We're In a Recovery?

I already did....The Labor Force has been increasing, and the unemployment rate has been going down.
LO Thanks for playing. Dont let the door hit you on your way out.
Ahhh. Ok, so you see how the blue line (that's the number of people in the labor force) is higher on the right than the left? That means the number of people in the labor force is increasing.
And you see how the red line (that's the unemployment rate) is higher on the left than the right? That means the unemployment rate is going down.

Sorry that was too complicated for you.
Rabbi is a fucking dope.
You cite your brother as an authority and I'm the dope?
You are clearly stupid.
What I love is a guy who's rich enough to where he should be a Republican knows the Republican party is too fucked up to be supported. As much as he wants to believe, he can't. He even hates liberals. But he doesn't believe I'm a liberal because I don't believe in handouts and socialism and all the other shit Republicans think we believe but we don't actually believe. In other words you are just a lower middle class brainwashed idiot. Good intentions I'm sure but really fucking stupid man.
And when confronted with fact you go full retard.
Never go full retard.
Bismark ND 2.8% unemployment. Thanks Obama. Fargo 3.5%, thanks Obama, Lincoln, NE 3.7 THanks Obama, Iowa, SD, Iowa, Midland TX, Birlington, VT, Iowa, NH, Etc. All these places are lying when they brag about their low unemployment rates? Maybe we should stop taking their bogus numbers and put in the REAL unemployment rate. Aren't most of these places in red states? Do they also not count the people who've stopped looking for work? Such hypocrites Republicans are.
You realize most of the places are centers of shale oil activity, an activity opposed by the Obama Administration right?
Libs are so fucking clueless. They make sheep look like SHerlock Holmes.
Hey, I'm not really trying to give Obama credit or blame for any of those cities unemployment numbers. You are you fucking fool.

I'm just playing your little political game of gocha. Tag you it.

Anything bad happening now is either Obama, Pelosi or Clinton's fault. Nothing was Bush's fault. And the only thing Bush 1 did wrong was raise taxes. And the reason you haven't won the last two elections is you haven't nominated a true conservative. LOL
So when you write "Thanks Obama" that's some kind of verbal tic?
You arent even good at lying.
Non-farm employment fed another monthly drop in unemployment across Iowa in November, according to Iowa Workforce Development (IWD).

Iowa’s official seasonally adjusted unemployment rate continued to drop in the month, falling to 3.4 percent from 3.5 percent in October, IWD reported Friday. The state’s jobless rate was 4.3 percent one year ago.

The U.S.'s official unemployment rate remained at 5 percent in November.

Thanks Obama.
You understand unemployment is a lagging indicator, right? And that most of the drop in unemployment is people leaving the workforce.
I understand that you republicans are never going to let this position go. Even as unemployment nears 4%, you'll keep talking about "people leaving the workforce".

You are a loser, and so has anyone who has left the workforce. You are just a political hack talking out of both sides of your stupid little bitchy mouth. You're a typical blowhard bullshitter.
It's not me talking about it. It's the BLS. I realize facts make you cranky because they contradict your spoon fed propaganda. But the truth is the UE rate is lower largely, not entirely, because people have simply dropped out of the workforce.
Ummm that chart does not show people leaving the labor force. And that chart has nothing to do with the UE rate. That is a chart of the Labor Force participation rate. What that chart shows is NOT that the labor force is decreasing, but that it is not increasing as fast as the population. Those are not the same thing.
LOL. Is that really what you think?
It's not an opinion...it's fact. Why, what do you think that chart (which is unlabled) shows?
It is? Doesn't look that way to me.
It looks to me like the labor force has been going up and the unemployment rate has been going down.

Does the scale on the left indicate a net gain of ~3000 total Nationwide jobs since 2011? out of ~160 million workforce? seems a bit light, eh?
No, the scale on the laft is simply the number of people in the Labor Force, which is defined as everyone age 16 and older not in the military, prison, or an institution, who is either working or actively looking for work. The red line is the UE rate which is the percent of the labor force that is unemployed.
You are so fucking stupid you don't even know what you're talking about.
[QUOTE]Civilian Labor Force is the sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment. These individuals are civilians (not members of the Armed Services) who are age 16 years or older, and are not in institutions such as prisons, mental hospitals, or nursing homes.][/QUOTE]
You understand unemployment is a lagging indicator, right? And that most of the drop in unemployment is people leaving the workforce.
I understand that you republicans are never going to let this position go. Even as unemployment nears 4%, you'll keep talking about "people leaving the workforce".

You are a loser, and so has anyone who has left the workforce. You are just a political hack talking out of both sides of your stupid little bitchy mouth. You're a typical blowhard bullshitter.
It's not me talking about it. It's the BLS. I realize facts make you cranky because they contradict your spoon fed propaganda. But the truth is the UE rate is lower largely, not entirely, because people have simply dropped out of the workforce.
Ummm that chart does not show people leaving the labor force. And that chart has nothing to do with the UE rate. That is a chart of the Labor Force participation rate. What that chart shows is NOT that the labor force is decreasing, but that it is not increasing as fast as the population. Those are not the same thing.
LOL. Is that really what you think?
It's not an opinion...it's fact. Why, what do you think that chart (which is unlabled) shows?
It is not only NOT a fact, it is simply a wrong opinion, as I show in the next post.
No, the scale on the laft is simply the number of people in the Labor Force, which is defined as everyone age 16 and older not in the military, prison, or an institution, who is either working or actively looking for work. The red line is the UE rate which is the percent of the labor force that is unemployed.
You are so fucking stupid you don't even know what you're talking about.
Civilian Labor Force is the sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment. These individuals are civilians (not members of the Armed Services) who are age 16 years or older, and are not in institutions such as prisons, mental hospitals, or nursing homes.]
Ummm, how do you think that's different from what I said?
I understand that you republicans are never going to let this position go. Even as unemployment nears 4%, you'll keep talking about "people leaving the workforce".

You are a loser, and so has anyone who has left the workforce. You are just a political hack talking out of both sides of your stupid little bitchy mouth. You're a typical blowhard bullshitter.
It's not me talking about it. It's the BLS. I realize facts make you cranky because they contradict your spoon fed propaganda. But the truth is the UE rate is lower largely, not entirely, because people have simply dropped out of the workforce.
Ummm that chart does not show people leaving the labor force. And that chart has nothing to do with the UE rate. That is a chart of the Labor Force participation rate. What that chart shows is NOT that the labor force is decreasing, but that it is not increasing as fast as the population. Those are not the same thing.
LOL. Is that really what you think?
It's not an opinion...it's fact. Why, what do you think that chart (which is unlabled) shows?
It is not only NOT a fact, it is simply a wrong opinion, as I show in the next post.
The chart YOU posted is NOT of the Labor Force LEVEL, but of the Labor Force PARTICIPATION RATE. I mean, seriously..the current number on your chart is 62.5. What do you think that means? 62.5 thousand? 62.5 million people in the labor force? That's ridiculous. It's 62.5% of the adult civilian noninstitutional population.
Non-farm employment fed another monthly drop in unemployment across Iowa in November, according to Iowa Workforce Development (IWD).

Iowa’s official seasonally adjusted unemployment rate continued to drop in the month, falling to 3.4 percent from 3.5 percent in October, IWD reported Friday. The state’s jobless rate was 4.3 percent one year ago.

The U.S.'s official unemployment rate remained at 5 percent in November.

Thanks Obama.
You understand unemployment is a lagging indicator, right? And that most of the drop in unemployment is people leaving the workforce.
I understand that you republicans are never going to let this position go. Even as unemployment nears 4%, you'll keep talking about "people leaving the workforce".

You are a loser, and so has anyone who has left the workforce. You are just a political hack talking out of both sides of your stupid little bitchy mouth. You're a typical blowhard bullshitter.
It's not me talking about it. It's the BLS. I realize facts make you cranky because they contradict your spoon fed propaganda. But the truth is the UE rate is lower largely, not entirely, because people have simply dropped out of the workforce.
If they aren't costing you unemployment payments, don't worry about them. Fact is, unemployment is as low as it has been in a long long time. Obama got us out of Bush's Great Recession. And you're just being a petty bitch at this point.

Maybe those people are going to back to school or have started their own business. Do you have a way of keeping track of that other than knowing when people fall off the books? How are you tracking them? Can you show us the monthly results of the people who've fallin off the books? I bet you can't.

I think they are either in school, have started their own business', are working under the table, maybe they moved to Canada or Mexico where all the jobs are? I don't know. But you seem to want to deny that the economy is better when it is so clearly better.

The people hurting the worst are uneducated people who use to be middle class. I've explained it to you a million times before dumb fuck so I'm not going to explain it again. It was your party that sent all their jobs overseas. You said those uneducated people made too much, remember? OF course you don't because all you remember are fox talking points. So anyways, don't act like you are the party to help those uneducated out of work Americans, because you are not. What you are is a joke.
LOL! The rationalizations just roll on and on.
SO now it doesnt really matter whether large numbers of people are working or not.

Yes, it does matter. In fact the shitty economy has meant that people who were looking for work (and thus counted in the UE rate) gave up looking, so they are no longer counted. What happened? They took early Social Security. They went on disability. They are working part time under the table. They went back to school.
Doesnt matter. The point is if the labor force participation rate were the same as when Bush left office the UE rate would be up over 8%. That marks Obama's policies as FAILURE. Even so, Obama's UE rate average is well above Bush's. Just has to burn the Obama knee padders, doesnt it?
Unemployment is only as high as it is because

a. You sent all their jobs overseas
b. Companies aren't hiring the long term unemployed

You claim these uneducated workers need to go back to school or start a business I thought? I thought if they aren't working it is only their fault? What happened to personal responsibilty?

Salaw says Virginia unemployment rate is at all-time low
No, the scale on the laft is simply the number of people in the Labor Force, which is defined as everyone age 16 and older not in the military, prison, or an institution, who is either working or actively looking for work. The red line is the UE rate which is the percent of the labor force that is unemployed.
You are so fucking stupid you don't even know what you're talking about.
Civilian Labor Force is the sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment. These individuals are civilians (not members of the Armed Services) who are age 16 years or older, and are not in institutions such as prisons, mental hospitals, or nursing homes.]
Ummm, how do you think that's different from what I said?
If you dont understand why the two statements are different then you really shouldn't be having this conversation.
No, the scale on the laft is simply the number of people in the Labor Force, which is defined as everyone age 16 and older not in the military, prison, or an institution, who is either working or actively looking for work. The red line is the UE rate which is the percent of the labor force that is unemployed.
You are so fucking stupid you don't even know what you're talking about.
Civilian Labor Force is the sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment. These individuals are civilians (not members of the Armed Services) who are age 16 years or older, and are not in institutions such as prisons, mental hospitals, or nursing homes.]
Ummm, how do you think that's different from what I said?
If you dont understand why the two statements are different then you really shouldn't be having this conversation.
There are plenty of reasons you shouldn't be having this conversation.

Hillary Clinton: Recessions more frequent under Republicans than Democrats
It's not me talking about it. It's the BLS. I realize facts make you cranky because they contradict your spoon fed propaganda. But the truth is the UE rate is lower largely, not entirely, because people have simply dropped out of the workforce.
Ummm that chart does not show people leaving the labor force. And that chart has nothing to do with the UE rate. That is a chart of the Labor Force participation rate. What that chart shows is NOT that the labor force is decreasing, but that it is not increasing as fast as the population. Those are not the same thing.
LOL. Is that really what you think?
It's not an opinion...it's fact. Why, what do you think that chart (which is unlabled) shows?
It is not only NOT a fact, it is simply a wrong opinion, as I show in the next post.
The chart YOU posted is NOT of the Labor Force LEVEL, but of the Labor Force PARTICIPATION RATE. I mean, seriously..the current number on your chart is 62.5. What do you think that means? 62.5 thousand? 62.5 million people in the labor force? That's ridiculous. It's 62.5% of the adult civilian noninstitutional population.
Do you actually understand what you're talking about?
No, the scale on the laft is simply the number of people in the Labor Force, which is defined as everyone age 16 and older not in the military, prison, or an institution, who is either working or actively looking for work. The red line is the UE rate which is the percent of the labor force that is unemployed.
You are so fucking stupid you don't even know what you're talking about.
Civilian Labor Force is the sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment. These individuals are civilians (not members of the Armed Services) who are age 16 years or older, and are not in institutions such as prisons, mental hospitals, or nursing homes.]
Ummm, how do you think that's different from what I said?
If you dont understand why the two statements are different then you really shouldn't be having this conversation.
There are plenty of reasons you shouldn't be having this conversation.

Hillary Clinton: Recessions more frequent under Republicans than Democrats
Yes when I want the truth Hillary Clinton comes to mind.
No, the scale on the laft is simply the number of people in the Labor Force, which is defined as everyone age 16 and older not in the military, prison, or an institution, who is either working or actively looking for work. The red line is the UE rate which is the percent of the labor force that is unemployed.
You are so fucking stupid you don't even know what you're talking about.
Civilian Labor Force is the sum of civilian employment and civilian unemployment. These individuals are civilians (not members of the Armed Services) who are age 16 years or older, and are not in institutions such as prisons, mental hospitals, or nursing homes.]
Ummm, how do you think that's different from what I said?
If you dont understand why the two statements are different then you really shouldn't be having this conversation.
They're not different. Point out what you think the difference is. They're both everyone in the U.S. age 16 and older excluding military, and people in prison or other institution.

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