stark and clear contrast between himself and President Obama.

“Barack Obama and I have fundamentally different visions for America,” Mr. Romney said. “He spent the last three or four years laying the foundation for a new government-centered society. I will spend the next four years rebuilding the foundation of our opportunity society, led by free people and their free enterprises.”

America must decide if it still wants our unique opportunity society, or if we actually do want to sink into collectivist suck.
Republicans don't like Conservatism, at least in the classical liberal sense

Try as you like, but unlike Leftist sheep, you can't put us all in the same box.

Most of you like your big government statist freaks and are hardly original thinkers who stray outside of party lines.

I would say that Republicans tout party lines much more than Democrats, but who really cares. Anyone who supports a party is a traitor.
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First one in PA. I really couldn't justify not going since it was five minutes down the street. I was surprised by some things and encouraged by others. A few things I noted:

1) Romney's message is conservative and focused on Obama. He emphasized getting government out of our lives and letting the people be free to pursue their dreams. He made some pretty persuasive arguments, some I aspects I hadn't considered. Im always pleasantly surprised when I get to learn things I didn't know.

2) The place was packed and full of energy. Romney was very much connecting with the people. I don't see how the claim that he is out of touch is warranted. I think the GOP is going to be alot more excited than the media is portraying. I saw guys I know who werent supporting Romney for the primary there cheering in excitement.

3) Contrary to the left's propaganda on the non-existant "War on women", there were quite alot of women supporting Romney. They were also quite vocal.

4) Unlike McCain, he was not at all afraid to take on Obama.

If you get a chance to go to a rally, I would encourage you to do so, because I think it might provide insight you aren't getting from the media. I'm very optimistic this year.

WHat arguments did he make that you found persuasive or hadn't thought of?
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There is ZERO chance Obama will ever unite America.

In fact any fair observer knows he is perhaps the most divisive piece of shit POTUS in our history.

Romney has proven ability to get things done across party lines.

America really only has one choice.
Name the last president to unite America.

Voluntarily: Washington

By force: Lincoln

Okay, im sure I could probably come up with more recent ones. Reagan united people enough to have two landslide victories.
There is ZERO chance Obama will ever unite America.

In fact any fair observer knows he is perhaps the most divisive piece of shit POTUS in our history.

Romney has proven ability to get things done across party lines.

America really only has one choice.
Name the last president to unite America.

George W Bush. Highest rating of any president post 9/11.
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WHat arguments did he make that you found persuasive or hadn't thought of?

Basically that when the government picks businesses to invest in, it discourages private sector investments into competitive businesses in that sector.

I probably am not saying it as articulately as he did, but it was just another aspect I hadn't considered.
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There is ZERO chance Obama will ever unite America.

In fact any fair observer knows he is perhaps the most divisive piece of shit POTUS in our history.

Romney has proven ability to get things done across party lines.

America really only has one choice.
Name the last president to unite America.

George W Bush. Highest rating of any president post 9/11.

To be fair, the left was never really united with us behind him. They just knew they had to pretend to be until they were far enough away from 9/11 to justify breaking.
WHat arguments did he make that you found persuasive or hadn't thought of?

Basically that when the government picks businesses to invest in, it discourages private sector investments into competitive businesses in that sector.

I probably am not saying it as articulately as he did, but it was just another aspect I hadn't considered.

Good point and he is right. And he would know what he's talking about.
I'll never get excited about Romney per se but I could grow to like him enough not to mind pulling the lever for him.
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Good point and he is right. And he would know what he's talking about.
I'll never get excited about Romney per se but I could grow to like him enough not to mind pulling the lever for him.

Im actually rather glad we aren't looking for people based solely on who we like or who is most charismatic. It's a good sign. I just hope Most of the people are doing likewise.

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