Were Jews Ever Really Slaves in Egypt, or Is Passover a Myth?

you could author comic books. My personal theory on SUPERMAN is that he was
a very precocious VULCAN-----but was experimenting with crack cocaine-----he got
into trouble so built a little space ship------dressed up like a baby and landed in smallville in the rose garden of the barren Mrs Kent. He made up a silly story about
the DESTRUCTION of his planet
Since you like it, let me refine my theory further. It is an historical fact that Jews acted as mercenaries in Egypt. While some part of the ancient Jewish mercenary community left and gave rise to the story of the Exodus, other Jewish mercenary communities remained and were eventually assimilated into Egyptian culture or left.

The name Elephantine is Greek meaning 'elephant' and this expresses the city's function as a gate to the South, since elephants were brought from the south towards Nubia. Another name for the city by ancient Egyptians is 'Yebo', which also meant 'elephant'.

A Jewish garrison community that was already settled in the island by the fifth century B.C., played an essential role in the interaction between Nubia and Egypt.

really? that is interesting -----there were also jews in gaza------what is your point?
Only that the Exodus may have a historical basis.

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I have no doubt that the exodus has an historical basis-----and I have no doubt
that a Jesus of Galilee existed

just not as described in the OT or NT. More likely that a man name Jesus was a nomadic rabbi than the story of the exodus.

a "nomadic rabbi" even the catechism whore could not be stupid enough to come up with that.. Jesus was not described in the OT
I think it beyond question that there were Jews living as mercenaries in ancient Egypt. If a group left to establish their own kingdom it would hardly be surprising. If they were successful it showed the power of their God and the righteousness of their cause.

Egyptians liked to RECORD all things military------no record of jewish soldiers
in Egypt. If you ever get out from under your rock-----go and take a look at ancient Egyptian art---------the fact that there were NUBIANS and ---MESOPOTAMIAN Babylonian types around in military gear is unmistakable. There IS---a depiction of
captives-------clearly of the CIRCUMCIZED variety------they may have been jews---
but if I remember correctly that was MESOPOTMIAN (Babylonian) stuff. What the ELEPHANTINE documents did reveal-----since some were written by jews----is----
that lots of jews----in 500 BC were LITERATE IN ARAMAIC----(also a well known
fact------Jesus was literate in Aramaic-----as was the man he quoted incessantly---
to wit HILLEL)
Art? Is that your source? Look at all the Vietnam war memorial, you won't find the names of the South Vietnamese that died in the war. Every country celebrates its accomplishments in its memorials not those of others.

BTW, I never read that Jesus was literate in Aramaic, Greek, or any other language, something that was probably very rare at the time. He no doubt spoke Aramaic, but literate, I'm not so sure. There are few enough quotes attributed to him, but, so far as I know, nothing that he wrote.

right----you do not know-----you know nothing about the LIFE AND TIMES of Jesus----so you have no idea about what Jesus MOST LIKELY was. ------you probably never read the NT-------fret not-----you have that in common with most Christians
in the USA. PS.... Literacy amongst jews in Judea at the time of Jesus was VERY PREVALENT------actually mostly jewish males------but a whole lot more (proportionately) jewish girls were literate than were roman and greek girls.
ACCORDING so some of our depraved posters----DA JOOOOS were mercenaries in Egypt------of course their VICTORIES would have been celebrated
What from the coast in Canaan to the hill country in Canaan?
I think it beyond question that there were Jews living as mercenaries in ancient Egypt. If a group left to establish their own kingdom it would hardly be surprising. If they were successful it showed the power of their God and the righteousness of their cause.

Egyptians liked to RECORD all things military------no record of jewish soldiers
in Egypt. If you ever get out from under your rock-----go and take a look at ancient Egyptian art---------the fact that there were NUBIANS and ---MESOPOTAMIAN Babylonian types around in military gear is unmistakable. There IS---a depiction of
captives-------clearly of the CIRCUMCIZED variety------they may have been jews---
but if I remember correctly that was MESOPOTMIAN (Babylonian) stuff. What the ELEPHANTINE documents did reveal-----since some were written by jews----is----
that lots of jews----in 500 BC were LITERATE IN ARAMAIC----(also a well known
fact------Jesus was literate in Aramaic-----as was the man he quoted incessantly---
to wit HILLEL)
"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn.

from penny- >>>>The Golden Rule, yes the words of Jesus as well.

from rosie-----right----just about everything jesus said of great value was a quotation
from either Hillel or some other parts of Talmud, Mishnah or bible----

penny>>>>Jews were not the only ones circumcised, I read an interesting hypothesis, that Jews begun circumcision when the were exiled into Babylon, to know who was part of the tribe. Circumcision was not new , the Egyptians also circumcised.

rosie---for those unfamiliar with islamo-nazi shit-----the concept that penny pushes here is "DA JOOOS LIED ----THEY DID NOT INVENT circumcision---they DONE STOLED IT" In fact there was never any claim by jews that circumcision was INVENTED by jews-------but for white trash dogs----her stuff kinda works.
It is generally accepted that circumcision----ESPECIALLY female versions was
invented in Egypt-----but male circumcision is a very very ancient custom in the mid-east of obscure origin. Her next FART----that circumcision SUDDENLY entered Judaism in the Babylonian exile-----is -----bull shit
I think it beyond question that there were Jews living as mercenaries in ancient Egypt. If a group left to establish their own kingdom it would hardly be surprising. If they were successful it showed the power of their God and the righteousness of their cause.

Egyptians liked to RECORD all things military------no record of jewish soldiers
in Egypt. If you ever get out from under your rock-----go and take a look at ancient Egyptian art---------the fact that there were NUBIANS and ---MESOPOTAMIAN Babylonian types around in military gear is unmistakable. There IS---a depiction of
captives-------clearly of the CIRCUMCIZED variety------they may have been jews---
but if I remember correctly that was MESOPOTMIAN (Babylonian) stuff. What the ELEPHANTINE documents did reveal-----since some were written by jews----is----
that lots of jews----in 500 BC were LITERATE IN ARAMAIC----(also a well known
fact------Jesus was literate in Aramaic-----as was the man he quoted incessantly---
to wit HILLEL)
Art? Is that your source? Look at all the Vietnam war memorial, you won't find the names of the South Vietnamese that died in the war. Every country celebrates its accomplishments in its memorials not those of others.

BTW, I never read that Jesus was literate in Aramaic, Greek, or any other language, something that was probably very rare at the time. He no doubt spoke Aramaic, but literate, I'm not so sure. There are few enough quotes attributed to him, but, so far as I know, nothing that he wrote.

right----you do not know-----you know nothing about the LIFE AND TIMES of Jesus----so you have no idea about what Jesus MOST LIKELY was. ------you probably never read the NT-------fret not-----you have that in common with most Christians
in the USA. PS.... Literacy amongst jews in Judea at the time of Jesus was VERY PREVALENT------actually mostly jewish males------but a whole lot more (proportionately) jewish girls were literate than were roman and greek girls.
ACCORDING so some of our depraved posters----DA JOOOOS were mercenaries in Egypt------of course their VICTORIES would have been celebrated
You have no idea what I know or don't know (I read both the OT and the NT) and you have yet to show you know any more than I do. For example, how do you know literacy rates among Jewish carpenters and fishermen living in rural areas?
What from the coast in Canaan to the hill country in Canaan?
I think it beyond question that there were Jews living as mercenaries in ancient Egypt. If a group left to establish their own kingdom it would hardly be surprising. If they were successful it showed the power of their God and the righteousness of their cause.

Egyptians liked to RECORD all things military------no record of jewish soldiers
in Egypt. If you ever get out from under your rock-----go and take a look at ancient Egyptian art---------the fact that there were NUBIANS and ---MESOPOTAMIAN Babylonian types around in military gear is unmistakable. There IS---a depiction of
captives-------clearly of the CIRCUMCIZED variety------they may have been jews---
but if I remember correctly that was MESOPOTMIAN (Babylonian) stuff. What the ELEPHANTINE documents did reveal-----since some were written by jews----is----
that lots of jews----in 500 BC were LITERATE IN ARAMAIC----(also a well known
fact------Jesus was literate in Aramaic-----as was the man he quoted incessantly---
to wit HILLEL)
"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn.

from penny- >>>>The Golden Rule, yes the words of Jesus as well.

from rosie-----right----just about everything jesus said of great value was a quotation
from either Hillel or some other parts of Talmud, Mishnah or bible----

penny>>>>Jews were not the only ones circumcised, I read an interesting hypothesis, that Jews begun circumcision when the were exiled into Babylon, to know who was part of the tribe. Circumcision was not new , the Egyptians also circumcised.

rosie---for those unfamiliar with islamo-nazi shit-----the concept that penny pushes here is "DA JOOOS LIED ----THEY DID NOT INVENT circumcision---they DONE STOLED IT" In fact there was never any claim by jews that circumcision was INVENTED by jews-------but for white trash dogs----her stuff kinda works.
It is generally accepted that circumcision----ESPECIALLY female versions was
invented in Egypt-----but male circumcision is a very very ancient custom in the mid-east of obscure origin. Her next FART----that circumcision SUDDENLY entered Judaism in the Babylonian exile-----is -----bull shit

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
I think it beyond question that there were Jews living as mercenaries in ancient Egypt. If a group left to establish their own kingdom it would hardly be surprising. If they were successful it showed the power of their God and the righteousness of their cause.

Egyptians liked to RECORD all things military------no record of jewish soldiers
in Egypt. If you ever get out from under your rock-----go and take a look at ancient Egyptian art---------the fact that there were NUBIANS and ---MESOPOTAMIAN Babylonian types around in military gear is unmistakable. There IS---a depiction of
captives-------clearly of the CIRCUMCIZED variety------they may have been jews---
but if I remember correctly that was MESOPOTMIAN (Babylonian) stuff. What the ELEPHANTINE documents did reveal-----since some were written by jews----is----
that lots of jews----in 500 BC were LITERATE IN ARAMAIC----(also a well known
fact------Jesus was literate in Aramaic-----as was the man he quoted incessantly---
to wit HILLEL)
Art? Is that your source? Look at all the Vietnam war memorial, you won't find the names of the South Vietnamese that died in the war. Every country celebrates its accomplishments in its memorials not those of others.

BTW, I never read that Jesus was literate in Aramaic, Greek, or any other language, something that was probably very rare at the time. He no doubt spoke Aramaic, but literate, I'm not so sure. There are few enough quotes attributed to him, but, so far as I know, nothing that he wrote.

right----you do not know-----you know nothing about the LIFE AND TIMES of Jesus----so you have no idea about what Jesus MOST LIKELY was. ------you probably never read the NT-------fret not-----you have that in common with most Christians
in the USA. PS.... Literacy amongst jews in Judea at the time of Jesus was VERY PREVALENT------actually mostly jewish males------but a whole lot more (proportionately) jewish girls were literate than were roman and greek girls.
ACCORDING so some of our depraved posters----DA JOOOOS were mercenaries in Egypt------of course their VICTORIES would have been celebrated
You have no idea what I know or don't know (I read both the OT and the NT) and you have yet to show you know any more than I do. For example, how do you know literacy rates among Jewish carpenters and fishermen living in rural areas?
What from the coast in Canaan to the hill country in Canaan?
I think it beyond question that there were Jews living as mercenaries in ancient Egypt. If a group left to establish their own kingdom it would hardly be surprising. If they were successful it showed the power of their God and the righteousness of their cause.

Egyptians liked to RECORD all things military------no record of jewish soldiers
in Egypt. If you ever get out from under your rock-----go and take a look at ancient Egyptian art---------the fact that there were NUBIANS and ---MESOPOTAMIAN Babylonian types around in military gear is unmistakable. There IS---a depiction of
captives-------clearly of the CIRCUMCIZED variety------they may have been jews---
but if I remember correctly that was MESOPOTMIAN (Babylonian) stuff. What the ELEPHANTINE documents did reveal-----since some were written by jews----is----
that lots of jews----in 500 BC were LITERATE IN ARAMAIC----(also a well known
fact------Jesus was literate in Aramaic-----as was the man he quoted incessantly---
to wit HILLEL)
"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow: this is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn.

from penny- >>>>The Golden Rule, yes the words of Jesus as well.

from rosie-----right----just about everything jesus said of great value was a quotation
from either Hillel or some other parts of Talmud, Mishnah or bible----

penny>>>>Jews were not the only ones circumcised, I read an interesting hypothesis, that Jews begun circumcision when the were exiled into Babylon, to know who was part of the tribe. Circumcision was not new , the Egyptians also circumcised.

rosie---for those unfamiliar with islamo-nazi shit-----the concept that penny pushes here is "DA JOOOS LIED ----THEY DID NOT INVENT circumcision---they DONE STOLED IT" In fact there was never any claim by jews that circumcision was INVENTED by jews-------but for white trash dogs----her stuff kinda works.
It is generally accepted that circumcision----ESPECIALLY female versions was
invented in Egypt-----but male circumcision is a very very ancient custom in the mid-east of obscure origin. Her next FART----that circumcision SUDDENLY entered Judaism in the Babylonian exile-----is -----bull shit

Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

easy-------I know approximate literacy rates amongst utterly impoverished and ISOLATED groups of jews who became separated from the MAIN BODY of jews in Judea-----way back before 500 BC-------including Afghani jews and Yemeni jews. It is an interesting history. ---------approached 100% --(amongst males) I have some familiarity with the writings of JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS-----who was no one special before he became the HISTORIAN of ----DA JOOOOS of Judea---roman era
easy-------I know approximate literacy rates amongst utterly impoverished and ISOLATED groups of jews who became separated from the MAIN BODY of jews in Judea-----way back before 500 BC-------including Afghani jews and Yemeni jews. It is an interesting history. ---------approached 100% --(amongst males) I have some familiarity with the writings of JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS-----who was no one special before he became the HISTORIAN of ----DA JOOOOS of Judea---roman era

Exactly how do you know this? I've seen the Jewish male rate at anywhere from 1% to as high as 15% overall.
easy-------I know approximate literacy rates amongst utterly impoverished and ISOLATED groups of jews who became separated from the MAIN BODY of jews in Judea-----way back before 500 BC-------including Afghani jews and Yemeni jews. It is an interesting history. ---------approached 100% --(amongst males) I have some familiarity with the writings of JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS-----who was no one special before he became the HISTORIAN of ----DA JOOOOS of Judea---roman era

Exactly how do you know this? I've seen the Jewish male rate at anywhere from 1% to as high as 15% overall.

the sentence you posted makes no sense at all--------what does "I've seen the jewish male rate at anywhere from 1% to as high as 15% overall" mean? ------
easy-------I know approximate literacy rates amongst utterly impoverished and ISOLATED groups of jews who became separated from the MAIN BODY of jews in Judea-----way back before 500 BC-------including Afghani jews and Yemeni jews. It is an interesting history. ---------approached 100% --(amongst males) I have some familiarity with the writings of JOSEPHUS FLAVIUS-----who was no one special before he became the HISTORIAN of ----DA JOOOOS of Judea---roman era

Exactly how do you know this? I've seen the Jewish male rate at anywhere from 1% to as high as 15% overall.

the sentence you posted makes no sense at all--------what does "I've seen the jewish male rate at anywhere from 1% to as high as 15% overall" mean? ------
I was referring to literacy rate guesstimates from the sources I've read and found on the internet.

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