Were Jews Ever Really Slaves in Egypt, or Is Passover a Myth?

No actually I am feeling quite good today...Not wishing to fight with you Irosie just trying to prove a point...If we read deut 4 esp verses 27 to 31 we are told the Israelites would end up spread out all over the place and would worship wood and stone etc but that they would eventually return and not just one tribe being Judah but all of them... I can give you examples if you like Dan is an interesting one who left ensigns or signs wherever they went being a seafaring people they got around... Danzig, Dardenelles, Denmark(dans mark) the Danes those are just a few and those are in Europe what about south in Africa SuDan or sons of Dan anyways point is they have forgotten who they are but in the end all will return and that includes Benjamin or Ben Yameen which is not an Arabic word and is Hebrew ... Yemen where the Yeminites dwell... There are many other examples I could give you....All will be revealed eventually....

Archeologists are not on your side of history, try as they might to find evidence they have come up short.
DNA.........or "Dan" if you like wink......Archeologists are the same as scientists they try to prove "their" theory and they get government or private donations to do so they might even ( gosh) cover up their findings if it meant the money might stop or it goes against their theory...It should be taken with a grain of salt their finding heck they have been covering up everything from previous older civilizations for years esp in North America why should their findings be trusted...
DNA.........or "Dan" if you like wink......Archeologists are the same as scientists they try to prove "their" theory and they get government or private donations to do so they might even ( gosh) cover up their findings if it meant the money might stop or it goes against their theory...It should be taken with a grain of salt their finding heck they have been covering up everything from previous older civilizations for years esp in North America why should their findings be trusted...

I am talking the ones in Israel, and even some Christian ones. They really want proof, and none is to be found.

If anything , anything that proves the bible might be faked. We know that the Hebrews are really Canaanites, I mean come on, a large group of people do not just disappear, and your OT says the Judeans married the Canaanite women and had kids with them , even the Priests, so we have a problem don't we. El was the high Canaanite god and Yahweh was also one of their gods. The northern kingdom of Israel was pagan, and Judea were the pious jews supposedly. The Egyptian empire use to control all the land of Canaan at one time.
DNA.........or "Dan" if you like wink......Archeologists are the same as scientists they try to prove "their" theory and they get government or private donations to do so they might even ( gosh) cover up their findings if it meant the money might stop or it goes against their theory...It should be taken with a grain of salt their finding heck they have been covering up everything from previous older civilizations for years esp in North America why should their findings be trusted...

shimon---------penny does not do science -------she does POLEMICS-------of the islamo Nazi variety
DNA.........or "Dan" if you like wink......Archeologists are the same as scientists they try to prove "their" theory and they get government or private donations to do so they might even ( gosh) cover up their findings if it meant the money might stop or it goes against their theory...It should be taken with a grain of salt their finding heck they have been covering up everything from previous older civilizations for years esp in North America why should their findings be trusted...

shimon---------penny does not do science -------she does POLEMICS-------of the islamo Nazi variety

They have been digging for years and have found nothing.
Lol.. I agree Irosie... There are lots of clues I only scratched the surface..if people want to study these things and are interested they should get to it...Wouldn't it be humorous if Penelope found out she was descended from ancient Israelites and she was self hating oh the irony.... Irosie I never said they were " Jews" I said they were Israelites from other tribes...The pushtun in Afghanistan are another interesting case.... Remember Dan became idolaters and interestingly it was Moses grandson who became their high priest if I recall correctly...Yup lots of hidden goodies to follow if one is inclined....
Lol.. I agree Irosie... There are lots of clues I only scratched the surface..if people want to study these things and are interested they should get to it...Wouldn't it be humorous if Penelope found out she was descended from ancient Israelites and she was self hating oh the irony.... Irosie I never said they were " Jews" I said they were Israelites from other tribes...The pushtun in Afghanistan are another interesting case.... Remember Dan became idolaters and interestingly it was Moses grandson who became their high priest if I recall correctly...Yup lots of hidden goodies to follow if one is inclined....

Israelites were not Jews, the northern and southern kingdoms were very different.
From penny
"If anything , anything that proves the bible might be faked. We know that the Hebrews are really Canaanites, I mean come on, a large group of people do not just disappear,"

from rosie >>>> If anything----any evidence that penny is not a depraved
child molester is FAKED. Real evidence ---both genetic and linguistic
proves that the Hebrews are a people from the large area of the world called
the LEVANT-----which also includes the area of the world -----called, in ancient times----CANAAN. Of the people of Canaan ---the only people along with their
culture ---still extant, are DA JOOOOS and the KARAITES and----the Chaldeans
The Bedouins are fairly recent nomadic migrants from the Arabian desert. Large
groups do not disappear------even with all the technology that the german scientists
could throw at the effort------and the filth of rome -----and the minions of the rapist
dog of arabia. For every genocide ----there are ALWAYS SURVIVORS-----much to the regret of penny's catechism whore

from penny>>>
"and your OT says the Judeans married the Canaanite women and had kids with them , even the Priests, so we have a problem don't we."

from rosie>>>
who is "WE" I do not have a problem with the fact that jews of old married
non jews------Ruth was a great grandparent of KING DAVID-----she was a
convert to Judaism--------sheeeesh ---penny as STILL never read the bible.
In jewish law-----a convert to Judaism is a FULL FLEDGED jew and even the
high priest can marry her children-------if they are legit.-----in fact a high priest
can marry the convert.. Ivanka's kids-----are full fledged jews----he kids can
marry the HIGH PRIEST-----or any person of cohen heritage who happens
their way. Her recent newborn is a jew----but he is not a priest-----if she has a
daughter next time-----that girl can grow up an marry a priest and have priest children.. Feel free to ask questions-----penny dear-----none of this is a
problem to anyone--------I am a descendant of the tribe of moses-----but my brothers are NOT PRIESTS------no problems that I have noted

from penny>>
"El was the high Canaanite god and Yahweh was also one of their gods. The northern kingdom of Israel was pagan, and Judea were the pious jews supposedly. The Egyptian empire use to control all the land of Canaan at one time".

The word "EL" in semitic languages refers to "GOD" --or "GODS" just like the Germanic word "GOTT" refers to "god" or "gods Penny's catechism
whore taught her that THOR is an alternate name for "jesus Christ"
Yahweh as an APPROXIMATE rendition of the Hebrew tetragram does
not exist as an actual WORD or NAME in any language-----the tetragram is
unique to the jewish people------for all time-----past, present, and future. Penny's
catechism whore LIED again. The people of the GALILEE----were not particullarly known for lack of piety-------some----being so far removed up in the hills----were
illiterate which has been considered a failing of society by jews for the past 2500
years. According to the NT-----Jesus was from the Galilee----and was literate.
Her catechism whore SCREWED (it up again). Egypt never controlled
ALL of Canaan-----nope----nor did Persia, nor did Babylon, ----even the OTTOMAN empire did not actually "control"
Lol.. I agree Irosie... There are lots of clues I only scratched the surface..if people want to study these things and are interested they should get to it...Wouldn't it be humorous if Penelope found out she was descended from ancient Israelites and she was self hating oh the irony.... Irosie I never said they were " Jews" I said they were Israelites from other tribes...The pushtun in Afghanistan are another interesting case.... Remember Dan became idolaters and interestingly it was Moses grandson who became their high priest if I recall correctly...Yup lots of hidden goodies to follow if one is inclined....

VASHTI-----(from megillat esther) was PASHTUN------their language is
virtually entirely FARSI (ish) ------Afghanistan was once a civilized place---
when there were lots of jews in KABUL--------Long ago I ran into some stuff
attributed to "RABBI ISHMAEL" Since I never came across a "RABBI
ISHMAEL" before------I asked around-----he was AFGHANI------significant
Talmudist. SHEEEEHS don't tell the TALIBAN
DNA.........or "Dan" if you like wink......Archeologists are the same as scientists they try to prove "their" theory and they get government or private donations to do so they might even ( gosh) cover up their findings if it meant the money might stop or it goes against their theory...It should be taken with a grain of salt their finding heck they have been covering up everything from previous older civilizations for years esp in North America why should their findings be trusted...

shimon---------penny does not do science -------she does POLEMICS-------of the islamo Nazi variety

They have been digging for years and have found nothing.

who keeps digging in order to find NOTHING? ------there are whole museums devoted to the "nothing" they found. Penny now insists that the person
JESUS---the proband of the NT----never existed----"they" have been DIGGING
for stuff about him FOR CENTURIES-----there is more evidence of HANSEL AND
GRETEL Penelope's catechism whore was trying to SUCK information on the
"holy grail" from ----the local priest
Lol.. I agree Irosie... There are lots of clues I only scratched the surface..if people want to study these things and are interested they should get to it...Wouldn't it be humorous if Penelope found out she was descended from ancient Israelites and she was self hating oh the irony.... Irosie I never said they were " Jews" I said they were Israelites from other tribes...The pushtun in Afghanistan are another interesting case.... Remember Dan became idolaters and interestingly it was Moses grandson who became their high priest if I recall correctly...Yup lots of hidden goodies to follow if one is inclined....

Israelites were not Jews, the northern and southern kingdoms were very different.

the islamo Nazi game of SEMANTICS------the word JEW----refers to the country
in which Jesus was born-------CALLED JUDEA by the romans. All the people
who were previously called "Hebrews"-----and later "children of Israel" became
known as JEWS. Later the romans began calling JUDEA ---"PALESTINE"
which is a name invented by a greek historian. For the next almost 1700 years----
the only people called "PALESTINIANS"------were jews living in the area of the world that the Romans called Judea-----before they changed the name to PALESTINA ---about 300 AD. The Brits CONTINUED to call the area PALESTINE-----when they held the mandate over that land and referred ONLY TO JEWS living there as "PALESTINIANS"---(my Palestinian husband still has his government papers to prove it). This simple stuff is BEYOND the understanding of
our little penny. BTW---the brits call chocolate cake and coffee ----after supper
"PUDDING" --------and my dad----whose mother had been a Londoner in her youth-----called "FRENCH FRIES" ----"chips"------even though he was born in the USA.

anyone want to play islamo Nazi semantics with little penny?
If one wants to depend on the OT for historical proof they really should have some evidence to back it up. The exodus story as told in the bible is myth.
If one wants to depend on the OT for historical proof they really should have some evidence to back it up. The exodus story as told in the bible is myth.

your catechism whore had NO historical proof that the person "jesus" of Nazareth----
a person putatively born in virtually the MODERN ERA in a highly literate part of the world at that time-----ever existed------Jesus is a myth -----the crucifixtion story is a HOAX and used as an excuse by you and yours to murder hundreds of millions.
HOWEVER-----the story recounted in the ODYSSEY did happen-----Greeks and Trojans did engage in a war and Poseidan was a main player The person called BUDDHA existed ---a hindu prince SIDDHARTHA-------he encountered gods somewhere in the cosmos----sorta-----AND-----MOTHRA was a Japanese monster who looked like a moth. You were spawned in a brothel. The present "pope" in
Rome took part in a mass murder in Argentina
not one word about Jesus in the PLETHORA of extant writings of his time------not a single word ----not even a post card
My personal theory, unencumbered by any real facts, is that the Israelites were a nomadic tribe that found a home in Egypt as a mercenary army. Once their services were no longer either offered to or wanted by the Egyptians they left and eventually carved out a tiny kingdom in Palestine. I'd guess their number was closer to 600 than 600,000, though the 600 might only refer to men of fighting age. Over the centuries their myths evolved into the story of the Exodus.
My personal theory, unencumbered by any real facts, is that the Israelites were a nomadic tribe that found a home in Egypt as a mercenary army. Once their services were no longer either offered to or wanted by the Egyptians they left and eventually carved out a tiny kingdom in Palestine. I'd guess their number was closer to 600 than 600,000, though the 600 might only refer to men of fighting age. Over the centuries their myths evolved into the story of the Exodus.

you could author comic books. My personal theory on SUPERMAN is that he was
a very precocious VULCAN-----but was experimenting with crack cocaine-----he got
into trouble so built a little space ship------dressed up like a baby and landed in smallville in the rose garden of the barren Mrs Kent. He made up a silly story about
the DESTRUCTION of his planet
If one wants to depend on the OT for historical proof they really should have some evidence to back it up. The exodus story as told in the bible is myth.

The exodus story as told in the bible IS a myth. But it is probably based on some smaller, less globally significant narrative of the people who eventually became the Jewish people.

We are looking for a specific set of archeological evidences in a specific place, at a specific time. If we adjust our thinking on any of those factors we may find something that is relevant and proves to be the basis of our story. Just as the global flood of Noah's time was unlikely in the extreme to be an actual global flood -- there is evidence of a smaller, more localized flood which might have been (likely was) mythologized. Just as there is no evidence of the ten plagues of Egypt as written in scripture -- there is evidence of natural disasters during some time periods of Egypt, which, again, might have been mythologized.

We really shouldn't be throwing out the baby with the bath water.
My personal theory, unencumbered by any real facts, is that the Israelites were a nomadic tribe that found a home in Egypt as a mercenary army. Once their services were no longer either offered to or wanted by the Egyptians they left and eventually carved out a tiny kingdom in Palestine. I'd guess their number was closer to 600 than 600,000, though the 600 might only refer to men of fighting age. Over the centuries their myths evolved into the story of the Exodus.

you could author comic books. My personal theory on SUPERMAN is that he was
a very precocious VULCAN-----but was experimenting with crack cocaine-----he got
into trouble so built a little space ship------dressed up like a baby and landed in smallville in the rose garden of the barren Mrs Kent. He made up a silly story about
the DESTRUCTION of his planet
Since you like it, let me refine my theory further. It is an historical fact that Jews acted as mercenaries in Egypt. While some part of the ancient Jewish mercenary community left and gave rise to the story of the Exodus, other Jewish mercenary communities remained and were eventually assimilated into Egyptian culture or left.

The name Elephantine is Greek meaning 'elephant' and this expresses the city's function as a gate to the South, since elephants were brought from the south towards Nubia. Another name for the city by ancient Egyptians is 'Yebo', which also meant 'elephant'.

A Jewish garrison community that was already settled in the island by the fifth century B.C., played an essential role in the interaction between Nubia and Egypt.
My personal theory, unencumbered by any real facts, is that the Israelites were a nomadic tribe that found a home in Egypt as a mercenary army. Once their services were no longer either offered to or wanted by the Egyptians they left and eventually carved out a tiny kingdom in Palestine. I'd guess their number was closer to 600 than 600,000, though the 600 might only refer to men of fighting age. Over the centuries their myths evolved into the story of the Exodus.

you could author comic books. My personal theory on SUPERMAN is that he was
a very precocious VULCAN-----but was experimenting with crack cocaine-----he got
into trouble so built a little space ship------dressed up like a baby and landed in smallville in the rose garden of the barren Mrs Kent. He made up a silly story about
the DESTRUCTION of his planet
Since you like it, let me refine my theory further. It is an historical fact that Jews acted as mercenaries in Egypt. While some part of the ancient Jewish mercenary community left and gave rise to the story of the Exodus, other Jewish mercenary communities remained and were eventually assimilated into Egyptian culture or left.

The name Elephantine is Greek meaning 'elephant' and this expresses the city's function as a gate to the South, since elephants were brought from the south towards Nubia. Another name for the city by ancient Egyptians is 'Yebo', which also meant 'elephant'.

A Jewish garrison community that was already settled in the island by the fifth century B.C., played an essential role in the interaction between Nubia and Egypt.

really? that is interesting -----there were also jews in gaza------what is your point?
If one wants to depend on the OT for historical proof they really should have some evidence to back it up. The exodus story as told in the bible is myth.

The exodus story as told in the bible IS a myth. But it is probably based on some smaller, less globally significant narrative of the people who eventually became the Jewish people.

We are looking for a specific set of archeological evidences in a specific place, at a specific time. If we adjust our thinking on any of those factors we may find something that is relevant and proves to be the basis of our story. Just as the global flood of Noah's time was unlikely in the extreme to be an actual global flood -- there is evidence of a smaller, more localized flood which might have been (likely was) mythologized. Just as there is no evidence of the ten plagues of Egypt as written in scripture -- there is evidence of natural disasters during some time periods of Egypt, which, again, might have been mythologized.

We really shouldn't be throwing out the baby with the bath water.

you cannot explain such concepts to Penelope------she cannot COPE
My personal theory, unencumbered by any real facts, is that the Israelites were a nomadic tribe that found a home in Egypt as a mercenary army. Once their services were no longer either offered to or wanted by the Egyptians they left and eventually carved out a tiny kingdom in Palestine. I'd guess their number was closer to 600 than 600,000, though the 600 might only refer to men of fighting age. Over the centuries their myths evolved into the story of the Exodus.

you could author comic books. My personal theory on SUPERMAN is that he was
a very precocious VULCAN-----but was experimenting with crack cocaine-----he got
into trouble so built a little space ship------dressed up like a baby and landed in smallville in the rose garden of the barren Mrs Kent. He made up a silly story about
the DESTRUCTION of his planet
Since you like it, let me refine my theory further. It is an historical fact that Jews acted as mercenaries in Egypt. While some part of the ancient Jewish mercenary community left and gave rise to the story of the Exodus, other Jewish mercenary communities remained and were eventually assimilated into Egyptian culture or left.

The name Elephantine is Greek meaning 'elephant' and this expresses the city's function as a gate to the South, since elephants were brought from the south towards Nubia. Another name for the city by ancient Egyptians is 'Yebo', which also meant 'elephant'.

A Jewish garrison community that was already settled in the island by the fifth century B.C., played an essential role in the interaction between Nubia and Egypt.

really? that is interesting -----there were also jews in gaza------what is your point?
Only that the Exodus may have a historical basis.

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