We're doomed. Look at this shit and try to justify national lockdowns

How long until collapse?
If you didnt see this shit coming about 8 years ago while the brown turd Obammy was in the rainbow house, then you had your head up Uranus. During the 1/2 White Faggots 2nd term, there were all over the country, Doomsday Prepper's events at local community centers where you could purchase necessary items incase of the collapse of the United States. A lot of people saw the eventual ruination of this country, a lot of people kept their head where the sun doesnt shine....


How long until collapse?

The areas that don't start complying with the PPP procedures will ALL collapse. Those that do will go back to normal. This includes vaccinations, mask wearing and more. And If you think that a business or a Governor can't require it by force, you would be incorrect. It was covered in 1905 in a Supreme Court Ruling upholding States requiring Compulsory vaccinations. SEE:

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

It can go as far as if your State refuses the compulsory Vaccine Innoculations that the surround states can shut down any and all transportation in and out of that state. You state can't be forced to actually do it but it can be isolated and kept that way. This was for Small Pox which had devastated the US for decades. It also spells out the exceptions to the law. There had been a Vaccine since 1789 but as late as 1905, many refused to take it. Small Pox could almost wipe out entire towns. Before the mandatory vaccine, when it cropped up, the local health departments (even if was the lone Doctor for the small town) would isolate the building it was in until the people were innoculated, X number of days passed or the people died. If you attempted to leave you would be shot.

The Ruling was used in 1956 for Polio. I remember going with the Family to the Community Center for a batch of vaccines free of charge. The only ones that had the choice of not receiving those innoculations were exempted by a Medical Doctor.

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

How long until collapse?

The areas that don't start complying with the PPP procedures will ALL collapse. Those that do will go back to normal. This includes vaccinations, mask wearing and more. And If you think that a business or a Governor can't require it by force, you would be incorrect. It was covered in 1905 in a Supreme Court Ruling upholding States requiring Compulsory vaccinations. SEE:

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

It can go as far as if your State refuses the compulsory Vaccine Innoculations that the surround states can shut down any and all transportation in and out of that state. You state can't be forced to actually do it but it can be isolated and kept that way. This was for Small Pox which had devastated the US for decades. It also spells out the exceptions to the law. There had been a Vaccine since 1789 but as late as 1905, many refused to take it. Small Pox could almost wipe out entire towns. Before the mandatory vaccine, when it cropped up, the local health departments (even if was the lone Doctor for the small town) would isolate the building it was in until the people were innoculated, X number of days passed or the people died. If you attempted to leave you would be shot.

The Ruling was used in 1956 for Polio. I remember going with the Family to the Community Center for a batch of vaccines free of charge. The only ones that had the choice of not receiving those innoculations were exempted by a Medical Doctor.
I will shoot anyone forcing this authoritarian shit!!

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

According to the SCOTUS ruling of 1905 it's the States that do the lockdowns, not the Feds.

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

According to the SCOTUS ruling of 1905 it's the States that do the lockdowns, not the Feds.
So why the fuck are you blaming Trunp?

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

Biden wants one.
He can shit in one hand and wish for shutdown in the other hand and see which one fills up first..

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

According to the SCOTUS ruling of 1905 it's the States that do the lockdowns, not the Feds.
Somebody cares what the 1905 ruling re: Smallpox was? Smallpox actually was a very deadly disease and and the China Flu isn't. Your State can't tell my State what to do even if my State thought the people were silly enough to buy into that foolishness.

How long until collapse?
If you didnt see this shit coming about 8 years ago while the brown turd Obammy was in the rainbow house, then you had your head up Uranus. During the 1/2 White Faggots 2nd term, there were all over the country, Doomsday Prepper's events at local community centers where you could purchase necessary items incase of the collapse of the United States. A lot of people saw the eventual ruination of this country, a lot of people kept their head where the sun doesnt shine....

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You can not keep spending money you don't have
and keep borrowing money you can't pay back...based on PROJECTIONS
creating more debt paying the interest on loans you can't pay off
nor are paying down and avoid the consequences

Personal finances in our own lives should make us aware of that

Obama and Congress didn't prevent the next great depression,
they prolonged THE INEVITABLE

I was all set to vote for Obama in '08...I was excited,
I bought nto the whole Yes We Can, Hope and Change..
Changing the way Washington does business
Restoring fiscal responsibility in government
Accountability to tax payers for EVERY DOLLAR spent
Cutting what doesn't work, how to improve on what does
and finding creative solutions to address challenges we have to tackle
Transparency and efficiency

The MOMENT he signed off on that bailout with McCain, I knew he was full of shit
The right thing would have been to let the cards fall and allow the consequences

I posted this in 2011....not here

Oye vay...where do I begin?

I am not able to stay afloat,
in this pathetic sea of human complacency any longer....
I am now slowly drowning in it.

As God as my witness, if I did not have my son to care for,
I would surely end up dead or in jail, cause I would do something drastic.

I have a tank top that says....
Stop bitching, start a revolution!

That, my friends, is only wishful thinking.

There aren't enough people willing to,
pull their heads out of their ass and be inconvenienced.


Life is in session....are you present?

If you can not stand for something, you will fall for everything.

And, mark my word, as sure as my name is Lynn,
the day when this 'house of domino's' begins to tumble, is upon us.

We are not governed by leaders of men,
we are slaves for politicians and servants to corporations.

Why do people continue to reelect the politicians who have clearly demonstrated,
that their interests are not to serve the people but, to serve themselves?

Our government is giving billions of dollars, that we don't have, to foreign countries,
and cutting funding for education, the disabled, the elderly,
our infrastructure and our defense, here, at home.

We give billions of dollars to countries that hate us and wish us ill,
which, is then funneled, to the very people that conspire against us....
we fund our own terrorist attacks!

Yet, the best we can do,
for 60 million people in the 'Horn of Africa',
dying from thirst, hunger and disease,
is send over rice and energy bars.

A man who ran on a platform of 'hope and change',
and would bring transparency and fiscal responsibility into The White House.

A man who preaches to the American people
about sacrifice and 'tightening their belt',
yet, continues to sink us further into debt.


And, that's not even scratching the surface....
I could go on and on for days!

Why do people continue to buy products that cost us,
3x as much to buy, then it cost to make, in another country?

Why won't people sacrifice driving, texting, television, the www and using credit cards,
by boycotting gas pumps, phone companies, cable giants and banking institutions?

Companies, corporations and conglomerates,
won't change hearing the displeasure of the people,
but, by feeling the displeasure of the people!

Hit them in their pocketbooks and they'll start listening!

This can only happen collectively, over time....
not when they are gaining a handful of new customers,
after losing a handful of their old customers.

Nothing would have changed, had Rosa Parks,
been the only one to stop riding the bus.

Nothing would have changed, had the masses,
got tired of the inconvenience of walking by weeks end.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.


Many, many, many people are in for a rude awakening ...especially blacks

Our National Debt is AT LEAST 3x more then the figures they put out

Our currency is worthless, all currency is worthless
The world economy is a giant Ponzi scheme which has transferred the wealth
of the bottom 80-90% to the top 1% followed by the next wealthiest 9-19%

something that must happen or be done before some other thing happens or is done;
to affect or control

They have been using covid to condition people for what is coming

How can anyone not see

The one silver lining is, the corrupt establishment traitors
who think they're all that and a bag of chips, when they're not
will get a rude awakening when they realize they're disposable

I will relish the day they are dragged away by mobs and get their just desserts

This house of cards will fall, as sure as my name is Lynn

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..
No federal lockdowns but the state lockdowns pretty much cover the nation.

How long until collapse?
There is no national lockdowns ...and there have never been any national lockdown..

Biden wants one.
He can shit in one hand and wish for shutdown in the other hand and see which one fills up first..

How long until collapse?

The areas that don't start complying with the PPP procedures will ALL collapse. Those that do will go back to normal. This includes vaccinations, mask wearing and more. And If you think that a business or a Governor can't require it by force, you would be incorrect. It was covered in 1905 in a Supreme Court Ruling upholding States requiring Compulsory vaccinations. SEE:

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

It can go as far as if your State refuses the compulsory Vaccine Innoculations that the surround states can shut down any and all transportation in and out of that state. You state can't be forced to actually do it but it can be isolated and kept that way. This was for Small Pox which had devastated the US for decades. It also spells out the exceptions to the law. There had been a Vaccine since 1789 but as late as 1905, many refused to take it. Small Pox could almost wipe out entire towns. Before the mandatory vaccine, when it cropped up, the local health departments (even if was the lone Doctor for the small town) would isolate the building it was in until the people were innoculated, X number of days passed or the people died. If you attempted to leave you would be shot.

The Ruling was used in 1956 for Polio. I remember going with the Family to the Community Center for a batch of vaccines free of charge. The only ones that had the choice of not receiving those innoculations were exempted by a Medical Doctor.
interesting history Daryl

i'm convinced our 3 branches of governance go way back......

banks, oil & pharmaceuticals


How long until collapse?

The areas that don't start complying with the PPP procedures will ALL collapse. Those that do will go back to normal. This includes vaccinations, mask wearing and more. And If you think that a business or a Governor can't require it by force, you would be incorrect. It was covered in 1905 in a Supreme Court Ruling upholding States requiring Compulsory vaccinations. SEE:

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905)

It can go as far as if your State refuses the compulsory Vaccine Innoculations that the surround states can shut down any and all transportation in and out of that state. You state can't be forced to actually do it but it can be isolated and kept that way. This was for Small Pox which had devastated the US for decades. It also spells out the exceptions to the law. There had been a Vaccine since 1789 but as late as 1905, many refused to take it. Small Pox could almost wipe out entire towns. Before the mandatory vaccine, when it cropped up, the local health departments (even if was the lone Doctor for the small town) would isolate the building it was in until the people were innoculated, X number of days passed or the people died. If you attempted to leave you would be shot.

The Ruling was used in 1956 for Polio. I remember going with the Family to the Community Center for a batch of vaccines free of charge. The only ones that had the choice of not receiving those innoculations were exempted by a Medical Doctor.
Can the Covid card double as voter ID?

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