Were Jews Ever Really Slaves in Egypt, or Is Passover a Myth?

anti-Semite psychotics are pathetic.

what ignorant lying twits you are.

there is no proof at all that Muhummad ever existed nor is there any proof that Jesus
existed. There is proof that a person PONTIUS PILATE existed and that he crucified an estimated 20,000 jews for "sedition aganst rome" There is proof that
jews rebelled against roman rule. In fact I consider that proven history ENOUGH
to conjecture that "JESUS" existed as one of the victims of Pontius Pilate-----the
PRELATE OF JUDEA The story as recounted in the NT of a jew crucified in
the precincts of Jerusalem by Pontius Pilate is consistent with known history.

The story of the "exodus" is consistent with EGYPTIAN HISTORY in that Egypt
was embroiled in lots of warfare across the middle east and did exploit lots of
conquered nations and there was EXTENSIVE migrations of various nations from the entire northern part of Africa all the way to Persia and Greece and DOWN south the sub-Saharan areas of Africa. The ancient authors of the bible would have to
KNOW lots of ancient history to come up with those FICTIONAL ACCOUNTS-----
more than most high school graduates in the USA know today

No proof of Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses, or the exodus. Abram came from turkey down to Canaan, your turks.

you have something against TURKS too? Abram is a TURKISH NAME?-----ever meet a person who could speak TURKISH?

No, but lets start telling the truth. Abraham was made up as well. According to the OT though, Abram would of been from Urfa not UR, but its all made up.
Yes or No: The Last Supper is a myth?

Yes its a story.

its a "story" that jews got together ----the best place to do the get together
being in Jerusalem ------for a special supper------on the designated holiday of PASSOVER? ----------it did not really happen ? Do Christians eat jelly beans
on easter? Just a 'story'? I actually REMEMBER eating jelly beans on easter
The most interesting thing about the Jews is that they use each other as meat shield. I can't recall another species that has ever done that. Plus, the Jews profit from that too.
No, but lets start telling the truth. Abraham was made up as well. According to the OT though, Abram would of been from Urfa not UR, but its all made up.

your ignorance of the customs and REALITIES of ancient times in comical------
"comefrom back then was ----as it is today----a very changeable condition -----
what is clear about Abram is that he came from a MESOPOTAMIAN tradition---
just where along the tigris Eurphrates is a moot point------people MOVED about
then TOO-------LOTS. Then he LEFT the Mesopotamian world and STRUCK
OUT ON HIS OWN-------with---probably a few hundred in family and retainers.
It is not all that complicated

Your stories are all false. No one has been able to prove anything, nothing but made up lies. The Zionist have no divine right to any land in Palestine, but I do believe a savage people should have their own country and not allowed in regular society. Hebrews have nothing original, you have taken from everyone , their inventions , their money, their countries and have given nothing back.

you got PROOF?

There should be some sort of evidence and yet there is none.

so why do you make such baseless assertions? no evidence at all -----must islamo Nazi rants
"'Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins for clothing. Many they sawed in two, from the head downwards. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt, also, they performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand perished. For this reason no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island by force of the wind, he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan."[3]

The original 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia cited this about the Cyrene massacres:

"By this outbreak Libya was depopulated to such an extent that a few years later new colonies had to be established there (Eusebius, "Chronicle" from the Armenian, fourteenth year of Hadrian). Bishop Synesius, a native of Cyrene in the beginning of the fifth century, speaks of the devastations wrought by the Jews ("Do Regno," p. 2)."[4]

The Jewish Encyclopedia acknowledges Dio Cassius's importance as a source, though believes his accounts of the actions at Cyrene and on Cyprus may have been embellished:

"For an account of the Jewish war under Trajan and Hadrian Dion is the most important source (lxviii. 32, lxix. 12–14), though his descriptions of the cruelties perpetrated by the Jews at Cyrene and on the island of Cyprus are probably exaggerated."[5]
The most interesting thing about the Jews is that they use each other as meat shield. I can't recall another species that has ever done that. Plus, the Jews profit from that too.

what does "meat shield" mean?
Meat shield is when you put your brothers and sisters in front of you when your enemy shoots at you so that they catch the bullets and you don't get shot. Has been done in small, like bin laden threw his wife in front of himself when caught, and has been done in big, when the Soviet Union marched its soldiers without guns against the nazis. In most cases the meat shield has become a figure of speech, and is now always used as a figure of speech in the 21st century.
ROFLMAO------the poor roman barbaric pigs got all bent out of shape because jews
in jewish cities in area into which the dogs of rome had invaded and started building
their PEOPLE FOR LION LUNCH circus parks------resisted the filth
The most interesting thing about the Jews is that they use each other as meat shield. I can't recall another species that has ever done that. Plus, the Jews profit from that too.

what does "meat shield" mean?
Meat shield is when you put your brothers and sisters in front of you when your enemy shoots at you so that they catch the bullets and you don't get shot. Has been done in small, like bin laden threw his wife in front of himself when caught, and has been done in big, when the Soviet Union marched its soldiers without guns against the nazis. In most cases the meat shield has become a figure of speech, and is now always used as a figure of speech in the 21st century.

oh------it is a practice of islamo Nazi scum like you?-------which I why I am not familiar with the term
your ignorance of the customs and REALITIES of ancient times in comical------
"comefrom back then was ----as it is today----a very changeable condition -----
what is clear about Abram is that he came from a MESOPOTAMIAN tradition---
just where along the tigris Eurphrates is a moot point------people MOVED about
then TOO-------LOTS. Then he LEFT the Mesopotamian world and STRUCK
OUT ON HIS OWN-------with---probably a few hundred in family and retainers.
It is not all that complicated

Your stories are all false. No one has been able to prove anything, nothing but made up lies. The Zionist have no divine right to any land in Palestine, but I do believe a savage people should have their own country and not allowed in regular society. Hebrews have nothing original, you have taken from everyone , their inventions , their money, their countries and have given nothing back.

you got PROOF?

There should be some sort of evidence and yet there is none.

so why do you make such baseless assertions? no evidence at all -----must islamo Nazi rants
"'Meanwhile the Jews in the region of Cyrene had put one Andreas at their head and were destroying both the Romans and the Greeks. They would cook their flesh, make belts for themselves of their entrails, anoint themselves with their blood, and wear their skins for clothing. Many they sawed in two, from the head downwards. Others they would give to wild beasts and force still others to fight as gladiators. In all, consequently, two hundred and twenty thousand perished. In Egypt, also, they performed many similar deeds, and in Cyprus under the leadership of Artemio. There, likewise, two hundred and forty thousand perished. For this reason no Jew may set foot in that land, but even if one of them is driven upon the island by force of the wind, he is put to death. Various persons took part in subduing these Jews, one being Lusius, who was sent by Trajan."[3]

The original 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia cited this about the Cyrene massacres:

"By this outbreak Libya was depopulated to such an extent that a few years later new colonies had to be established there (Eusebius, "Chronicle" from the Armenian, fourteenth year of Hadrian). Bishop Synesius, a native of Cyrene in the beginning of the fifth century, speaks of the devastations wrought by the Jews ("Do Regno," p. 2)."[4]

The Jewish Encyclopedia acknowledges Dio Cassius's importance as a source, though believes his accounts of the actions at Cyrene and on Cyprus may have been embellished:

"For an account of the Jewish war under Trajan and Hadrian Dion is the most important source (lxviii. 32, lxix. 12–14), though his descriptions of the cruelties perpetrated by the Jews at Cyrene and on the island of Cyprus are probably exaggerated."[5]

I cannot find your citations-------as you describe them------but YOURS remind me of your LITERATURE written in the early 1940s by your colleagues in which pictures of piles of dead jews taken in concentration camps were described as "BLOND HAIRED BLUEEYED CHRISTIAN CHILDREN murdered by jews. I grew up in a Nazi enclave in North east USA------full of islamo Nazis like you who PROMULGATED so much of this literature in the 1930s and 40s that it was still fluttering around town during my childhood in the 50s
What do you when real history obstructs your ideological needs,

Like the fact that the historical Jesus hung out with whores, leppers, homosexuals, outcasts and beggers without judging them or condemning them to hell? Or that Ronald Reagan sold weapons to terrorists, or passed the most liberal Abortion legislation in history as governor, or rarely stepped foot in Church until his electoral path required the South and Bible Belt?

Real History doesn't matter. Truth doesn't matter. People believe in the world that best serves their needs.
The most interesting thing about the Jews is that they use each other as meat shield. I can't recall another species that has ever done that. Plus, the Jews profit from that too.

what does "meat shield" mean?
Meat shield is when you put your brothers and sisters in front of you when your enemy shoots at you so that they catch the bullets and you don't get shot. Has been done in small, like bin laden threw his wife in front of himself when caught, and has been done in big, when the Soviet Union marched its soldiers without guns against the nazis. In most cases the meat shield has become a figure of speech, and is now always used as a figure of speech in the 21st century.

oh------it is a practice of islamo Nazi scum like you?-------which I why I am not familiar with the term
But I am not Islamic. What makes you think that I would be Islamic?
What do you when real history obstructs your ideological needs,

Like the fact that the historical Jesus hung out with whores, leppers, homosexuals, outcasts and beggers without judging them or condemning them to hell? Or that Ronald Reagan sold weapons to terrorists, or passed the most liberal Abortion legislation in history as governor, or rarely stepped foot in Church until his electoral path required the South and Bible Belt?

Real History doesn't matter. Truth doesn't matter. People believe in the world that best serves their needs.

I do not recall any history suggesting that Jesus "hung out"---- which to me means
"SOCIALIZED with"------ whores, lepers, homosexuals (in fact I do not recall any allusion to homosexuals in the NT)-----as to CONDEMNING THEM TO HELL----there was no concept of HELL in Judaism back then---. at least not as an ETERNAL ABODE. London and its miserable history BEST SERVES YOUR
NEEDS? ------or you do not believe in the history of London?
The most interesting thing about the Jews is that they use each other as meat shield. I can't recall another species that has ever done that. Plus, the Jews profit from that too.

what does "meat shield" mean?
Meat shield is when you put your brothers and sisters in front of you when your enemy shoots at you so that they catch the bullets and you don't get shot. Has been done in small, like bin laden threw his wife in front of himself when caught, and has been done in big, when the Soviet Union marched its soldiers without guns against the nazis. In most cases the meat shield has become a figure of speech, and is now always used as a figure of speech in the 21st century.

oh------it is a practice of islamo Nazi scum like you?-------which I why I am not familiar with the term

But I am not Islamic. What makes you think that I would be Islamic?

not all islamo Nazis are "ISLAMIC" Adolf was a baptized catholic as was just about all of his closest colleagues. I believe that it was bin Laden's wife he jumped in front of HIM
The most interesting thing about the Jews is that they use each other as meat shield. I can't recall another species that has ever done that. Plus, the Jews profit from that too.

what does "meat shield" mean?
Meat shield is when you put your brothers and sisters in front of you when your enemy shoots at you so that they catch the bullets and you don't get shot. Has been done in small, like bin laden threw his wife in front of himself when caught, and has been done in big, when the Soviet Union marched its soldiers without guns against the nazis. In most cases the meat shield has become a figure of speech, and is now always used as a figure of speech in the 21st century.

oh------it is a practice of islamo Nazi scum like you?-------which I why I am not familiar with the term

But I am not Islamic. What makes you think that I would be Islamic?

not all islamo Nazis are "ISLAMIC" Adolf was a baptized catholic as was just about all of his closest colleagues. I believe that it was bin Laden's wife he jumped in front of HIM
She did the jumping by herself? Interesting. Then I must ask, what was she more afraid of, what she got from her husband before, or what she would have gotten after?
what does "meat shield" mean?
Meat shield is when you put your brothers and sisters in front of you when your enemy shoots at you so that they catch the bullets and you don't get shot. Has been done in small, like bin laden threw his wife in front of himself when caught, and has been done in big, when the Soviet Union marched its soldiers without guns against the nazis. In most cases the meat shield has become a figure of speech, and is now always used as a figure of speech in the 21st century.

oh------it is a practice of islamo Nazi scum like you?-------which I why I am not familiar with the term

But I am not Islamic. What makes you think that I would be Islamic?

not all islamo Nazis are "ISLAMIC" Adolf was a baptized catholic as was just about all of his closest colleagues. I believe that it was bin Laden's wife that jumped in front of HIM
She did the jumping by herself? Interesting. Then I must ask, what was she more afraid of, when she got from her husband before, or what she would have gotten after?

she probably assumed that with her in front------the americans would not shoot----
from what I read----she IDOLIZED the jerk-------she was a Yemeni. I have a kind
of familiarity with Yemenis-----of various kinds. My Yemenite would jump in FRONT OF ME------poor guy..... but then I am not from that country and would
jump in front of HIM--------sheeesh---you have not an iota of ROMMANCE in you
Meat shield is when you put your brothers and sisters in front of you when your enemy shoots at you so that they catch the bullets and you don't get shot. Has been done in small, like bin laden threw his wife in front of himself when caught, and has been done in big, when the Soviet Union marched its soldiers without guns against the nazis. In most cases the meat shield has become a figure of speech, and is now always used as a figure of speech in the 21st century.

oh------it is a practice of islamo Nazi scum like you?-------which I why I am not familiar with the term

But I am not Islamic. What makes you think that I would be Islamic?

not all islamo Nazis are "ISLAMIC" Adolf was a baptized catholic as was just about all of his closest colleagues. I believe that it was bin Laden's wife that jumped in front of HIM
She did the jumping by herself? Interesting. Then I must ask, what was she more afraid of, when she got from her husband before, or what she would have gotten after?

she probably assumed that with her in front------the americans would not shoot----
from what I read----she IDOLIZED the jerk-------she was a Yemeni. I have a kind
of familiarity with Yemenis-----of various kinds. My Yemenite would jump in FRONT OF ME------poor guy..... but then I am not from that country and would
jump in front of HIM--------sheeesh---you have not an iota of ROMMANCE in you
Romance? ... Okay ... I think I get it. No wonder the Americans wouldn't shoot before she jumps on them, otherwise they will be done for assault.
Not that I care one way or another but each of us should search out for ourselves whether something is factual or not and not be a " lupe" like penelope....just so anyone wishes to look further then their nose there was an early 19 th century papyrus found in Egypt.. If i reme,ber correctly it was taken to the Leidan Museum in Holland in I think it was early 1900 . The papyrus describes all the events of the exodus in Egypt and appears to be an eyewitness account.. I need to check my notes but for any interested it can be found in a book called Admonotions of an Egyptian.. Anyways it parellels Exodus 7 ... Now as for archelogical evidence there are the statues pf Moses in the museums of the world plus the fact that unfortunately Egypt and Israel are locared in desert countries and sand can easily cover any sites the israelites sojourned in.... I remember a story about a jeep being recovered in the six day war recently as it was covered with 50 ft of sand and that is only some 40 years ago so people must use their brains to figure things out and not buy into what so called e perts think or what their hidden agenda is...
Not that I care one way or another but each of us should search out for ourselves whether something is factual or not and not be a " lupe" like penelope....just so anyone wishes to look further then their nose there was an early 19 th century papyrus found in Egypt.. If i reme,ber correctly it was taken to the Leidan Museum in Holland in I think it was early 1900 . The papyrus describes all the events of the exodus in Egypt and appears to be an eyewitness account.. I need to check my notes but for any interested it can be found in a book called Admonotions of an Egyptian.. Anyways it parellels Exodus 7 ... Now as for archelogical evidence there are the statues pf Moses in the museums of the world plus the fact that unfortunately Egypt and Israel are locared in desert countries and sand can easily cover any sites the israelites sojourned in.... I remember a story about a jeep being recovered in the six day war recently as it was covered with 50 ft of sand and that is only some 40 years ago so people must use their brains to figure things out and not buy into what so called e perts think or what their hidden agenda is...

all true----but there is another issue----that of SCRIPTUAL WRITINGS---none of them materialized out of "NOWHERE" They all ----ie the EPIC poems of ancient times DESCRIBE some sort of reality------from the ODYSSEY to the BAGHAVAD GITA-----to the RAMAYANA ----and the GILGAMESH EPIC to THE BIBLE-----
and even the KORAN. always remember HEIRICH SCHLIEMANN----the german guy who insisted that ancient TROY did exist-----and----well---it was found.
You need not believe that POSEIDAN handed ODYSSEUS A 'bag full of wind"----capable of moving a sail boat to accept the basic history------A war involving the
greek city states and TROY. I believe that there really was a person ---muhummad
Yeah good old schleimann... They are going to find out that all these sites were Israelite including Troy....The land of Israel was too small to contain the Israelites and they spread out all over the place.... One of my favorite things is to study the scriptures very carefully one of my fav is to compare the number of israelites that came out of egypt with the census taken 40 years later where the tribe of Simeon lost a huge number of warriors and went from the third largest tribe to smallest....obviously a disagreement occured and some 50000 men and their families left for parts unknown i think it stems from the incident with Fineus... Regardless they went somewhere and became someone some 200000 people... Wink...
Yeah good old schleimann... They are going to find out that all these sites were Israelite including Troy....The land of Israel was too small to contain the Israelites and they spread out all over the place.... One of my favorite things is to study the scriptures very carefully one of my fav is to compare the number of israelites that came out of egypt with the census taken 40 years later where the tribe of Simeon lost a huge number of warriors and went from the third largest tribe to smallest....obviously a disagreement occured and some 50000 men and their families left for parts unknown i think it stems from the incident with Fineus... Regardless they went somewhere and became someone some 200000 people... Wink...

you are delerious
No actually I am feeling quite good today...Not wishing to fight with you Irosie just trying to prove a point...If we read deut 4 esp verses 27 to 31 we are told the Israelites would end up spread out all over the place and would worship wood and stone etc but that they would eventually return and not just one tribe being Judah but all of them... I can give you examples if you like Dan is an interesting one who left ensigns or signs wherever they went being a seafaring people they got around... Danzig, Dardenelles, Denmark(dans mark) the Danes those are just a few and those are in Europe what about south in Africa SuDan or sons of Dan anyways point is they have forgotten who they are but in the end all will return and that includes Benjamin or Ben Yameen which is not an Arabic word and is Hebrew ... Yemen where the Yeminites dwell... There are many other examples I could give you....All will be revealed eventually....

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