We're Now Apologizing For Common Sense


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Let's be honest. Behind closed doors and with the microphone turned off, most people will admit to you they don't like illegal Mexicans, low/no income, no education, cannot speak English, baby-breeding foreigners who only come here like a tick to suck on our welfare and benefits. If they come here legally and work hard, that's a different matter.

So when a school in Idaho who rightly feels that way, WANTS the border wall, posted pictures of their teacher's Halloween get-up in stereotypical Mexican garb standing behind a border wall adorned with MAGA, people were offended. I can't quite figure out just WHO was offended or who they had to apologize to or why, but they apologized.

To who? Just WHO did these teachers and school feel they had to apologize to for openly supporting their President, border security and legal immigration?

School District in Idaho Apologizes After Teachers Dress Up as Border Wall, Mexican Stereotypes

If you can't do anything unless NO ONE complains or is upset by it, guess what? Pretty soon, you can't do anything. Used to be that pissing people off and making them angry was the preferred way of getting them to think about issues------ Oh yeah, that is STILL the MO ---- of the Left. But just don't let the Right try it.
the brainwashed idiots LOVE illegals
they think they can fix the world's problems
...college kids are like that--always have been and always will be --they think they can cure cancer
Abolish the department of Education. It's unconstitutional, the federal government lacks constitutional authority to be involved in education. And the actual department of Education is a detriment to real, relevant, education.

Homeschool your kids if you can. Put em in private school at the very least. The Department of Education is nothing more than a cultural Marxist propaganda wing.
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One word......

Caesar Chavez saw wetback illegal aliens as scabs. As job thieves. He fought against them. It's rarely pointed out, who much
Let's be honest. Behind closed doors and with the microphone turned off, most people will admit to you they don't like illegal Mexicans, low/no income, no education, cannot speak English, baby-breeding foreigners who only come here like a tick to suck on our welfare and benefits. If they come here legally and work hard, that's a different matter.

So when a school in Idaho who rightly feels that way, WANTS the border wall, posted pictures of their teacher's Halloween get-up in stereotypical Mexican garb standing behind a border wall adorned with MAGA, people were offended. I can't quite figure out just WHO was offended or who they had to apologize to or why, but they apologized.

To who? Just WHO did these teachers and school feel they had to apologize to for openly supporting their President, border security and legal immigration?

School District in Idaho Apologizes After Teachers Dress Up as Border Wall, Mexican Stereotypes

If you can't do anything unless NO ONE complains or is upset by it, guess what? Pretty soon, you can't do anything. Used to be that pissing people off and making them angry was the preferred way of getting them to think about issues------ Oh yeah, that is STILL the MO ---- of the Left. But just don't let the Right try it.
Caesar Chavez saw wetback illegal aliens as scabs. As job thieves. He fought against wetbacks. Hispanics despise illegal aliens. He burned down the homes of illegals, and sent out patrols on the border to stop illegal aliens. Look it up.

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